Loathing Temptation: Be Tempted duet Book 1 (Lockgrove Bay)

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Loathing Temptation: Be Tempted duet Book 1 (Lockgrove Bay) Page 19

by Caz May

And motherfucking shitballs, it hurts. I can taste the blood in my mouth and stumbling back I don’t even have a moment to think about fighting back or dodging his next hit because he’s coming at me again, hitting my jaw on the other side even harder. The pain ricochets through my head.

  And god I want to scream, but I keep the pain in check, wincing a little when I taunt him, “Good one dad. You gonna smack my arse too? Gonna tell me I’m a bad boy.”

  Dad is seething at me, just staring me down like he’s processing my words and I look at his fists for a moment, which are covered in blood. Tentatively I touch my face, realising my nose is bleeding.

  I turn away from him but he grabs me by the t-shirt, pulling me back and slamming my body into the side of the Maserati. Unbearable pain courses through my body. And I’m sure my body has made a dent in his black paintwork of his precious Maserati. The car he cares about more than his own flesh and blood. He can go fuck his ho in it for all I care.

  “You child,” he fumes in my ear holding my arms behind my back like I’m in handcuffs, “are a fucking cunt!”

  Craning my neck I turn to look at him, taking in a deep breath to hurl out an insult, “You teacher-fucking vile piece of oxygen stealing shit! You’re a fucking arsehole ‘dad’!” I bellow at him, right in his face so my spit hits his eyes.

  He doesn’t say a word, he’s just fuming and turning red with anger. He yanks my hands above my head with one hand and pulls down my trackies with the other so my arse is bare.

  Again I know exactly what is going to happen, and I’m powerless to stop it. I can’t move, and I take in a breath, holding it in as I brace myself for the pain. And when I feel the smack of his palm across my arse I exhale the breath to stifle my scream.

  “Smart move daddy,” I taunt. “Beating my arse in the middle of the street.”

  He raises his hand again, and again I brace myself for the hit.

  “Shut your fucking mouth child,” he yells, slapping my arse harder, this time leaving an angry looking red mark against my lightly tanned skin.

  He’s still seething at me, and I’m bracing myself for another hit when he yanks my hands down from above my head and shoves me away like I’m nothing more than a piece of garbage. I fall to the ground, cursing under my breath when I land on my bruised arse. He stands over me, leaning over to beat his fist against my chest, winding me. I lift my arms up to try and fight back but he’s too strong and the pain is making me breathless. And weak.

  “You will keep your mouth shut, boy or I’ll fucking shut you up for good,” he threatens with a snarl. “You hear me?”

  “Fuck you! I sneer, spitting at him and moving back on my hands before stumbling to my feet whilst he stalks off, getting in the Maserati (with the dent in the side) and speeding off without another word.

  I pull up my trackies and go inside, wincing from the pain of my throbbing arse cheeks. The moment I step in the door, Tem is running down the stairs and wraps me into a hug. My whole body aches, but Tem’s touch is healing and I melt into her hug, letting the tears fall. Pulling back from the hug, she takes my hand and helps me walk up the stairs to her bedroom.

  She's crying too and I wipe the tears from her cheeks when we sit down on the bed together. “Don’t cry, baby. I’m ok.”

  “No, Ashton. You’re not ok. You’re bleeding, and clearly in a lot of pain. I...I…”

  “Tem, I’m fine. Nothing some kisses from you can’t fix.”

  “Um...ok. Let me get something to clean you up,” she says with a slight smile, standing up and kissing my forehead.

  The sweet caring gesture makes my heart beat hard in my chest. I’m in love with Tempany Davies. Never would I have thought that would happen when she sauntered back into Lockgrove Bay at the start of the year.

  A couple of minutes later she comes back into the room with a face washer and a bottle of Dettol. Sitting back on the bed next to me, she wipes the warm face washer across my cheeks, and I wince from the pain, even though her touch is gentle.

  “I’m sorry, Simba,” she says sweetly.

  “It’s ok Tem. You’re being gentle. It just hurts like a bitch.”

  “I bet. But you were so brave. Standing up to your dad like that.”

