Loathing Temptation: Be Tempted duet Book 1 (Lockgrove Bay)

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Loathing Temptation: Be Tempted duet Book 1 (Lockgrove Bay) Page 14

by Caz May

  “Mmm, temptress,” he purrs, a little breathless which I’m sure means he’s turned on. I don’t get to think about that anymore or say anything before his hand is in my hair, yanking me closer.

  He kisses me again, devouring my mouth and letting out moans that send a shockwave of pleasure through me.

  Kissing Ashton is a rush, an outta body euphoric feeling that I want to feel over and over.

  His lips on mine feel electric, and he bites down on my lip, pulling it back between his teeth, before soothing the sting with his tongue. I could get so used to kissing him because when he’s kissing me it feels like he doesn’t hate me.

  But right when I think that maybe he doesn’t hate me like he keeps telling me, he pulls away from the kiss, pushing a hand against my chest and shoving me away.

  “Fuck off Tempany! Ava’s home.”

  Tears sting my eyes, and without even looking at him, I rush out to my room, bumping into Ava just outside the archway to the kitchen.

  She looks at me with concern, but I don’t say anything. The tears are pouring down my cheeks now, and I just want to run up the stairs to my room, and let them out onto my pillow.

  I want to hate Ashton. But I don’t.

  I’m falling for my stepbrother, and he hates me.



  Since kissing Tem in the kitchen, and shoving her away because my dick was so fucking hard—and I was commando—under my Guernsey I’ve barely seen her. She’s been practising her eisteddfod piece after school with Zeke, so our usual arvo call of duty sessions haven’t been happening.

  And what sucks is that I’m missing my best mate, but also that I’m jealous he’s getting to spend time with Tempany. He’s probably putting moves on her, and I’m not there to stop him.

  But he could actually be with her, not like me. She’s my stepsister. And that means I can’t want her, even if Ash Jnr is a traitorous bastard and isn’t getting the message that Tempany is forbidden.

  Sitting on the couch, I’m trying to concentrate on a game of COD, but Ava is sitting next to me with a book and won’t stop looking up at me. I can see her staring out of the corner of my eye.

  “You ok Av’s?” I ask, turning slightly to meet her eyes that look up at me from her book.

  She smiles at me, cheekily and blurts out a question, “Have you got feelings for her?”

  I don’t respond for a moment, gulping.

  “Ashy, do you have feelings for Te?” she asks again.

  I pause the game, clutching the controller in my grip, so hard my knuckles go white.

  I shake my head.

  “No,” I mutter, biting down on my lip.

  Ava can usually see right through me, and right now is no exception. She lets out a giggle.

  “Could’ve fooled me brother. I’ve seen how you look at her,” my sister tells me, making images of Tem sitting across from me at the dinner table flash in my mind.

  I don’t reply, and Ava continues, “And I know you were kissing her in the kitchen the other day.”

  My breath catches in my chest. I knew Ava had come home, but I didn’t know she was so close that she could have seen the hot kiss Tem and I shared. I’d not been able to get that kiss to leave my mind.

  Tem kissing me, fuck it gets to me.

  “You saw nothing, Ava,” I snap.

  Ava giggles, poking me in the arm.

  “I saw you kissing Te, Ashy. Admit it and I won’t tell mum.”

  Damn my cheeky little sister.

  “Fine, I’ve kissed her. You happy?”

  “Nope.” Ava laughs, clearly teasing me.

  “You’re a devil, Ava Darby,” I jeer at her, poking her playfully.

  “You love me and you love Tempany,” she jeers at me, giggling.

  I go back to playing my game, thinking about my little sisters’ words. I can’t love Tem. She gets to me and is definitely under my skin, but love, fuck nah.

  I shake the thoughts away, telling myself that ‘I hate her, I hate Tempany.’

  Ava’s teasing about my feelings had really gotten to me. Thoughts of Tem are never far from my mind as it is and my little sister calling me out on my feelings is stirring up an odd feeling in my guts. It’s hard to admit to myself, but I’ve been a prick. All I want though is to taunt Tem more and be with her more, even though it’s wrong. Forbidden has never felt so good.

