Loathing Temptation: Be Tempted duet Book 1 (Lockgrove Bay)

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Loathing Temptation: Be Tempted duet Book 1 (Lockgrove Bay) Page 7

by Caz May

“True, but my lips are sealed.”

  I see red.

  “It better not be my sister. I’ll fucking kill you.”

  He laughs, and I want to throttle him. He’s clearly got a jones for my little sister, and if he’s touched her he’s a fucking dead man walking.

  “Nah, I wanna fuck Ava of course, but I’m not doing anything illegal. I’m not that stupid.” I can’t believe the words that have just exited his mouth. He’s so dead.

  “You sure about that?” I taunt because as much as I love him, Ezekiel Alessio is not the sharpest tool in the shed.

  “Dead sure,” he replies, nodding.

  “So who are you rooting then?” I ask, gazing around the schoolyard to see if any chicks are staring us down more so than usual today.

  “Lorena,” he admits, proudly puffing his chest out. “We fucked in the change room after P.E yesterday.”

  I’m shocked and kinda annoyed.

  “You fucked Tem’s best friend?”

  “Yeah, and she was a ripper root,” he chortles, clearly thinking about it again. “I’d take her for a ride again if she’s down.”

  “You fucking root rat,” I jeer, laughing.

  “You love me,” he teases, winking at me suggestively. “So when are you fucking Tem again? You know so we can compare them since they’re besties.”

  I scoff, and then reply, “How about this side of never, and up yours Ezekiel!” I taunt, standing up.

  The bell sounds as I walk off, leaving my best mate dumbfounded. Heading to class I’m thinking about Tem, wondering if she is a ripper root and wondering if she talks about sexual things with Lorena.

  I do love Zeke. He’s loyal and has always had my back, especially recently with the whole Fallon pregnancy disaster, but sometimes I wished my best mate could be more serious.

  I want to share how much Tem is getting to me, but he’ll just make a joke of it, tell me to fuck away my feelings. I’m not sure if that’s even possible.

  I hate Tempany, but that’s not all I feel for her.

  And Zeke would never understand that.

  I’m fucked.



  Wednesday lunchtime and I’m avoiding everyone—again—including Lorena. She’d been bugging me all week about my day out with Ashton and Ava, and I don’t know what to tell her.

  The whole day, especially when we were at the beach has been playing on my mind.

  I was sure he was going to kiss me, and then he didn’t.

  His words of rejection hurt, and I hate that they do.

  I don’t want Ashton to hate me. I don’t know what I want him to feel for me, but loathing isn’t it for sure.

  I want to stop thinking about him—about him nearly kissing me again—but I’m reading my new fave authors latest release, ‘Not my Girl’,leaning against the stacks at the very back of the library. And it’s giving me all the feels and I’m imagining Ashton as the main character.

  It’s frustrating that I can’t get my stepbrother off my mind because I shouldn’t want him for the very fact that he will be related to me in a month.

  Dad also dropped the bombshell on me, on Sunday that we’re moving into the Castello’s mansion next weekend. I didn’t want to act like a spoilt brat, and not be excited by that news but I honestly wanted to stomp my foot and throw a tantrum. It’s not going to do anything and Dad means well. He’s in love, and I’m happy for him.

  I’m happy about having Ava as a little sister, but an older brother is not high on my Wishlist, especially one as infuriating and gorgeous as Ashton.

  I can’t really concentrate on reading so standing up I brush off my butt, clutch my book against my chest and start to head out of the library, sneakily.

  I don’t even make it to the end of the non-fiction aisle before Lorena corners me.

  “Hey, girl. I thought I’d find you here.”

  My best friend knows me too well, the old me. And I curse myself for being so damn predictable.

  “Um yeah, I was just reading, but I need to go to the dunny before class.”

  “Are you ok? You’ve been off all week.”

  She follows me as I head out of the library to the toilets down the corridor.

  “Te, I asked if you’re ok?” She pleads as we head into the toilets.

  “I’m fine,” I snap, going into a cubicle and putting my book on the floor.