  “Thanks, Tem. I don’t feel brave. I couldn’t even hit the fucker back.”

  “You were brave, and we’re going to report him, so he can’t do anything like this again.”

  “I know, Tem. I will do it, I promise.”

  “You better, or I will, Ashton. I love you, and I don’t want to lose you.”

  I’m staring at her now, our eyes locked on each others. My heart is hammering in my chest, and my brain is chanting the words ‘tell her, tell her you love her’. But my tongue, well.

  “Tem, I...I…”

  Tell her you idiot.

  I try again, closing my eyes this time.

  “Tempany, I lo…” But I don’t get the words out, instead, she takes my breath and words away by kissing me.

  And I know with this kiss that I’m hers forever, even if we can’t be together a moment longer.



  Sitting at the breakfast bar the next day after dad beat me I’m scooping cornflakes into my mouth, practically inhaling them because my head is so close to the bowl, so I can hide from mum’s gaze under my baseball cap.

  But mothers always know when something is wrong, and having a mum who is also a nurse—aged care—means things like cuts, bruises and black eyes don’t stay hidden. She’s always known in the past and was powerless to stop dad’s beatings, but she doesn’t know that he still beats me. And I intend to keep it that way.

  Making a coffee, her eyes keep darting back to me. And I look up from under the cap, smiling at her to try and give her the sense I’m ok. The moment she notices the bruises on my face though, her face falls.

  “Oh Ashton dear, how did you get those bruises? Is it from the accident?”

  “Yeah, mum. I hit my face on the steering wheel when I crashed into the tree. I wasn’t thinking straight, and I shouldn’t have driven home.”

  She looks at me like I’m breaking her heart and takes a sip of her coffee.

  “We should take you to hospital dear,” she says calmly.

  “I’m fine mum, really. Tem took care of me last night.”

  I’m sure she’s going to tell me off for not going to the hospital, or calling the police about my accident, but instead, she nods, and says calmly again, “Oh yes. I noticed you weren’t in your room last night when I came home. I missed saying goodnight.”

  I secretly love that she still likes to say goodnight when she comes home from work. I bite down on my lip, not able to meet her questioning gaze.

  “Um, I was…” I mutter, cutting my words short. I can’t admit to her that I was sleeping in Tempany’s bed, kissing her and touching her until she moaned.

  “In Te’s room?” Mum asks her face lighting up with a smile that confuses me a little.

  I’m wary when I reply, “Yeah I...I’m sorry mum.”

  I pull off my baseball cap and run a hand through my hair a moment. My stomach is in knots, wary of mum’s caring tone, and smile.

  “I know we can’t really be together, but I...she...we…” I’m a blubbering mess of words. I honestly don’t know what to say, not wanting to confess I’m in love with Tem to mum before I tell my girl herself.

  I’d been so close to telling her last night, when we were in each other’s arms and she was kissing and touching away the pain my dad inflicted on me.

  Mum takes another sip of coffee, and I hastily gulp down a few mouthfuls of cornflakes, spitting the last bite back into the bowl when mum asks suddenly, “you love her don’t you dear?”

  Fuck what do I say to that question? Deny it? Confess.

  Mum reaches out to touch my arm comfortingly, and the smile on her lips meets her eyes. She’s not angry, and I feel relieved.

  “Yeah mum I do but I can’t really be with her and
tell her how I feel because of you and Matias. He’s your happy ever after, for real mum.”

  This time she smiles wider and laughs softly, sweetly.

  “And Tempany is yours Ashton. If you really love her you have my blessing dear,” she tells me warmly, squeezing my arm. “But maybe speak to her dad as well.”

  I smile back at her then, standing up and hugging her. I definitely won out in the mother department.

  “Yeah, thanks mum. I love you and I’ll speak to Matias.”

  “I’m sure he’ll feel the same. Do you need a lift to school?”

  “Nah, all good mum. Going with Tem. She’ll be down in a minute.”

  “Ok, dear,” she replies, kissing my forehead. “I’ll see you tomorrow at brunch then. I’m working until midnight tonight.”

