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Loathing Temptation: Be Tempted duet Book 1 (Lockgrove Bay)

Page 13

by Caz May

  Right now I can feel them pulsing, a release building in them and with one final stroke of my dick I come, ropes of cum shooting out across the tiles whilst I’m screaming out ‘Tempany’.

  I’m hoping she didn’t hear. But then again, maybe it would be good if she did.

  No, no. Bad idea.

  Cleaning up quickly, I turn off the taps and get out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my waist and I head to my bedroom.

  Dropping the towel to the floor, I pull back my sheets and slide under the covers, naked.

  For a moment I think about going into Tempany’s room and making her mine completely. But I know that’s a really bad idea. She’s my stepsister. And wanting my stepsister this much is wrong.

  Plus I loathe her. I loathe Tempany, but fuck, I want her.

  I close my eyes, reliving the night in my head. I can still feel her kiss on my lips, and her mouth on my dick. And drifting to sleep, despite it being wrong I think about the next time I’ll get to be with my temptress.



  Lorena is sitting on my bed, clutching a bowl of popcorn that she’s shovelling into her mouth.

  She’s eating like she’s starving, as not only is she shovelling the popcorn in but she’s already had two slices of the Hawaiian pizza sitting on my bed. I take a slice, taking a bite so I don’t have to talk to my best friend. She’s glaring at me, concern all over her face because I’m extra quiet tonight.

  “What’s up? You’ve been acting weird since the wedding,” she declares, before shovelling more popcorn into her mouth.

  “Nothing. Just Ashton being annoying,” I tell her, putting my half-eaten slice of pizza down in my lap.

  “Yeah? How so?”

  “Glaring at me. Brushing past me. And being really mean again,” I confess, thoughts of Ashton making me feel all tingly again.

  “Is that all? I feel like you’re holding out on me, Te.”

  I take a big bite of pizza, gulping it down before blurting out, “He kissed me. And he…”

  Lorena playfully pokes me in the stomach.

  “What? Tell me you fucked him?”

  “No, but he touched me, and licked me until I had an orgasm,” I tell her and she smiles so wide I think her face is going to crack. “And his dick.”

  Lorena spits out her bite of food.

  “You what?”

  “You heard me, Lo.”

  “Did he come in your mouth?”

  I shake my head. “No, thank god.”

  I can feel a blush rising up my cheeks. “But I can’t stop thinking about it, Lo.”

  “Yeah, I bet,” she says a little down.

  “Like honestly, all I’m thinking about is kissing him, and everything. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Well, I say go for it. You know all the way. He clearly wants you.”

  I shake my head at my best friend. She’s clearly lost the plot, forgetting that despite what has happened between Ashton and I, he’s off limits.

  “He’s my stepbrother Lo. My dad would hit the roof if he found out I have feelings for Ashton.”

  She laughs, slapping my thigh. “Who said anything about feelings?”

  I feel a blush rise up my cheeks, not believing myself that I’m about to admit to my bestie that I have feelings I shouldn’t for my bully of a stepbrother.

  “Me, Lo,” I start, feeling a weird weight lift off my shoulders, admitting it out loud. “My feelings for Ashton are so not brotherly.”

  She’s glaring at me, and I don’t know what else to say, or what she’s thinking. I continue, “But for some reason he hates me.”

  She shakes her head at me this time, then nods like she’s as confused as I am.

  “Yeah I don’t know. But theres a fine line between love and hate Te.”

  My best friend is right. That saying rings true with Ashton and me, at least in my case. I’m positive that Ashton hates me. All he wants to do is to taunt me, and force any sexual advance on me he can. I shouldn’t want that. That should make my gut turn, considering my past experiences, but with Ashton it makes me all tingly, and I can’t help but give into the temptation he taunts me with.

  A smile curves my lips, and I reply to Lorena, “Yeah true and temptation is hard to fight.”

  “Exactly,” Lorena says with a laugh. “Maybe just sleep with him. And see how you feel then.”