  I quickly pull my knickers down from under my skirt and curse, ‘oh damn’ when I sit down on the dunny. My period has started and I don’t have a tampon.

  “Lo?” I call out. “Are you still there?”

  “Yeah, Te. Are you going to talk to me or what?“

  “I um...need a tampon. My period just started.”

  “Oh shit, um…” Lorena mutters. “Do you have any money on you?”

  “No, why would you ask that?” I call out over the cubicle, yanking a copious amount of toilet paper out and shoving it haphazardly into my knickers.

  I pull them up and hobble out of the cubicle.

  Lorena laughs at me.

  “Did you just put toilet paper in your undies?”

  “What do you think? Not like I have any other option right now,” I tell her, quickly washing my hands.

  I eye the vending machine on the wall, as does Lorena.

  “That’s why I asked if you had any money, but maybe if we press the button and bash the shit out of it, we might get lucky.”

  I feel really guilty for what I reply, but I’m also desperate. “Worth a shot I guess.”

  “Ok, you press the button and I’ll bash it,” Lorena suggests.

  I press the button, and Lorena bashes the side, rocking the vending machine until a packet of tampons slips out into the tray.

  “Oh thank gosh,” I mutter, grabbing them and rushing back into a cubicle.

  Quickly I do my business, and come out, washing my hands and smoothing down my skirt.

  “Thanks, Lo.”

  “No worries,” she replies following me out to our lockers when the bell rings.

  “Um, Te, I need to tell you something.”

  “Yeah, what?” I ask grabbing my sheet music for music out of my locker.

  Lorena is standing next to me, standing against the lockers.

  “I um...I…”

  I look at her and can see her anxiousness. There isn’t time for whatever conversation we need to have.

  “Lo, I have to get to music class. Can you wait to tell me on the weekend at Ashton’s?”

  “Yeah, ok,” she mutters with a smile.

  I head to music class, with a weight on my shoulders. Something is up with Lorena, and I’m dreading the weekend; moving into Ashton’s house.

  Hopefully, music class will make me feel better, as it usually does. But my heart falls to the floor when I walk into the classroom and find Zeke sitting at a table clutching an electric guitar against his chest.

  He looks up at me, a smirk on his face.

  “Hey Tem, you here to get down?”

  “Um, I’m here for class.”

  “Choir girl, huh?”

  I step into the room, our teacher Mr Samuels right behind me in a mad hurry. I really want to turn out the door, to escape Zeke’s eyes boring into me like he can see right through me. He doesn’t get to me in the same way Ashton does, but Zeke still gets under my skin.

  The room fills with other students, and I’m pushed further into the room, right into a seat next to Zeke.

  He lifts his guitar over his head and puts it on the table in front of him. He leans into me.

  “You could’ve told me you wanted to sit in my lap, Tem.”

  I glare at him.

  “I um...don’t want to do that.”

  He winks at me, smirking when he taunts, “Oh I know Tem. You only want to sit on Ashton’s lap.”

  I scoff, but my stomach flip flops at the thought of sitting in Ashton’s lap. Zeke breaks my thoughts, again taunting me, “Your lack of words tells all, Tem.

  I turn my focus to Mr Samuels who’s muttering something up the front of the room, shuffling sheet music.

  “Ezekiel, did you prepare that song over the holidays for the eisteddfod?”

  “You bet I did, Mr S. But I need a female lead.”

  He looks to me. And I gulp.

  “Oh yes. Any volunteers?” Mr Samuels asks, his eyes scanning the room. They lock on me. “New student?”

  “Yes, Mr Samuels.”

  “Please come up and introduce yourself.”

  I get to my feet, moving slowly up to the front of the room.

  I hear someone wolf whistle.

  And turning around Zeke is glaring at me, all suggestively.

  “Hi, everyone. I’m Te Davies. And I love to sing and perform.”

  Zeke hollers, “Oh yeah Tem!”

  “Well, Miss Davies, I think it might be perfect to start with you singing Ezekiel’s song.”

  Oh, holy Moses!

  “Um ok, I guess,” I mutter.

