The Red Shoe Chronicles : A Fantasy Romance Anthology

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The Red Shoe Chronicles : A Fantasy Romance Anthology Page 18

by N. R. Larry

  I rolled my eyes skyward, mocking his words. "Shocker," I whispered to myself before saying. "On it." I looked down to face the horror between my legs. He definitely can't see me like this again. Letting some of the water out, I grabbed a razor and shaving cream from a nearby end table and began to shave away the bush, leaving my privates smooth and hairless. Draining the water out, I finished rinsing the hair down the drain with a cup, then attempted to hoist myself out of the tub, dangling my legs over the edge. Ah! I stepped in a puddle and went flying backward, landing flat on my ass. Smack! The sting shot up from my butt through my back. Son of a—

  "You okay in there?"

  "Yes, I'm fine, just a little wardrobe malfunction." The bruise on my ass was the least of my problems, so I forced myself up to finish getting ready. Opening the garment bag, a blue lipstick case fell out of the pocket. Huh? What's this? I bent down, securing the case within my grasp. I twisted the lid off to find it wasn't lipstick but concealed under the cap was a... blade. Oh my! I gulped, taking in how sharp the knife was. Who did she think I needed to protect myself from? Capo?

  When it came to me, I'd like to think his threats were empty, but with a man like him, you could never be too sure.

  After getting the dress on, I hid the case in my bra and went about styling my brown wavy hair in a low classic bun. Then I applied minimal makeup and fire-engine-red lips to match the shoes. Soon the limo pulled up to the curb, and Mateo opened the door as I slid in to find it unoccupied. My heart sank to the pit of my stomach. Where is Capo? My lips tugged into a frown, and I crossed my arms over my chest. I can't believe I was looking forward to seeing his face again.

  Driving through Brooklyn, the limo drove up a hill, entered through some iron gates before parking in front of a waterfront mansion. Several black cars were parked around a large fountain. All was quiet, and the lights inside the mansion were off. I knew it was a surprise party, but something left an ominous feeling in my gut.

  Mateo must've felt the same vibe because he said, "Something feels off."

  "What do you think is wrong? Have you heard back from Capo?" I began biting my nails; that feeling rose to my chest. Was this the reason he left in such a hurry? Who was he arguing with on the phone earlier?

  "No, but I am going to find out. Maybe you should stay here."

  "Um, okay." Has this guy ever watched horror movies before? You're never supposed to split up.

  Mateo knocked on the screen separating us from the driver. "If you hear gunshots get her out of here immediately. Do you understand?"

  The driver, an older gentleman with a silver beard, nodded and rolled the window back up. And without another word, Mateo opened the door, with his gun cocked, and exited the limo. I watched him sneak around the back of the mansion, and the idea of something terrible happening inside while I waited here and did nothing was starting to eat away at me. Then I remembered the blade.

  Bang! Bang! Glass shattered, making me jump in my seat, and my heart skipped a beat.

  Blood splattered over the screen in front of me, and the silhouette of the man fell over to the side. I clasped my hand over my mouth to muffle my silent scream, tears falling from my eyes. My brain went into flight mode, and I swung the limo door open without further hesitation. I had no plans to die today. Not by my Capo's hand or anyone else's.

  "C'mon here, pretty. I only want to play," I heard a man's voice echo behind me. I wasn’t about to stop or turn to see who it was. The only thing that mattered at that moment was me getting the fuck away from him.

  My heels pounding into the ground, I rounded the corner Mateo took earlier, only to trip and fall.

  Over someone's body.

  A dead body.

  On the ground, my knees skinned and bleeding, I saw the lifeless eyes of a man I recognized.

  It was Mateo with a bullet through his brain. No!

  "Chicky, chicky. Where did you run off to? I've got a bullet with your name on it."

  Oh, God! Quickly, I wedged the gun out of Mateo's hand, scrambled to my feet, and snuck through the open screen door.