  I contemplate her words, about to reply when she says, “Lose ya v card properly and then move on.”

  “So use Ashton to take my virginity completely?” I question her.

  “Exactly,” she says with a nod.

  Again I think about it for a moment. And just the thought of having sex with him is getting me excited, thinking back to our first kisses, and the way he touched me and licked me, until I let go.

  “Maybe,” I surmise, biting down on my lip whilst I think for a moment. “But I have no idea how to get him to sleep with me. He kinda left me hanging the first time.”

  Lorena laughs, her head tipping back when she suggests, “Put on some of that sexy lingerie and go into his damn room.”

  “Yeah,” I muse yawning. “I’m beat.”

  “Me too,”Lorena replies, pushing the pizza box to the floor whilst I pull back the covers, climbing into bed.

  Lorena climbs in next to me and we lay on our backs, looking up at the ceiling. I flick off the bedside lamp and the glow in the dark stars on my ceiling glitter.

  I smile in the darkness, asking Lorena, “Lo, when did you lose yours?”

  I hear my best friend gulp, and take in a deep breath before she replies, “ Jonathan Rea after my sixteenth birthday. I got really drunk.”

  “Oh, you never told me that,” I comment, a little shocked.

  “Yeah, I wish I could take it back,” she tells me, her voice pained.

  “Yeah, why’s that?”

  “I should have saved it,” she grumbles. “But then I wouldn’t have wanted to be a virgin with Zeke.”

  I can’t help the giggle that escapes my lips. We’ve both got it bad for the Lockgrove Bay Preparatory kings.

  “Oh you really like him, huh?”

  I feel her shake her head in the darkness next to me, the pillow shifting with the movement.

  “I don’t know. He’s gorgeous, and the sex is amazing. But I don’t think he wants a girlfriend.”

  My heart breaks for my best friend. Ezekiel is an arsehole and I hate that he’s making my best friend feel this way.

  “Maybe you should tell him how you feel,” I suggest.

  “Yeah, when you tell Ashton,” she teases back with a laugh.

  I laugh with her, our giggles filling the air.

  “Not happening,” I say, closing my eyes.

  “Whatever you say, Te. Let’s get some sleep.”

  “Yeah, goodnight, Lo.”

  “Goodnight, Te,” she replies, letting out a yawn.

  I sigh, and let my mind drift to my stepbrother. I want him, but it’s wrong.



  Another Monday of monotony at school is drawing to a close with P.E class.

  Miss Miller again has us lined up on the basketball court , with skipping ropes.

  Why she has to inflict this stupid torture on us is beyond me.

  I’m eyeing Tempany standing across from me, watching her netball skirt flipping up at the front whilst she jumps the rope.

  I stick out my tongue, making a suggestive licking gesture to her when her eyes lock on mine.

  She practically falls over her own feet, and I laugh, puckering my lips to blow a suggestive kiss to her.

  She gulps. And licks her lips, looking down at the ground before starting to skip again.

  Zeke elbows me in the side. “You fucking her with that stare bro?”

  Chuckling I reply, “Nah, riling her up. Gets me hard watching her blush.” I nod towards my shorts, where Ash Jnr is threatening to have a party.

  Dead rodents, dead rodents, I repeat telling him to calm the fuck down.

  “Damn man, you’re whipped,” Zeke teases me. He’s always fucking dogging me, and I can’t help biting back.

  “Am not. She’s my stepsister,” I reason, trying to sound convincing.

  Zeke chuckles. A deep belly laugh that makes me want to punch the smirk right off his mug.

  “Right, so you’re not wanking thinking about her every night? Wishing you could fuck her mouth, and then take her tight virgin pussy as yours?”

  “No,” I snap. Yes, fuck yes.

  “Right, pull my dick dipshit. You’re whipped for your stepsister, and you need to nail her. And move on.”

  Move on. Yeah, fucking right.

  “I don’t want to hurt her,” I muse, frowning and giving my best mate ‘go fuck yourself arsehole’ eyes.

