Nights With Fitzwilliam Darcy

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Nights With Fitzwilliam Darcy Page 4

by Sophia Grace

  Today was no different. As soon as Mr. Darcy entered the parlor, his countenance heightened and it took great effort for him to look anywhere, but at their niece.

  “Mr. Darcy,” Mrs. Gardiner said, curtseying. “How do you do, Sir? We were just about to set off on a walk to find the very fine tree by the smithy we spoke of. Would you care to join us?”

  He warmly agreed and Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy followed Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner through the streets of Lambton. It was midday. The sun was out, shining its rays on the already flushed faces of the young couple. Elizabeth, despite herself, kept looking at Mr. Darcy from the corner of her eye. His green coat hugged his muscular body and he looked so stately in his top hat that Elizabeth found herself once again unable to listen to her aunt’s remarks on some landmark or another from her childhood. Mr. Darcy was likewise engaged otherwise. For himself, he found every opportunity to walk closer to Miss Bennet, whether the situation warranted it or not.

  Finally, Mr. Darcy cleared his throat. “Miss Bennet, I hope you and your relations intend to keep the promise of dining at Pemberley today. My sister is quite anxious to see you again.”

  Having an opportunity to look at him full on instead of sneaking a glance, Elizabeth got the feeling from his stare that he might be just as anxious to see her again as his sister. “Nothing could keep me away, Mr. Darcy. I find I like your sister very much. She is warm and friendly. I daresay you and the colonel have done an excellent job in being her guardians. She will be a very fine lady, I am sure of it.”

  The color that rose to his cheeks sent Elizabeth’s heart fluttering. Losing himself, he stopped to stare at her. Elizabeth, too, halted her step. Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner were quite some ways from them now up the street, but neither of them noticed as they stared at one another. Mr. Darcy broke the silence. “It makes me exceedingly happy to hear you say that. My sister is quite dear to me, as you know, so to hear that you two are fond of each other…I don’t think could come at a better time.” Elizabeth’s heart hammered in his chest. Mr. Darcy’s mouth opened, as if to speak, but he clamped it shut and looked around. Recollecting himself, he took Elizabeth’s hand in his to lead her once again down the street before reluctantly letting it go.

  Elizabeth quieted her mind. For half a second, she thought, nay, even believed, that Mr. Darcy might say something of his affection for her. True, there could be no other reason behind his reddened cheeks and embarrassed state. Could it be that this great gentleman once again loved her? After his first address, she never sought his good opinion. But his manners were so far changed this meeting as from their last. He was all ease and politeness. There was nothing wanting in his attentions to her or her aunt and uncle. He was eager to find pleasure in their discourse from the beginning.

  “Mr. Darcy,” she began. “I hope you do not mind me saying you seem very much at home here. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you more happy than at Pemberley the other day. Thank you for welcoming us—all of us—into this part of the country. Your behavior toward my relations is much appreciated. I know they are not of your usual acquaintance.”

  Mr. Darcy’s jaw ticked as he ground his teeth together. After great thought, he said, “It is true that I am much at home here, but I believe my good humor to come from something else entirely. I do believe I owe you an apology, Miss Bennet, for nothing can be found wanting in the behavior of your relations. They are quite amiable, and I am anxious to keep our acquaintance with them. I know my pride can be a fault indeed, but I hope you will not always hold it against me. I would very much like to have your good opinion.”

  Miss Bennet swallowed. She fidgeted with her hands, unsure of how to conduct herself. They were both dancing around a subject that neither one of them knew how to broach. She kept her eyes trained to the ground as she replied, “You once said that your good opinion once lost was lost forever. I am afraid for myself that I have lost that some time ago. Perhaps at Kent…”

  His hand closed around hers. “Miss Bennet,” he said, pulling her into an alley between two stone buildings. The sound of carriage wheels and horses’ hooves echoed around them. “I beg of you not to remind me of my conduct to you before. I should have addressed you in a more gentleman-like manner when I made my declaration. I have simply abhorred every remembrance of our interaction in Kent. I do not blame you for refusing me at all with the behavior I showed.” Mr. Darcy looked up to the street. Finding no one nearby, he settled his gaze upon Elizabeth again, his face heightened with feeling. “Please, Miss Bennet, you must realize that my affections and wishes are unchanged. I still love you, and my admiration has only grown stronger since seeing you here. I want nothing more than for you to be my wife, but one word from you will silence me on this subject forever.”