  The darkness engulfed me into its embrace. I hugged my back to the wall, stepping over more bodies as I went. The only sound I could hear was my heart drumming against my ribcage.

  Then the screen door creaked open farther, and I hid behind what felt like a couch. Crouching, I steadied my breath as I listened for his footsteps. They sounded far enough away to crawl over to the dimly lit hallway and out of his sight.

  Oh, Capo, where are you? I knew I should have run far away from this place, but a part of me wouldn't let me until I knew he and his mother were alive and not one of the bodies I had stepped over to get here. Carefully, I rounded the corner to a spiral staircase and ascended them with the gun pointed in front of me. I didn't know how to use a gun, but I guess I would learn today.

  I heard muffled screams from down the hall and a woman crying at the top of the stairs. No, no, no! I followed the noise and peeked around the corner. It led to a gigantic room, and two men were guarding the doorway. I didn't recognize them as being one of Vincenzo's men.

  Were they part of Giamatti's clan? I looked down at the gun steadied in my hand. The only way I would get around them was to use this. However, the sound would alert others of my whereabouts. I began to tremble, not sure what to do. But I knew for certain I couldn't stand here. Do I use this gun or walk away and find a way out? Decisions, decisions.

  "No, don't hurt him," the woman sobbed.

  That friendly fire became an inferno. I knew what I had to do.

  It didn't matter if I approved of their way of life or not. I had to save them. Looking down at the red shoes filled me with the confidence and courage I needed. But I needed to realize without them, I was a force of nature, too.


  I snapped my head around so fast I almost gave myself whiplash. "Capo?"

  I didn't even hear him come up behind me. What if it had been that guy chasing me?

  Relief rushed through me as I threw myself into his arms. He was beaten and bloodied, his suit torn. He looked as if he'd been through hell and had come out the other side. I wanted to squeeze him so tight and show him how much I had missed him; however, I resisted considering he looked worse for wear. "I think they have your parents in there." The tears fell from my eyes. I knew firsthand what it was like to lose both of your parents. I never wanted him to know that kind of pain.

  His lips left a chaste kiss on my forehead. "I'm here now. Giamatti will pay for this." He broke our embrace; his bruised face turning to his stone-cold glare with embers flaming in his eyes. Watching him walk away was in slow motion as he yelled at the top of his lungs, drawing silver guns from his pockets. The definition of going in guns blazing. A man unhinged with rage and revenge. Gunshots. More blood splattered. This was a glimpse inside what it meant to be a kingpin's lady. One moment you're going to a surprise party, only to end up in the middle of a massacre, unable to determine if the blood on the dress is yours or someone else's.

  Giamatti messed with the wrong man. Capo slaughtered those men like he was born to, saving his mother and father in the end, making me thankful I didn't have to resort to using the gun or the knife.

  They had lost the battle but won the war. New York City became theirs.

  Chapter 4

  24 Hours Later

  Looking at him in his tailored suit that cost more than my whole apartment, I was fascinated by the newly shaved look.

  Part of me was thrilled, secretly believing that he'd done it to please me since I'd shaved for him. Maybe this meant that our deal could be modified. And so could my dark knight.

  "You’re not afraid of the dark, are you, Bellissima?"


  "You should be."

  He spun me around to face the skyline from his balcony and fisted a handful of my hair. I'd known better than to make a deal with the devil. But Capo Vincenzo was a dark, dangerous habit I couldn't quit.

proved your loyalty. It's only fair I reward you."

  "Yes, please."

  With a feral growl, biting my earlobe, he lifted the skirt of my red dress over my ass. Capo's palm smacked my cheek, leaving a delicious sting in its wake. I whimpered; my body ready for more. Gripping onto the rails, I opened my legs, anticipating him in the worst ways. And without warning, he slammed into me, pinning me between his rock-hard body and the balcony. I moaned as if I was baying to the moon, the pleasuring pain crashing over me, stilling me with his grasp. He took me higher than the Manhattan skyline, my release barreling through me like a bullet. The darkness and I became one.