  “Pancakes and waffles Saturday family brunch?” I ask, grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl as I head out of the kitchen.

  “Sounds wonderful dear, if you’re cooking?”

  “Av’s will,” I call back with a laugh. “Have a good day mum.”

  “You too dear,” I hear her voice call out, following me upstairs to Tem’s room.

  Reaching the landing, Tempany is coming out of her room with her bag slung over her shoulder. She looks absolutely gorgeous, beautiful actually, wearing floral velvet leggings and a black long-sleeved v neck t-shirt that shows a hint of cleavage. She steps closer to me, and I give her a quick kiss.

  “You look sexy, temptress.”

  “You look sexy to Simba, but we can’t.”

  I grab her around the waist.

  “Yeah, we can, temptress. Mum knows about us.”

  “Oh my gosh, really? You told her?”

  “No, she worked it out when I wasn’t in my room again last night.”

  “Oh shit,” Tem curses, biting down on her lip worriedly.

  “Temptress, it’s fine. Are you ready for school?”

  “Yeah, are you sure you’re up to going?”

  “I’ll lay low,” I tell her, taking her hand as we head out to her car, where Ava is impatiently waiting for us.

  I give Tem a wink as we get in her car, and Ava scoffs behind us in the backseat. I make a mental note to check in with my little sister when Tem turns up the radio, and we all start to sing along to ‘Ashes’. Despite what happened with dad last night, and how much I’m worried about his threats I feel happier than I have since Tempany walked away with my basketball ten years ago.

  Trudging into school, I pull my baseball cap down so it’s over my eyes. Tem smiles at me from her locker, and heads to class. Zeke again bails me up, too eager for first period Maths class. The only good thing about today is it’s Friday, and I have the whole weekend to spend with my family since we have a bye week, so no game or practice.

  Zeke tips his head down to peer under my cap.

  “Damn your car got you good,” he jeers with a laugh. Sometimes I really hate him. When he says things before he actually thinks about what he’s implying.

  “Fuck off Ezekiel!” I sneer at him, about to grab my books out of my locker.

  He looks at me with a sheepish smile.

  “Oh sorry man. Didn’t realise you were so pissy about losing ya wheels.”

  Grabbing him by the t-shirt I cage my best mate against the lockers.

  “You know damn well these bruises are not from my fucking car.”

  He puts his hands against my chest, to calm me down.

  “I’m sorry man. You need to bring the prick down, so he can’t do this to you,” he tells me with so much sincerity I’m shocked. I let go of his t-shirt and he continues, “It’s not right for a father to lay a hand on his son.”

  Stepping back I tell him, “I’m planning on it. Fidel Castello is going to burn in hell.” Where he belongs, I add in my head, slamming my locker shut with my books now in hand.

  Zeke laughs, slapping an arm against my back in jest.

  “Yeah, you gonna dig his grave? Can we throw him in it alive? Together?”

  I can’t help but laugh as well, at Zeke trying to lighten the moment.

  “Nah, as much as I’d love to see the cunt suffer at my own hand, I’d rather avoid prison.”

  “Yeah man, I know. I’m sure you’ve got a plan.”

  He gives me a high five and we scoot into class when the bell goes.

  Family brunch Saturday’s are the best, chowing down on mountains of pancakes and waffles, covered in maple syrup and cream. It’s been forever since we’ve had one, and today is extra special with Tem sitting next to me and Matias at the head of the table. I feel like an arsehole for ever thinking bad of him, about what happened in the past. I’m sure his side of the story is heartbreaking, just as much as Tempany’s is.

  Taking a final big bite of waffle, I swallow it down hard and look across to him at the head of the table. Nerves are bubbling in my stomach, and I’m regretting eating so much before having this conversation.

  “Matias, could I...um...speak to you alone?”

  “Sure, son, everything ok?”

  My heart almost shatters from him calling me son, and not saying it with malice in his tone like my own father.

  “Yeah, everything’s fine,” I reply as we both stand up from the dining table and he follows me into the lounge room.

  He sits opposite me on the three-seater couch and smiles at me with genuine care.

  “So, Ashton, what’s going on?”

