The Darkness of Dawn

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The Darkness of Dawn Page 30

by Braden Michael

  “State your name, soldier,” said Asher.

  “J—Joju,” the captive’s voice cracked.

  “Listen to me very closely, Joju.” Asher slowly encroached on Joju and placed both his hands on the Headlander’s shoulders. “If you want to leave this place alive, you must carry out a task for me. You need to scurry back to the rest of your army and tell them exactly what transpired here.”

  “I—I can d—do that.” Joju’s voice shook with his body.

  “But I don’t think your word alone will be enough to inspire your people the way I want them to be inspired. You will carry your commanding officer’s head and display it to them.”

  Joju’s eyes widened. He stammered, hoping to find anything he could respond with, but remained silent.

  “You will point out to my men who your commander was.” Asher turned towards Lieutenant Francis. “The heads are in decent enough shape, yes?”

  “That remains to be seen.”

  “Have your men take our friend Joju here to the bodies, so he may identify the commander in question.”

  Francis nodded and guided Joju to his men. He made the appropriate commands and sent the Headlander with a few soldiers off on the road, then approached Asher.

  “We seized enough crops to keep all our men fed for weeks,” said Francis.

  “We lose anyone?” Asher asked.

  “Not a single man, your Majesty. There were twenty enemy soldiers we found, but they were caught off guard and could not put up a fight.”

  “Good to hear,” Asher said.

  Why don’t I feel good, despite the on-paper victory? Asher thought.

  “Do we have anything else to do here?” Francis asked.

  “We torch the place, then move on to the next target. You’ll guide us there, of course.”

  “A small town called Kiruga, ten or so miles northeast of here.”

  “We rest up for a few hours, then raid it at night,” Asher said.

  How many innocent lives will I ruin just to get the Headland Army’s attention? How many innocent lives will I ruin to unite the Dawnlands? It better be worth it.

  CH 31 – Black Eyes IX

  For several more days, Black Eyes traveled on the road with the Deadland Bargemen’s convoy. The road was sparse with traffic, with only the occasional trade caravan passing by. “The countryside of any of the Dawnland Empires is immense and vast, and most folk ain’t interested in trying to traverse that distance,” Korgo had claimed early in the ride. That suits me fine, Black Eyes thought. Korgo now sat on the carriage, steering its movements, and Black Eyes joined him. Fable, Jax, and William rode on horseback alongside them.

  The convoy rode farther down the road. The sun teased the horizon, casting the light of dusk over the vast grass fields on either side of the road. A large wooden post stood proudly on the right side of a fork in the road with large plain text scrolled over it. Kiruga – Four Miles.

  “What’s Kiruga?” Black Eyes asked.

  “One of the major towns in the Headlands,” Jax answered.

  “That place has one of my favorite brothels ever!” Korgo exclaimed.

  “Perhaps once we’re paid, I’ll buy it and charge you double,” said Fable.

  Korgo snorted. “Once we’re paid, I’ll be able to afford double!”

  The Bargemen all laughed like they were having the time of their lives, but Black Eyes continued to glower anxiously. A major town? Lotta people that can recognize me…

  The convoy traveled to Kiruga at a leisurely pace as all Deadland Bargemen seemed to do. Their only concerns are about getting paid then getting laid. Maybe I should consider signing up? Black Eyes thought. During the remainder of the ride, he reflected on the things that worried him: global wars, unraveling incomprehensible geopolitical situations, escaping a torturous death, and abandoning his loved ones were but the surface of the stresses that plagued his mind. He almost resented the Deadland Bargemen for the apparent simplicity of their lives. Take away a noble’s prisoner, get paid by said noble, purchase time with whores with said payment, then rinse and repeat. His own life had been anything but simple in comparison.

  Before too long, the town of Kiruga came into view. Dozens of impressively constructed buildings spanned the horizon, and were bustling with the traffic of townsfolk, traders, and Headland soldiers. Black Eyes instinctively pulled his hood over his head and fumbled in his pockets to make sure his dagger was hidden but within reach.