  Walking into school early, I make sure no one is around before sneaking into principal Masters’ office. I can’t believe her door has no lock on it, especially when she likes to fuck people she shouldn’t on her desk.

  Spotting the filing cabinet in the corner, I open it, flipping through the student files until I find Tempany’s. Grabbing it out I flick through the files for the details of her locker.

  2142. Yeah, I’m not going to fucking remember that.

  I glance to Ms Masters desk, laughing when I see the heart-shaped popup post-it note dispenser. She’s certainly a weird one. Pulling out a note, I also grab a pencil and write the combination down before shoving the note in my pocket and putting the file back in the filing cabinet.

  Leaving the office, I’m feeling kinda nervous about what I’m about to do. Tem probably hates me for being an arsehole, and kissing her and then ignoring her. And getting to her locker after a quick trip to mine to grab the flowers I fumble with the lock, having to do the combination three times before the lock clicks to open.

  I put the small bunch of unfortunately slightly now wilted peach, orange and white roses in her locker, resting them on top of a pile of books with a note attached to the stems.

  It certainly doesn’t look pretty. I used so much sticky tape around the stems to keep them together, and the damn thorns had to fight me, so the white paper for the note has a couple of drops of my blood on it. I should have re-written the note, but that would’ve been too much effort.

  I close her locker, scooting back down the hallway to mine when the bell goes.

  Students start filing in, and I stand at the end of the locker bay waiting for Tempany to walk in. I want to watch her when she opens her locker. Weird I know, but I’m kinda getting excited just thinking about her reading my note.

  Thankfully I don’t have to wait long before she’s at her locker. Her outfit is fucking sexy; black leggings and an oversized jumper that just covers her arse.

  I literally can’t tear my eyes away, watching her opening her locker. She grabs the roses out, glancing around for a moment. She looks horrified when her eyes scan the note but then she smiles, clutching the roses to her chest and sniffing them.

  Carefully she puts them back inside her locker, grabbing out a book before she walks away, her eyes scanning the hallway as though she’s looking for me.

  I don’t know how to feel about her reaction and have no idea whether she’ll let me fuck her, but god do I want to.

  I need to fuck her to fuck away any thought of feelings I might have for her.



  Opening my locker my eyes instantly drop to the bunch of roses with a note wrapped around the stem.

  Grabbing them I unwrap the note, gulping back the bile that threatens to rise in my throat when I stare at it. There’s a couple of droplets of blood on the white paper, and I’m a little disgusted by that, more so when I read the words my stepbrother has written in his scrawly handwriting.

  I loathe you Tempany.

  But I want to fuck you hard until you scream my name.


  I’m disgusted, but the tingly feeling is also rushing through me. I’ve thought about ‘fucking’ Ashton way too much. But even though we’ve kissed and fooled around, I honestly didn’t even want to entertain the thought that Ashton would want anything more from me.

  Clutching the roses to my chest for a moment I sniff them, inhaling the sweet fragrance whilst looking around for Ashton, but I can’t see him nearby.

  Shrugging I put the roses back inside my lock
er and grab out my books for class. The first bell sounds and I head down the hallway to music class.

  Walking in before the second bell I’m surprised to find Zeke is already in class, sitting back on a chair with his hands behind his head, and his legs crossed at the ankles.

  His presence commands the whole room and when his eyes graze over my outfit he gives me a wink.

  He drops his hands to his lap, watching me walk in. I know I’m smiling like an idiot from Ashton leaving me flowers in my locker.

  Zeke laughs when I get closer.

  “Tem, baby. You look happy,” he remarks, giving me another wink that is very suggestive. “Did you get some dick?” he asks.

  “No,” I mutter sitting down next to him and slapping a hand across his cheek for being a dickhead.

  Him calling me ‘baby’ is odd, and I wonder for a moment what in the world has gotten into him.

