Fallen: (A Psychological Dark Romance) (The Dark Necessities Prequels Book 2)

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Fallen: (A Psychological Dark Romance) (The Dark Necessities Prequels Book 2) Page 18

by Felicity Brandon

  “And I know I haven’t asked you yet, but I have taken the liberty of finding out how we can go about it, while we’re here.”

  Lily crawled a little further toward the bed, but there were no thoughts coming from her mind. Nothing for Ethan to register except those wide green eyes.

  “Want to know more?”

  She panted, nodding her head. The movement sent a large pool of drool falling from her lips, eliciting the usual response from Ethan’s cock.

  Fuck, he loved having her like this. Collared, gagged and leashed, on all fours by his side. Seeing Lily that way made him want to cheer with joy, but Ethan was a realist. It was only her second time with the gag, and he would need her opinion in the conversation to come. The fingers at the buckle slid the leather past the metal, releasing the gag. The straps fell loose by Lily’s face, the ball now only held in place by her teeth.

  “Give it to me,” he instructed, holding out his palm just beyond her face.

  Lily eyed him for a moment longer, before she edged closer to his hand and dropped the gag into his fingers. Their eyes met again, but for some reason, Lily looked even more embarrassed now that the thing was out.

  “Better?” he asked, wiping the saliva from her chin with his hand.

  She swallowed, her gaze lowering. “Yes, sir. Thank you.”

  Grinning, he dropped the gag into the drawer of the bedside table. Ethan was certain he’d be wanting to use it again soon.

  “I’m not sure if you know anything about the rules of getting married here?”

  Lily shook her head, apparently not wanting to speak, even though she was now at liberty to do so.

  “Lily?” he prompted.

  “No, sir,” she confirmed, lifting her chin to meet his gaze again. “I only know you can marry here at sixteen.”

  “That’s right,” he agreed with a grin. “You can, but there’s also a twenty-one-day cooling period in place.”

  Her brow furrowed. “What does that mean?”

  Ethan stretched back on the bed. He really wanted Lily to suck his cock again. The tenting erection in his trousers was fast becoming a distraction.

  “It means we have to reside here for twenty-one days before we’re allowed to marry.”

  “Oh.” Ethan heard the stab of disappointment in Lily’s voice. “That seems like a long time.”

  “I know,” he replied. “But I already expressed our interest, so today is day one, and just think about all the wonderful things we can do with those three weeks.”

  His mind flooded with all of the possible ideas, and his cock strained harder inside his clothes.

  “But you haven’t even asked me yet, sir?” Those green eyes flashed as she answered him. “How do you know I’ll say yes?”

  Ethan turned his head to meet her naughty little grin, reaching for the leash now hanging between those fabulous tits, and all of a sudden, he had a much better idea about how he wanted to scratch the hot itch building at his groin. He pulled hard on the metal, watching with glee as her body lurched toward him.

  “Are you planning on refusing me, little one?”

  Lily gasped at the sudden surge in his dominance. “No, sir,” she panted. “Of course, not, but it would be nice to be asked.”

  That made him chuckle. After everything, his woman was after some romance.

  How quaint.

  “I will ask you,” he assured her, his face now just a couple of inches from Lily’s. “When the time is right and I have a ring for you.”

  Lily blinked at him. “I still have your mother’s ring.”

  Her gaze flitted to the finger it was sat on, pushed into the floor beneath her face. “Would you like it back, sir?”

  Ethan’s focus shifted to her delicate hand, eyeing the ring in question. “Yes,” he concluded with a sigh. “I suppose it won’t do arriving at our wedding if you’re already sporting a ring.”

  He released the tension at her lead. “Slip it off for me.”

  She bit her lip as she obeyed, and Ethan was surprised at how melancholy he felt as she dropped the metal into his waiting palm. As his fingers closed around the band of gold, their eyes met once more.

  “It suited you,” he told her. “And it fit you well.”