  His declaration muted her. How was such happiness to be conveyed to him? He still wanted her after all this time? After all that had occurred between them? “I find my feelings are much the opposite of what I felt in Kent.” She smiled up at him, taking in his felicitous state, his handsome face, and lovely eyes. Her stomach churned with trifling nerves. “I can’t tell you what pleasure it gives me to hear you renew your feelings, Mr. Darcy. Mine are the same as yours, truly. I find I can think of nothing else but you.”

  Overjoyed, Darcy stared Elizabeth up and down as if taking in the moment, to remember it most acutely. He cupped her face in his hands. Elizabeth’s stomach twisted into anticipatory knots. She had never been looked upon in such an admiring way. And to have it be done by her Mr. Darcy, she bit her lip to keep from smiling too broadly. At once, his expression changed from eager happiness to one of contemplation. His eyes raked over her and then focused on her lips. She licked them and Mr. Darcy lost all resolve.

  He bent forward and caught her lips with his own. Elizabeth paused, taking in the urgent movement of his lips on hers. Caught off guard, all she could do was admire the way his soft lips moved over hers so artfully, and with so much emotion. Just before he was about to pull away, she moved forward and kissed him back. Their lips sealed, they moved over one another’s in study. They explored, suckling, licking, and enjoying one another that they heard the calls for Elizabeth almost too late. They sprung away from each other, trying to hide the wide-eyed wonder from their gazes. Quickly, Mr. Darcy bent and played with Elizabet’s shoe until Mrs. Gardiner appeared at the alleyway.

  “Right here,” Elizabeth said, catching on to his game and trying to hide her flushed face. “I broke a lace and Mr. Darcy has managed to save my shoe.”

  “Oh. Dear me,” Mrs. Gardiner exclaimed. “We had better walk back toward the inn then. You cannot walk with an almost broken shoe.”

  Mr. Darcy caressed Elizabeth’s ankle. Goosebumps sprouted and raced all the way up her body. She grasped her hands behind her to hide the evidence as Mr. Darcy stood. “What do you think, Miss Bennet? I am sure the walk will not disappoint if you think you can manage it.”

  Elizabeth blinked up at him. He smiled mischievously at her and she quelled a laugh that threated to bubble out. “I am sure I can manage it and very wish to see this tree, Aunt, since you spoke of it so highly.”

  All was agreed upon and they again started off for the smithy and the very grand tree that lay near there. Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner stayed closer this time though Elizabeth was sure they had no inclination of what had taken place in the alley. She was bursting with happiness and very much wished to relay her good fortune to them as soon as possible. On Mr. Darcy’s part, he was in such good spirits that the Gardiners were sure that something had taken place, even if it was just a most positive assurance from their niece and not an actual understanding.

  The great gentleman flirted with Elizabeth, took every available opportunity to touch her, whether it was to take her hand while she stepped over a large root or to get her attention before he spoke to her about climbing trees when he was a boy. It seemed as though he could not keep his hands to himself. Nothing else would do. So agitated was Elizabeth at every touch that she found herself also s
tanding very near him just so he would be so bold as to brush his hand against hers.

  On the walk home, he put her hand in the crook of his arm and drew circles with his thumb over her skin. Everywhere he touched, her skin blazed. Her stomach, once again tied in knots, also felt a very different sort of sensation—a pull, a yearning, a need for his touch to sear her, branding her.

  When they parted back at the inn, they had every assurance of seeing each other at Pemberley for dinner. As soon as he was gone, Elizabeth retreated to her room to think over everything before she felt herself comfortable to relay the good news to her aunt and uncle when she found a letter from her sister, Jane. The end of its contents was most concerning, spiraling away her happy thoughts.

