Truck Stopped: Satan's Devils MC #11

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Truck Stopped: Satan's Devils MC #11 Page 19

by Manda Mellett

  Never, not even during that night I had with him before have I come so hard.

  When at last I come back to my senses I raise my head and see him grinning at me, wiping me off his face with the back of his hand, and then licking that clean as though he doesn’t want to miss a drop.

  “You’ve killed me.”

  “What, me? I think you said I was a god?”

  I smile, relaxed, sated and happy. Then I see the size of his cock, the purplish head, bulging and ready. The thought of having that monster inside me arouses me once again. Holding out my arms I reach for him.

  “You protected?”

  Dejectedly, I shake my head. “I had the implant but that’s gone past its sell by date. As I wasn’t… well, it didn’t seem worth getting one again.”

  He’s moved so he’s kneeling over me, now he places a finger on my lips. “I’ll take care of things, no worry, Allie. We probably need to get tested…”

  “I’m clean. I did that when I stopped…” I abruptly cease talking. Fucking his brothers isn’t something I want to bring into his bed.

  “I was tested in the hospital. Only person I’ve been with is you, Allie. I haven’t forgotten I owe you an orgasm for that day. And don’t tell me you had one, I know you faked it.”

  “Oh?” I say, impudently. “You couldn’t tell just now.”

  His eyes open so wide for a second I’m worried his prosthetic is going to fall out. I’m laughing again at his look of confusion.

  Then, an insolent grin spreads. “If that’s the case I better try again.”

  Instead of going for a condom, he returns to what he was doing a moment ago. This time he zeros straight in on his targets and it’s moments before I’m tensing and screaming all over again.

  While I’m recovering, he opens the drawer and takes out a box of condoms the prospects had probably placed there, one of their duties to keep the brothers’ rooms stocked. I’m transfixed as he expertly rolls it on, his lack of fingers on his left hand doing nothing to hinder his precision.

  He pulls me to him, placing himself at my entrance, then starts pushing inside. “Fuck, Allie. You’re so tight.”

  Because he’s so big, like the rest of him. I make an effort to relax and stop myself from tensing, instead enjoying the feeling of my man inside me. I almost sob with pleasure at the realisation this is Truck, and he feels every bit as good as I remembered.

  “Going to be hard and quick, Al. I’m not going to last long. You feel too fuckin’ amazing.”

  I contract my vaginal muscles.

  “Shit. Do that again.”

  I do. It encourages him to start thrusting. Slowly at first, deep pushes in until he touches my cervix, making sure he locates the spot that makes me cry out. Even when he’s chasing his own pleasure he’s making sure I’m getting mine too. His pace quickens, and so does the force, soon he starts hammering, the headboard thumping against the wall until it sounds like constant thunder—or is that the blood rushing in my ears?

  “God, Truck.”

  “Can’t hold it, are you there yet?”

  I wasn’t quite, but when he presses on my clit it’s like a magic button and I’m screaming out names of the deity again.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” His words are a chant accompanying his final erratic pumping. “Oh God, Allie! Allie!”

  He rears back, still inside me, his face contorted, as if he’s in pain. Then he opens his eyes and stares down at me. “You’re a fuckin’ goddess, Al.”

  He lowers his body, taking my mouth with his. I can still taste me on him, a slight saltiness on my tongue. It’s a tender kiss full of passion, spent desire and possessiveness, on both our sides. My arms go around him hugging him to me, my heart bursting with the love I feel for this man.

  “I love you,” I breathlessly tell him.

  The sides of his mouth turn up in an enormous curve. “I fuckin’ hope so. I claimed you.”

  It’s the cockiness in his tone which makes me bat his arm. Then, his mouth turns down and he becomes serious. “I love you too, Al. Think I fell that first night. Just didn’t admit it. Heck, how could I recognise love when I’d never felt it before? What I do know is I had feelin’s for you, you stayed in my head. Hated what you did, but not you, never you, Al. Now I’ve got shit straight in my mind, it feels right to admit the words.”

  My man has just told me he loves me. As I stare at him in wonder, for the moment, totally lost for words, I realise all the good and bad up to now in my life have led to this point and us being together.

