Fallen: (A Psychological Dark Romance) (The Dark Necessities Prequels Book 2)

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Fallen: (A Psychological Dark Romance) (The Dark Necessities Prequels Book 2) Page 2

by Felicity Brandon

  Sir. His tone had hardened, and just the sound of it made her heart rate pick up its pace.

  “I’m sorry,” she said with a resigned sigh. “Sir.”

  Lily still couldn’t make up her mind how she felt about referring to him that way. There was undeniably a part of her that liked it, a part that spoke directly to her sex, but there was another aspect of her mind that wanted to tell him to go and shove it. Ethan wasn’t the boss of her, after all. She hadn’t prized herself out of her parents’ control, just to hand it all to someone else.

  Had she?

  The thought of her parents made her chest constrict again until it was almost painful. Lily had no idea what time it was, but based on the darkness around her, she guessed it was at least six o’clock, and that meant that her parents would be expecting her home. They would be worried and confused. Maybe they had called the police…

  We will deal with your parents, he told her. Once you’re safe, I will take you to make another call to them.

  Lily shook her head. “It won’t matter,” she whispered. “They’ll know something has happened. I’m never late, sir, and I would also call in advance if I was going to be.”

  The place in her head that his voice filled was silent for a moment, enabling Lily to take a breath. And then, all of a sudden, his voice emerged again, as clear as day.

  You feel close, beautiful. Do you hear the car?

  Oh God, that voice, his voice, and the way he said that—called her that—somehow, it made Lily’s throat go dry and her nipples harden, although there was no logical reason any of this should be even vaguely arousing.


  He called her name like a children’s song, and she twisted her body, straining her ears to listen.

  “Not yet.”

  But then, from somewhere higher up the bank, Lily did hear something, a sound in the distance that could have been an engine.

  “Hang on—wait!” she called out, ashamed to say there was almost excitement in her voice. “I think I do. I hear it! Shall I climb up and find y—”

  No! His voice boomed inside her head, making Lily’s hands fly to her temples as though the touch of her own palms could somehow control the volume. Stay right there, little lady. We don’t know what you’ve done to that ankle.

  “But I can make it,” she countered. “And then you’ll be able to find me?”

  Lily. Ethan’s tone had shifted, taking on that irritating tone that her father liked to use sometimes. What did I say would happen if I didn’t find you on your backside?

  She shifted against the damp grass, the movement sending a fresh wave of hurt to her brain as the marks his belt had inflicted were aggravated once again. “You said you’d be harder on me,” she replied sheepishly. “Sir.”

  The sound of the car was definitely closer now, and it produced a surge of panic in Lily. The car meant only one thing—Ethan—and instinctively, she wanted to act on that realization, though in her mind she couldn’t decide if she should be running toward him, or away from him.

  Don’t run, at all, he warned her in that deep tone that made her catch her lip between her teeth.

  “I haven’t,” she gasped, aware of how frantic she sounded. “I haven’t moved, sir.”

  There’s my good girl, his voice replied, and Lily smiled at the implication.

  Despite everything that had happened, she still loved to hear those words from Ethan, and she had an idea that she always would.

  The sound of the engine stopped, and from somewhere high above her body, Lily heard a car door slam.

  Call to me.

  The order came loud and clear.

  “Ethan!” Her voice sounded hesitant at first, silly really when she’d been sitting here effectively talking to herself for goodness knows how long already.


  Ethan’s voice had taken on that low and gravelly quality that made the muscles of her sex clench together. She knew what that meant out of instinct. She was in trouble.

  “Sir!” she blurted out, knowing reflexively what he wanted to hear, even though she was still torn on the subject.

  I hear you.

  And that was it for a moment. There was finally silence, Lily’s mind becoming as dark as the expanse of space that existed around her, until she finally heard movement from the bank above. And then the sound she had most desired and dreaded in equal measure. Ethan’s voice, but this time she heard it with her ears.


