Talia and Isaac

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Talia and Isaac Page 1

by Lorraine Margaret




  By Lorraine Margaret

  Garden of Lilies



  Lost in the Woods

  Talia and Isaac


  Copyright © Lorraine Margaret, 2020

  ISBN: 9781839781339

  First published: 2020

  Publisher: Tenshi Books

  The moral right of Lorraine Margaret to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. You must not circulate this book in any format.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organisations, places and events are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Find out more about Talia and Isaac at www.twitter.com/@GofLilies

  Cover by Jacqueline Sweet Designs

  Copy edit by Louise Pearce/Refine Fiction

  A Message from Lorraine Margaret

  Talia and Isaac started out life as a much simpler story, but the characters decided they had a far more complex tale to tell and I was unable to persuade them otherwise. I stupidly thought I had completed the book with what is now Part One, The Game, but Talia and Isaac insisted there was more to say and wouldn’t give up! Their voices became louder and louder until I agreed to keep on writing for a quiet life…

  I considered publishing Real Life as a sequel, but it is such an essential part of Talia and Isaac’s journey that I decided to gift it to my readers in one epic-length book. I hope you will love my beautiful, brooding king and his spiritual little visionary; they are desperate to share their story with you!

  For all the earthbound visionaries who yearn for something more.

  May you be blessed with your own great love and spirit animal.


  Part One: The Game

  The Blue Room

  The Cage

  Isaac’s Mission

  Isaac’s Bed

  Dawn of a New Day

  The Blue Room Revisited

  Spectacular Something



  Only Ever You



  Erotic Delight

  Lull Before the Storm

  Katrina’s Confession



  Part Two: Real Life

  First Day


  Semblance of Normality

  Talia’s Visit

  Isaac’s Plan

  Talia’s Musings


  Isaac is Prepared


  Day of Reckoning

  Talia’s Awakening


  Talia Arrives


  The Cage Revisited


  Lorraine Margaret



  The Blue Room

  She was kneeling naked on the cold stone floor waiting for her torture to begin. This was her life now.

  Talia’s heart shrivelled as silent tears cascaded down her icy cheeks. She had no choice but to accept her terrible fate, trapped in a nightmare she could never escape. She was enslaved to King Isaac, at the mercy of his dark desires, and the horror of the unknown stretched into infinity and beyond. Cold dread coursed through her veins and consumed her pounding heart, leaving her breathless and disorientated. She was devastated, powerless – and alone. Why was this happening to her? What atrocities had she committed in past lives to suffer such torment now? Lokians did not believe in accidents or coincidence – this blue room had been waiting for her since birth. It was her destiny, her fate.

  She stared at the walls imprisoning her, transfixed by the beauty of the tapestries. Blue. Everything was sky blue, the colour of her spirit and her transcendental tool. It was the colour that opened the inner door to her enlightened mind that saw beyond the illusions of this mortal world. She was surrounded by those illusions in King Isaac’s palace and craved the tranquillity of her forest home. There was no light in this windowless room, no nourishment for the soul. Memories of the forest flooded her spirit, every cell in her body mourning its loss. The supernatural beauty of a starlit night, the sweet scent of grass after rainfall… that life was over. And there was nothing she could do about it.

  It was too much. One little Lokian visionary could not bear so much suffering and pain. Violent sobs wracked her body, blocking her nose and her throat, and she gasped for breath, the air barely reaching her burning lungs. Death would be a blessing, but she would fight to stay alive. Stupid. Pointless. She knew all too well how this would end. Her head spun as she stared at the four-poster bed, the only piece of furniture in an eerie blue room. The spawn of the devil. Possessed by a demonic voice, it delighted in her torment. You’re a slave now, Talia, a sex slave. You’re not a Lokian visionary anymore. Shivers surged through her naked body and a cold sheen of sweat broke out across her back. Her stomach lurched and churned as the blue room spun around her, intent on driving her insane. It was more terrifying than Isaac’s notorious chambers of torture could ever be. No thumb screws, no whips, no rack… no clues as to the torment that awaited her tonight. The unknown was a truly terrifying thing…

  There was only one thing that could calm her, give hope and comfort in her hour of need. Sweet solace from her most unlikely saviour: her captor, her master, her king.

  The man with the sky blue eyes…

  Isaac’s eyes haunted her, the memory of their first meeting etched forever on her soul. Her captor was not an empty vessel, a man defined by privilege and power. Something special lurked within his sky blue eyes, something spectacular. Isaac yearned for something beyond this mortal world. The spectacular something transcended his royal title, was born of his spirit, not his noble birth. And it belonged to her – her presence in this world had called it forth. She was a Lokian, she knew such things. Mystical things. Something otherworldly was at play here, everything was not as it seemed…

  Isaac’s eyes had raked over her trembling body, stripping her naked with their hypnotic stare. Taunting her with the spectacular something…

  “The blue room. You know what to do, Katrina.”

