An American Fairy-Tell

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An American Fairy-Tell Page 8

by John J. Alexander

routes and air travel. The only reason behind such an aggressive movement pointed toward the creation of a world government ruled by unelected dictators unconcerned with individual rights or grievances. The power hungry elite used wealth and diplomacy to wage social and territorial war on the naïve nations around the world. The art of war dictates suited armed troops physically invade foreign lands stealing resources, occupy the native’s communities suppressing long held customs and beliefs while systematically decimating opposition male populations.

  The world globalization movement legally placed common clothed militants onto foreign soil while the oppressed citizens paid tribute through welfare programs biasedly distributed by corrupt elected government officials. The moronic SJW controlled media and payed for hirer politicians painted Patriots as rogue nationalist and blamed legal citizens for acts of terror committed by immigrate militants. To suppress local uprisings, terms like xenophobia and fascist were used to label common sense thinkers as problem makers and uneducated bigots. While citizens demanded justice, the law turned a blind eye, making excuses instead of arrests as publicly known criminals raped the land.

  For the world elite, the idea of one likeminded all-powerful government seemed like a way to get things done, free from diverse opinions and needs, untangled from troublesome red tape and public oversight. The problem with too much power is repeated throughout history as each new regime over burdens and lies to the masses in order to control and manipulate in the name of progress. The leadership takes more than their share and gives unwarranted attention and resources to those undeserving. Without true oversight, governments are doomed for failure as the masses suffer in anguish until a cataclysmic event changes the political landscape.

  Americans had watched in horror as the motherland fell to foreign invaders through the new diplomatic warfare. One by one, cities became overrun with culturally unyielding invaders hell-bent on making each new land their own. Just like the unconstitutional Sanctuary cities in America had harbored illegal criminals along with illegal families looking for a better life. The breaking point came after several citizens were murdered and countless women raped in a short time span by guilty illegal immigrates hiding in protected sanctuary cities. The nation’s mood had shifted with the presidential election of a true American patriot who understood the unnecessary destruction these cities caused. State by State, city by city, each of these vile criminal havens fell with the common sense movement spearheaded by the PartyUnited. The national border patrol in conjunction with the immigration department and military branches systematically targeted these sanctuary cities intent on deporting criminals and offering fast track citizenships to qualifying families.

  As with most unruly children the lack of parental guidance and discipline often creates social monsters. The old adage “spare the rod and spoil the child” still holds true in modern societies. With treacherous actions committed by previous federal administrations, the American borders had become porous and a security joke by world standards. This unbelievably unconstitutional agenda allowed for millions of illegal aliens to enter America undocumented. The thin veiled propaganda of progressive globalization was overshadowed by the obvious attempt to gather more votes for SJW candidates and push their dangerous policies. Some of the invaders were peaceful and grateful for the chance at a better life. However, the “opportunity” also attracted lifelong criminals that flocked to the sanctuary cities in droves. The dirty politics of the SJW’s created dangerous living conditions for law-abiding citizens. Crime rates steadily rose as the immigrate numbers rose. The influx of undocumented invaders burdened taxpayer funded welfare programs and reintroduced dangerous diseases to the masses. The sanctuary cities gave the invaders not only legal protection from deportation and criminal detection, it gave them confidence to attack police and slander our country in daring ways once thought impossible on American soil.

  The local and state police along with the FBI watched and reported known criminals thought to be illegal aliens to immigration who sent arrest warrants to the military. Ground troops along with local law enforcement captured the invaders. A military convoy transported the criminals to border patrol that handled the deportation process. Murderers and rapist were tried in American courts with harsh punishments carried out immediately. The hard realities faced by millions of criminals and their families caused an outcry of sympathy from the SJW’s who demanded retribution for Americans protecting national sovereignty. The backlash was swift as the American people rebelled against homegrown tyranny and systematically prosecuted hate filled groups breaking laws once protected by biased corrupt government officials. Most of the punishment involved social rehabilitation with factual history courses and up-to-date criminal data translated by respected common sense educators. People who broke more serious laws also faced jail sentences and probation. Free speech and free thinking will always be paramount to a free nation and anti-American sediment will be allowed as long as laws are not broken and liberties not infringed upon. Nationally recognized terrorist groups along with any and all supporters of these groups were outlawed and violators faced jail sentences, fines and immediate deportation for non-citizens. Burning of the American flag or denying its presence in public areas were made illegal and punishable by fine and jail sentence. The ridiculous reason to ban the flag in fear of offending non-Americans made little sense on American soil. The political correct SJW’s had over stepped their ill-rational boundaries by dishonoring all those who fought and died for our country.

  The days of public hate filled speeches promoting death to whites and Jews came to an end, just as racial discrimination against people of color came to an end. The ridiculous argument of racial and gender privilege also came to an end, making room for real debate in order to strengthen our nation into the PartyUnited. Blaming innocent people for crimes committed by others is illegal and frankly, stupid. Understanding the courageous people who came before us laid the ground work for our future and by paying respect to their memory only strengthens our nations resolve to endure and prosper in a world full of discontent.

  Legal immigration has always been welcomed in America and rightly so. The problem started when immigration laws became viewed as politically incorrect. The SJW nation petitioned for reform and open borders letting in any person regardless of education level or criminal background. Once the backlash movement took back political power, revised immigration laws secured our borders and slowed the stream of violent attackers. The new protocols allowed foreigners the right to live within American borders once an education or work visa was legally obtained. All workers entering America were issued Non-Citizen ID cards upon arrival. A test would be given on American cultural and common sense laws to educate foreigners on legal responsibilities and penalties. The education visa would need sponsorship and health care coverage from the institution one would attend with a predetermined exit date. The working visa would need sponsorship from an employer. The employer would be responsible for health insurance and reporting to immigration if the worker fled without notification. Failure to do so would result in fines and loss of legal right to hire immigrates.

  Travelers looking to visit for a short time would be issued a Non-Citizen Tourist ID with all vital information entered into the National database along with fingerprints. Most of the information could be registered online or upon arrival while being finger printed. Citizens from certain countries were prohibited entry without proof of round trip travel plans and authenticated criminal background checks. The world is welcome to visit America as long as legal citizens are protected from foreign threats in every corner of our country.


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