Ghost of a Chance

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Ghost of a Chance Page 4

by Cynthia Eden

“We should be very clear on something.” His arms dropped. He pushed away from the wall. Stalked toward her.

  Her shoulders stiffened, and her chin notched up. He hadn’t got to lick that cute-as-fuck dimple on the bottom of her chin yet. He would. Soon.

  She didn’t back up at his approach. Tess waited and watched him.

  He stopped right in front of her. Wanted to put his hands all over her. “You’re not in the way. You will never be in my way.”

  Her teeth bit into her lower lip.

  He growled.

  Her breath came a little faster. “That was…a lot more than I expected.”

  Her honesty was about to drive him to his knees. There was no pretense with her, and it was so different to be with someone who just said what she thought. Everyone was always trying to lie in his world. Hell, he was a world-class, grade A liar. But she wasn’t.

  She wasn’t anything like him.

  I should keep my hands off her.

  Instead, his hand rose. His knuckles slid over her cheek. “It was exactly what I expected.”

  A little line appeared between her eyebrows. “Is that bad?”

  “No. Not even close.” His lips skimmed over hers. “The sex was just as fantastic as I knew it would be.” And he’d be wanting more. A whole lot more with her.

  She leaned toward him. Her scent swept around him. When she left, he knew the vanilla cream would linger on his sheets. On him. And he liked that. He wanted her scent on him. Wanted his scent on her. That way, other bastards would stay the hell back.

  Whoa. Hold up. He wasn’t getting jealous, was he?

  “I swear I can still feel you,” Tess whispered. “On the inside.”

  Okay, obviously she was trying to drive him insane.

  She stepped back. “I have to go.”

  He wanted her to go right back to bed.

  “This is more than I—” She waved a hand vaguely in the air, then that hand dropped and pressed to her chest. “Everything is all tense and swirling, and I think I need to step back.”

  He wasn’t going to stop her. But… “Do I get to see you again?”

  Her gaze held his. “No strings?”

  “I don’t see any. Do you?”

  She shook her head. “I’d like to see you again.” Her gaze darted to the bed. “I’d like…I’d like that a lot.”

  He waited for her stare to return to him. When it did, James offered her a slow smile. “Give me your phone.”

  She glanced around. “I swear, um, I had a bag somewhere.”

  Now he laughed. He vaguely remembered her putting down the bag in the other room. He turned, going after it, and Tess hurried to follow him. She spied the bag on a chair near the big windows, and she hauled her phone out of it. She unlocked the screen and handed it to him.

  He put in his contact info. And for his name…

  He handed the phone back to her.

  She frowned down at the screen. Hell, even her frowns were sexy. “My guy?” She looked up at him. “You’re—”

  “I’m the guy you call when you need something. Anything. I’m the guy you need.”

  She pushed the phone back into her bag. “Give me your phone.”

  He glanced around. Spied it on the table. Did not remember putting that damn thing there. He’d been distracted by her. James unlocked the phone and handed it to her. She seemed very serious as she added in her contact information.

  Then she gave the phone back to him.

  Truly curious now, he glanced down at the—

  Laughter tore from him.

  “My best sex ever.”

  “Are you laughing because it’s not true?”

  His gaze shot to her face.

  Her cheeks had flushed. “Because I was just kidding. I mean…”

  James shoved the phone into his pocket. He caught her arms and hauled her closer. “Actually, it is fucking true.” He kissed her. “I like you.”

  “That’s good. I think I like you, too.”

  Another kiss. He didn’t want her to go. He wanted her back in that bed, with him, tearing up the sheets all night long but…

  But there were shadows under her eyes. He still didn’t know what in the hell had sent her running to him, but he would be finding out. She needed to rest, he could see that. “I’ll call for the limo.”

  “That’s not necessary. I can catch a cab.”

  “I want to make sure you get home safely. It’s part of my deal.”

  She lifted one eyebrow. “Wild sex and safety?”

  A nod.

  “It’s a good deal. I’ll take it.”

