Loathing Temptation: Be Tempted duet Book 1 (Lockgrove Bay)

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Loathing Temptation: Be Tempted duet Book 1 (Lockgrove Bay) Page 5

by Caz May

  “Oh no, you fucking didn’t, Temptress,” I taunt, grabbing her waist and pulling her back again.

  Her deliberate defiance has riled me up and the smirk on her face, I so badly want to kiss it off. She’s like a walking wet dream, taunting me with her actions and with her outfit choice again.

  “Make me regret it, Ashton,” she teases me, again biting her lip. I press my forehead to hers—panting—my lips just a breath from hers. I could kiss her, taste her, and make her want me, but I pull back, shoving her aside.

  Not even looking back at her I walk into my room and slam the door. Leaning against it, I wait for her steps to retreat down the hallway—over the creaky floorboard—before I fall onto my bed in a heap.

  If I hate Tempany so much, then why the fuck do I want her so bad?

  I hate Tempany Davies, and I want to do bad things to her.



  After eating lunch, I drag Lorena into the library. I don’t want to even look at Ashton, or have him staring at me like he wants to eat me. I’d thought all night about him nearly kissing me. His lips were so close to mine, I could almost feel them and I wondered what actually kissing him would be like.

  “Te, why are we going to the library?” Lorena asks as I push the double doors open, whilst dragging her inside.

  “So I don’t have to look at Ashton.”

  “Something happen with you guys?” she asks wide eyed when she sits down on the couches in the middle of the main library space. It’s abuzz with people chatting, and others studying. I feel at home and sit down next to Lorena.

  “I kinda got caught snooping in his room.”

  “Oh shit. Did he go off?”

  “Yeah kinda, but he nearly kissed me.”

  “Oh damn. Why didn’t you kiss him then instead?”

  “Because he’s going to be my stepbrother Lo. I shouldn’t want to kiss him.”

  “So what if he’s your stepbrother? You think he’s hot. I say go for it.”

  “Yeah I think he’s hot but I’m not sure. My dad would hit the roof if he found out.”

  Lorena sighs, as though she doesn’t know what else to say, and she doesn’t get to reply due to the bell ringing. I jump up from my seat—rushing out—and calling out to her, “I gotta get to drama, but meet me at my car after school.”

  Lorena is sitting on my bed, already dressed in a long sleeved leopard print dress that dips almost to her belly button, and skims the top of her thighs. She looks stunning with her dark chocolate hair down around her shoulders. She’s put on a touch of makeup and has knee high socks on to wear with her tan thigh high boots.

  “So are you going to make Ashton want you tonight?” She asks with a giggle.

  “No, well, um I don’t know,” I reply shaking my head and stepping back from my wardrobe holding a dress in my hands.

  “Ooo, that’s a pretty colour,” Lorena remarks, her eyes darting to the burgundy silk dress I’m holding.

  “Turn around Lo,” I tell her. She closes her eyes, and I pull off my denim shorts and t-shirt, slipping the dress over my head. It’s long sleeved and flowy all the way to the floor.

  “You can open your eyes, Lo.”

  She gapes at me. “Te, what the hell is that?”

  “A pretty dress.”

  “That is the most hideous dress I’ve ever seen.”

  “I think it’s nice,” I reply with a smile, smoothing the fabric down at the front.

  “For a grandma or someone with no figure to show off to sexy boys.”

  I gulp, annoyed at my best friend for her reaction.

  “Maybe I don’t want to show off my figure.”

  She laughs at me and it kinda hurts. “Well, you’ve got one and you should Tem.”

  “Hmmm, well maybe another time. I’m comfortable wearing this and if you make me change it I’m not going to the party.”

  “Fine, wear it, but don’t expect Ashton to give you a second glance.”

  “I don’t want him to look at me. It makes me feel all tingly,” I tell her blushing, and slipping my feet into some strappy maroon sandals to match the dress.

  “You want him, Te. Admit it.”

  “You know I do. But nothing is going to happen between us.”

  “You don’t know that,” she replies, smirking at me and pulling on her boots.

