Nights With Fitzwilliam Darcy

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Nights With Fitzwilliam Darcy Page 7

by Sophia Grace

  “She’s inclined to go home that week, says Mrs. Phillips. I daresay what a perfect opportunity for you. I was quite vexed when he employed that young nursemaid. I daresay she is only working there to get him. Quite obnoxious, if you ask me.”

  Lizzy hid a smile behind her hand. Apparently it was only right when Mrs. Bennet schemed to marry her daughters off and not when anyone else did.

  “Mr. Bennet, I wish you to write to Mr. Chattham to invite them to dine with us and then we shall propose the plan at once. Surely he won’t refuse Lizzy going. The children are already acquainted with her. Lizzy, you must make of them as much as you can. Widowers love to see their children coddled with. He will fall for you for sure if you take my advice.” She smiled to herself and nodded, then looking at her daughter, she narrowed her eyes. “Not that you will. You always had a way about you.”

  “Thank you, mum.”

  Mrs. Bennet ignored her and Mr. Bennet snickered fondly. Later that day, Mr. Chattham accepted the invitation to dine at Longbourn and within the course of the evening, the whole plan was settled. Lizzy was to accompany Mr. Chattham and his two children on a tour of the north country the following week.

  Chapter 2

  The happy day came when they were all thrust into the carriage, including Longbourn maid, Sarah, to accompany Elizabeth on the trip. Mr. Chattham’s eldest daughter was fourteen while the youngest was but three. They made for a merry party as the horses trotted them toward the lake country. They saw such pretty sights indeed that Lizzy had much to write to her aunt Gardiner about when they were settled in the inn at Lambton, the very village where her aunt grew up.

  Still again the next morning the whole party was in high spirits. How could anyone feel otherwise when there was such merriment to be had? Elizabeth doted over the two young ones as Mr. Chattham announced their plans for the day. “I believe you will be quite happy when you learn of the invitation I secured for us today, Miss Bennet. I believe you may have even met the man before. I, myself, became acquainted with him in London when I had business there last year. When I learned of our trip, I wrote him straight away. I have heard many fine things about his estate, and therefore, could not pass up the opportunity to take a look. Since you enjoyed Blenheim so much, I daresay you will be enraptured by Pemberley.”

  Elizabeth gasped. “Pemberley?” Remembering herself, she forced a smile to her face and tried to quell the flutterings in her stomach. “I have heard great things about the place, Sir. I should have pleasure in seeing it.”

  Inside, Elizabeth’s heart pounded. To be reunited with Mr. Darcy after all this time. What was he to say? Did he know that she accompanied Mr. Chattham? How was any of this to be borne?

  Mr. Chattham smiled broadly. “Capital. I shall like to see little Edward playing amongst the gardens, and you, Marie, I believe will be surprised by the grandeur.”

  After breakfast and a long walk through the village, the party returned to the inn to dress for their invitation to Pemberley. Marie knocked on Elizabeth’s door. She was always a happy, young woman. Since her mother died, however, she had become withdrawn and shy. More than likely the reason why Mr. Chattham wanted a companion such as Elizabeth to accompany them on their tour.

  The young girl wrung her hands in front of herself. “Miss Elizabeth, is Mr. Darcy a very great man? My father has me half out of my mind with worry.”

  Lizzy smiled and patted the bed so they could talk together. Marie joined her there and Lizzy forced a smile out of her before continuing. “He is a very great man. Very gentlemanlike. I do not believe I ever met a more gentlemanly man than Mr. Darcy.” After seeing the horror on Marie’s face, Lizzy took her hand in her own. “Do not be alarmed. Just be your amiable self, and I believe it will all turn out well.”

  It was easier to tell her young companion that than believe it herself. For the young mistress’s sake, she would try to pull all her nerves together and act more confident than she felt. If Mr. Darcy were to act unsettled by her coming to his estate, it was to be only on his part for she would not make the meeting more awkward than it already would be.

