Loathing Temptation: Be Tempted duet Book 1 (Lockgrove Bay)

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Loathing Temptation: Be Tempted duet Book 1 (Lockgrove Bay) Page 2

by Caz May

  Her heavily made up cheeks are streaked with mascara from tears.

  And I couldn’t give a flying fuck.

  She stops me from continuing to walk inside with Zeke, grabbing my arm.

  “Hi Ash,”she bleats at me, all sweet but her voice is grating on me.

  Whatever the fuck I saw in her, I have no idea. Probably the fact she can suck a dick like a damn vacuum.

  “Ash, I’m sorry baby,” she says again, looking at me with tears starting to drip down her cheeks again.

  “Whatever, Fallon. You’re a skank, and a shit root. Go fuck a tree.”

  “Ash, why? Why are you being like this?”

  “Like what? A guy who had enough of your clingy bullshit?”

  “I...I...I’m not clingy. I love you, Ashton.”

  I laugh at her, starting to walk away and again she grabs my arm, clinging onto me like a damn monkey.

  She hadn’t exactly done anything wrong, unless you count scaring the ever loving shit out of me by telling me she was pregnant over the summer holidays.

  It was in fact a lie, and I dumped her arse the second I found out she was trying to trap me.

  I fucking loathe liars.

  Daddy dearest spits lies out, every second word out of his mouth. And I hate admitting to myself that I’ve told my own fair share of lies—to protect my mum and sister from Fidel Castello—that my own self loathing runs deep.

  He also constantly feeds me the ‘you’re useless Ashton, you’re not worthy of the Castello name.’

  I want to make him proud, but I probably never will. Nothing I do, nothing I want to do, my Basketball first and foremost is good enough for him. And it’s the one thing I’m actually good at.

  Fallon breaks my thoughts with her whining voice, “Ashton, please. Please just give me another chance.”

  Her begging is so fucking pathetic.

  “Seriously, Fallon. Fuck off. We are done.”

  I snatch my arm back and head inside, just as the morning bell sounds.

  And stepping through the double doors heading to my locker, my eyes lock on an ash blonde girl walking down the hallway towards me.

  My stomach twists. And bile rises into my throat.

  It’s been ten years, but I’d know her anywhere.

  And fuck.

  I’m fucking dreaming.

  I have to be fucking dreaming right?

  She isn’t here.

  She doesn’t even live in Lockgrove Bay anymore.

  But my eyes are not deceiving me, because even when I rub them to stop myself from hallucinating, she’s still here. And she’s opening a locker, stretching up on her tiptoes.

  Her short tutu dress rides up, practically giving me a view of her breakfast and a hot curvy arse that’s covered by shiny white tights.

  Fuck. She’s gorgeous. A temptress.

  But. No. Fucking. Way. I hate her.

  I hate Tempany Davies.

  And now she’s here I’m going to make her life hell, just like mine has been for the last ten years, because of her.



  Hoisting my backpack onto my shoulder I take slow steps into Lockgrove Bay preparatory.

  My stomach is in knots and I’m regretting my outfit choice of a pink tutu long-sleeved skater dress with white opaque tights.

  I don’t know why I yanked it out of my wardrobe this morning—maybe nostalgia—but it’s short, and heading down the hallway I’m stretching the jersey fabric down so it at least reaches my knees and not halfway up my thighs.

  This outfit is the old Tempany, not the new me.

  Not, Te.

  And coming back to Lockgrove Bay after ten years I want to blend into the background, not stand out.

  Blending in will hopefully ensure that he—Ashton Castello—doesn’t notice me.

  Leaving him behind when I was seven broke my heart.

  He gave me butterflies in my belly, and his smile made me want to giggle.

  Not a day has passed where I haven’t thought of him, but Facebook searching over the years has made my feelings for him more intense.

  He’s beyond gorgeous, and so far out of my league. I’d have more chance of snagging a boyfriend from my fave romance novel than having Ashton notice me.

