10 Steps to Creating your Dream Lifestyle

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10 Steps to Creating your Dream Lifestyle Page 7

by Jason Grossman

  Your formal team includes, but is not limited to:



  Juice Plus+ Team

  World Venture Travel Club Team

  Have an Organizational Structure

  If your mastermind is a knights of the round table, then your formal team is an organizational structure. What do I mean by this? Well it’s simple. If you look at a company you have say a CEO at the top of the company. Below the CEO you might have 4 heads of departments or managers. It is critical that at least one of those 4 heads of department know the role of the CEO in case something happens to the CEO. Just like in the military, where they have an organizational structure. If a Colonel dies in war, or is discharged, there is another team member (major) that can take their place. If a major dies in war or is discharged, then there is another team member that can move up the ranks if necessary such as a captain. Giving team members an opportunity to grow keeps them motivated and inspired, along with your mission and vision.

  It’s the same with your team. You want to ensure you have a Second in Charge (2IC) that can take your place if necessary when you are away, and everyone is working on their level, and there is always someone who is aware of the next level above. This philosophy will ensure the continuation of your vison and mission in your business or creating your dream lifestyle.

  The structure looks something like this:


  If you are the team leader, the mastermind is the brain, innovation and creativity, the team are the action takers and troops, then what about all the menial tasks that no one is really motivated to do or enjoys doing?

  You know the tasks, phone calls, data entries, emails, tracking, mundane social media tasks, replying messages. Why waste your time doing these, or having your mastermind or action takers do these, when you can pay a few dollars an hour to have someone else do them. You can also have them do graphic design, web design, SEO, social media marketing and growth, the list goes on.

  Instead of wasting countless hours on all of these menial tasks have some else do them, and delegate them to someone who actually does this specifically for a job.

  The company we use is called Ezy VA and for just $7-$9 an hour you can have an outsourcing team take care of everything for you in the Philippines:


  Graphic design

  Web developer

  Social Media

  Virtual Assistant

  At least start with a Virtual Assistant for 10 hours a week and free up your time for the more important stuff.

  You can find out more or get yourself a virtual assistant here: https://tinyurl.com/lrepda4

  Leverage Type 2)

  Time Leverage.

  How do we leverage your time? Here is a quick and easy process to follow:

  Step 1 – Make a list of all the action items you need to complete today

  Step 2 – Eliminate all the action items that you really don’t need to do today

  Step 3 – Ask yourself which of those action items you can automate so you don’t have to do them again, or at least again today.

  Step 4 – Ask yourself which action items can you have someone else do and delegate them to your team or outsourcing staff.

  Step 5 – Take the remaining list, prioritize them in order of importance and start actioning them from the top. Aim to complete at least 3 of these a day. That’s 15 big action items a week. Imagine the productivity. Imagine if all team members did this.

  In the full version of this book and program we also look into the leverage of logical levels and focus.

  Leverage Type 3)

  Money Leverage.

  Top 5 ways to leverage money

  Increase your borrowing capacity by increasing your net income and net worth

  Borrow money when you can to invest and get into good debt

  Save money weekly into a high interest account

  Spend less money on trivial items sticking to your budget

  Cut up your credit card to increase your borrowing capacity

  Leverage Type 4)

  Resources Leverage.

  There are a ton of products and services out there you can invest in to give you more resources




  Sales and Marketing


  I believe the most important part here is what I refer to as the law of positioning. Positioning yourself in a way you have to succeed. A coach is a perfect example of this. He or she will keep you accountable to sticking to your plan, taking the action, feeling the fear and acting anyway.

  Who or what is keeping you accountable? Utilize all 4 of these types of leverage. especially people and money in the beginning. and watch as your life seems to magically shift over night with how fast the momentum builds for you in achieving your dream lifestyle.

  Chapter 10

  Take Massive Action UNTIL!