  “Since writing the above, dearest Lizzy, something has occurred of a most unexpected and serious nature; but I am afraid of alarming you — be assured that we are all well. What I have to say relates to poor Lydia. An express came at twelve last night, just as we were all gone to bed, from Colonel Forster, to inform us that she was gone off to Scotland with one of his officers; to own the truth, with Wickham! — Imagine our surprise. I am very, very sorry. So imprudent a match on both sides! — But I am willing to hope the best, and that his character has been misunderstood. Thoughtless and indiscreet I can easily believe him, but this step (and let us rejoice over it) marks nothing bad at heart. Colonel Forster gives us reason to expect him here soon. Lydia left a few lines for his wife, informing her of their intention. I am afraid you will not be able to make it out, but I hardly know what I have written.”

  Upon showing her aunt and uncle the letter, they calmed her frenzied words. “Breathe, Lizzy,” Mr. Gardiner said. “Surely, it’s not the right way to get a husband, but there’s nothing to be done about it now. Wickham and Lydia will soon be at Longbourn husband and wife.”

  “But if they will not? What if he refuses to marry her? He must know my father can give him nothing.”

  “And what would you have us do about it?” Mr. Gardiner asked, laughing a little. “Until we know the particulars, we can’t make any rash decisions. Let us enjoy our stay and believe the best of the situation. Since he knows your father can give him nothing, he is most likely to be in love with her. I am sure it will all come to nothing in the end. Whether we like it or not, they will announce themselves at Longbourn Mr. and Mrs. Wickham.”

  If that were the least of her worries, Elizabeth might have been obliged to block the whole nonsense out of her head. The two warred within her mind. What was Darcy to think of her now that her family was attached to such a man? Would his good opinion still belong to her once she told him of her youngest sister’s elopement? Or perhaps it would be better to say nothing at all until, as her uncle said, they knew the particulars.

  Elizabeth dressed for the evening in distress, however, vowing to take all the pleasure out of the evening as she could, she focused on the thought of seeing her Mr. Darcy again as she was handed into the carriage. He spoke so fervently before. Surely, something like this would not make him change his mind.

  At least, she hoped.

  Chapter 2

  As soon as they arrived at Pemberley, all thoughts of her sister vanished. Mr. Darcy was very attentive and with the way Georgiana greeted her, Elizabeth could have no doubt that he had already spoken to her about their engagement. There was such a sparkle in her eye, a most acute interest in learning everything about her that Miss Darcy was so much changed even from their last meeting. Her shyness had all but worn off, and was replaced with happy conversation.

  Though Elizabeth would have liked to take all the credit, she couldn’t help but wonder if it was because the Bingley’s, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Hurst, had been obliged to dine elsewhere that evening. A party of six, for Mrs. Annesley—Georgiana’s companion—also joined them, was less intimidating than a party of ten. Her future sister played the piano while Elizabeth turned the pages for her. Mr. Darcy could not keep her eyes off them both. So fixed on the pair of fine eyes was he that he barely spoke a word to the Gardiner’s during the whole song.

  As soon as Georgina played the last note, Darcy stood, clapped, and made his way over to the pair of them. Georgiana greeted him with a smile and then politely excused herself to talk with Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs. Annesley, undoubtedly by design of giving the couple in love some time alone.

  “Your sister plays very well,” Elizabeth said, staring down at the fine piano. “I understand you gave her this beautiful instrument just this week. What a wonderful brother you must be.”

  Mr. Darcy smirked. “I shall have to thank my sister for talking so well of me. I hope you will find me as good a husband as I have been a brother. Please don’t mind me telling Georgiana, but I could not help myself. I had to tell someone how happy you are to make me. You can be assured of her discretion until we make the formal announcement. She is most happy to have you come live with us here at Pemberley, Elizabeth.”

  Her heart fluttered in her chest as he spoke her name in a whisper. She reached for his hand and they squeezed each other with the piano to hide their attachment. His hands were warm in hers and he touched her with such feeling that her heart expanded with the love growing inside her.

  However, with such a declaration as that, she had to tell him about her poor sister. If he wished to dissolve their understanding, it was better for her he do it as soon as possible. “There is something I would like to speak to you about if you think there is a way we could be alone, Mr. Darcy.”

