The Golden Goose of Los Angeles Extended Edition

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The Golden Goose of Los Angeles Extended Edition Page 29

by Travis Adams Irish

filled with rage and a sense of betrayal. If a little girl dies and an old Billionaire lives on; what have we become? Ladies and Gentlemen, I am not going to play God anymore. Until there is a cure for everyone, there is not a cure for anyone.”


  Rory begins to feel emotion creep up in his throat and a tear streams down his right cheek. “Since this began, my girlfriend and I have felt like we just inherited a well in a town full of people dying from dehydration. There is not enough water in this well for everyone to drink, and I am tired of living my life in fear of: stalkers, death threats, and the dark, selfish agenda that comes from a limited supply of a second chance. That being the case, Ladies and Gentlemen; from this moment forward, all of my blood will go to research for developing a cure. I am going to live my life, and no one will get to play God again with my blood… or with my family.”


  As he waits for shouts of disapproval or to be escorted off the stage, Rory is amazed when some of the most respected film icons from when he was a child begin a slow, steady clap. Soon these people get to their feet, and they applaud louder showing beautiful grace without direction or ulterior motivation. The auditorium is briskly filled with a unified sound of applause, and for the second time in a year, Rory feels like he has made the right decision. To his surprise, he looks down at these magnificent people and sees their eyes full of empathy. He smiles with vindication as he realizes that they too have experienced: stalkers, death threats, and forces transforming their lives against their will. Soon this moment fades and everyone takes their seats again, their gesture leaving him overflowing with confidence and inspiration.


  “And the winner is…” Rory begins as he opens the envelope and reads the card with a proud voice. “Hearts of Diamonds: The survivors of the Bangladesh house of cards.”


  He smiles and takes a few steps backward, crossing his arms over his abdomen and waiting for the winners to approach the stage.


  A few moments later, Rory and Kelly are standing backstage as the winners for best documentary are being interviewed by members of the news media. He smiles at Kelly despite the fact that she is facing away from him. She has never looked as amazing as she does in her blue designer dress with her hair in a classic movie star wave. The entire outfit is her attempt at a nod to Hepburn. This effective combination of her high heels and black scarf makes her appear statuesque and one of a kind. Even as she holds the blue clutch with curious, delicate fingers, and an expression of eager intelligence, she seems far more desirable to Rory. While he stands next to her in his expensive suit with his hair slicked back, he feels they have never been more compatible.


  “Are you ready to do this?” Kelly asks, turning her head to look at Rory with a sense of duty in her voice.


  Rory looks up in a daze, realizing that the reporters have finished interviewing the winners, and he swallows hard, nodding his head slowly.


  “When the fuck did you decide that we would stop giving blood to save people, Rory!?” Kelly half shouts as she glares at her boyfriend with confused anger.


  The group of reporters suddenly turns their attention to the young couple, snapping photos and capturing live video, as the drama unfolds.


  “I am tired of being everyone’s damn pincushion, Kelly!” Rory shouts back at full volume. “Don’t you understand that?”


  “Oh, and I’m not everyone’s pincushion? I have to try to live my life with these Goddamn reporters up my ass all day… Thanks to YOU!” She gestures at the panel of journalists and then finishes by pointing a shaky finger at Rory.


  “Thanks to me? Are you kidding!?” Rory asks with a look of betrayal. “Thanks to me, the world knows who you are. Thanks to me, you’re no longer some second rate hostess at a restaurant. Now you’re a nurse and a humanitarian.”


  “You phony sonofabitch, Rory! Before your blood could cure cancer you were just a guy who loved his Mountain Dew and a piece of ass like any other guy. Don’t make yourself out to be this crusader trying to save the world.”


  “That’s RIGHT! I would love a Mountain Dew and a piece of ass right about now- you sure as hell aren’t going to give it to me.”


  “Yeah, you’re right… I’m not going to give it to you anymore. You aren’t a real man, Rory; you’re just a guy who won the biological lottery. We’re finished!” She shouts with a genuine fierceness, holding her right hand up to her brow and closing her eyes.