  And I’ll take you.

  The thought was possessive. Mostly because he was starting to feel very possessive about his doc. But he kept playing the gentleman. When the limo arrived, he headed downstairs with Tess. Didn’t pounce on her during the trip to her place. James thought he deserved serious props for that one.

  He escorted her to her second-floor condo. He liked her building, a converted warehouse that offered one large condo on the bottom floor and another on the second. Aesthetically, the building was nice, but the security was shit. When he asked about her downstairs neighbors, Tess told him they were a retired couple on an extended trip to Europe.

  “Thanks for the ride home,” Tess murmured as she stood before her door.

  He had the distinct feeling she was not inviting him in.

  “And thanks for the, you know, awe-inspiring sex.”

  He couldn’t help his smile. “You stay stuff like that, and it will totally go to my head.”

  “I enjoyed being with you.”

  Now those words made his heart feel funny. James bent forward and kissed her long and lingeringly, before reluctantly letting her go. “You know where to find me, Tess.”

  A nod.

  He waited until she’d shut and locked her door before he headed back downstairs.

  And when he was in the limo, riding in the back alone…

  His mask vanished. He ripped out his phone. Dialed Barnes. “I want to know what the fuck happened to Tess today,” he snapped, not bothering with a greeting. “Find out what hurt her—who hurt her.”


  “Because no one hurts her. Understand me? No one.”

  He ended the call. Stared down at his hands. Thought about the way they’d been all over her body.

  The hands of a killer…Tess should have believed him when he’d told her about his past. In his way, he’d been trying to warn her off. Trying to tell her that she should stay away from a guy like him.

  Too late now. He’d had a taste of her.

  He wanted more.

  Chapter Three

  My shift is over. Tess hunched her shoulders as she shot off the text to James. Still want to meet up? A nurse bustled past her. Tess smiled a quick greeting at Sean. He was one of the best nurses on the floor and always friendly to everyone.

  Her phone dinged. Her gaze darted away from Sean and back to her phone.


  Her heart raced a little faster.

  Another ding.

  I’ll be waiting outside for you.

  She shoved the phone into the front pocket of her scrubs. She hurried to the locker room and changed as quickly as she could, donning jeans and a sexy, flirty red top that she’d picked up on impulse. The top was totally not like anything she usually wore, but she liked it and it made her feel a little extra bold as she put on the heels that she’d brought to wear for her meet-up with James.

  Heels. She could not even remember the last time she’d worn heels. She was mostly a flats kind of woman.

  Tess put her phone in her small bag, then slammed her locker shut. The clang seeming extra loud to her ears.

  A low whistle followed the clang.

  Her gaze jerked to the right.

  Latonya smiled at her. “Someone’s being sexy.”

  Someone was trying to be sexy. “Does it look okay?” Tess pulled on the shirt. It dipped super low, rev
ealing the swell of her breasts, and maybe it was too much.

  Latonya swatted away her hands. “Stop doing that. Okay doesn’t even begin to describe the situation.” She surveyed Tess with a critical eye. “You look killer. Killer.”

  Relief surged through her.

  “Now, spill. Tell your dearest friend in the world who the guy is and why I haven’t heard about him before.” Latonya still wore her scrubs. A stethoscope circled her neck. Tess knew Latonya’s ER shift was just about to start. They’d met during their first year of med school and had become quick friends. Latonya’s easy warmth had pulled Tess in before she’d ever even realized what was happening. And, unlike so many others, Latonya had never pushed Tess to reveal her past. She’d just accepted her.

  “Give me details about this man who has you pulling out the heels. Heels. I think I may just be having a hallucination.”

  “No hallucination, and you have heard about him.” No one else was in there, so Tess decided to say, “Bad things.”

  “What?” Her eyebrows wiggled down.

  “I’m meeting up with the owner of the club. Remember him?” She smoothed her hair. It was still in the bun. But…

  Tess pulled it down.