  She twisted her body again, blinking up into the darkness. “Down here, sir.”

  All of a sudden, a flash of light came into view over the edge of what she assumed was the bank she had inadvertently slid down earlier. He was still some yards away at this point, and Lily couldn’t make out much of him as the light swept the area, but she knew it was him. It was Ethan. He had found her, and in that moment, the part of Lily that had wanted to resist—to keep running—faded, her anxiety ceding at his approach.

  “I can’t see you,” he yelled down, his impatience more than evident in his tone.

  Lily sighed. If he’d only just let her get up, she could have met him by now.

  “Here!” she cried again, waving her arms above her head this time for good measure.

  His flashlight’s beam headed in her direction at once, and instinctively, Lily squeezed her eyes shut as it washed over her face.

  “There you are, beautiful,” he purred, his voice growing louder as he made his way down to greet her.

  For a moment, that tone reminded Lily so much of the man who had met her all those lunch times at the salon, that she had to catch her breath as he finally towered above her.

  “So, this is where you’ve been hiding,” Ethan joked as he loomed over her seated form. “Good to see you’re finally doing as you’re told.”

  Lily gulped as he dropped down beside her, placing the flashlight in the small space between their bodies. Lifting her chin, she found herself once again face to face with the man who had stolen her heart.

  Chapter Three


  Lily was in deep trouble, but as he pulled her into an embrace, all Ethan felt was relief. She was safe. He had her again, and soon, she’d be back at the house, where he could take a look at her ankle.

  “What were you thinking?”

  He sounded weary, because that’s how he felt. Exhausted.

  She trembled against his body. “I’m sorry, sir. I was so confused and disgusted with myself. It…” Lily hesitated. “It seemed like a good idea at the time.”

  “Oh, did it?”

  “Yes,” her voice was barely audible. “But I never meant to hurt you. I’m so sorry.”

  Ethan glanced down at her in the darkness. Her contrition resonated through her voice, and it was obvious she meant every word.

  “There’ll be time for apologies later,” he assured her. “First, we need to get you back to the car.”

  Lily’s body tensed beside him. “What are you going to do to me?”

  He stared into the black. What was he going to do? Ethan hadn’t even decided.

  “You were so hard on me for swearing,” Lily rasped. “What are you going to do for this?”

  The fear was clear in her voice, the sound stirring Ethan. “Whatever I decide, you know you’ll deserve it this time, won’t you, little one?”

  She drew in a shaky breath. “Yes.” There were tears now. He could hear them in her voice. “Yes, sir.”

  Ethan’s hand swept up her back, fisting her hair as he drew her body toward him. “I’m glad I have you back.”

  His voice was a low murmur, and slowly he leaned closer, until his lips grazed her wet flesh. “However angry I was, I was more concerned for you, Lily.”

  Lily sobbed against him. “Oh, God.” She sounded almost hysterical. “What have I done?”

  Ethan closed his eyes, leaning against her hot flesh in the virtual darkness. “You made a foolish mistake,” he told her “But it’s done now. You can’t change

  For a moment there was silence as the weight of those words fell over them.

  “Come on now.” When Ethan spoke again, there was fresh determination in his voice. “Let’s get you standing.”

  He rose to his feet, supporting Lily as she stood beside him. Twisting his body, Ethan fetched the torch and flashed it back up the hill. It was steep, but he could manage it—even with Lily’s extra weight.

  “Hold this,” he ordered, thrusting the flashlight into her hands.

  “Sir?” Her gaze was inquiring as the beam of light zipped past her face, but she took it regardless. Apparently, for once, in no mood to argue.

  Ethan swept her into his arms in one fell swoop, pulling Lily against his chest as he surveyed the route ahead. She yelped at the new position, her arms instinctively clinging around his neck.

  “The light, Lily,” he reminded her in an unimpressed tone.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled, releasing one hand to light the way ahead. “I forgot.”