  He’s most likely forgotten about the shy little girl who learnt how to play basketball so she could play with him.

  Turning the corner, I’m in front of a row of lockers, and glance at the piece of paper I’m clutching in my sweaty palm.

  Locker 1220.

  I yank it open, haphazardly pushing my backpack in the bottom, and unzipping it to grab out my rainbow unicorn pencil case.

  I should have gotten a new one—as I’m sure to be teased—but I love the worn look of it and it’s done me well for the last five years. I know I partly keep it because it was the last thing Mum gave me before she died.

  Five years have passed and I still can’t get the image of her limp body out of my mind. I can still see the whole scene of when I found her dead in the bathroom of our tiny flat, bottles of pills strewn across the floor and the stench of vomit in the air.

  I swallow the lump and bile in my throat down, grabbing out the rest of my books for first period; English.

  I can do this. New Tempany—well Te—can do this.

  One foot in front of the other, Te.

  Turning to head back down the hallway, I swear when the bell sounds I can feel eyes on me. Eyes that can see through my stupid outfit. And eyes that know the old me.

  But when I turn around the hallways are filling with students—at lockers—hugging and kissing and no one is giving me a second glance.

  If I keep to myself, go to the library during break times and straight home to Dad’s after school I won’t see him.

  But I kinda want to see him in person to see if he remembers me. And maybe—in my dreams—he might just want the new me.



  Even after Tempany heads back down the corridor and the halls start to fill with my classmates, I’m still standing by my locker, in a goddamn daze.

  She looked fucking sinful in that outfit. And I hate that Ash Jnr had decided to throb in my daks. Thank fuck for black basketball shorts, as they can hide a boner better than grey ones.

  I gulp, grabbing the rest of my books out for the hell of first period, first day back at school and in my case every Monday morning hell, as I have Maths.

  I’m still stupid when it comes to Maths. I’ll never understand numbers and formulas like Dad.

  He’s deluded, thinking I’ll be a businessman like him.

  I just want to play basketball and being Captain I’m hoping a scholarship to play at uni is on the cards.

  Anything to get out of Lockgrove Bay.

  Slamming my locker shut, I turn to head down the hallway and find Zeke standing next to me, grinning.

  “You right mate?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “You look like you’ve seen a ghost or some shit.”

  “You could say that,” I reply, biting down on my lip, trying to not let images of Tempany in that outfit fill my head.

  Zeke follows me down the corridor.

  “What gives man? You’re acting like a nutter today. I don’t think Fallon gave you your balls back.”

  I push the door of the classroom open, actually early for the final bell, and give my best mate dagger eyes when we sit down next to each other.

  “She’s back, Zeke.”


  “You know who.”

  “Melody?” he asks, referring to the chick who got knocked up by our teammate Grant. I wanna slap him about the head for being so daft.

  “No, you dipshit. Her.”

  He glares at me, recognition hitting his mind.

  “Her? Her? As in Tempany?”

  “Yes, her,” I snap at him before laughing when Mr Daniels clears his throat from the front of the room. He looks like a wanker, with a dick up his g
ay arse.

  He presses his palms into the desk, sticking his arse in the air, and I chuckle under my breath, elbowing Zeke.

  “Mr D looks like he’s taking the ‘d' up his tight arse,” I whisper to my best mate. He cracks up, and Mr Daniels seethes.

  From up the front, Mr Daniels then glares at my best mate with steam practically coming out of his ears.

  “Would you care to share what’s so funny, Ezekiel?” Mr Daniels demands, balling his fists and giving Zeke dagger eyes. He most certainly has a dick up his arse or needs one if he’s not getting any.

  Zeke sniggers, his eyes darting to me for a moment. “Well, Mr D, Ashton just said he was wondering if you played with any balls over the summer?”

  Mr D almost screams out some angry slur. But curbs his sudden anger by clenching his fists tighter. The whole class erupts into laughter and Mr D goes tomato red, which obviously means he did play with some balls over the summer holidays.

