Out of a Labyrinth

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Out of a Labyrinth Page 46

by Lawrence L. Lynch

  Transcriber's note:

  Apparent printer's errors have been retained, unless stated below.

  Punctuation, capitalization, accents and formatting markup have beenmade consistent.

  Page numbers cited in illustration captions refer to their discussion inthe text. Illustrations have been moved near their mention in the text.

  Page 13, "tress" changed to "trees". (Mamie Rutger, the only daughter ofa prosperous German farmer; wild little Mamie, who rode the wickedestcolts, climbed the tallest trees, sang loudest in the singing-school,and laughed oftenest at the merry-makings, also vanished.)

  Page 32, "a a" changed to "a". (Instead of working swiftly on to asuccessful issue, this must be a case of waiting, of wit against wit,and I must report to my chief a balk in the very beginning.)

  Page 65, "facts" changed to "facks" for consistency in dialect withinthe paragraph. (They're facks, as anybody can see.)

  Page 89, Missing "on" added. (Brookhouse tore off half of the yellowenvelope, and sitting on his horse, wrote a few words, resting his scrapof paper on the horn of his saddle.)

  Page 92, "then" changed to "them". (He had put the matter before them ina new light, and each man felt himself for the moment responsible forhis own acts.)

  Page 98, "bad" changed to "had". (Those who at first had been held incheck by the doctor's manner were once more spurred to action by thesight of those earth-stained tools, and the general verdict was that"Bethel was bluffing, sure.")

  Page 139, "thus" changed to "this". (I arose and made a hasty toilet,feeling sure that something unusual had called him from his bed thisearly.)

  Page 148, "he" changed to "be". (Whom he would be elected to office, andwhom he would not, came somehow to be disapproved by all Trafton.)

  Page 157, "dis-displeased" changed to "displeased". (Arch displeased mevery much by not coming to your aid;)

  Page 158, "in" changed to "is". (Your influence in Trafton isconsiderable, I know.)

  Page 199, "is is" changed to "is". ("I am afraid some new misfortunemenaces Trafton, if, as you say, Blake Simpson is already here, forDimber Joe came down on the train to-night, and is in Trafton.")

  Page 203, "undividuality" changed to "individuality". (His words were amass of absurd contradictions, betraying no trait of his individuality,save his eccentricity;)

  Page 213, "he" changed to "be". (I hear his fiddle, so I s'pose he canbe seen?)

  Page 214, "machime" changed to "machine". (I had supposed it to be noneother than an old school friend of that name, who, when last I heard ofhim, was general agent for a city machine manufactory.)

  Page 221, "began" changed to "begin". ("Ah! I begin to see!")

  Page 266, "compainions" changed to "companions". (I find there areplenty of guides and companions to be picked up.)

  Page 276, Telegram edited to match one on Page 280, as it states it isthe same telegram.

  Page 335, "statute" changed to "statue". (Louise sat mute andstatue-like by the bedside of her lover, and I, oppressed by thestillness, was leaning over the open window sill, wondering how it wasfaring with Jim Long, when the gate gave the faintest creak, and Ilifted my eyes to see the object of my mental inquiry coming toward me.)

  Page 336, "and and" changed to "and". (He glanced from me to thedoorway, where Mrs. Harris was now standing, with an expectant look onher benevolent countenance, and replied, laconically:)

  Page 336, "unoticed" changed to "unnoticed". (At the same moment Iobserved what was unnoticed by the other two; Miss Barnard had left herpost and was standing behind Mrs. Harris.)

  Page 336, "imperceptable" changed to "imperceptible". ("Now, theJestice," with another sidelong glance, and an almost imperceptiblegesture, "is a man an' a brother.")

  Page 344, "litttle" changed to "little". (All we want, is here; half adozen men with ordinary courage and shrewdness, and a little patience.)

  Page 376, "ecstacy" changed to "ecstasy". (I experienced a thrill ofecstasy when I learned that Wyman kicked him three times, with stoutboots!)

  Page 403, "darks" changed to "dark". (Three dark forms approach, oneafter the other,)


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