  He gulps, shocked by my statement as much as I am.

  “Seriously? What happened to hating her with a fiery passion?”

  I bite back, “Didn’t say I don’t still hate her.”

  “Yeah, you did. When she first moved back you hated her so much you wanted to ruin her,” he informs me like I’ve forgotten the whole last couple of months since Tem came back to Lockgrove Bay.


  I haven’t stopped thinking about Tem from the moment I saw her again. But I’m not about to admit that to Zeke. The tosser will use that against me.

  He’s still talking and I tune back into his words, “And now I don’t know what you’ve done with my best mate. One eighty, man. Grow some balls.”

  He’s riling me up. He knows I’ll bite back.

  “Yeah, well maybe you should not shoot for goal in every willing chick, Ezekiel,” I taunt, using his full name because he hates it so much.

  His anger is starting to boil over.

  He hates it when I call him out on being a manwhore.

  “At least I’m getting pussy. I bet Tem’s told her sexy bestie Lorena how much she wants to fuck you,” he remarks with a cocky smirk. I want to smack it off his face again. He’s a tosser.

  And thats confirmed by the next words that spill out of his mouth, “I’ve been dreaming of a threesome with them actually.”

  My anger rises, and I clench the skipping rope in my fist, throwing it on the ground, shoving my hands against Zeke’s chest, pushing him to the ground.

  “You wouldn’t fucking dare!” I roar at him, stepping over him.

  He’s looking up at me, still with the cocky smirk when he speaks, “You sure? I mean if you don’t want her.”

  “Fuck you, Ezekiel!” I bellow, leaning over him and punching him square in the jaw.

  He lets out a chuckle, taunting me, “Hit me again. I dare you.”

  I’m seething.

  My best mate is a fucking arsehole.

  “Hit me or admit you’ve got feelings for Tempany,” he jeers at me.

  “I don’t! I hate her! And you!” I bellow, hitting him again harder.

  He doesn’t even fight back. And I can’t stop myself from laying into him.

  I hate myself. I’m not this guy.

  I’m about to punch the cocky bastard in the nose when I feel Miss M step up behind me, grabbing my Guernsey and pulling me away from beating my best mate to a pulp.

  “Principals office now, Ashton!” Miss Miller screams at me.

  I don’t dare look back at Zeke as I walk off, even when I hear Miss Miller say, “Lorena can you take Zeke to first aid?”

  I’ve fucked up. I’m turning into him.

  Getting to the principals’ office I’m shocked by what I find.

  Shocked about who is walking out of Ms Masters office in the middle of the school day.

  Well, not completely shocked, but still I’m not expecting to see my dad at school; looking dishevelled.

  The walk of shame look. The I’ve just fucked someone look.

  It makes me want to chunder, projectile style.

  He stops just outside the office door, glaring at me.

  “What are you doing here Ashton?” he asks with a hint of anger in his voice.

  “Showed Zeke that he’s a tosser with my fists. What are you doing here daddy?”

  “Nothing. Just leaving,” he says, guilt lacing his tone. He knows I’ve caught him out.

  “Right,” I jeer. “More like coming. Coming inside principal Masters’ pussy.”

  As usual, he can’t control his anger, and berates me, “What did you just say, boy?”

  I hate when he calls me boy. It makes me feel four feet tall.

  Makes me feel like I’m that eight-year-old getting my first beating.

  Today though, I puff my chest out, ready to knock him down a peg.

  “I know dad. I know your dirty little secret.”

  He huffs at me, blowing out an exasperated breath.

  I continue with an accusing tone, “You’re fucking principal Masters.”

  I can see that his blood is boiling. But still, I go on, “I’m sure the school board would love to hear all about it.”

  And then he shocks me, not by raising his fist but with his calm words, laced with a threat, “Tell them, son. And bye bye all you care about.”

  He starts to walk away and I reach down to open the office door.

  “Sure dad. I’ll see you after school.”

  After dad fucks off down the hallway I open the door fully to go into Ms Masters office.