  Life surely can’t get any better.

  Twenty years in the future – Drummer

  The sun isn’t a perfect circle anymore. The bottom of it is now hidden beneath the mountain. Whether psychological or real, the warmth seems to seep away from the air.

  “Dad!” A voice snaps my head around.

  “Zane,” I greet my younger son. “How did you do today?”

  “Straight As.”

  I nod, having expected nothing less. Zane isn’t more intelligent than his older brother, Eli, it’s just that he expresses it in different ways. He had gotten into college studying civil engineering of all things. Stayed close though, he’s at the University of Arizona in Tucson. Unlike his brother or either of his parents, he even prefers a cage to a bike. Still, love him for all of that, proud as punch of him too.

  Zane doesn’t know it, but once he’s qualified, Bullet and Shooter are thinking of taking him on, and once he’s got some experience under his belt, making him a partner. Will keep SD Construction in the family that way. Shooter and Zane will run things when Bullet retires, which probably won’t be too far away.

  Eli, though, he’s club through and through.

  Two boys, brought up together. Two very different personalities and outlooks on life.

  Zane nods and continues up to the house.

  “Good boys, you’ve got there, Drummer.”

  “Yeah,” I agree.

  “Wasn’t always like that.”

  It wasn’t. Eli and Peg’s lad, Noah, had got into some scrapes over the years. Hot wiring a car just to prove they could do it. Unfortunately, not one of ours. Peg and I bailing them out at the police station had led to a few firm lectures about citizen ways, and how not to bring them into our business. A lesson, luckily they learned. Of course, it wasn’t so much what they’d done which was the issue, but that they’d been stupid enough to get caught.

  Peg chuckles. “Not that it’s been plain sailing with the girls, either. My kid, Lisa, and Rock’s girl, Rose. Remember the time they had their first dates?”

  Do I. I grin. “Think taking half the club along with them as escorts may have cramped their style.”

  “You see, Zane or Eli come home looking like they’ve been fucked, you’d just check they wrapped their shit up and slap them on the back.”

  “Peg, if Lisa came back like that, you’d search out and kill the fucker.”

  “Yeah, I would.” Like me, he’s staring straight ahead. “She’s going to remain a virgin all her life.”

  “And you wonder why I didn’t want a daughter?”

  Peg shifts his legs again. “At least I wasn’t as bad as Wraith. Remember when Lisa brought her friends to the barbeque last year? One of the guys tried to say hi to Hilda, Wraith got out his gun, threatened to kill him, and bury his body where he’d never be found.”

  “Bit over the top I agree,” I snort. “Kid wet himself from what I remember. But she is only a child, Peg.”

  “Yeah? She’s sixteen. And how old was your first girl?”

  I don’t tell him she was a bit younger than that.

  But he admits his. “Mine was sixteen.” He turns to me. “Sixteen. Same age as Allie when she first started getting paid for opening her legs. At least I was the same age. Can you imagine any of our girls having no option but to do that?”

  I shake my head. It doesn’t bear thinking about. It puts what she went through into perspective.

“I think her background, her ability to deal with whatever life threw at her, helped her to survive what she had coming after she got together with Truck.”

  “Yeah. I think you’re right.” Peg chuckles softly. “Remember him coming to the table saying he was claimin’ her?”

  I do. Only too well. Perhaps it would have been better had we voted no.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “From the way our brother there keeps fidgeting, I think he’s got something to say.” Drummer’s mouth twitches as he looks down the table. “Truck?”

  I’ve sat through church trying to concentrate, but it’s hard when cries of ‘God’ are echoing in my head. I can’t keep away from her, love the sounds she makes when she’s coming. Had another round before coming into church. We’re fucking like motherfucking rabbits, can’t keep our hands off each other. But it’s not sex, it’s making love. Never felt anything like this for a woman before.

  I notice everyone staring at me, and know they all know what I’m going to say. This is just making it official.

  “Yeah, I’m claimin’ Allie.”

  This is just a formality, isn’t it?

  “Proposal’s on the table, Brothers. Before we vote on it, anyone got any comments?”