  The drive to Pemberley was short. The road leading up to the grand estate was quite long and Elizabeth was almost tired of it before the lane opened and the big house appeared. Her breath caught in her throat. Such a beautiful estate she had yet to see in her life, and so well situated. She could see how happy Mr. Darcy could be here. If it were hers, she too may act out of sorts when not in the house because surely nothing could compare to it. How small and confined all the houses and public rooms at Meryton must have felt like to Mr. Darcy.

  Mr. Chattham laughed heartily. “I do not believe I thought it would be quite so big. What say you, Marie?”

  “It is enormous, Father.”

  Young Edward squealed and the closer the horses pulled them to the front entrance, the more apprehensive Lizzy became, though, she felt she could understand Mr. Darcy a little more after seeing his home. She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders as the carriage came to a stop.

  Mr. Darcy and a young woman waited for them. Elizabeth’s stomach twisted in knots. She had not heard that Mr. Darcy had married, but she did not think it beyond the realm of possibility. For Mr. Darcy’s part, he greeted the Chattham’s very well, but when it came to Miss Bennet, he bowed warmly and smiled. “I am very happy to see you again, Miss Bennet. Are your parents well? And all your sisters?”

  His earnest manner and friendly greeting spurred Elizabeth’s confidence. “Very well. I thank you, Sir. What a lovely home you have here.”

  Such a meeting as this she had not expected. He must have known of her arrival for he quickly introduced his sister to her and then the Chattham’s without any surprise on his part.

  Miss Darcy walked with Elizabeth as they began the tour of the grounds. “My brother has said that he welcomed your arrival here more than anything. I do not believe he has found too much company that pleases him so. At least, I have not heard him express anything with such happiness as he did yours to me.”

  Miss Bennet’s cheeks warmed. “I believe he knows Mr. Chattham well.”

  “Oh, I believe he does. However, he scarce spoke of anything else, but his time with Mr. Bingley in Hertfordshire when he first met you.”

  Miss Darcy eyed Elizabeth with great study as Miss Bennet thought of something to say. “He does me great credit, I am sure. But pray tell me, how is Mr. Bingley? Any news of you to share about him?”

  Miss Darcy shook her head, which relieved a portion of Elizabeth’s mind. If she had heard of the young man’s marrying someone, she would have had to think about how, or if, she should relate the news to Jane. “We have not seen him above three months though he is settled near here. He is still as amiable as I am sure you found him when you first met.”

  Miss Darcy and Miss Bennet talked amiably until they came to a great lake on the grounds. Mr. Darcy made his way over to Miss Bennet. “I confess I was shocked when I heard you were accompanying Mr. Chattham to this part of the country.”

  He glanced at Mr. Chattham and Elizabeth in turn so that she felt she should explain the arrangement in her traveling with the family. “I was inclined to be a companion for the two children during their tour of this part of the country. I believe since Mrs. Chattham’s death, Mr. Chattham worries about his eldest daughter. She is a bright, young woman. Though, shy, I believe she will grow out of that when mixed in more with society.”

  Elizabeth looked after her young charge and saw with glee that her and Miss Darcy had struck up a conversation.

  Mr. Darcy turned, blocking her view. He waited until he held her gaze. “It has been far too long since I have seen you, Miss Bennet. You look the same as I remember you.”

  His hand twitched at his side and Elizabeth blushed. She knew he was just being kind as she felt her age more lately than she had before. Perhaps it was always her mother telling her that her marrying age had come and gone and she had not the looks of her sister to recommend h

  “You are too kind, Mr. Darcy. I am nearer to being a spinster, so you are too good in relaying such compliments to me.”

  His face hardened as he dismissed her words. For herself, Mr. Darcy really did look the same. His dark curls, his strikingly tall figure, were all very handsome. It was his easy smile during this meeting that made him more amiable than she had ever seen him. She liked this Darcy very much.

  “I hope to see you many times during your stay in this part of the country,” Mr. Darcy said, inching closer to Elizabeth. “It has been my wish for many months to see you again.”

  Elizabeth’s heart soared. “I daresay all that is up to Mr. Chattham.”

  “Than I shall make arrangements with him. Since I have grown up here, I shall be a very good guide of your tour of this part of the country. I shall not pass up a chance to be in your company again.”