  Isaac had turned and strode away, leaving her stunned and disorientated as the woman with the kind eyes took charge of her. You know what to do, Katrina; Talia had known what that meant. Katrina was to prepare her… for Isaac’s pleasure. She had reclined in the sunken pool in the bathing room and listened numbly as Katrina quietly said the only words she would speak.

  “His Majesty would like you to focus your mind on the night ahead, Talia, so I will perform this ritual in silence. Please, don’t be scared. His Majesty will not hurt you.”

  He will destroy me, Talia had thought as she stared into Katrina’s soft brown eyes. She could not imagine sharing intimacies with a man she did not know. Her people used sexuality to express spiritual connection unsullied by the depravity King Isaac enjoyed. She had experienced this sacred intimacy with only two men in all her twenty-nine summers and was unprepared for enforced sexual union designed to enslave her to her king. Isaac feared her people’s mystical powers, she had seen that in his eyes. He feared their growing
hold on the nation’s hearts and saw it as a threat – but the Lokians were a threat to no one. Her people were a simple people who only wished to live their lives of love and peace in their beautiful forest home. Only wished to be left alone. If only…

  She closed her eyes as her body swayed, her arms hanging by her sides, limp and weightless. She was eerily relaxed now, tricked by the familiar kneeling position she practised every day during her journeys to the spirit realms. She focused on her new mantra, repeating it silently in her mind. The spectacular something in Isaac’s eyes. The king held a unique magic deep within his soul – her challenge was to find it and win its trust. Understand what it meant. It was the tiniest glimmer of hope, the light that would help her endure the darkness of her terrible new life.

  She shuddered, shifting her weight to ease the pressure on her sore knees. Her injured shoulder throbbed relentlessly, and there was a sickening ache in her belly. She yearned to bury herself under the inviting blankets on the bed, cocoon her ailing body in comfort and warmth. Yet she knelt as Katrina had told her to do. Why was she so obedient, so strangely calm? Why wasn’t she screaming and wailing, making a desperate attempt at escape? This waiting was torture, the horror of the unknown stretching ominously before her until the end of time.

  She gazed down at her glistening skin, at her small round breasts, slick with oil. Katrina had removed all the hair on her body, no place left untouched by her gentle hands. She had been prepared for Isaac’s sexual delectation; no choice, no voice, a naked kneeling doll, her only covering the curtain of her long auburn hair. Such intimacy lay ahead with a man she had not spoken one word to yet. It was against everything she believed. She shook her spinning head as madness threatened to invade it, take it over as Isaac planned to take her over, body and soul…

  After her bath, Katrina had swathed her in the lightest of gowns. A silken wisp of the purest white, it had clung to her dew soft, oiled skin, highlighting her turquoise eyes and enhancing the sensual beauty of her sleek body. Her traitorous sexuality had sprung to life, wetness gushing between her legs at the eroticism of this ritual to prepare her for her king. Her sex did not respect the conflict between its desires and her soul. Maybe that was the only way to survive, separate the physical and the spiritual, but how did she do that? It was not the Lokian way.

  She had walked eerily empty corridors with the silent Katrina and when they reached the blue room, she had taken Talia’s gown away. Katrina had smiled as she left as if tonight was to be the most wonderful experience of Talia’s life, her wedding night with a beloved, tender groom, and not her initiation into slavery.

  “Don’t worry, Talia, please, be glad. King Isaac’s attentions are a blessing and a great honour. Every woman here envies you tonight.”

  Katrina had bitten her lip as if she had said too much. But she had said nothing to help Talia, nothing at all. Talia knew the truth; this abuse was no honour, it was a twisted tribute to her people’s powers. Isaac did not desire her or want to hurt her, did not find her beautiful or despicable. This was about his sovereignty and dominion over the people of Cornicunia, nothing more, nothing less.