  Blade spins his knife, stopping it when it points toward me. “Think it needs to be pointed out, it’s never happened in this chapter before, a brother claimin’ a sweet butt.”

  “Not a sweet butt any longer,” I remind him, my jaw clenching.

  “Blade’s right to bring it up.” I thought at least Peg would support me. It appears not. “We’ve had problems before when sweet butts get too close to a brother. As Rock knows only too well.”

  Rock doesn’t seem to appreciate the reminder. Jill had tried to sink her claws into him. Her selfishness was the reason his original tat was flayed off his back. I’ve seen the new one, a job well done, but you can still see the uneven scarred skin if you see him close up. He grimaces and shudders. Then shrugs.

  “A precedent has already been set. Sweet butt tries to lay claim on a brother and ends up dead. Okay, so Allie managed to snag Truck, doesn’t mean the others will try their hand. I don’t see a problem with it, as long as Truck can see past her history.”

  I nod at Rock, at least he sounds like he’ll be a yes.

  “Allie stepped away from that role some months ago.” Road is definitely on my side. After all, he was the one who practically told me to go for it. “Allie’s a good woman. Always was. Knows the club inside out,” he pauses to glare at the couple of men who’ve laughed. “As I was saying, if it wasn’t for her history, we’d all be agreeing she’d make a fuckin’ good ol’ lady.”

  “VP?” Drummer indicates the man to his left.

  Wraith looks thoughtful as he runs his hands down his face. “I didn’t expect my ol’ lady to come onto the compound in a wheelchair—”

  “Not even speaking the same language,” Blade interrupts.

  “Thank you,” Wraith replies sarcastically. “As I was saying, all of our ol’ ladies turned up unexpectedly. In Truck’s case, she was always there, just waiting for the right man to cross her path. You can’t plan how you’re going to find your perfect woman, the one who’s the other part of your soul. If Truck thinks he’s found her, all that matters to us is whether she’s a fit for the club. I vote she is. We’ll just have to watch the others carefully.”

  “If she hadn’t gotten Truck, she was going to leave the club,” Mouse states. “She’s not a sweet butt hankering after any biker. There’s only one man she wants.”

  Jesus. Can we just vote on it? I’m starting to sweat. Is someone going to come up with a valid objection? I had no idea it was going to be this difficult.

  Drummer raps the table to get everyone’s attention. My worried eyes land on his face. His view will count for everything. “Sam likes her. But I don’t want any problem with the other ol’ ladies. We’re a family now, and I don’t want to bring discord into it.”

  “Good point,” Wraith agrees. “Sophie will be fine with it. We’ve both got pasts, and agreed to put them behind us.”

  “Yeah, but her past isn’t right in front of your face. It’s the other side of the Atlantic, not strutting around the club,” Dollar reminds him.

  Wraith grimaces as if he hadn’t thought of that.

  “I didn’t go with the whores, Mariana won’t give a damn.”

  “Neither did I.” Peg nods at Mouse. “Darcy will accept her.”

  “Huh. I’ve been married so long, can’t remember what another cunt feels like. Carmen will probably just be pleased to get her hands on her hair.” The taken men all nod knowingly. Carmen has her own hairdressing business but does the old ladies’ for free.

  I start to keep tally of who’s for and against. In my estimate, it sounds like the majority are easy with Allie being my old lady, but I’m still tense.


  “Tash will be cool. She’s still finding her own place here.”

  Slick raises his hand. “Allie’s caused no problems for Ella.”


  “Hey, it’s so long in my rearview and before I met Marc or even Crystal. No problem there.”

  Rock scowls. “Not so far back for me, I’ll talk to Becca, but you know what she’s like.”

  Yeah, Becca’s getting over having a controlling bastard of a husband as her ex. She’s still learning to make decisions for herself, in this she’ll probably be guided by Rock and the other old ladies.

  “I’m cool,” Lady waves his hand.

  Then lurches as Joker sticks his fist in his side. “It’s me who’d be worried if you’d fucked a whore,” his partner growls.

  Most brothers are looking at them in wide-eyed amusement.

