The Red Shoe Chronicles : A Fantasy Romance Anthology

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The Red Shoe Chronicles : A Fantasy Romance Anthology Page 32

by N. R. Larry

  ““Gas pedal…on the right,” she panted.

  Knees bent, she braced her feet and lifted her hips to tuck the dress out of the way. Reuben slipped his big, warm hands under her ass and lifted her to his mouth, sucking her clit through the sheer fabric of her thong.

  “Ohhh, God,” she moaned. “So good, but not enough.”

  He clenched the fabric in his teeth and tugged until a satisfying ripping sound filled the bedroom.

  “Ah, much, much better,” he chanted, returning to his feast.

  Allegra closed her eyes and gave in to the sensations centered at her core. Wet. Slick. Heat. Flesh. Hums and sighs. Deep moans and delicate wails. Long, lazy strokes that ended in sharp nips soothed by gentle, laving kisses.

  Reuben’s fingers gripped her ass tighter as he focused his efforts. His tongue licked and skipped and swirled over her clit, looking for the rhythm, the tempo that would put an end to her torture. Her orgasm was close, almost there so many times, but frustratingly elusive. She screamed in frustration, angling her hips closer to his mouth.

  Cold air hit the fevered damp skin, and she realized Reuben shifted away.

  “Don’t stop now,” she pleaded.

  “Fast is good,” he assured her, “but let’s slow it down. I’m losing control.”

  “Isn’t that the point?” she purred.

  He stood beside the bed, his heaving chest revealing his own impatience. By the time he’d removed his pants, socks, shirt, and boxers, he’d regained a bit of control. Allegra, in contrast, had become more desperate. Unwilling to sacrifice coming in Reuben’s mouth, she settled for shoving the dress down to her waist so she could pinch and pluck her nipples.

  A strangled sound signaled that Reuben had caught sight of her seductive caresses to her breasts.

  “I’m gonna need a taste of that,” he said, returning to the bed and stretching out beside her.

  “I’m so ready to come.” She lifted one breast in offer, the other snaking between his legs.

  “Tut, tut.” Reuben’s eyes flared in the milky light like blue flames. “Ladies, first.”

  He bent, sucking one puckered tip into his mouth for a few delicious seconds, before resuming his position between her legs. He tucked a pillow under her hips, then gently thumbed her open and tasted her wet, pink nub. She rolled her nipples between her fingers, squeezed her eyes tight, and fought the impulse to tighten her muscles. She melted, tumbling without care or worry into the whirlpool pulling her under.

  Reuben had her. His fingers were steady on her hips, his mouth masterful on her clit. His sounds of satisfaction assured her he gave this pleasure freely and generously. There was no impatience that it wasn’t yet his turn. No harsh touch, trying to move her along. There was just her and Reuben and time and…the L word floated along the edge of her consciousness.

  She hung suspended on one last, perfect stroke, and then she shattered into a million pieces. Tiny shards of joy and discovery and self-acceptance. Goose bumps rose on her skin as the orgasm rippled outward to her toes, her fingertips, the tip of the nose. Reuben read her body language, ceasing the playful flick of his tongue to hold the pressure with a firm kiss.

  “It’s still going,” she gasped. “Like a big, slow paddlewheel. Rolling through me over and over.”

  “Ride it, Allegra,” he crooned. “I love watching you come. The way your hips rock, the sounds you make, the way your body shudders. I could do this forever.”

  After a long, self-indulgent moment, she realized Reuben was still between her wide-spread legs, sitting back on his heels, his pleased smile widening when their eyes connected.


  “Incredible.” She rubbed her palm over the still-slick flesh he’d just pleasured and winced at how sensitive she still was. “Tell me we aren’t finished yet.”

  He rose on his knees so she could witness the insistent jut of his cock. “The night is young.”

  “We didn’t have ‘the talk,’” she said haltingly, feeling awkward at interrupting the passionate moment with practical considerations.

  “The last woman I slept with was my college girlfriend. Six or so years ago.” His lids lowered, and even in the moonlight, she saw the embarrassment darkening his face.