  Plus I’m also wondering about things with him and Lorena. She hasn’t mentioned anything else about him lately, and I make a mental note to ask what’s going on with them.

  Zeke lets out a muffled screech of pain, then chuckles with a cocky grin on his face.

  “Tem...burn baby,” he taunts, nodding towards his crotch. “You can have my dick if you want it. No need to fight me.”

  I huff, scooting my chair away when a substitute teacher walks into the room and glances around like he’s lost.

  I turn my chair around so I’m not facing Zeke anymore. Him being sexually suggestive is really confusing and really odd.

  He kicks my chair, his foot shoving into the plastic with a thump. I turn around to give him dagger eyes.

  “Fuck you, Ezekiel,” I spit at him, shocked that I let ‘fuck’ spill out of my mouth so angrily.

  His eyes light up and he winks at me, again with his stupid suggestive cocky smirk.

  “Anytime baby. But I know you really want Ashton's dick.”

  Just the thought of Ashton’s dick makes me gulp and a blush rises up my cheeks, rendering me tongue-tied.

  Zeke decides my lack of words means he can tease me more.

  “I know you’ve sucked him, Tem. So jelly baby.”

  I glare at him, completely shocked.

  “Stop, Zeke!” I seethe, getting up and raising my hand to slap him again. The substitute teacher is standing behind the desk, glaring at us. We’re most definitely in trouble. And it makes my stomach turn.

  “Excuse me, what is going on?” the teacher questions loudly, making his presence in the room known.

  “Oh, nothing sir,” Zeke says, too polite for him. “Except for my girl here about to give my dick some attention under the table.”

  I’m absolutely outraged by his suggestion, and without thinking I raise my leg, kneeing him in the crotch. And he bellows out an extremely loud, “Fuck, Tem!”

  “I’m not your girl Ezekiel!” I scream at him, hearing our classmates gasping around us, and laughing as well.

  Zeke stands up clutching his balls.

  “Yeah, thank fuck,” he says with a moan, before yelling right in my face, “Go fuck Ashton!”

  The teacher is seething. “Both of you,” he bellows, pointing at us in turn. “Out now! Detention now!”

  I grab my books and trudge towards the door, looking back to give Zeke an up yours. I rush out of the classroom then with him hobbling behind me.

  “Tem, wait, please. I’m sorry,” he calls out after me, trying to catch up whilst still clutching his crotch.

  I stop at the door to detention, standing with my back against it when he steps up to me; a little to close.

  “Why Zeke?” I ask softly.

  “Because I’m a dick,” he tells me, lacing his tone with sincerity that I’m not sure is genuine. “And I’m sorry, but music class with a sub is like an hour of hell.”

  “So is detention. I’ve never had detention.”

  He steps closer to me, into my personal space, placing one hand above my head with his long legs outstretched behind him so the door is taking his weight. He leans in towards me a little more, and panic rises in my chest. Is he going to kiss me?

  My chest rises with a sharp breath. Having Zeke this close is weird. He’s hot yes, but he’s not my stepbrother.

  “First time for everything, baby, “ he says with his cocky suggestive tone. “And don’t worry I won’t tell Ash you’re into me.”

  “Am not. I…I…” I stutter out my words. I’m such an idiot.

  He laughs and the door opens behind me, making me stumble back into the detention room.

  Zeke follows me in and says teasingly, “I know, Tem. You dig Ashton. I’m just teasing you.”

  I huff, annoyed when I head into the room and sit down. Zeke steps up to Miss Miller sitting behind the desk at the front of the room.

  I hear Miss Miller ask, “What are you both in for?”

  Zeke chuckles, looking at me for a moment, his cocky smirk on his face again when he replies to Miss Miller, “I tried to get Tempany to suck my dick.”

  Miss Miller stifles a laugh.

  “I’m sure that’s not all Ezekiel,” Miss Miller enquires, which makes Zeke seem a little shy for a moment.

  “Wasn’t Miss M. She gave me a knee to the balls instead and the sub didn’t like our little lovers spat when I cursed out.”