  Zeke gets to his feet, grabbing his guitar again and sauntering up to the front of the room. He hands me a piece of paper with lyrics on it. And leans into whisper into my ear, “Go with it Tempany. Think of Ashton.”

  He starts playing a melody, whilst the drummer starts a beat.

  I open my mouth to sing the lyrics, and I get lost in them. Maybe music class won’t be so bad.



  Again Zeke and I are sitting under the bleachers. It’s a great spot to keep our eyes on everyone, but far enough away that we can talk shit about everyone and not have listening ears or lip readers. No one dares to come near us when we sit there, except for one person.

  She saunters up to the bleachers, swaying her hips like she’s trying to be seductive. What I saw in her, I really don’t know now. Just looking at her coming towards me is enough to make bile rise in my throat, my lunch threatening to make another appearance.

  She comes up to me, wrapping her arms around me. I push her away harshly and Zeke glares at me, chuckling under his breath.

  I wanna fucking punch him for being an arse. He mentioned her name moments ago, and the she devil, she appears.

  She’s still standing in front of me, clearly not getting the message that she’s not welcome to breathe the same air as me anymore.

  I’m about to open my mouth to tell her where to go—or to suck a dick other than mine—when she leans forward, pushing my back against the bleachers and crashing her lips to mine.

  I wanted to chunder before, but now I literally have bile in my mouth. Gulping it down I bite down hard on Fallon’s lip. She screeches, pulling back, and wiping an arm across her lip which is bleeding.

  “What the hell, Ash?” She screams at me, tears stinging her eyes.

  I laugh, standing up and pulling her up with me, with a fist full of her jumper.

  “What don’t you get Fallon?”

  She mumbles something incoherent, licking the bite mark I made on her lip.

  “I don’t fucking want you anymore. Rack off!”

  I let go of her jumper, shoving her away, and she walks off in a huff. Zeke laughs, clutching his stomach because he’s in stitches.

  “Damn, bro,” he jeers, poking me in the arm. “You should put she devil in her place. That was brutal.”

  I snigger, an idea to get back at her ticking over in my mind. Revenge is sweet.

  “Yeah I have an idea,” I tell him, laughing when I think back to the last time Fallon sucked my dick. She’s going to regret the choice she made that day.

  “Ooo do tell,” Zeke requests.

  “Wait and see brother,” I reply, still sniggering from how grouse the idea is.

  Fallon is going down.

  The Next day, clutching a pile of freshly printed flyers against my chest, I sneak into school way to early for any sane person to be entering the school building.

  The crazy—possibly serial killer—janitor is the only person around at this ungodly hour, and I can’t see him nearby, but I’m thankful the main doors are unlocked and the alarm is off.

  From my pocket, I pull out the blu-tack I’d shoved in there before leaving the house. Breaking it off into small pieces, I roll it into balls and start putting the flyers up. Some I put on the lockers, some on the bare walls, and I even pin some on the noticeboard.

  When I’m finished fifteen minutes later I stand by the double main door, admiring my handiwork. The flyers are of her sucking my dick. You can’t see my face but Fallon is clearly in a compromising position.

  I’ve put her phone number and ‘Call Fallon. She loves the D’ on it.

  I scoot out of the school building, going to get a coffee before I need to be back at school to watch the shit show.

  Walking in half an hour later, I bump into Zeke at the front door. I’m grinning like a damn lunatic.

  He elbows me in the side, his other arm outstretched and his hand gripping the doorknob.

  “What did you do?” he asks with a laugh.

  “Wait and see,” I reply winking at him before he yanks the door open.

  The hallways are starting to fill and everyone is staring at the posters, gasping in shock, laughing. I’m only just inside the doors when I spot Fallon heading towards me. She’s seething, steam practically coming out of her ears, but I can see even from a distance her cheeks are tear-stained and she’s sobbing.

  I can’t help the laugh that escapes my mouth. I’m glued in my spot, watching as she has a meltdown—screaming—and ripping them off the lockers and walls. She scrunches them up into balls with her firsts, throwing them on the floor and stalking towards me.