  Elizabeth could not help but laugh. “I am not sure I remember you having the temperament for such a task. Are you sure you are up for it?”

  “If it is to make you enjoy yourself. I am sure I am up for anything where that is concerned.”

  At that moment, Mr. Chattham expressed a wish in seeing the gardens so thence they walked. Elizabeth was in a state of astonishment. How transformed was Mr. Darcy after all this time? And to pay her such compliments? She barely saw the beauty around her until Maria called for her attention. The young lady was bewitched by the place. She exclaimed how beautiful everything was and so happily situated.

  Maria and herself were admiring a perfect yellow rose when Mr. Darcy again engaged Elizabeth in conversation. “I have secured a promise from Mr. Chattham for dinner at Pemberley tonight, Miss Bennet. What say you to that? I believe I am honoring my duty very well.” When Elizabeth made no response, Mr. Darcy continued. “I would love to hear you play and sing. I confess I miss that from our time in Kent. My sister also truly wishes to hear you.”

  “I hope you have not exaggerated my talents to her. You probably only remember my playing fondly as it was the only one to be had while we were at Rosings. I daresay you shall change your mind throughout the course of the evening.”

  He blinked at her. His gaze studied her fine features and the lovely eyes he had not the pleasure to gaze into for far too long until today. “I shall never change my mind about you.”

  Her breath rattled in her chest. Could Mr. Darcy still love her after all this time? Surely, he was acting like a man mad in love. He stared at her for so long and with such rapture that she forced herself to speak. “Mr. Darcy, I—”

  He shook his head and stopped her. “Don’t speak yet, Miss Bennet. I have waited for far too long for this meeting and I will not have my mouth ruin it all, and our meeting just begun, too. Please save your breath. I will gather myself. Please excuse me.”

  Mr. Darcy bowed and walked ahead of the party. Maria, who had not overheard the particulars of the conversation, but had been witness to it, asked Elizabeth how well she knew Mr. Darcy.

  “We were in each other’s company for quite some time in recent years,” she replied. “His friend, a Mr. Bingley, moved into your house before you did. That was how we became acquainted. Then, I met him again when visiting my dear friend, Charlotte, and he visiting his aunt. We haven’t seen one another in a couple years or so at least, however.”

  “He seems to like you a great deal,” she observed. “He is a fine gentleman, but he is not mean as I feared him to be.”

  Elizabeth laughed. “No, I believe he is well behaved today, is he not?”

  “If only all rich men were as nice as him.”

  Chapter 3

  Before dinner, Elizabeth expressed a desire to see the library, while the others of the party were shown around the house by the housekeeper. With Miss Darcy off to dress for dinner, Elizabeth was glad to have some time by herself to reflect on what had happened. She thumbed through volumes and volumes of books, but found her mind quite occupied to make sense of any of it. Mr. Darcy, his words, his actions, had overtaken her. What could he mean by saying these things to her after all this time? She wished she had Jane to talk things over with. She would not be able to make her own mind out without her.

  She sighed and set another book aside when she heard the library door open. She stood, and upon waiting for someone to present themselves, noticed Mr. Darcy entering the room and closing the door behind him. “Miss Bennet?” he called out.

  She stepped out around a bookcase and curtsied. “Mr. Darcy. What a fine library you have here. I find I am lost in it.”

  He smirked at her. “I am glad you like it. I would like to apologize to you for my behavior before, Miss Bennet. I find I am quite shaken by your arrival. I thought I would bore it better, but it cannot be so. I know I should not speak of this after much time has gone by, but I cannot heed myself. You know I have admired you in the past and now after seeing you, nothing has changed for my part. I am still taken with you. My feelings will not be repressed again no matter how much I try. I remember that they were not so agreeable to you once before, but please relieve my suffering and consent to be my wife. I do not wish to have years part us again.”

  He came closer and grabbed her hand. In a state of shock, Elizabeth did not immediately say anything. How could she relate such happiness in an easy manner? This is what she wished for since knowing his true self and without the words of her now brother-in-law coloring her beliefs. It had been a long time since she thought of him as a most agreeable man. In fact, she believed him to be the most agreeable man she ever met. “I am surprised by your declaration,” she said finally, smiling. “I am quite startled by it that I know not what to say at the present moment. You must forgive me now for my behavior.”