  “It’s been almost a year since I had sex with my ex. I had a check-up after I discovered he was sleeping with someone else.” She levered herself into a sitting position. “We can use a condom…or not. I have an IUD.”

  The red faded as he cocked his head, studied her, and nodded. “I can see where it would be important to insure no unwanted pregnancies. And before you get all prickly, thinking I’m criticizing unwed mothers, that’s not it at all. I suspect your motivation is protecting a child from experiencing the discrimination you endured.”

  How did Reuben know her so well when they’d only met two days ago? Even Sandy, who’d she known almost fifteen years, didn’t understand her sometimes. She felt like she didn’t even need words with Reuben.

  Her skin tingled with the need to be one with him. Not just physical need, but a craving from deep down in her heart. She scrambled off the bed and wiggled out of the dress. Before she could remove the red stilettos, he shook his head.

  “Leave them on.”

  He scooted up to the headboard, leaning back and opening his arms. She straddled his hips, nudged his cock into place, and sank down onto its impressive length. His eyes rolled back in his head, and her heart swelled. That was exactly how she’d felt when his mouth covered her clit.

  His hands settled on her hips as she slowly rocked back and forth, occasionally raising and lowering, interior muscles clenched around his erection.

  She steadied herself by holding onto his shoulders, lids fluttering shut as their lips met for a kiss that countered the slow, seductive tempo of Reuben’s thrusts and her hip rolls. Languid, unhurriedly, their joined bodies powered a mutual orgasm every bit as intense as Allegra’s solo climax.

  Long, countless minutes later, bodies covered in a sheen of perspiration, muscles quivering with exhaustion, Reuben lifted the sheets and invited Allegra under.

  She kicked off the magic red shoes and snuggled against him.

  They didn’t need magic.

  They had each other.

  The End

  Enjoy more #sexysassy romance from EmKay Connor.


  About the Author

  EmKay Connor is the author of #sexysassy contemporary romantic fiction infused with quirky humor and engaging characters. Her bright and breezy romances are set in small towns, tropical locations, and glamorous destinations where her heroes and heroines discover passion and fall in love. She lives, writes, and drinks coffee in northeastern Florida.

  Read More from EmKay Connor

  Red Light District

  A Short Fantasy Romance

  Chiquita Dennie

  Red Light District

  Desires are meant to be explored, only one taste won’t do.

  Kimberly Peterson is awkward in every sense of the word. She hasn’t had a date in over a year. Her world revolves around work and close family and friends. That’s it. No boyfriend. No intimacy.

  On the surface, her life is mundane, if not boring, but when you peel back the layers, she’s unhappy with the status quo and longs for a little excitement. When she stumbles upon an opportunity to change her circumstances, increase her desires, and live out her fantasies for 24 hours, she jumps at the chance, but there’s a catch…

  Her wildest dreams can only come true if she keeps the red shoes on her feet. That could be a problem.

  Will the magical shoes bring out the best in her, or will they leave her feeling unsatisfied yet again?

  Find out in this fantasy romance that infuses a beloved classic fairytale with love, romance, and an unforgettable night with a devilishly handsome man th
at just might change Kimberly’s life!