  Miss Miller sniggers. “Right, well I don’t blame him, Ezekiel. But Tempany shouldn’t be here because of your crass attitude.”

  He winks at me, before looking back to Miss Miller, and pushing me under the bus.

  “She swore though Miss M. She literally said fuck you, Ezekiel.”

  Miss M stands up, her anger flaring and she raises her voice at Zeke, “Sit down Ezekiel! And shut the hell up for the next hour. You’ve just landed yourself three after school detentions.”

  “Oh come on Miss M. I only said fuck.” He winks at her. I can’t believe what I’m witnessing. Zeke is pushing Miss Miller to her limits. She looks like she actually wants to hit him.

  “Four Ezekiel!” she roars, pointing towards an empty chair.

  He shies away, about to sit down next to me when Miss Miller points to the other side of the room. She gives me an apologetic smile when Zeke sits down, slumping in the chair and not looking across at me.

  He’s a dickhead, and for the next half an hour I sit there thinking of all the things I want to do to Zeke, like throwing my unicorn pencil case at his head. And also hoping that I’m not going to be in mega trouble when I get home and dad finds out I had my first ever detention, all because of my stepbrother’s crass, annoying best friend being an idiot.



  Driving home from dad’s my eye and my jaw are smarting so bad I can barely see straight. After failing the most recent maths test, I should’ve just avoided my check in with him. But now he’s fucking my principal like a fucking bunny on a damn mission, I was bound to run into him again at school so getting the beating away from prying eyes was inevitable.

  I want to kill the motherfucker so fucking much.

  The world wouldn’t miss Fidel Castello. But my little sister and mum would probably miss me if I went to jail.

  And who knows maybe even Tempany would miss me, but I doubt that. She’s so damn hot and cold with me. Wants me—tempts me—one day and then ignores me the next.

  She’s definitely pure, because she acts like a frigid bitch most of the time. And I hate that because of that not wanting me attitude—and her sexy outfits—that I want her, all of her like my next damn breath.

  I don’t like this feeling. It makes my dick ache for her, and also makes my heart hammer in my chest.

  Pulling into the driveway, I cut the engine of the Camaro, pocketing my keys and heading straight inside to the bathroom.

  I take in my appearance in the mirror, nearly chundering from the sight of my messed up face. The black eye is already clearly visible, and my eyes are bloodshot.

  There’s a gash on my cheek that looks nasty, blood dried
at the edges. Touching it, the pain rips through me again, the image of his fist with the hideous sharp knuckle dusters on his fingers hitting my face.

  Grabbing a face washer I wet it under a stream of warm water, when I hear footsteps that stop at the bathroom door.

  I should have fucking shut it.

  Looking towards the door, I find my temptress standing in the doorjamb, her face aghast.

  She steps into the bathroom, and I want to push her away, but I don’t have the strength right now.

  “What happened?” she asks, softly, staring at me like she actually cares.

  I shouldn’t tell her. But the way she’s looking at me, it’s hitting me right in the damn feels.

  “My prick of father, Tempany,” I shout at her, and her face falls.

  She’s about to cry, and about to reach out and touch me.

  I can’t let her. If she touches me now, I’ll fucking shatter.

  “Fuck off and leave me alone!” I roar, my eyes boring into hers, pleading her to listen.

  “Your dad did this to you?” she asks, again in the same soft meek voice.

  I clench my fists, squeezing the wet face washer so much it’s practically dry.

  “Yes,” I tell her, barely a whisper before I raise my voice, “Now fuck off!”

  She doesn’t leave. But steps a little closer to me. “Why Ashton?”

  Seriously, can she just fuck off.

  “Because…” I start looking back at the mirror. Her eyes meet mine in the reflection of us in the glass, and I can see the tears trying to break free.

  She’s crying now. But she’d probably not give a flying fuck if I told her the truth.

  She acts like she’s forgotten about what happened ten years ago. But she remembered me. It doesn’t make any fucking sense.

  “Forget it,” I snap loudly. “I’m not going to share my fucked up life with you.”


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