  The shoes and I had an interesting run. And long after they had disappeared from my feet, our chemistry exploded. My desire for him remained. He was everything I never knew I needed. And together we’d run this city.

  About the Author

  JP is a beautifully twisted soul who has the divine ability to make the unbelievable, believable. A Colorado girl born and raised, she graduated with a degree in veterinary medicine and worked seven years as a full-time ER tech. Marriage and two beautiful kids later, she currently works part-time at a general practice assisting in surgeries and performing dentals. When JP is not saving lives or coming up with my next plot twist, she loves traveling and spending time with family and friends.

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  Sin Wears Red

  Liz Gavin

  About Sin Wears Red

  They seek revenge.

  They find much more than they bargained for.


  Six years ago, I escaped the vicious Hekate coven, but lost everything – the only woman I loved, my older brother, my demonic powers, and the respect of my father. With a million-dollar bounty on my head, I changed my name and went into hiding. Today, I live to bring down the Hekate hags. I’ll be damned if I let a human distract me from the mission, no matter how tempting she looks in red stilettos.


  When the Hekate witches murdered my twin sister, they took away all that I had left in this world. To avenge Becky, I spent six years becoming a witch better than she ever was. I changed my appearance, joined their coven and concocted the perfect plan. Now, all I need is to secure the magic assistance of a pair of red shoes to seduce Mr. Nick Krios - aka Nick Katach - and destroy his family.

  Unforgivable betrayal broke their hearts years ago and taught them the only way to survive is depending on no one. Now, to exact revenge they must work together. Will Nick and Jessie learn to trust again? Or will their lies and secrets get them killed?


  Original Sin

  Distant pounding breaks my concentration, which causes the blue vial I was levitating to spiral out of control. It smashes against the black tiles of my basement, spreading tiny crystal shards everywhere. The slivers of glass turn the flames of the five candles that outline the pentagram on the floor into an endless sea of fire.

  “Practicing make it perfect, they say,” I mutter under my breath as I climb the wooden steps that lead to the hall between the kitchen and the living room. “If only people let me practice in peace!”

  Another knock on the door welcomes me as I slide the curtain a fraction of an inch to the left to peek through the dark window. No cars parked at the curb. Nobody roaming the dimly lit street. After midnight, I didn’t expect to find anything different in the affluent neighborhood where I grew up.

  Stretching my neck, I confirm there’s nobody at my door either. This isn’t my first time receiving mysterious, unexpected visits. I shrug and swing the door open to find a golden box on the doorstep. A red velveteen ribbon wrapped in a fancy bow signals it’s a gift. I grin as I take it inside and kick the door shut behind me. I bet I know who’s sent me this.

  Plopping myself on the overstuffed brown couch, I tear at the wrapping and lift the lid to reveal a gorgeous pair of red stilettos. An envelope snugged between them bears a familiar handwriting.

  “Ha! I knew it!” I huff as I unfold the note from my Fairy Godmother.

  Tomorrow you’ll have the chance you’ve been praying for.

  Here’s a little something to help you achieve your goal. Mind the rules – Once you put them on, they're good for only forty-eight hours. If they come off, the spell is broken.

  Make me proud.

  I look at the dark ceiling. “You can bet your gigantic ass I will.”

  Her response comes as an eerie laughter that echoes through the house.



  With the sleeve of the jacket of my black suit, I mop the beads of sweat covering my forehead. Last week of the school year and it’s scorching hot despite the AC. I struggle not to shake my head at the thought. My predicament has zero to do with the season. It’s all about a pair of endless legs. I wish she would stop crossing and uncrossing them. Each time she does, her borderline indecent daisy dukes expose new uncharted territory. Professor Jameson is old enough to be her grandfather. That must be why he manages to deliver his lecture unperturbed.

  As his Teaching Assistant, I may be closer to Jessie’s age, but she’s just as forbidden. Stuartville University enforces strict rules against relationships between those in the payroll and those who pay tuition. My father being the president turns the stakes stratospheric for me.