  Chapter 1

  Friday morning

  I wanted to scream into the phone and curse this crazy woman out. Every time I tried to get a word in, she would talk over me about how we were overcharging her at our bank, and we should be ashamed of ourselves. Finally, having enough, I hung up and removed the headset running my fingers against my temple. A migraine was starting to build, and I still had another two hours before lunch, and I only brought a salad and chips, but I might go across the street to the cafe and grab a sandwich or something. The second issue was this bra was sticking me in the side of my breasts, and I wanted to take it off, but me roaming around the office with no support would have the entire room looking at me crazy. Life hadn’t gone the way I planned because I was still working a dead-end job for a company that refused to see my capabilities. Plus, I lived with a roommate that was always trying to get me laid because she thought I was missing out on my potential husband. Sandra was just man crazy and money hungry. She was my best friend, but my style and personality was so different from hers that I sometimes still questioned how we became best friends. I remember how we met. After all, she accidentally hit my car, six years ago, because she’d broken up with her boyfriend and she was crying and not paying attention. I’d ended up getting dumped because the guy that will not be named said I wasn’t spontaneous enough; I was too uptight and boring. I can’t help that I’m introverted and meeting new people and not being as experienced in the sex department like his previous girlfriends caused him to cheat and make it seem like it was my fault. Melvin was the asshole from six years ago, then I started dating a guy casually a year ago, Mark Sanchez, a coworker of mine. That was a disaster waiting to happen because he thought it would be cool to bring another woman into our relationship, thinking it would help me to loosen up. It probably would have worked better if I didn’t walk in on them already in bed at my apartment without any warning. So, the tension at work finally died down six months ago, but sometimes it got awkward during lunch breaks in the employee lounge. Sandra even took me to a sex shop to figure out what I liked or didn’t like. Honestly, I never really thought about bringing toys in my bedroom. Maybe it was the type of man I was dating that caused my lack of sexual appetite to be shown. Right now, I needed to get lunch and head home because I was meeting Sandra at some bar she liked to frequent called Red Light District. I’d only heard about it because of her. Hopefully, it wasn’t someplace that would cause me to regret it in the morning. Logging out of my computer, I grabbed my ID badge and purse, then headed toward the kitchen to grab my lunch and leave out of the building for a break. Walking past a group of coworkers, they started giggling, and I rolled my eyes. I was not letting my temper get the best of me. I was on my last leg with this job because I tended to come in late when I had to take my mom to the doctor for her appointments. She was in the last stages of her chemo treatments for breast cancer and my boss didn’t care. Carol had always been a bitch and I didn’t kiss her ass like everyone else at work. Closing the fridge, I rolled my eyes again and left the kitchen as my phone rang. I tapped the elevator for the lobby, and it opened right when the phone stopped. A text message popped up from Sandra.

  Sandra: Don’t forget Red Light District

  Me: I won’t

  Sandra: I picked out something for you to wear

  Another reason I didn’t want to go, she hated when we went out because I was always wearing jeans or long dresses that covered my body. I’m not ashamed of my body, but I liked to dress comfortably either at work or when going out. So, I stuck to things that weren’t tight or too revealing. Always having to pull on a top or dress to keep from showing off the goods was not my idea of a fun night out.

  Me: I had something to wear

  Sandra: I burned it

  Me: Rude

  Sandra: You’ll thank me later

  Closing out of my phone, the elevator doors opened, and I stepped off. Heading out of the building, I walked past a homeless woman sitting down on the ground selling candles. Living in New York, you find any and everything being sold on the street.

  “How much for the vanilla one?” I asked. She looked up at me, grinning.

  When she smiled, I saw a few of her front corner teeth missing, a small scar across her brow, and a short jet-black hair cut. She had to be around sixty or older. I wondered where her family was, and if they knew she was out here alone trying to make a living.

  “How are you, Kimberly?” she asked, picking up the bag, placing the vanilla candle inside.

  “Do I know you?” I questioned.

  I looked around, wondering if I was being punked. At first, the streets were filled with people walking, and now it was completely empty.

  “No, but I know you, and I’m glad you’ve finally made contact with me.”

  “Excuse me? Made contact?” I wondered, pointing at myself.

  She nodded her head and stood up. “Here’s your candle. We’ll have more time to talk when you’re no longer at work,” she stated, passing me the bag and taking my five-dollar bill. I took the packet in my hand and felt a substantial wind shift. As soon as I turned, I heard the loud honking of a horn. I looked over my shoulder at the cab driver screaming at the bike rider and placed my focus back on the older woman.

  “What the...!” I yelled, seeing she wasn’t there anymore. I looked to my left of where my office building was, and around the corner of the wall she was sitting in front of, and there was no trace of her.

  Chapter 2

  "Am I…" I mumbled to myself, still holding the candle in the brown bag. I opened the bag and looked inside to see the candle and a card. Pulling it out I saw a name and address next to the Red Light District bar. Not wanting to miss lunch, I continued on to the restaurant to finish eating and called to check up on my mom.