  “Oh, damn. The hair is coming down. This is like every makeover show in America. The hair comes down because you’re about to get freaky.”

  A laugh sputtered from Tess. “Stop.” And I am so about to get freaky, I think. She shoved up the sleeve of her blouse and glanced at her watch. “I need to go. He’s waiting.”

  “Oh, Tess, let him wait. Men need to wait. It makes them appreciate us more.” But she headed toward the door with Tess. Slowly. “And are you serious? You’re dating Tall, Sexy, and Bad?”

  Tess shoved open the door. “His name is James.”

  “Um, I like my name for him better. It has more personality.”

  Tess’s heels tapped over the tiled floor. “And I wouldn’t call it dating, exactly—”

  Latonya grabbed her arm and hauled her closer. “What would you call it?”

  Tess allowed a slow smile to curl her lips.

  In response, Latonya shook her head. “That smile both makes me happy, and it worries me.”

  “He’s outside,” Tess whispered as she glanced around the busy hospital corridor. “I have to go.”

  “Yes, well, you’d better give me a whole lot of details at the first opportunity.”

  Not going to happen. Tess wasn’t a detailing-sharing type, and Latonya knew that.

  But Latonya gave her a firm glare. “Drinks with me and Marilyn. Pencil that shit in.”

  Someone called out for Latonya, and she hurried away.

  Tess turned on her heel and tap-tap-tapped her way to the exit as—

  “Dr. Barrett?” A tall, blond-haired man in green scrubs came to a hard stop.

  Wonderful. Not. But she straightened her shoulders and halted so she could stare at Dr. Devin Goddard. It was a running joke in the ER that the guy’s nickname was God Complex. He truly thought he was the greatest thing going in the hospital. He let the staff know that fact on a regular basis, and he absolutely made sure all the female staff members were regularly apprised of his many, many merits—or, what he perceived to be his merits.

  “You look…different.” His gaze dipped over her.

  God Complex was a competent doctor, she’d give him that. But he’d tried to make passes at her from day one, and she’d more than proven she wasn’t interested. The last thing she wanted to do was have a chat with him about her attire.

  While James was waiting.

  “It’s my non-work outfit, Devin. I have those, you know.” She stepped forward.

  He blocked her path. Smirked. “Are you going out on a date?”

  “No, I’m going to church. Excuse me.” She pushed past him.

  “What? Seriously? Hey, wait—Tess!”

  She was at the sliding glass exit doors. The security guard on duty gave Tess a quick wave, then he shot an eye roll toward Devin.

  Tess double timed her steps—or tried to, the heels were wobbly—as she hurried along the sidewalk and toward the—


  Yes, the limo waited. The familiar driver stood by the door. Ryley. She’d been introduced to him on her ride home. Ryley Hutch inclined his head toward her.

  She lifted her hand and waved to him. A little nervously. Her steps slowed.

  “That doesn’t look like church.”

  She jumped.


  Devin had followed her out of the hospital. He glared at the limo. “It’s waiting for you, isn’t it? And that isn’t church.” He put his hand on her shoulder. Turned his gaze to her. “I didn’t think you were seeing anyone. I mean, I asked you out—”

  He had. Very arrogantly. Very I’m-doing-you-a-favor-like. And she’d declined. At least five times.

  “You said you weren’t dating. You said you didn’t have time to date.”

  “You’ll want to remove the hand.” The masculine voice was low and lethal, and it sent a shiver over Tess’s skin.

  She hadn’t heard James approach. But, suddenly, she could feel him. His warmth was right behind her.

  “Unless she asked you to touch her, you move the fucking hand, right now. Or I move it for you.”

  Those words were even lower. Even rougher.

  Devin snatched his hand back. “Tess said she was going to church. You don’t look like fucking church!”

  “You sure about that? Push me, and I can take you to God.”

  Tess pressed her lips together so she wouldn’t laugh. Devin was glaring. Gaping. Glaring some more.

  James took her hand in his. Twined his fingers with hers. “You look absolutely beautiful.”