  “I do know, Lorena. He is my stepbrother. And he is off limits.”

  “Not yet he isn’t,” she teases, standing up and smoothing her dress down a little so the hem meets the top of her boots.

  “Yeah, but will be, so I can’t get involved with him because, in the end, I’ll be heartbroken.”

  “Well, bestie I love you, but your loss,” she teases again with a smirk. “So you ready for your first Lockgrove Prep party?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be, but remember we have to be back by eleven.”

  “Yes, dufus. We will be back by eleven, even though the party will only just be starting then.”

  I grab my keys and phone, putting them in a black clutch with a shoulder strap. “Have you got your phone?” I ask Lorena worriedly. “Just in case we get separated.”

  She pats her boob. “In here, sweetie,” she teases.

  “Weird Lo, but ok. And I’m sorry about the curfew. My dad’s rule of my curfew being the same as my school year level is pretty stupid.”

  “Yeah, let’s go so we have some time to enjoy the party.”

  We walk out the front door, and I make sure I’ve locked it. Dad left an hour ago for his date with Ms Castello, and won’t be home until late; hopefully well after eleven because I don’t want to lie to him about where I’ve been.

  I’m about to get into my car when Lorena grabs my hand, laughing.

  “Tem, we’re walking. Beau’s house is around the corner.”

  “Oh, ok,” I mutter stumbling along behind her as she drags me down the quiet street.

  I’m feeling nervous, one because we’re out walking the dimly lit streets of my neighbourhood at night, and two because we’re going to a party where there is sure to be alcohol.

  I’ve never drunk alcohol before, having seen the catastrophic consequences it had on my parent’s marriage and also how it affected my mum in general. The whole house smelt of beer, and vomit that day I found her. And my stomach lurches just thinking about it.

  “You ok, Te?” Lorena asks, stopping in front of a single storey weatherboard house. “You look pale.”

  “I’m fine. Let’s just go inside, and get a drink or something,” I say with a smile.

  “Oh yeah,” Lorena chants racing up the path to the front door and verandah.

  She doesn’t knock on the door—because no one would hear over the blaring techno music—and pushing it open she rushes inside.

  And after only taking like two steps into the open plan house I see him. Ashton ‘gorgeous as hell’ Castello, leaning against the kitchen bench sipping a drink from a red plastic cup. He looks absolutely amazing, black jeans that hug his toned legs, ripped at the knees and a white fitted t-shirt that’s clinging to his abs and stretching over his body as he lifts the cup to his lips and lowers it again.

  His eyes catch mine, and for a moment I’m frozen to the spot.

  I need to get out of here before he’s in my face again.

  My dress feels like it’s burning my skin, clinging to me and I want to rip it off. I grab Lorena’s hand, nodding towards Ashton. “Go get him, girl,” she taunts.

  “No, I’m just going to find the bathroom. Can you get me a coke to drink?”

  “Sure, I’ll come to find you,” she replies, her tone flat as we part ways. Heading down the hallway—looking for the bathroom—I feel like everyone is staring at me, but I know only one person is. And I’m cursing myself for ever agreeing to come to this party, knowing he’d be here.



  Grabbing a cup of beer from the bench, I lean against it, scanning the room.

e lounge room is full of people grinding on each other, dry humping to the techno music that is pulsing throughout the speakers around the room. Beau doesn’t live in the richest part of town, and from the outside, his house looks like a quaint beach shack, but inside it has every bell and whistle, including wall speakers in every room.

  I take a sip of my beer, peering out over the rim.

  “Dipshit, don’t tell me you’re looking for Tem?”

  “Of course not,” I retort to my best mate. But the truth is ‘Yes’ I’m looking for my temptress. I know the party thing probably isn’t her scene, but everyone comes to Beau’s parties.

  “Right, so you going to get with someone else tonight then?” Zeke asks elbowing me in the side.

  “Nope,” I reply, popping the p, and taking another sip of beer when I feel the cool evening air rush in from the front door opening.

  And I shiver—not from that—but from who has entered the house.