  "Hey, Ma," I said when she answered the call.

  "Hi, baby."

  "What are you doing?"

  "Watching your father fix up his car," she replied.

  My parents have been married for thirty years. They still acted like teenagers and could never be away from each other for more than a few hours. I'm twenty-eight and loved seeing an example of love that was meaningful and respectful of each other. Something I'd hoped to have in my life one day. I doubted it would ever come with the type of men I'd come across. Being a curvy girl with hips, ass, full breasts, and a stomach had some men thinking I was only right to be used for their pleasure and not held to a high standard.

  "Tell him I said I'd come by to get my oil changed this weekend," I spoke, then thanked the waitress for bringing my BLT sandwich and fries. I tossed my salad as soon as I walked inside the cafe. It wasn't too crowded, and I got my favorite booth in the back corner so I could watch the crowd come and go.

  "Hey, Scout!" Dad shouted.

  I chuckled at his statement. I'm a history fanatic, and I loved watching the history of all things from the early years of Greek mythology, Egypt, animals, and buildings. Scouting the origin of where something came from was one of my favorite things to do since I was a little girl. Eventually, he started calling me scout, and it stuck with me. Victor and Halle Peterson wanted more kids, but it never happened, and then my mom was diagnosed with cancer when I was fifteen, and we thought we had the all-clear, but two years ago, it came back.

  "Hi, Dad."

  "When are you coming over, little girl?" he asked, taking the phone.

  "This weekend. I promise," I stated, taking a bite of the sandwich then wiping my mouth with the napkin.

  "Good, we haven't seen you in a month," Dad fussed.

  "Really? We FaceTimed a few days ago," I replied, and he grunted through the phone.

  "That's FaceTime. I want to see my daughter in person," Dad told me.

  "All right, old man. I'll come over on Sunday for dinner," I said, finishing my lunch as we continued talking about their day until it was time for me to head back to the office.

  Four hours later, I was ho
me getting dressed in a short black dress that Sandra picked out that showed my figure that I usually kept hidden. She put my hair up in a ponytail with flowy curls and full-on makeup with lashes and red lipstick. I didn't even believe it was me at first. I picked up the gold bracelet and earrings that matched before sliding on my black heels.

  "Ready!" Sandra called out, stepping into my bedroom. Having her as a roommate made these moments worth it to an extent. She respected my wishes and didn't go overboard with making me over the top sexy, but I did feel cute. Not enough to bring a man home as she would. But if Jerome was there, I might ask him out on a date.

  I nodded, picking up the gold clutch purse and keys. Shutting the lights off in my bedroom, I followed her outside toward her car. We had a beautiful apartment in Chelsea, and having her work in the same building as me was easier for commuting back and forth to work.

  "I'm ready."

  "Ohhh, you look sexy. You can thank me later."

  "Thank you for what?"

  "For you getting laid tonight," Sandra taunted, wiggling her tongue out and backing out of the driveway. Snapping my seatbelt, I brushed off her comment.

  "I'm not looking forward to getting laid tonight. I might ask Jerome out on a date, though."

  "Thank God!" Sandra blurted out.

  "Really, Sandra."

  "Yes really. He's always flirting with you. He's so far up your ass, and you're oblivious."

  "Okay, let's move on from my love life. I'm not that desperate."

  "Nothing about being desperate, Kimberly. You're gorgeous and sexy, and you need to gain a little more confidence. Men are always flocking toward you. Plus, you got a big ass that I'd pay for if I had the money," Sandra joked, hitting the left turn signal before driving off. I waved her off, looking out of the window as we drove into the city. Tonight, I just wanted a little conversation, and hopefully, it wasn’t too crowded. Red Light District was usually the hottest place on Friday nights with the younger crowd. Thirty minutes later, we arrived at the bar, and I pulled the visor down to check my makeup one more time. I saw a line of people waiting to get inside. Opening my purse, I shuffled around for my lipstick and came across the card from earlier today that the old woman had in the bag with the candle I bought.


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