  “Korgo, if they recognize me, I’m fighting my way out. Should it come to that, join me in the fight and you’ll earn double what I promised,” said Black Eyes.

  “Keep your hood on and keep your dick in your pants. Headlanders’ eyes are too thin to see you clearly enough anyway.”

  “Even a blind man could recognize me,” Black Eyes contested.

  “So, not even blindness can keep a man safe from that face, eh?”

  Black Eyes punched Korgo in the shoulder, causing him to recoil and grunt painfully. “Ow! Did I strike a nerve?” Korgo mocked.

  “Remember what I told you, mercenary. If you have any self-preservation technique, then you’ll honor the contract.”

  “No need to get pissy. I ain’t planning on betraying you, yet.”

  Black Eyes did not like how Korgo emphasized the word yet. He was about to react, but the convoy had reached the front gate of the town and were shouted down at by a Headland soldier.

  “What is your business here?” The Headland soldier grabbed a spear but did not hold it threateningly just yet.

  “Transporting some Exiles and enjoying all the fineries that Kiruga has to offer,” said Korgo.

  “You may enter, mercenary, but do not start any fights here. You are outnumbered, and this place does not tolerate outside disruption,” the gate soldier said.

  “It certainly tolerates outside coin,” Korgo joked.

  “You may enter, mercenary.” The gate guard flashed his teeth and motioned the convoy through the open gate.

  “Sounds like you could benefit from a trip to the brothel,” Fable quipped.

  “I didn’t ask for your fucking opinion, mercenary. Now go,” the gate guard insisted.

  The convoy proceeded through. A sea of people roamed throughout the dirt streets, mingling near the various buildings and establishments, paying little mind to them.

  “Bargemen come through here all the time,” Korgo reassured Black Eyes.

  “That doesn’t mean there’s no risk I get recognized,” said Black Eyes.

  “Keep the hood over your head and that won’t happen. Look around.” Korgo pointed outwards at the crowd. “Plenty of people with hoods. You won’t stand out.”

  Korgo had pointed out the truth. Black Eyes counted at least twenty-five hooded people before he lost track, but his mind was not yet at ease.

  “Where in town we heading?” Black Eyes prodded, shifting in his seat anxiously.

  “The brothel, of course!” Korgo chuckled.

  “If there was ever a place in this town that Headland soldiers would go to, it would be the brothel, Korgo.”

  “Well, if you purchase time with one, or several, of the ladies, those Headland soldiers will not be in the room with you to watch.”

  “That’s—” Black Eyes paused for a moment, then the anxiety on his face melted away, “actually a good point.”

  “See? All will be fine. You will get the opportunity to relieve yourself both enjoyably and discreetly.”

  Perhaps I am worrying too much, Black Eyes thought. He had been surrounded by overwhelming danger for months, so if he had reached a relative moment of safety, it might seem too good to be true.

  The hundreds of people walking throughout the streets cleared a path for the Deadland convoy, although they paid little mind to it. Black Eyes was confused by the indifference of the townspeople to the massive carriage and horsemen escort looming over them.

  “How often do Bargemen pass through this town?” Black Eyes asked Korgo.

bsp; “Lots of people pass through here all the time. Bargemen or not, the townspeople are used to seeing tons of foreigners here. We might stand out, but they don’t care,” Korgo explained.

  The convoy continued to roll down the street, passing countless gatherings of people at dozens of inns, alehouses, food stands. Dancers, singers, smiths engaged in their respective trades. After several minutes, the convoy reached a stone building with ivory furnishings and a distinct aroma of perfume occupying the space nearby.

  “This is the place.” Korgo pulled the carriage horses’ reins, bring the animals to a grinding halt.

  Black Eyes reached into his pocket and felt around for the money he carried. Ten gold pieces. I won them from the Headland Sergeant, he remembered. He briefly recalled the youthful faces of the men who drank with him, their happy smiles and admirable naivety. I bet Troy would be excited about this brothel.

  “Doorman!” Korgo shouted at the man standing guard by the front door, then he tossed the doorman a silver piece. “See that our cargo is tied down and cared for.” Korgo turned around. “William! Take care of the prisoners and watch the carriage! Oh, and our horses!”