  If you have followed this book entirely and taken the time to implement all the strategies and principles, then by now I’m sure you have begun to notice a massive shift, in the direction towards your personal journey and dream lifestyle. If you simply read this book and think to yourself, ‘yes great book’, you will not reap the massive rewards from the philosophies within it. Additionally, reading and acting upon this book alone will not guarantee your success. What will guarantee your success is constant never ending improvement and daily application of the principles within this book.

  Want to know what I do every day in the shower? Well there are a few things, however I have a few rituals. I do my attitude of gratitude as in the 4 Keys to True Fulfilment; I do my visualizing for the day. I also ask myself what I can do today to improve my wealth, health, relationships, spirituality and mindset. I have found creating rituals to be one of the most critical components to living a dream lifestyle. Not just a habit, a ritual is a habit backed by a burning desire with specific intention and magnificent obsession of that intention. That habit (ritual) is powered by an indelible will to succeed, because you must make that dream a reality.

  Have you ever heard of or seen someone become a success overnight (besides a lotto winner)? If you have you can bet we simply haven’t seen the thousands of hours behind the scenes. It takes time, years to cultivate and create a dream lifestyle. One where you simply have to pinch yourself to determine and ensure this is real. Yes, this is me, I am awake and what an amazing life. What rituals do you need to create every single day to instil a burning desire and magnificent obsession for living your true dream life? What can you do to magnify and intensify your why? To motivate you and inspire you every day to jump out of bed as though it is on fire? To take massive action every day, build the unstoppable momentum and create your dream lifestyle?

  You want to know your why, and never forget it. Know your what, (your target) and never change it, no matter what obstacles you are faced with. Plan your how and be flexible in applying it. In NLP there is a presupposition known as the Law of Requisite Variety. It simply states that the element within a system that has the most flexibility will have the most power and influence within that system.

  This is why we use the process PT IT! This is the process as a Personal Trainer I used for years to help thousands of people get into shape and lose weight. Know exactly where you are now and exactly where you want to be and by when. Back track from there to set smaller goals (micro and macro cycles) along the way. Create a specific step by step plan to achieve it (if you need experts to help then form your team). Align your psychology for success and fuel your why. Monitor every day, everything that you are doing. When things are not going to plan as you can see in your tracking, you can make the necessary changes (Law of Requisite Variety). Then continue until you achieve your goal. As powerful a process as this is, I want to remind you of something that is critical for your happiness. Goal setting is important and so is achieving your dream lifestyle. What is even more imp
ortant is to remember that life is a journey. If we spend all our time thinking about the next goal we are never truly happy. We must learn from the past, plan for the future but live in the now. Now is the only power you have to act, to speak, to feel. To experience a dream lifestyle is to understand it is not just a destination, it is also a journey. Have your ambitious goals, set the sail to achieve your definition of a dream lifestyle, and also remember to enjoy the journey. Because when you achieve your definition of a dream lifestyle, your new definition will probably change, and do you really want to chase that goal until you die?

  Do set bigger goals, aim higher, step it up and play a bigger game, raise your standards and live to your potential. Just remember to stop and smell the roses and enjoy your hard work. Remember to celebrate and reward yourself for how far you have come, the hard work you have put in. and reap the rewards by sharing them with your loved ones - the reason you are doing it in the first place.

  Now you are ready to go out into the world and make an impact, to tell the world what you are going to do but first show it. Become an until person and do whatever it takes to achieve your dreams until you are successful. To become an athlete of the mind taking your mental vitamins every day. Eliminating the words ‘try’, ‘like’, ‘should’ and ‘but’ from your vocabulary. To eliminate all excuses and blame. To live the 4 Keys to True Fulfilment by being aware of your plan and what you need to do, manifesting and intensifying your why. To grow and become better every day, contribute and make a difference in the community. To stick to your financial freedom plan and create true abundance in all areas of your life: wealth, health, relationships, mindset and spirituality.

  Follow your dreams and travel the world, live your bucket list and vision board. Then leverage the power you have to not only create an amazing life for yourself but for others as well. Because that’s what life is truly about, giving. Contribution, making a difference. One day when you leave this world, all that will really matter is the hearts you touched, the lives you changed, and did you leave this world a better place by being here?


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