  Trust Shooter to remark on it. “Thought Joker was the ol’ lady.”

  “Nah. We take turns. Joker’s on top one day…”

  Collective groans go around, with Blade putting his fingers in his ears and singing, “Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.”

  Drummer bangs the gavel.

  “Er, Sandy.”

  My eyes narrow. Sandy seemed fine when we were at the Wheel Inn. I raise my eyebrow toward the man who’d spoken.

  “She doesn’t like the whores,” he says glumly. “Though I haven’t been with them for some time. Doesn’t seem right with my daughter around, and you being my son-in-law, Prez.” Drummer’s not strictly, they haven’t got married. But they’re together in the eyes of the biker world, and have cemented their relationship with two kids.

  “Though it’s been a long time since I last saw you getting a blow job,” Rock remarks. “Sandy learn how to do it?”

  As Viper’s face glows red, Rock makes a show of sliding under the table.

  While I hate the thought that Allie’s been with all the men here, I have to move past that, or else we won’t have a chance. I do find myself smiling at the thought I would now be getting exclusively what Viper used to experience, Allie’s amazing and very talented mouth on my cock. I almost feel sorry for him if he doesn’t get even an approximation at home.

  As though he can feel my eyes on him, he shrugs apologetically, and adds fast, “She never swallowed.”

  She does, for me.

  “Nah, most of them don’t.” The sentiment is agreed by all the men who’ve ever used a sweet butt for their release.

  I just nod and say nothing. No need to make them jealous.

  “So,” Drummer cuts through the crap. “Sandy going to have a problem?”

  I hope not. She’s Sam’s stepmother after all. And Sam, as the Prez’s wife, is Queen Bee.”

  Viper thinks for a moment. “She’ll be polite if I tell her, and she’ll come around eventually. Just want Allie to perhaps keep out of her way until she does.”

  “Allie’s going to have enough difficulty adjusting. She’s not the kind of person to push in where she’s not wanted or tout her changed status,” I step up to defend my old lady.
“It’s going to be hard for her to find her place, the last thing she’ll want to do is rock the boat.”

  “We won’t have a problem with Allie,” Prez backs me up, his eyes scanning the table. “I’m looking to everyone to keep their ol’ ladies in line. Might be worth reminding you all we’re a fuckin’ brotherhood. A club for men which isn’t run by women.” He wipes his hand down his beard, and chuckles, “However much it might seem that way at times.”

  “We lay down the law.” Peg’s hand bangs heavily on the table. “Anyone needing a reminder, it’s the brothers who run this club.”

  “Have you told that to Darcy?” Mouse calls out, a twinkle in his eye. Low chortles sound from all directions. We all know Peg’s old lady continues to put her life at risk fighting fires, whatever he has to say about it.

  Peg stares at Mouse, then his face cracks and he gives a rare smile. “I wouldn’t dare.”

  “Amen to that,” agrees Slick.

  “Alright you bunch of motherfuckin’ pussies. You ready to vote on this, or shall we bring the women in to give you the answer?”

  “Ready Prez.”

  Thank fuck. And thank fuck again when it’s an aye from everyone. Especially as Sam’s arranged to have patches sewn on the woman’s leather vest I picked up in town yesterday. Wouldn’t have wanted that to go to waste.

  I’d have left the club if the answer had been no.

  Yeah, that’s how serious I feel about her.

  Drummer bangs the gavel. “Allie’s an ol’ lady.”

  “Already recorded.” Heart, our secretary waves his hand.

  “You got something to say, brother?” The prez throws at Road who’s shaking his head.

  Road looks up. “More ol’ ladies and probably kids on the compound. Sure has changed.”

  “For the better,” Peg snarls.

  Road holds up his hands. “Not saying otherwise. Just observing.”

  Kids. Don’t see any in our future. Allie’s not particularly inclined to have them and I don’t care strongly one way or the other. But our intentions in that direction are not something I feel I should share. Don’t want any negative thoughts about bringing more babies into this fucked up world to be misinterpreted. Especially by Heart who seems intent on repopulating the planet all by himself. Well, with the help of his supposedly barren wife that is.


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