  Stupid gay tosser.

  “Ezekiel that is highly inappropriate and my personal life is none of your business.”

  Zeke laughs again, making Mr D even angrier. I can’t help but laugh too. Seeing Mr D getting riled up is fucking hilarious.

  “Ezekiel, Ashton, detention now! Get out of my classroom, now!” Mr D roars at us both, making the room fall silent, except for the collective gasp of our classmates’ shock at Mr D actually taking charge for once.

  Zeke and I gather up our books and leave the room, breaking into a fit of laughter the moment we step out the door. Zeke gives an up yours to Mr D through the glass of the door, and Mr D opens it suddenly, shoving a piece of paper into my hand to take to detention.

  Heading down the corridor to the detention hall at the end, I slap Zeke on the back.

  “Thanks for that man. I fucking hate Maths and Mr Dick lover.”

  “No worries man. And I happen to know that Miss Miller is on duty in detention.”

  “Damn, sweet as.”

  “Yep,” he replies, opening the door to the detention room, and smiling at Miss Miller. He tried to get it on with her last year, but she shot him down of course. But she’s always been easy on us and all the guys from the team.

  She laughs when we both walk in, and asks, “What are you idiots doing here first day back? And first period?”

  I laugh, handing her the detention slip when Zeke answers, “I asked Mr D if he played with any balls over the holidays.”

  She cracks up laughing. “Zeke, you didn’t?”

  “Guilty Miss M. You should’ve seen his face. Gold. Well, tomato red actually.”

  “Well, I don’t have to tell you that’s not appropriate but it’s definitely funny, I’ll give you that.”

  “And I had to get my boy here out of Maths class.”

  “Right, well first day back and all I’m guessing you don’t have any homework, so chill. I’ll tell Mr Daniels I made you do Algebra equations.”

  “Thanks, Miss M,” Zeke says cheekily, giving her a wink that colours her cheeks.

  We sit down, and I elbow him.

  “You still wanna root her, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got eyes, Ash. Miss M is hot.”

  “You’re a wanker.”

  “Guilty,” he replies laughing. “So tell me more about Tempany? Is she hot?”

  I gulp, thinking about Tempany earlier this morning, imagining her wearing no tights under that tutu.

  “Ash, man, I said is she hot or what?

  “Yeah man, she’s fucking gorgeous but I can’t.”

  He stares at me, shock on his face. He knows about Tempany taking my basketball.

  “So, you’re not going to root a gorgeous chick because she took your ball when you were eight?”

  Anger rises in my chest. And I ball my fists, wanting to punch my best mate for being such a hard arsed, sex-driven wanker. I’m so pissed at him for acting like he doesn’t give a fucking shit about what Tempany taking my basketball did to me.

  “It’s not that so much man...it’s that because of that dad beat my arse so hard.”

  Zeke is dumbfounded.

  I’d never told him that little—well not so little—detail about Dad laying into me because of the basketball incident, only that Tempany took it.

  “Shit, man I didn’t know. Your dad is such a fucking prick.”

  “Prick isn’t a harsh enough word for him. You know that bro. And what he did to me because of Tempany I’ll never forget. He’s been on my arse ever since, beating the shit out of me for any little thing. I hate her so fucking much. She ruined my fucking life.”

  Zeke frowns, touching my arm. “Yeah I get ya, bro, so ruin hers.”

  I chuckle, almost manically. “I plan to. I’m going love fucking her up.”

  “Oh yeah, you think she’s pure?”

  “I’d guarantee it, and I’m going to bring the temptress to her knees.”

  He laughs maniacally. “Yeah, man. Fuck yeah.”

  “I love ya, man.”

  “Don’t get all sappy on me dipshit. I don’t bat for that team.”

  “Haha, go fuck yourself.”

  He pushes his chair back. And grabs his dick through his trackies, making a wanking gesture with his fist. And I cack myself laughing when he starts moaning and leaning back in his chair.