  People would use any misstep on my part to undermine my father. University politics can turn quite bloody, but my father and I have bigger enemies to evade. We spent the last six years building the perfect cover for our family. I won’t be the one to undo his hard work. I owe him that for the heartache I’ve brought him.

  When the tiniest patch of lace peeks from under the seam of Jessie’s shorts, I’m yanked back to the moment. Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I realize the electric pink of her underwear is a couple of shades darker on strategically located spots.

  I drag my gaze away from her panties, focusing on the blank page on my notebook. Rebellious that they are, my eyes inch back to her magnificent body. The imprint of her nipples against the skintight azure top she wears makes me grunt. My dick salutes the view and embarrassment washes over me when I spy Jessie’s stare glued to my crotch. Her knowing expression and naughty wink steal my ability to process rational thoughts.

  Shame morphs into scorching heat when the pink tip of her tongue glides over her pouty lower lip. She bites down on it and I stifle a growl. I bet she tastes as sinful as she looks. I shift on the chair to ease the discomfort of an inconvenient boner. Her eyes sweep up and down my frame.

  When the professor dismisses the class, I squint my eyes for a second, thanking the universe. The last Jessie-induced torture session of the semester is over. I can breathe again. I choke on panic as she ambles down the auditorium aisle toward me. She bends over my desk until her gaze locks on mine. Her elbows rest on the polished surface, her upper arms frame the softness of her breasts. It takes all my waning self-control to level my eyes with hers.

  We’ve exchanged no more than a dozen words during the last six months, always about schoolwork. Until now.

  In a rasp, low enough voice that only I can hear, Jessie whispers, “My sorority’s organizing this end-of-year party tonight.” She sinks her teeth into her fleshy lower lip. Again. “You should come.”

  I can’t tear my eyes away from her mouth as I accept whatever she hands me. When she swirls to leave, the spell is broken. I drop my gaze to the small piece of paper I’m holding. There’s an address and starting time. Bold, red font catches my eye - ‘By invitation only’.

  I shouldn’t go. It’s wrong in so many levels. Not to mention the dangers involved. What if someone takes a picture and posts it on social media? My father could be harmed by this kind of scandal. Someone could recognize me.

  Goddamn it!

  I run my fingers through my thick black hair at the memory of the tantalizing sight
of her panties. They were wet from watching me watch her!

  I’m so screwed.

  Against my better judgement, I park my red Mustang outside the sorority party precisely at ten o’clock. Exiting the car, I gape at the mansion located in the outskirts of town. I didn’t expect to find such a grandiose property at the end of a winding, two-mile-long driveway. Trees surround the house, thick and abundant, as if to protect the building from prying eyes.

  Throughout the day, I struggled to convince a raging libido that coming to this party could ruin my father’s meticulously designed plans for our family. My good intentions became background noise when Professor Jameson sent me an email. He directed me to prioritize grading Jessie’s paper and upload the outcome to the university’s computer system. In two weeks, she’ll start attending another college.

  In less than forty-eight hours, Jessie won’t be a student at the university I work for, where my dad is the president. I’ve fought my lust for her every minute of every class since the beginning of the semester. There’s been too many goddamn minutes in that battle. Surrender tastes almost like victory.

  She didn’t make it easier on me either. I often wonder if she chooses her outfits to tease the hell out of me, and every other student in the class. Cold showers and hand jobs can do only so much. Tonight, I can sizzle in the fire this attraction lights in me. If I read her correctly this morning, I might even act on it.

  I slide on the only mandatory item for the party - a venetian-style mask, which was delivered to my apartment door not twenty minutes after I hung up with the associate at the RSVP number printed on the invitation flyer. The gorgeous golden mask covers my forehead, cheeks and nose. It’s etched in bright blue reminiscent of a clear summer sky. The color reminds me of the top Jessie was wearing this morning. Come to think of it, she usually wears some piece of clothing in that hue.


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