  Mr. Darcy’s face withdrew. “Elizabeth, can you not see what a changed man I am? I have abhorred my behavior to you in Kent ever since our last meeting. You deserved better then. My feelings are unchanged, but my manners are. I do not care about your relations. Our distance has quieted my resentful pride. I loathe myself for speaking to you like that before. When I ask for your hand, I ask for your heart. Could it be changed toward me?”

  “Do not distress yourself, Mr. Darcy,” Elizabeth said urgently. “My feelings are quite the opposite as they were in Kent. I confess they were such under some bad information I had of you, but all that has since changed. I have thought of you often. I had wished for a different outcome from that day as much as you.”

  Mr. Darcy grinned, and his face lit with the positive news. “That cannot be possible, dear Elizabeth. I am beyond words. You know not how I wished for this. Every passing month more agonizing then the next.”

  “You must have all the agony then? And I none of it?”

  “I alone will bear it. It was through my foolish mistakes that I did not win you over. I will not let it happen again.”

  He took her hand and kissed it. His eyelids drooped closed, but then he bravely stepped forward and captured her mouth with his own. He tasted her lips for the first time with an enthusiasm that could not be controlled. When he finally let her go, Elizabeth was out of breath and shaky.

  “Forgive my imprudence,” he said. “Four years has been a long time to wait for such a meeting.”

  Elizabeth, heartily agreeing, kissed Darcy first this time. Hands shaking, she reached up and stroked her fingers through his hair. Then, she stood on her tiptoes and placed a soft kiss on his lips. The kiss started out slow, but such was the case with lovers that had long been apart, they could not bear to take it slow. With a grunt, Mr. Darcy pushed Elizabeth up against the bookcase and pinned her there. His lips carefully maneuvered over her trembling ones and then his tongue skillfully entered her mouth. Elizabeth gasped in pleasure. Had she known this was what it felt like to love him, she would not have refused him for anything in Kent.

  “Elizabeth, you are too good to me. I confess my mind is bitterly engaged in a battle. How I long to touch you, to feel you. I am quite swept away by it.”

  In answer, Elizabet
h placed her hands on his hard chest. His heart pounded beneath her palms. Though it was wrong to behave in such a way. What bad could come of it? They were to be husband and wife.

  A smile overtook Elizabeth’s face when she thought of it. “When do you think we shall marry, Fitzwilliam?”

  He nuzzled her neck, breathing her in. “As soon as can be. Perhaps I should send for your family so we may be married from this house. Though, that is not acceptable. I shall have to ask your father’s permission and if I should have to do that anyway, we may as well be married from Longbourn.”

  “Within a month then?” she asked. What a great thing to share with her family. How happy she was to make her mother and sister. Perhaps through their connection, she could reintroduce Jane to Mr. Bingley. Happiness overcame her.

  “A month? Nay, we should have the whole thing arranged within two weeks,” Darcy said.

  She laughed into his chest. “I confess I thought I might never find happiness like this. A love like this.”

  Mr. Darcy pulled away and studied his beloved’s face. “Then we shall not wait at all to start. For you deserve everything, Elizabeth. Had I behaved better, we would be at this for the last four years.”

  Mr. Darcy gathered up Lizzy’s skirts and traced the line of her thighs to her hips. He pulled down her undergarments and settled himself between her legs. There, Lizzy could feel the physical reaction to their love. A warmth enveloped her body, but no where near as hot as the spot between her legs. An ache grew there. One she had never felt before.

  Fitzwilliam’s hand inched higher and higher up the inside of her thigh. When he was so close to the heat settling between her legs, she let out a cry.

  “Shh,” he assured her. “I love you, Elizabeth. I only long to show you how much.”

  He pried her legs apart and then settled his hand between her legs. His finger stroked her there. Her legs buckled from the foreign touch, but he held her upright. He stroked her from front to back as her chest heaved in front of him. He bent over and kissed her creamy skin. Elizabeth’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she settled back against the bookcase.


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