  I take another sip of beer, gulping it down hard and gripping the bench behind me when our eyes lock on each other.

  She panics, nodding at me and saying something to Lorena before walking away.

  Zeke senses my unease. “You ok man?”

  “Um yep fine. Just felt a chill.”

  “Really or you got tingles because your girl just walked in?”

  “Tem is not my girl, Zeke.”

  He laughs at me, a deep belly laugh that grates on my nerves.

  “I didn’t say Tem man. You did.”

  “Fuck off, idiot. I’m not near drunk enough to deal with your shit tonight.”

  “Someone’s got his knickers in a twist. And you love me.”

  I grab another cup of beer, gulping half of it down whilst I think of a witty remark to say back to Zeke.

  “I’m commando, dude.”

  “Um, yep, ripper,” Zeke replies, licking his lips. I want to chunder from that reaction, but see his eyes set on Lorena walking up to us. Her outfit screams come and get me boys, and Zeke the manwhore is taking her bait.

  “Hey boys, is there anything to drink besides beer?”

  Zeke’s eyes are practically falling out of his damn head. And he’s clearly not able to form a sentence so I look to Lorena and reply, “Beer or water.”

  “Great, thanks, Ashton.” She gives me a wink and steps past Zeke towards the fridge.

  “You gonna crack a fat man?”

  He shakes his head. “Fuck, man. Lorena is smoking tonight.”

  “Whatever you say. But maybe keep your tiny dick in your daks tonight. The school year has only just started.”

  “Not a chance. But hey, she might not be down for a ride on the Z-train.”

  Lorena comes back, clutching a bottle of water. “Nice seeing you both, I’ll catch you later after I give this to Tem.”

  I raise an eyebrow at the mention of my temptress. And before I can think otherwise I offer, “I’ll take it to her. Ezekiel here needed to ask you something.”

  Her eyebrow raises at me questioningly but she hands the bottle of water to me with a smirk.

  Zeke gives me a slap on the back, a non-verbal thank you and I walk away, clutching the water bottle in a fist.

  Just the thought of running into Tem is making my whole body hot with lust.

  I’m about to give up on finding her when she steps out of the bathroom, smoothing down her hideous burgundy dress.

  It hides her body and looks like something from the worst pile of hand me downs ever. It’s like one big scrap of ugly fabric.

  She’s not looking where she’s going, so I purposely bump straight into her.

  “Seriously, Tempany,” I blurt out, shoving her back against the bathroom door. It opens and she stumbles back into the small room. She looks like she’s about to cry, and I cage her against the counter, kicking the door closed.

  “Here,” I grunt, shoving the water bottle against her chest.

  Big fucking mistake on my part. She inhales and I practically cop a feel of her tit beneath the thin fabric of her dress.

  “Um thanks,” she mutters, unscrewing the lid and taking a sip. “How come you brought me a drink? I asked Lorena to.”

  I laugh. “Lorena is otherwise occupied,” I taunt, grabbing her waist and a fist of the dress. “Plus I wanted to see if this dress was just as hideous up close.”

  She arches her back, trying to let up my grip on her.

  “It’s not hideous,” she barks out before taking her lip between her teeth.

  “Temptress, it’s heinous. It looks like you’re wearing a potato sack.”

  “Does not. It’s not even the same colour.”

  Again I laugh, gripping the fabric harder before yanking it back. The fabric rips, leaving the creamy skin of her hips exposed.

  “Whoops,” I jeer, stepping back from her and opening the door. She doesn’t move for a moment, but I can hear her crying.

  Back out in the main part of the house, I can see Zeke with Lorena. Their lips are locked together, their bodies almost one except for the clothes between them.

  My best mate is such a manwhore. I can’t help but think about his words, about finding someone to hook up with tonight, but truth be told I only want my temptress and right now—or maybe not at all—I can’t have her.

  Especially when she comes into the room, a hand trying to hold her dress together with an angry look on her face. She seethes at me, rushing up to Lorena and grabbing her arm.