  “Woah, Fallon. Let up!”

  “How could you Ashton?”

  “How could I what? You think I did this?”

  “I know you did! Those photos were supposed to be private.”

  I laugh at her, scoffing when I reply, “Oh Fal, you naïve bitch. You shouldn’t let boys take pictures of you sucking their dicks now should you?”

  “Well…you...you…” she cuts her words off, biting down on her lips and whimpering.

  “What Fal? You wanna give everyone a show here? Show everyone how much you love sucking dick.”

  “No, I...I,” she mumbles again, raising a hand towards my cheek.

  My reflexes are too quick for her and I grip her wrist in my hand before her palm can slap against my cheek. I’m again about to hurl an insult at her when I hear the click clack of heels on the floor and Miss Masters’ bellowing voice calling out down the hallway, “Fallon! Ashton! My office now!”

  We both follow Principal Masters down the hallway to her office. I get a few high fives on the way, and Fallon looks at the floor the entire time.

  Admittedly I feel a pang of guilt, remorse for hurting Fallon, but I had to do something to get the point into her head that she and I are done.

  Miss Masters leads us into her office, ushering us both into a seat in front of her desk.

  Miss Masters’ office smells like sex and caramel from the oil burner she always has on, to mask the smell of her non-school activities. Word around the corridors is that Miss Masters is a bit of a hussy. I happen to know this for a fact, having caught Dad coming out of her office after school one day, adjusting his tie and the front of slacks; telltale signs of someone who has just been fucked.

  “So, who is going to explain what’s happened this morning?”

  I scoff under my breath. Fallon has turned mute, and is just glaring at me, and then to Miss Masters.

  “Well, Fallon needed some payback served.”

  “You’re admitting to putting up the posters, Ashton?” Miss Masters asks, stumbling on my name.

  “Yes, Miss Masters. But punish me and I’ll tell my Dad you gave me detention because I tried to get with you.”

  She lets out a whimper, and Fallon huffs, mumbling ‘seriously’ under her breath before she stands up and rushes out of Miss Masters’ office without a word.

“Fine. No detention, but every one of those posters will be taken down and the rest is to be thrown into the garbage. Anything like this again, and there will be harsher consequences Ashton.”

  “Like a spanking, Miss Masters?” I ask with a snigger. I’m sure my heinous father enjoys spanking her arse; the sick fucker.

  Miss Masters blushes. “Um. No. Of course not. That is not appropriate Ashton Castello.” She practically purrs my last name, and it makes me want to chunder all over her desk.

  Again I let out a sniggering laugh.

  “Just teasing you, Miss Masters. It’s a Castello men thing.”

  She doesn’t entertain my taunt, only calmly says, “And you will apologise to Fallon.”

  I stand up, heading to the door.

  “Yeah, sure,” I mutter, leaving the office.

  There is no chance in hell I’m apologising to Fallon. The entire school knows the details of our breakup thanks to her wayward mouth, and Beau sticking his nose in our damn business.

  Kicking the papers still scattered around across the floor, I head to class, scooting in just as the bell rings.

  Thankfully Fallon isn’t in this class, but Tempany is and she won’t stop staring at me. She thinks I’m a wanker. Her sweet dark ocean eyes glaring at me give away all her emotions, and she’s clearly turned on to. Glaring at her I lick my lips suggestively and make a wanking gesture with my hand and my tongue against my cheek.

  She shifts in her seat—uncomfortably—and is most likely clenching her thighs together when she scoffs and turns away to look up the front at Ms Tate who’s writing something on the board.

  Tempany wants me, and fuck do I want her as well.

  Even though she’s the last girl I should want.

  I loathe her, but I want her on her knees sucking my dick.

  Fuck, I’m screwed.



  Sighing I kick the front door of the Castello’s house—my new house—open.

  I can’t see where I’m going, lugging a big box of my books inside. I have no idea how I’m going to climb the stairs holding the box, without tripping. At the base of the stairs, I’m about to take a step up when I bump into something solid.


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