  Ethan paused, considering the implications of what he was about to say. “Would you like it to be yours when we marry—if you say yes, of course?”

  In some ways, it was an amusing conversation to be having with the woman naked and leashed by his bed, but it made total sense to Ethan. Just like everything with Lily always did.

  “Really?” Lily’s neck craned to look at him more closely. “You’d really offer me your mum’s wedding ring?”

  Ethan smiled. There was that innocence again. The innocence he loved so much. The innocence he always wanted to fuck out of her. “If you want it, it’s yours, but if you’d rather have something new, then that’s okay, too.”

  “But sir.” Lily shook her head as she replied. “This is all going to cost a fortune.”

  He shifted from his position on the bed, coming to sit on the edge facing Lily’s body. “Don’t worry about the money,” he told her. “I have plenty.”

  And he did. Ethan’s father’s estate had been liquidated when he’d been convicted of his wife’s death, and Ethan’s share meant he was more than comfortable. He always ensured he carried cash with him, and if need be, he would find a bank to make another withdrawal from, but whatever happened, he didn’t want Lily worrying about those things.

  “Rings are expensive, sir.” Lily’s voice was tentative, suggesting she already knew this was a slippery slope for her to tread.

  “And you are worth it,” he assured her, sliding his hand behind her head again and drawing her closer toward him. “Kneel for me.”

  Slowly, she rose to her knees, Ethan’s hand still fisting her mane of soft, dark hair.

  “Think about it,” he told her. “Think about what you’d like, and when I ask you the real question, then you can tell me what you want. Is that fair?”

  Ethan grinned as he introduced the concept of fairness to their relationship. Had he ever worried about whether things were fair before? It was frankly, laughable.

  “Yes,” she breathed. “Thank you, sir.”

  He swooped, capturing her tantalizing lips for a brief kiss. His arousal soared at the intimacy.

  “And now,” he purred as he edged away from her face. “I have a new game we can play. If you’re willing, little one?”

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Lily’s heart pounded at his words. Whenever Ethan came up with the idea of anything new, it usually meant something debauched and delicious was about to unfold, and she knew there was fresh moisture pooling between her legs at the mere notion.

  Ethan’s free hand reached for her leash, pulling her body even closer toward him. By the time she’d crawled the short distance, her beading nipples grazed his trouser-clad shins.

  “Yes, sir.”

  Even by recent standards, Lily’s voice was raspy, and as she looked at his expression, she caught sight of his salacious grin.

  “Good girl,” he praised her. “I think you know how much I love your breasts, but I so rarely get to dedicate much time and attention to them.”

  There was a pause as Ethan’s attention shifted to her chest.

  “That’s about to change.”

  Lily gulped at the way Ethan had put that, her breathing becoming labored at whatever he might have in mind.

  “I want you to widen those legs for me,” he commanded in that low tone that made her clitoris throb. “And then lift your arms, and lock your hands behind your head, beautiful.”

  Things began to happen in slow motion again at that order. Lily’s body responded as he’d instructed, her knees inching wider apart as both her arms began to rise, yet all the while, Lily was pinioned by the devilish look in Ethan’s eyes. Each new breath seemed like hard work as she fought for composure.

�Very good,” Ethan told her, and he sounded pleased.

  Lily’s eyes drifted closed at the compliment. Something about those words from his lips made her heady, and she never tired of hearing them. The sound of his zipper caused those eyes to fly open again a moment later though, and her gaze widened as she saw Ethan freeing his massive erection.

  No matter how many times Lily laid eyes on the thing, she could never wrap her head around its sheer size. It didn’t make any sense to her that she could be the one who elicited such a carnal response from the man.

  “But you do,” he insisted in a croaky tone. “And you know you do, little one.”

  Lily’s cheeks filled with embarrassed heat at his assertion, and she lifted her chin to meet his knowing gaze. “Sir?”

  “I want to fuck those glorious tits,” he announced as he settled back on the edge of the bed.

  Her eyes widened. Her breasts? But, that wasn’t a thing, was it?