  “I gotta babysit the Exiles while you all are off with the whores?” William protested.

  “I was on Exile-duty last time we were here,” said Jax.

  “And I had it the seven times before that!” William claimed.

  “Shut up and do it!” Korgo yelled at him.

  Korgo, Fable, Jax, and Black Eyes started up the ivory steps that led towards the front door. The doorman left his post to help William with the carriage, so the four men were able to scamper through uninterrupted.

  Once inside, the aroma of perfume and incense filled Black Eyes’ nose, instantly making him feel more aroused. Are they doing that with the smells on purpose? The crotch area of his pants began tightening uncomfortably. They had to walk past a few collections of beads that were hung from the walls before the men passed through the curtain that led to the brothel’s main room.

  The main room had a rug of purple and pink velvet, dozens of potted flowers, and silk-lined furniture that was occupied by both working women and their clients. While most of the patrons appeared to be well-dressed merchants or nobles, there was a small collection of Headland soldiers sitting off in a somewhat isolated corner of the room, sipping wine in the company of different women. Black Eyes pulled his hood down over his head even further and faced away.

  “I’m most pleased to see you again, Mister Danoff.” A woman appearing to be in her later thirties, wearing a highly elegant thin silk dress and even more elegantly styled hair, spoke gracefully.

  “Madam, you look as ravishing as ever,” Korgo complimented.

  The Madam giggled. “Just as flattering as ever, I see.” She looked past the black-clad Bargemen and noticed the hooded man standing beside them. “You don’t have the same look as your companions. Are you new to Kiruga?” Her voice had a slight hint of seductive vigor.

  “I’m new. I’m their current employer,” said Black Eyes.

  “They have a new employer, eh?” The Madam playfully chuckled.

  “That’s right.” Black Eyes pulled out a gold piece from his pocket and handed it to the Madam. “And their evening activities are covered by me.”

  “Seriously?” Fable asked loudly, turning the heads of several nearby patrons and working girls.

  Black Eyes subtly turned his head away from the prying eyes, continuing to converse with the Madam while still hiding his eyes from view. “That should get them an evening with your finest girls, should it not?”

  “It will indeed.” The Madam placed the coin on the nearby desk and turned around towards the hallway. “Aina! Fen! Mahalia!”

  With no delay, three naked women came out of the hallway and presented themselves before the Madam. The three of them were all young and beautiful, with toned bodies and the look of ethnic Headlanders.

  “Mister Danoff, I hope these girls are to your liking?” The Madam rested a hand on her hip and shifted her weight to one leg, emphasizing her curves—Black Eyes could not look away.

  “Shit yeah they are!” Korgo cheered boisterously. The formerly prying eyes now refused to pay attention to the Bargemen. “C’mon Jax! C’mon Fable! Time to make every use of Bl—our employer’s money!” He brushed over his stutter and paid it no mind, walking forward to the middle girl, taking her hand and leading her into the hallway, shortly followed by Jax, Fable, and the other two girls.

  “That was awfully generous of you. You paid enough for them to have those girls for an entire night,” the Madam said.

  “I’m quite generous to my friends.”

  “I’ve no doubt, my mysterious friend.” The Madam locked her hands behind her back and stuck her chest out. The sight of her, paired with the intoxicating aroma that filled the room, made Black Eyes’ crotch tighten further. “So, what desires of yours brought you here?” she inquired.

  Black Eyes scanned the Madam up and down the length of her body. “I desire elegance, and a woman of grace and beauty—" He paused for a moment. “A woman like you.”

  “Me?” The Madam was taken aback.

  “Why are you so surprised?”

  “Um—” the Madam lost the grace of her speech by stammering, and her cheeks were flushed with red. “Well, it’s just—it’s just, well, why do you want me, specifically?”

  “Show me your nicest private bedroom and I’ll tell you.” Black Eyes offered a playful smirk, his eyes still hidden from her view.

  The Madam giggled again. “Wow, you’re a good talker. Keep your weapons out here in the room, stowed in my desk, and I can take you to the best room I’ve got.”