  I can’t hear the words she’s saying, but Lorena breaks her kiss with Zeke and looks at Tempany begrudgingly.

  Tempany takes her hand and drags Lorena away, straight out the door without even a glance back to me.

  Zeke comes back over to me, all chuffed like he’s won the damn lottery.

  “So did you rip that hideous dress whilst you nailed her?”

  “No, didn’t even kiss her,” I admit. ‘But fuck do I want to.’

  “Yeah, don’t blame ya man. I bet her kisses would be ripe.”


  “I totally just said that out loud yeah?”

  “Yeah, man. You want to kiss her, so grow some balls and do it.”

  “Yeah, so you just kissed Lorena? Or you got a little handsy?”

  He blushes. Zeke actually blushes.

  “Copped a feel, and got some hot pashes. And if Tem hadn’t so rudely interrupted, my dick would have been going for an exploration under that short arse dress.”

  “Good thing you got interrupted then. Lorena doesn’t need to see your tiny dick.”

  “You know my dick isn’t tiny man.”

  “I know, just messing with ya. But being honest, I think you need to focus on school this year, not pussy.”

  “Seriously, dude. Are you alright?”

  I shake my head, heading over to grab another beer.

  “Not really. Dad is on my back again about my grades this year, and I don’t want to let the tosser down.”

  “Fair point. Your old man is a hard arse.”

  “That’s putting it nicely,” I reply, gulping down the beer.

  “Yep,” Zeke replies gulping down his own beer. “Let’s just get shitfaced. We don’t have practice or a game tomorrow.”

  “Sounds ripper,” I reply, grabbing a bottle of whiskey that’s appeared on the bench. I unscrew the lid, and scull it, loving the burn as it slides down my throat.

  I pass the bottle to Zeke, sighing and cursing out loud.

  “Fuck, I just remembered I’m supposed to be taking Tem and Ava out tomorrow for some family bonding time. I’ll um…” I cut my words off, rushing out the door to my Camaro.

  I seriously hate Tempany, and I can’t think of anything worse than having to spend a day with her.

  Ok, I can think of worse things, like getting a beating from dad, but still.

  I’ll just have to make the most of it and find some way to make sure I can turn a horrible day into something that will ruin sweet Tempany.



p; Getting home, I’m glad it’s before eleven and Dad is not home yet.

  The night air has become quite chilly and both Lorena and I are shivering.

  Quickly I unlock the front door, putting my keys on the hallway table and heading straight to my bedroom with Lorena following me. The moment we step into my bedroom, she starts undressing.

  “Lo, what’re you doing?” I ask, shocked at my best friend.

  “Getting into PJ’s. I’m freezing my tits off.”

  “Oh um...cool. I just don’t want to see you naked.” I stumble on the word naked.

  I don’t really cover up completely with some of my outfits—like the dress I wore to Ashton’s the other day—but being naked has always been shameful to me. It’s probably because I always see ‘his’ black eyes gazing over my body, and hear him telling me all sorts of things that a man shouldn’t say to a child.

  Depraved things, sexual things.

  I shake my head, a grave disturbing shiver rushing through me.

  Lorena chuckles. “Oh um…sorry.”

  “It’s ok,” I reply with a nod, rushing out of the room to turn the heater on. It seems stupid to be turning it on at the end of January but I’m deathly cold.

  Heading back into my room, Lorena is now in a pink long sleeved t-shirt nightie, sitting on my bed with her legs crossed.

  I grab out some pyjama shorts, hitch my dress up and slip them up legs. Turning around I pull my dress off over my head, leaving my bra on.

  Lorena’s eyes lock on my discarded dress on the floor at my feet.

  “What happened to your dress?”

  “Ashton ripped it.”

  She smiles at me cheekily. “When? Did things get dirty when he bought you the drink?”

  “No, things did not get dirty, Lo.”

  “Then what happened, Te? He clearly upset you.”

  I sit down next her, pulling my knees up to my chest and resting my head on them.

  “He pushed me against the sink and told me the dress looked like a potato sack,” I tell her, rocking back and forth a little.


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