  “Kelly… I’m sorry,” Rory begins, holding his hands out to his sides. “Baby, I’m sorry that all of this has come down on us so fast. I’m sorry that we have to deal with these asshole reporters.” He gestures at the panel of journalists as if describing a mountain of garbage. “But I don’t want us to end here. Yes, we’ve changed, and we’ve had some scares, but look at us tonight. Don’t you see how much we belong together?”


  “No, Rory,” Kelly says quickly shaking her head, “you belong with them.” She gestures to the members of the press, dipping her head as she turns away from Rory and stomps briskly out of the room.


  Rory closes his eyes for a moment, lowering his head toward the floor, and then he moves rapidly to catch up with her.


  Once they reach the hallway that leads back to the auditorium, and are away from members of the press, Kelly turns to Rory with a naughty smile.


  “We did it, baby,” she begins, grabbing his right hand with hers. “We broke up in front of the world, and now we can be free.”


  Kelly gazes into his soft eyes and sees that he is filled with genuine despair. He turns his head slightly to the right, trying to mask his emotions, unable to look at her.


  “You really didn’t want to break up, did you?” She asks with delicate surprise.


  “No, babe,” Rory admits, swallowing hard and feeling suddenly drowned in the heat of his heavy formal suit. “With all that is happening in my life, this is when I need you the most.”


  “I’m sorry, Rory, this is something we already decided to do,” she replies, putting the back of her hand gently on his face. “I already feel free, and with every second that has passed since we got all of that off our chests, I feel more like myself again. I can’t live on this rollercoaster anymore, my love; it is time for me to get off. You can handle this. You’re an extreme sports guy, remember? Well, now your whole life is an extreme sport, and I wish I could change that, baby, but it’s out of my control.”


  Rory nods, looking at her for half a second, and then turns his face away as tears begin to stream down his cheeks. Kelly sighs in deep thought, not knowing what to say. Finally she gives him a warm embrace, holding him close as the reality sets in and the end of their four-year relationship is finally at hand.


  “Stay alive, babe,” she says after a long silence, feeling the warmth of his muscles against her body. “This is not our fault; it’s just something we have to do… I love you.”


  “I love you too,” Rory states with sadness, squeezing her tight one last time before stepping back a bit to let her know that he is ready.


  “Stay in touch, sweets,” she says with a big smile kissing him passionately on the lips.


  As the tension becomes unbearable, she gives him one last smile, and then steps hastily toward the front lobby to find the limousine that will take Kelly to her new apartment.


  Rory now stands alone in the quiet hallway between one room filled with a mob of journalists, and another room filled with a collection of celebrities whom he
doesn’t know. His heart is soothed with relief that the woman he loves will be safer in the world now, but he is already dreading the idea of life without her. After a few minutes of personal reflection, he wipes the tears from his eyes and straightens himself as a dignified man, then enters the auditorium to say his goodbyes to the crew who filmed his documentary.


  The following Monday morning is too lonely for Rory to bear. His regular early chats with their private security guards would no longer be possible, and the familiar sights of Kelly brushing her teeth and showering in his home are badly missed. When the reality of an empty home becomes a poisonous notion, Rory decides to go for a walk in the upscale shopping district of Hollywood. In many ways he tells himself that he is just getting out of the house, but in reality, he wants to walk near tall, thin beautiful women in hopes of filling the gap left in his heart. After taking a shower and properly primping, being careful to apply the right amount of gel in his hair, he puts on his most stylish royal blue vacation shirt and a pair of tight black jeans. After the Academy Awards exposure and hype, he does not want to be recognized, and shaves off the goatee that he had grown especially for that night.


  The trip from his lavish home on Club View Drive is only minutes down Wilshire Boulevard to the world famous Rodeo Drive. Rory begins his walk enjoying the breathtaking scenery in this part of Los Angeles. Nearly every inch of his neighborhood has immaculate, manicured lawns that give him a sense of serenity, and the view of the Country Club landscaping gives him a peaceful feeling. He closes his eyes for several seconds every now and then, pretending to

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