  Ethan shook his head as he made his way up the incline. Lily was going to be the death of him. He had no doubt about that.

  “Be careful, sir,” she panted.

  “I always am.”

  Ethan’s tone was clipped, but not because he minded her concern. He was musing on the idea of how to handle his willful little flower, and even as they reached the top of the ditch, he still couldn’t decide.

  The car was parked just a few feet away, so he strode carefully to the passenger side, before lowering her to the ground.

  “Thank you.”

  Lily sounded frantic. She was a smart girl and was well aware she had landed herself in big trouble, but clearly, she didn’t know how best to appease him at this moment. If at all.

  “Why were you disgusted with yourself?”

  Ethan didn’t know why he asked, but something about her earlier admission still rang in his ears.


  “Just now, you said you were confused and disgusted with yourself. Why?”

  He opened the passenger door, engaging the interior light, and for the first time in a while, he got to really see the expression on Lily’s face.

  She swallowed, leaning against the car as she thought on her response. “For the way I’d behaved.”

  Lily’s voice was tiny. It was almost as though she was ashamed… or afraid.

  “What do you mean?”

  Those green eyes gazed up at him. “Sir, I’m sorry, I—”

  “What do you mean?” The tone of his voice ended her sentence, and Lily closed her eyes in response.

  “Lily.” Ethan was exasperated. “Does now seem like a good time to piss me off even more?”

  She gasped as she stared back up at him. “No, sir.”

  Right. “So, answer the question, please. It’s late and it’s cold, and I want to get away from here.”

  “You won’t like it… Sir.”

  She sounded so tentative and unsure that Ethan wanted to wrap her up in his arms again, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. Lily needed to explain herself, and he still needed to decide what the appropriate punishment should be for such a scandalous deed.

  “Tell me anyway,” he insisted. “It’s better that you’re honest with me now.”

  Lily exhaled, blinking fresh tears away. “I was ashamed of myself,” she began. “For the way I feel about you, and for wanting you to fuck me earlier. After everything you’ve done, and after you used your belt on me…”

  She paused, her eyes widening as though the whole incident was being relived in her head. If Ethan had wanted to, he could have taken the time to clarify that point, but he didn’t. He had neither the energy, nor the inclination to delve into her thoughts now.


  His chest tightened as he prompted her, but somehow, he had to know. He had to know what she’d really been thinking when she’d slid those locks into place and left him for dead. And he knew Lily wouldn’t lie. Not now. Not about this.

  “I shouldn’t have.” Lily’s words came out in one long rush of breath. “I shouldn’t have wanted you. I shouldn’t want you. I shouldn’t love you, Ethan, but, I do!”

  Her voice broke then, and she lowered her gaze to the ground.

  Ethan stared down at her for a moment, watching as the tears made fresh tracks along her pretty face. She always seemed to be crying for him recently, and somehow, he wished he could enjoy it. But as he looked at the woman he loved sobbing, there was no joy for Ethan. He took no pleasure in this pain, but he would. Later, once she was back where she needed to be, he would make her pay for her reckless, selfish behavior. The thought emboldened him.

  “And that’s why you locked me in?”

  His voice sounded distant as he sought the clarification.

  Lily lifted her chin to look up at him again. “Yes, sir. It was stupid.”

  He inhaled. “Yes, it was.”

  “Do you hate me for it?”

  The question startled Ethan, reminding him suddenly of her age and inexperience. “Of course I don’t hate you,” he admonished. “If I hated you, would I care about your ankle? Would I be here at the side of the road discussing your motivations, Lily?”

  She blinked up at him. “No, sir?” she asked, evidently uncertain.

  “No, little one. You’d be in the trunk of my car by now, and probably gagged and bound for good measure. Or you wouldn’t have made it at all.”

  Lily gasped at the picture his words painted, and his cock roused at the idea. The image of Lily gagged and bound was a pleasant one, and Ethan fully intended to recreate it just as soon as he could.