  Concern etched his features. He turned on his heel and she followed him. He bowed to his sister, interrupting their conversation. “Miss Bennet wishes to see the library, Georgiana. Will you accompany us?”

  His voice was firm and Elizabeth had no doubt that his sister would acquiesce to such a request. Her cheeks colored, but she stood and within half a minute, they were all out in the big hall with the rest of the party back in the drawing room. He bent to whisper in Georgiana’s ear and she nodded and walked away in the opposite direction he led Elizabeth.

  “I am sorry for being so secretive, Sir,” Elizabeth explained as they walked through the fine halls of Pemberley. “I hope your sister does not think ill of me, but as it contains private information regarding my family, I did not want to chance that someone else might overhear.”

  He did not speak as he ushered her into the library. Elizabeth barely had a chance to take in the exquisite grandeur of the room, nor the volumes upon volumes of books located there, before Darcy backed her against the door and nuzzled her neck. “Please tell me you have not changed your mind.” His lips trailed across her neck leaving a rush of heat everywhere he touched and Elizabeth sighed. Her eyes fluttering closed, she focused all her attention on the feel of his lips tasting her skin. “I will not give you up so if that is your design in talking with me in secret, you can forget it. You will be my wife.”

  Elizabeth lost all thought as his knee maneuvered between her skirts. He pulled them up to give himself better access. She settled on his knee and moaned as he pressed down on the area between her legs. He trailed his kisses lower, searing a trail of fire across her chest. Her breasts heaved in front of her, her nipples taut with want. She stroked the back of his neck, delighting in the pleasure coursing through her body.

  “I have wanted you for almost a year,” he said in between kisses. “I was half in love with you before I had realized I even started to fall. Whilst in Kent, I would lay awake at night knowing you were so close in the parsonage. I dreamt of this Elizabeth.” He undid the buttons on the back of her gown and pulled the sleeves down with the rest of her top. Her breasts, barely clothed in her light shift poked out from the heavy material. The movement of the material over her nipples only heightened her pleasure. His hot breath was next as he stared at her. “I imagined the look of you in nothing but your skin before me. I thought of the way your skin would flush as I touched you. I dreamt of your curves.”

  She arched her back which gave Darcy all the invitatio
n he needed. He pulled the shift down, revealing her creamy skin and puckered, rosy nipples. His mouth closed over one in an instant and Elizabeth gasped in surprise. What feelings overtook her then. Her half-lidded eyes took in the scene before her. Mr. Darcy’s lips surrounding her breasts. It was so highly improper, yet so extremely exquisite a feeling that she couldn’t help but hold his head in place as he pulled and licked her there.

  “Oh, Mr. Darcy,” she said. She could not believe he thought of her like this. She was sure he was so angry with her then.

  He moved to the other nipple, expertly silencing her thoughts as the full force of her emotions overcame her again as he played with her neglected breast. His tongue lashed at her nipple and she cried out. His hands moved up her inner thigh, moving away layers of clothes as it went. Elizabeth didn’t know where to concentrate as the sensual feelings came from multiple points all over her skin. The area between her legs throbbed with want. Instinctively, she knew where his hand headed. Slowly, it inched up her thigh until it was at the apex. She moved her hips forward to reach him and when his finger finally did caress her most private place, she cried out again and then ground down on his leg.

  He groaned, exploring her folds now as he stroked her from front to back. Her hips sought his touches and her breasts filled his mouth. He kissed her nipple and then pulling away, he said, “I could have only hoped you wanted me as much as I wanted you. You must have me, Elizabeth. Take away my suffering.” He moved one of her hands from around his neck and placed it on his stiff cock.

  She gasped at his size. Surely no statue or painting she’d ever seen gave justice to what she now felt in Mr. Darcy’s trousers. He moved her hand up and down the length of him and she eagerly felt him once she heard her love’s reaction to her touch. “Elizabeth, yes. I yearn for you. More, please.”

  He continued his exploration of her most private parts, causing Elizabeth to tremble in need. He swirled his finger in circles until he slid just the tip of his finger inside her. “Mr. Darcy,” she yelled. “What…?”


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