  “Of course, my Lady.” He began to untie his sword belt, drawing a quick glance from one of the Headland soldiers situated off in the room’s corner.

  “Megu! Cover for me.”

  “Of course, Madam!” A native Headlander girl dressed similarly to the Madam came running towards the desk and situated herself nearby.

  “I don’t get called Lady very often,” the Madam said to Black Eyes.

  “You better get used to it, my Lady.” He handed the now-free sword belt with his sword and dagger attached and sheathed to her.

  “I think I will.” She grabbed the items and stowed them under her desk, then took Black Eyes by the hand. “Right this way.”

  Black Eyes was sore by the unrelenting tightness in his crotch. The Madam smiled flirtatiously, turned around, and led him into the hallway, being sure to sway her hips. As they passed the various doors and curtains, the sounds of pleasure echoed into the hallway. Korgo’s voice was faint, but Black Eyes could hear him celebrating behind one of the doors.

  After a left turn, the Madam led Black Eyes into a stretch that had no doors or curtains, except for the lavishly decorated door towards the very end. The Madam used her free hand to push it open, revealing an even more lavish room: gold-laced curtains, a bar table with an endless wine collection, a gilded steel bath, a massive bed, and velvet carpeting all over.

  “Why don’t we get you out of those clothes? And I’ll give you a hot bath.” The Madam slipped one of the straps of her dress off.

  “You read my mind.” Black Eyes slipped his hood off his head and made eye contact with her.

  “Oh my—” the Madam gasped and backed away fearfully. “You’re—"

  “I take it you know who I am.”

  The Madam continued to stare at him wide-eyed with fear. Her feet froze in place as she took quick, successive breaths.

  “How are you—”

  “Alive?” Black Eyes asked, almost indifferently. He began to unlace his pants. “Since you know who I am, and you know of my predicament, I gather you’re well-informed.”

  The Madam gulped. “As a brothel keeper, I do hear things from time to time.”

  Black Eyes gestured towards the fineries in the room. “Since you’re a woman with a good sense of business, I’m sure you are aware that informat
ion is quite valuable.” He pulled out the remainder of his gold coins from the pants he no longer wore and displayed them to her.

  The Madam studied him and the coins carefully. “If you’re only here to buy information, then why’re you taking your clothes off?”

  Black Eyes chuckled. “I’m still interested in having that bath.” He threw his jacket, shirt, and underwear aside, then took off his shoes to reveal his naked and dirt-smeared body.

  The Madam’s hesitation began to wane as Black Eyes approached the gilded bath. He stood over and looked inside, noticing how the shapes and curves of the bath were designed for someone to sit comfortably inside. He climbed in and carefully sat down, sighing with relief. The Madam stood in place, continuing to look at him with uncertainty.

  “The hot bath is still being offered, yes?” asked Black Eyes.

  “Of course.” She returned to smiling and walked over.

  Once at the bath, she pulled a switch that closed a drain at the bottom. She then turned a knob that made soothingly hot water pour from the faucet. The water splashed on Black Eyes’ feet and ankles while slowly filling the tub. The Madam then walked to the nearby vanities to collect various items, then returned with soap, a sponge, various oils, and a towel.

  “You don’t mind sharing information with me?” Black Eyes asked, looking up at her while she sat down on the stool beside the bath.

  “Your gold pieces have earned some information to be sure,” she said while wetting the sponge and soaping it.

  “The Yamamotos…” Black Eyes began with a sliver of disdain, which he quickly got rid of. “How long have they been planning their deception?”

  “I don’t know for certain.” She began to sensually and gently scrub his neck and shoulders with the soap and sponge. “But many of my soldier-clients have been talking about preparing for war for many months now.”

  “That’s a little vague.”

  “I’m afraid they don’t always offer specifics. However, I heard multiple bits about how no one would expect it. Take that how you will.”

  “So, you think they’ve been planning it for months?” Black Eyes asked.

  “Chances are good,” she said as her scrubbing moved down to his chest and underarms, “but I don’t think Howell was involved in any form.”


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