  Being in here again makes bile rise in my throat and I’m trying not to think about how she was fucking my dad—probably over her desk—mere minutes ago.

  I sit in the tub chair, not looking up at her. I can tell she’s shaking her head in disappointment.

  I couldn’t give a rats arse though, even when she speaks my care factor is zero.

  “Ashton, I’m disappointed in you. I can’t write you the recommendation letter for RMIT if you continue with this destructive behaviour.”

  This time I do look up at her, giving her dagger eyes.

  “Well, I don’t really care Miss Masters,” I start, glaring at her to rile her up.

  I know I get to her, just as much as my dad does.

  “And if you don’t write the letter, I’ll tell the school board you’re fucking my dad to get his money.”

  Shock paints her face. Her mouth falls open, a worried whimper escaping. “Thought that might be the ticket,” I jeer, standing up, out of the chair, and slapping my arse cheekily before walking out.



  After a horrible day at school, I let myself into the house, dumping my bag by the door. Ashton’s backpack is already there which means he’s home already from basketball training.

  For the past couple of weeks other than having to see him at school, I’ve been avoiding him, and I really don’t want to see him because he’s been a suggestive dickhead taunting me and making me feel things for him I shouldn’t.

  I hate that his teasing—his clear hatred—towards me makes butterflies dance in my stomach and my knickers feel damp with my desire for him.

  I’m about to head up to my room, but my stomach is rumbling a protest because I haven’t eaten since recess. I’d had to get in some extra practice of the song for the eisteddfod, as I’m still not hitting the high notes.

  I can hear Ashton’s voice as I head into the kitchen. And walking into the open plan kitchen I find him sitting on the counter in only his basketball Guernsey with his phone to his ear.

  I reach out to grab an apple from the bowl on the island bench and he sticks his tongue out at me, winking suggestively when he puts his phone down beside him on the bench.

  He looks absolutely gorgeous, and I can’t help licking my lips wondering if he’s wearing anything under the Guernsey. It’s halfway up his thighs, and his legs are open slightly.

  I’m practically drooling, so take a bite of my apple, not able to stop staring at him or move out of the kitchen.

  He winks at me again.

��You got a problem, temptress? Or you just like staring at me?”

  Of course, I like—love—staring at him. But I hate his taunts and his cocky attitude. My heart is hammering in my chest, just from being in the same room as him, but I cannot deal with the tension for a moment longer.

  I need to confront him and find out why he’s still being such a dick to me. Taking another bite of my apple, I step into the kitchen more, stopping in front of his legs, but far enough away that he can’t quite reach me.

  Taking a deep breath, I exhale and ask, “Why Ashton?”

  It’s a simple question, and I’m worried it doesn’t ask what I need to know. But I don’t know what else to ask.

  He lets out a chuckle, shifting on the bench a little.

  “You’re my stepsister Tempany,” he reminds me, matter of factly, before leaning forward and whispering close to my lips, “And you forget that I loathe you.”

  He shifts back, and I take a step forward, now practically standing in between his open legs.

  “But why?” I ask, gulping and telling myself to find more words. “I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  He chuckles again, and my eyes are drawn to his Adam’s apple, making the tingles rush through my body. I need to find more words. To get him to see how angry he makes me.

  “And you didn’t think about me being your stepsister when you kissed me and touched me.”

  His hands press against the bench like he doesn’t know where to put them and he takes a deep breath in.

  “I hate you because you ruined my life Tempany. You made my dad ruin my life.”

  His words and the anger in his tone hurt. Really hurt and my anger flares, giving me a feeling of brazenness.

  “Fuck you, Ashton,” I yell at him, locking my eyes on his.

  His stormy eyes light up with a flash of desire, and he bites back, “You want me to fuck you temptress?”

  My whole body tingles with his question. And he squeezes his thighs to cage me in. I’m salivating and my breathing has quickened contemplating my answer for a moment.

  “Yes,” I mutter softly, leaning into him so my answer lands on his lips.


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