  “I...um...I don’t want you to hate me for what I’m going to tell you.”

  He looks at me again with his soft caring smile. “I could never hate you, son. Is it ok if I call you son?”

  I nod, replying, “Yes. But you might not want to call me that when I tell you how I feel.”

  He laughs but doesn’t reply. Fuck, this so much harder than I thought it was going to be.

  “Mr Davies, Matias, I’m in love with your daughter. And not as a stepsister.”

  “Oh, does Tempany feel the same?”

  “Yeah, she’s told me she loves me and we’ve…” I cut my words off. Confessing I took his daughters virginity probably isn’t going to give me brownie points.

  “I don’t need to know details, but if you love my girl and she loves you back, then son, you have my blessing.”

  “Thank you, that means so much. I was so worried you’d think I wasn’t good enough for Tem.”

  “You’re more than good enough, Ashton. I hope we can build on our relationship, and get to know each other better.”

  “I’d like that, and thank you again.”

  “Anytime. I’m here for you whenever you need a man to man chat. And a game of basketball if needed.”

  “I’ll probably whip you,” I reply with a laugh, standing up from the couch. He does the same and laughs, replying, “I don’t doubt it.”

  And before I can say anything else he pulls me into a hug, and my heart explodes with love. This feeling is amazing. And exactly what I’ve been missing my whole life.

  The love of a father.



  Making the phone call to the police about Ashton’s dad was the hardest thing I’d ever done. Ashton hadn’t made any attempt to do it himself, seeming to just have blocked it out like it didn’t happen. I wasn’t going to let that beating slide. The bruises still hadn’t faded, even a week later and when we’d lay in bed together kissing he’d wince if I accidentally touched the bruises on his butt. It breaks my heart that he had to go through that and is still hurting so much from his father’s heinous act.

  I’d also contacted the school board, and Miss Masters was being dealt with for her dirty acts. Ashton didn’t tell me, but I heard some rumours floating around school that she’d tried to hit on students, Ashton being one of them. That really pissed me off. And I know I shouldn’t be doing what I’m about to, but I am.

  I’m surprised I even remembered where Ashton’s old house was, Castello castle as it was known around town. And I’m even more surprised drivi
ng up to the big cast-iron gates that they automatically open. Mr Castello probably doesn’t even live here anymore, but I have to find out and confront him for what he did to his son, my Simba.

  Pulling up in front of the house, and turning off the engine my nerves kick in. He’s beaten his own son, and he’ll probably not even care about his girlfriend coming to defend him. Taking a deep breath I get out of the car and walk up to the front door, scuffing my converse on the tiled portico.

  The front door has one of those stupid lion knockers, and I laugh under my breath, thinking about my Simba as I grip it. Using the knocker I pound on the door a couple of times, taking a step back and shuffling on my feet nervously. Part of me is hoping that he doesn’t still live here, and I can apologise and walk away with an ‘I tried’ mantra, but at the same time, I want to stand up to the arsehole.

  The large door opens and my face falls, my heart hitting the ground. He—him—the man with the dark soulless eyes is standing in front of me, all dressed up in a black tuxedo. His dark eyes roam my body, hot lust flaring in them. I’m completely stupefied, but I can’t move. He can’t be Ashton’s dad. This man cannot be my Simba’s father. This man who tried to molest me after dad left because of mum's drinking. I’m taken aback, even more, when he opens his mouth to speak, “Well, well, if it isn’t little Miss Tempany Davies.”

  He chuckles, almost manically, and my stomach lurches.

  “Yes, and I’m here to tell you that I...I…” he cuts my words off, grabbing my arm and dragging me inside. Slamming the door behind me, he shoves me against it and steps closer to cage me in. He leans in, inhaling the smell of my hair.

  “Tempany,” he moans my name. “Still as alluring as ever. And now legal for me to have.”

  Taking a deep breath in, I let out a strong, “No! I will not let you fuck me or hurt me like you did to mum.”

  He steps back a little, raising his fist and my whole body tenses up. I still can’t move away, and I know what’s coming. But surely as cruel as he is, he wouldn’t hit a girl.


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