  “Oh, it’s a thing,” he assured her. “And yours were made for the job.”

  Ethan spread his knees either side of her body, once again using the leash to draw her body even closer to him. Lily eyed the veiny head of his shaft hungrily. She had the sudden desire to take the thing between her lips.

  “Fuck,” he muttered. “I want that, too, little one, but not now. Now, I want those breasts. Push them out for me. Offer them to me.”

  Lily’s breath caught at the order. Offer them to him? Fuck, Ethan could make anything sound sexy with that low, demanding tone, and she didn’t even have to think as she pushed her body as close to him as she possibly could. His hands were at her chest at once, massaging the weight of her breasts and tugging on her needy nipples, and oh God, each caress and each pinch was heavenly.

  “Sir.” She sounded desperate, and that’s how she felt—desperate for him, for his attention, for pleasure—for whatever he wanted.

  “Just stay where you are,” he commanded, parting her breasts just enough for his cock to slide between them.

  Lily gasped as he thrust his erection between her cleavage, the sensation of his hot shaft, and the tempting scent of his masculinity now tantalizingly close to her mouth.

  “That is amazing,” he groaned, easing himself lower before he lunged back between her breasts again. “So fucking good.”

  Oh Christ.

  Lily bit her lip at the feeling. She’d never known a man’s pleasure was possible this way before, but as she knelt before him now, her arms forced high behind her head, and her legs close to buckling beneath her, Lily couldn’t imagine why. This was so damn erotic—a new way to use her for his desire—and the wetness at her sex told her what she already knew. Lily was absolutely fucking loving it.

  “Fuck, Lily.”

  Ethan’s hand tightened in her hair as he thrust his erection between her breasts again, trapping her in place as his excitement burgeoned, and all she could see, smell and hear now was his growing arousal. Ethan was everywhere, filling up her senses as he lunged at her chest, and Lily didn’t want it to ever stop.


  She didn’t know why the word slipped from her lips, because she didn’t want him to halt, but the intimacy of this act, combined with how bloody naughty it seemed, was enough to make her cry out.

  “Stay right there,” he gasped, “and lower that mouth, little one. When I come, I want you ready to catch everything I have to offer.”

  Fuck. Had he really just said that?

  Yet, as the fist in her hair guided her head forward, Lily knew that he had, and her lips parted. She was ready. Ready to yield to what he desired. Ready to be his thing again—a slave to his pleasure in every way possible—and she was so damn horny because of it.

  “I’m coming, baby,” he growled, pushing harder against the back of Lily’s head.

  She panted in response, her heart racing as she eyed the purple crown of his cock easing up and then down the space between her breasts. Lily had rarely seen the thing at this proximity before, and she’d never seen it this excited, and something about the look of it was utterly riveting.

  Lily hardly had time to pull in another breath before Ethan’s climax hit him, and hot, white fluid pumped into her open mouth. She swallowed down as much as she could, but still it came, flooding her chest as he groaned in pleasure over her body.

  “Oh, Lily,” he panted, finally easing the hot shaft from the prison of her breasts. “You have no idea how good that was.”

  But for the first time in a while, Ethan was wrong. Lily had a pretty bloody good idea.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Life with Lily in the bed and breakfast fell into a glorious new routine. The days and nights were filled with Ethan’s growing dominance, lessons in Lily’s new role as his little pet and the subsequent rewards and punishments. It was hedonism to a man like Ethan, and for a while things seemed perfect. Thoughts of the murders and Lily’s parents were pushed aside. In his mind, they were still there—Ethan was aware those things existed—but they didn’t trouble him, and interestingly, they appeared to trouble Lily less, too. The more she yielded to his demands, the more content she seemed to be—a fact which pleased Ethan immensely.