  Her head swiveled toward him.

  “Love the red.” He grinned down at her. “Makes your skin look like cream, and your hair seem even darker. You’ve got this whole super sexy Snow White thing happening right now.”

  She had to laugh. That was crazy and oddly sweet at the same time.

  James turned his head to stare at Devin. His smile vanished. “Why are you still here?”

  “I was on my way to my car. My Jag.” Devin drew himself up to his full height. Shoved his nose high into the air. Using his most arrogant voice—the voice he used to make interns jump and quake—he demanded, “Who are you?”

  “Who the fuck are you?” James tossed right back, not missing a beat. Then he shrugged. “Wait, never mind. I don’t care.” His gaze slid back to Tess. “You ready?”

  More than ready. She nodded.

  He led her toward the limo. Ryley held the back door open for them. She slid inside, and James followed behind her.

  The door slammed shut a moment later. Through the tinted window, she could see Devin still standing there, staring after them.

  “Tell me he isn’t one of your exes.” James sprawled on the seat.

  “He isn’t one of my exes,” she said immediately.

  He blinked. “Did you just tell me what I asked to hear? Or is it the truth?”

  She put her hand on his chest. He was dressed up tonight, and she was glad she’d worn her heels and the sexy top. He wore crisp, black dress pants. A white dress shirt, unbuttoned at the collar, and a black coat that fit his wide shoulders perfectly. “I told you the truth. I’ve never been interested in Devin Goddard.”

  “He’s interested in you.”

  The limo was moving.

  “He is interested in anyone with a pulse.”

  James’s mouth kicked up into a half-smile, but his eyes remained serious. “If you just wanted to have sex with someone, he was right there, the whole time.”

  “I didn’t want just someone.” She stared into his eyes. “I wanted awe-inspiring.”

  Now his eyes did gleam. “Baby, you keep saying stuff like that and—” But he stopped.

  She didn’t want him to stop. She wanted to know exactly what he’d intended to tell her. “And what?”

e swallowed. His lashes—the man truly had incredibly thick, dark lashes—shielded his gaze for a moment before he said, “You keep saying stuff like that, and I’ll want to fuck you right here.”

  Her gaze darted to the privacy screen. It was up. “Can the driver hear us?” Because if Ryley could hear her, she’d be mortified.


  “See us?” She couldn’t even believe she was thinking this.

  “No. Ryley can’t see back here right now.”

  She bit her lower lip.

  “You got another question for me?” James asked, voice all smooth and rich and deep.

  Do it. Tess let go of her lower lip. “Will you fuck me here?”

  That grin of his came again, slow and body-melting. “Baby, it would be my pleasure to fuck you anywhere.”

  Her chest felt warm. Everything from her day was forgotten. The stress. The worry. She kicked off her heels.

  “Those were hot as hell, by the way. Love them,” James praised.

  She was smiling again. She seemed to do that a lot with him.

  She shimmied out of her pants. And her red panties.

  He released a low whistle. “Baby, you are pure perfection.”

  She didn’t feel like perfection. Nerves rushed through her body, but she wanted this. She wanted him. Tess straddled him, her knees sinking into the leather seats. Low music was playing—the music finally penetrated in her mind. Some jazzy music that was oddly sensual.

  Her tongue swiped over her lower lip as she gathered up her courage. She’d never had sex in a moving vehicle before. Wait, correction, she’d never had sex in any vehicle before. Totally new experience. Her fingers went to the top of his pants. A few moments later, she had his pants open, and his long, fully erect length thrust toward her.

  She glanced up, surprised that he was already so—

  James chuckled. “Seriously? You asked me to fuck you in the car. If I hadn’t already been turned on, my dick would have gone to instant full erection.” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her neck. “But I was already turned on. The instant I saw you in your heels and your hot red top, my dick applauded.”

  She curled her hands around said dick. “An applauding dick, huh?” She didn’t ever remember teasing a lover the way she did with him. It just was easy. Comfortable. “That is something new.”


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