  “Zeke!” Miss Miller’s voice calls out from the front of the room.

  He stops his fake dick wanking, looking right at her and fluttering his eyelashes. “Yes, Miss M? You wanna join me?”

  “No Zeke.”

  “Shame, Miss M. You’d love it.”

  “That’s enough, Ezekiel!”

  He laughs at her, and I can’t help but laugh at my best mate. He’s such a tease.

  “Burn, Miss M. Burn.”

  She doesn’t get to reply, the bell cajoling through the speakers.

  “Well, Miss M, it’s been fun, but we’re out. Catch ya in ‘physical’ education,” Zeke taunts, drawling out the word physical and rocking his hips in a sexual gesture.

  Walking out we hear her laughter.

  I turn to head in the opposite direction to Zeke, calling out, “Catch ya at recess, dipshit. Keep ya dick in your pants until then.”

  “Maybe, and catch ya then,” he calls back to me.

  I head down the hallway to English class, thinking about ways to fuck with Tempany.

  The little temptress isn’t going to know whats hit her.

  I’m going to ruin her, and enjoy every second.



  The moment the recess bell rings through the classroom, every single one of my classmates jumps out of their seats, rushing out of the classroom.

  I hang back a moment, waiting for the classroom to clear and for the craziness to die down in the hallways.

  I’ve been on edge ever since I got to school, since we drove into Lockgrove Bay again; a week ago.

  I’d been itching to go to the beach, but I’d kept to myself, even when my best friend Lorena was face timing me, eager to don new bikini’s and go to tease the boys. She’s the only person I kept in contact with since I left, but we never talked about what was happening in Lockgrove Bay.

  It hurt too much that everyone had grown up with the call of the waves, and the sea air, whilst I’d had to endure red dirt and the smell of poo up my nose every day, stuck in the country in a rotting house with Mum’s poor excuse for a human boyfriend.

  Sometimes, in my dreams, I can still feel his grimy hands on me, his dry lips on mine, and I wake up in a cold sweat fighting with my sheets in a panic.

  At least being back in Lockgrove Bay, I can soak up the sun, and try to find some peace again.

  Dad’s new job at the local architecture firm was due to start soon, and I was happy for him, to be able to finally do what he’d always wanted. The resentment still bubbled inside me though, resentment that he didn’t take me with him when he left Mum.

  But I try to block those thoughts out most of the time, including n
ow as I head out of the now empty classroom to my locker.

  The hallways are practically empty and shoving my books inside my locker I grab out a muesli bar and my phone.

  I type Lorena a text.

  where am I meeting you?

  Her reply is instant.

  bleachers by the b-ball court

  um ok

  I tuck my phone into the sleeve of my cardigan and head outside. The whole courtyard is abuzz with students catching up about the holidays and it makes me feel uneasy. I’m nervous about seeing Lorena again. I’m surprised she still wants to be my friend after coming to visit me in hell just before mum died.

  But when I’d told her I was coming back to Lockgrove Bay for good she squealed in delight and has been in my ear about everything I’ve been missing out on, and everything we have to do this year.

  Reaching the basketball courts, I glance around at the students playing a game. Of course, my eyes are drawn to him.


  And he looks gorgeous, in basketball shorts that are low on his hips, showing off the v of his muscles. He’s shirtless and his abs are defined and glistening with sweat. He’s clearly in his element and much better at playing basketball than he was when we were kids.

  Old me would have gone up to him and joined in, stolen the ball and shot for goal. But the new me is to shy and dying just looking at him.

  My mouth is watering, and I gulp down the excessive amount of saliva in my mouth when I hear Lorena’s voice calling out my name, “Tem, over here!”

  I spot her sitting at the top of the bleachers and telling my feet to move I head up them to join her.

  “Hey Lo,” I greet her, pulling her into a tight hug.

  Pulling back she smiles at me. “I can’t believe you’re actually here. We have so much to catch up on.”


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