  “Have you decided what you’re going to do with me?”

  Ethan could tell she had practically forced those words out, and he smiled. “You’ll be the first to know,” he assured her. “Right now, you’re going to get in the car. I passed a telephone box on the road back there, so you can ring home and speak to your parents.”

  “Now, sir?”

  “Yes, now.” He told her. “There won’t be many opportunities.”

  “B-But I don’t know what to say,” she protested. “I haven’t even thought.”

  “It seems to be a bit of a problem for you at the moment,” he chided, lifting her chin to force her gaze to meet his eyes. “I’d get thinking if I were you, or would you rather not bother speaking to them?”

  Lily bit her lip. “No, I’ll call. Thank you, sir.”

  He nodded. “In you get then. Can you manage?”

  She mumbled her consent, hopping to the waiting seat, and he watched her inhale as he slammed the door closed.


  Ethan was silent as he reversed the car and drove the dark roads back toward the telephone box. A quiet Ethan was ominous, and Lily’s belly clenched as she wondered what he might be thinking. God knows what he was going to do with her once he had her back at that house. Fuck, he could do anything—anything he wanted—and there was nothing Lily could do to stop him. She wasn’t strong enough. She never had been, but she was injured now, too, thanks to her own stupidity. More than that though, Lily knew she deserved to be punished. She had been reckless and stupid, and even in her fear and self-loathing, she didn’t have to lock Ethan down there. She could have just slipped away and hidden. Christ, she could have taken the car if she’d had the forethought to grab the keys. Lily might not have a license, but she’d seen her father drive often enough, and she was sure she could have given it a go. She could have gotten away.

  “Don’t be silly, little one.”

  Ethan’s words stopped her thoughts dead. “You wouldn’t have gotten away. If you’d stolen my car, you’d have gotten yourself killed.”

  Lily huffed at his analysis. Not only was he back in her mind again, reading her thoughts, but he might have been right. In the state she’d been in when she’d stumbled from the house, it probably would have ended in disaster.

  “What are you going to say to your parents?”

  His question caught
her off-guard, but it was a good one, because she had no clue what the hell she was going to say.

  “That I’m well and not to worry,” she murmured, glancing in his direction.


  His tone was demanding, and reflexively, her heart pounded at the sound of it. Lily knew that tone, and she knew where it led.

  “And I haven’t thought any further than that,” she admitted.

  Ethan laughed, that dark sound that should have been disturbing, yet served to goad her arousal. “Think about it, Lily,” he said mockingly. “They haven’t heard from you all day. You were supposed to be home hours ago, and if they’ve got in touch with Jody’s parents then they’ll know you weren’t there.”

  His tone shifted at the mention of Jody, and she noticed how his hands gripped the wheel a little tighter.

  “They’ll be hysterical, and they’ll want answers. What are you going to tell them?”

  She gasped at the curt timbre of his voice. Even when Ethan was angry with her, he rarely spoke to her like this. “I…” She hesitated, her thoughts whirring around her brain. “I don’t know, sir. What can I say? They’ll know I’m lying anyway, and I’ll just end up making things worse.”

  A swell of emotion rose in her chest and Lily felt tears threatening in her eyes again. What was wrong with her now? Why couldn’t she get a grip on herself?

  “If you’re going to make things worse, then maybe you shouldn’t call them tonight.” Ethan’s statement hung in the air between them. “I won’t stop you, if it’s what you want, little one, but I suggest you get your story straight before you start.”

  Shit, he was right. Why was he always right about everything?

  She watched as his lips curled. “Because I am older and wiser than you,” he replied in a goading tone. “Sir knows best, remember?”

  He flashed her a mischievous smile before his attention returned to the road, leaving Lily to brew on what he’d said.

  Sir knows best? She wanted to snort at that. Sir was a bloody serial killer!

  “Who you tried to kill earlier as I remember?” There was that dark tone again, and Lily’s sex clenched at the resonance of his words.


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