  It was a little over a week since they’d arrived in Gretna Green. Lily had written home to her parents, explaining something of the situation, but intentionally leaving out any of the details. She wanted to reassure them, but she didn’t want them to come looking for her, so Ethan ensured they drove back to the English border before they posted the correspondence. He wrote to Kitty at the same time, apologizing profusely for his lack of communication, but telling her he would be back in a few weeks, with some exciting news to share. The letter seemed to appease Lily, who, he knew had been fretting about her parents, but Ethan wasn’t stupid. It wouldn’t be enough for long. Soon, Lily would want to speak to them, and one day she would want to see them again, but he wanted to ensure she was his wife before that day came.

  “Do you know what I have planned for today?” he glanced down at the leashed woman by his feet, her head tilting at his question.

  No, sir.

  Ethan’s gaze narrowed. “Words please,” he instructed, loving the furious blush that immediately engulfed Lily’s pretty little face.

  “No, sir,” she replied, or at least, she tried to reply, but the plastic ball in her mouth did rather impede her ability to enunciate.

  His cock swelled at the string of mumbled sounds that came from her parted lips. “Better,” he praised her a smile.

  “You recall I stopped at the bank when we crossed the border yesterday, little one?”

  Lily nodded in response, her breathing becoming labored as she presumably recalled the way Ethan had insisted she wear her collar during the outing. Although Lily never left the car, the fact that she’d been wearing it all day was the source of considerable arousal for them both, and he’d pounced on her as soon as they’d returned, fucking her senseless over the end of the bed while he fisted her hair. Ethan grinned at the memory. The sex they shared was the best of his life, but it was more than just carnality. Ethan loved the growing intimacy between them, and over the last few days, he’d intentionally begun to push Lily’s boundaries. Each day he would set her new challenges, and he’d never been disappointed. If he didn’t know better, she’d even learned to love her gag.

  No, sir, her thoughts interrupted him, and he met her insistent green gaze again in an instant.

  “No?” he queried. “You’re sure, because I bet if I was to explore that sweet pussy of mine I’d find it was dripping wet for me? You’re telling me that’s not because of the gag?”

  Lily sighed. Eyeing him imploringly. It is, but I hate it, her thoughts muttered.

  He laughed at her sullen response. “You do not hate it,” he corrected it. “Maybe you hate what it represents, but your body gives you away, little one. And if that doesn’t, then your thoughts will.”

  Her gaze fell to the carpet below, her thoughts suddenly sil

  “Anyhow,” Ethan continued, tugging at her leash to draw her attention back to him. “When I stopped at the bank I withdrew enough for us over the next few weeks, plus enough to purchase something special for the woman I love.”

  Lily’s gaze was on him now, her eyes seeming unblinking as she took in his words.

  “And since you didn’t seem keen to leave the car yesterday, I took the opportunity to drop in on a local jeweler in the town.”

  Ethan flashed her a knowing smile, relishing the combination of humiliation and excitement that seemed to wash over Lily’s senses at his words.

  He beckoned her toward him with one finger. “Come here.”

  She edged closer until her shoulder brushed his trousers. Over the course of the last week, Ethan had insisted Lily remain naked when they were alone, and as he gazed down at her now, he wondered if the sight of her body would ever be less potent than it was now. He doubted it. He really did.

  “Up on your knees.”

  Lily panted as she complied, rising to her knees with wide green eyes.

  “And where do your hands go?” he asked, reminding Lily of things he’d shown her the day before their impromptu trip back to England.

  With a deep breath, Lily shifted her hands to the back of her head, forcing her elbows wide to mirror her knees.

  “Beautiful,” he purred as he reached the leather strap at her face. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  Sliding one finger underneath the strap, Ethan eased the ball from her magnificent mouth, his cock thickening as a pool of saliva fell at the same time. Fuck, the look of Lily on her knees that way never failed to make his balls ache. It seemed no matter how much he had of her, it was never enough.

  It could never be enough.

  “You’re going to need your mouth for this next part,” he mused with a grin, though Ethan’s heart was pounding in his chest as he delivered the news, and as their gazes locked, he had an idea that little Lily knew just what was coming next.


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