  She didn’t know how much time had passed since Katrina left. She had been plunged into a sinister state of limbo, placidly waiting to be dragged down into hell. Her mind was consumed by a strange numbness as if this horror was happening to someone else, and her injured shoulder throbbed insistently, determined to remind her of her abduction. A haunting image flashed through her mind, the broken expression in Clyde’s eyes as he watched Isaac’s soldiers carry her away. What was her beloved guru thinking now? He was old and frail; how would he cope with this? She shuddered. Her powers were muddied and weakened by her trauma, her body too bewildered to allow her soul to soar, but she had to close her mind to spiritual communication with her people. Other Lokians could confuse the pathways of psychic connection, but she was the only one who could block all thoughts, images and sounds. And she did it now, pulling sky blue veils around her mind as one might pull the curtains around the four-poster bed. She wrapped her thoughts and emotions in sky blue and blocked the world out. She didn’t want her people to feel her fear and confusion, sense the abominable things that would happen to her here…

  But now she had cocooned her mind, it was more powerful than ever, existing in a world entirely of its own. Her imagination ran wild, fixating on the unspeakable horrors that would take place in a windowless room. Blue room. Everything beautiful the colour represented would be tarnished, corrupted and debased here tonight, for this would be the night her life changed forever, the night her spirit died.

  She squeezed her eyes tightly shut as her heart pounded in her ears and her quiet panic threatened to rise and erupt. She could beat her head against the stone walls again and again and again, destroy herself before Isaac destroyed her…

  But she was too late…


  Louder, getting nearer…

  The heavy stamp of booted feet impatient for her suffering and torture…

  Her heart stuttered.

  Her pulse skittered.

  Her soul shattered, plummeting into the bowels of hell.

  The door swung open, and Isaac’s muscular frame filled the entrance, his powerful physical presence emphasising the absoluteness of her plight. His shirt strained across his broad chest and shoulders, his tight trousers clung to his strong thighs. She was no match for this man, not physically… intellectually, spiritually, yes – but would he listen to her? Listen to a woman? She was a gifted visionary, but she had a horrible feeling this would be of no consequence to him.

  He stared at her, his exquisite eyes impenetrable, calmly evaluating her dazed, unseeing ones. She stared back, without fear or humility, for this was all she had. For a few more moments, she had autonomy of her body and would use it in any way she could. For a few more moments she was still Talia.

  Isaac turned and locked the door, and her heart sank into the depths of the cold stone floor. She would never be able to evade Isaac’s clutches – unless she could somehow incapacitate him? But what would be the point? His soldiers would be waiting to apprehend her escape. If she got out that door, she would be swiftly recaptured and her punishment would be brutal, her torture increased according to her crime…

  Isaac loomed over her, his hands resting on his belt. He was a wild man, six foot of powerful, muscular male, his raw sexuality a breathtakingly potent physical energy rippling through his flesh, invading her senses, searing her soul. His short beard emphasised his primal masculinity and his jet black hair curled sensuously around his shoulders. Her body quivered as it felt something far more terrifying than fear. Isaac was magnificent.

  “Did I tell you to look at me?”

  Her head swam as she lowered it, her heart thumping with terror and distress. This horror was unfolding just as she had anticipated.

  Isaac slowly unbuckled his belt, the simple, everyday action stealing the breath from her body as she accepted her monstrous new life as his powerless slave. Was he planning to beat her or to free his manhood and… She couldn’t bear to think of such a thing, couldn’t serenely accept her terrible fate. A fresh sheen of sweat burst through her skin, her heart plummeting in her chest. Violent waves of nausea swept through her body as she lost hold of all rational thought and did the one thing she knew was futile…

  Leaping to her feet, she lurched forwards, racing for the door. She moved faster than she had ever moved before, but Isaac was faster than the devil. He was upon her in an instant, his powerful body covering hers, pushing her face first to the floor. He broke her fall with his muscular arms, holding them under her breasts as he landed on top of her, stealing her breath and rendering her immobile. He held his weight on his forearms so she was trapped between them and his body, her arms pinned to her sides. Even as she struggled for breath, she appreciated the profundity of his gentleness. Isaac was not hurting her, but his enormous, rock-hard erection pressed demandingly against her behind. I
t was incomprehensible – how could such gentleness coexist with such sexual threat? Her head swam with confusion as she gulped for air.


  One small word uttered in the softest of voices, yet it was still a command. The absolute dominance of this man was indisputable, a king used to having his way at all times. He moved one arm to rest his hand upon her head and a pure vibration surged between their bodies, relaxing her, soothing her… She gasped. The energy was as blue as this room and her meditations, a calming, unifying spirit of peace. It was an energy they shared. She and Isaac knew each other – her soul recognised his. This breathtaking revelation stunned her into silence and despite her better judgement her body softened under his. She trusted her instinct and intuition as all Lokians did, trained from birth to listen to her spirit and connect with the true reality hidden beneath the illusions of humankind.

  “Good, that’s good, Talia, relax.” Isaac’s voice was a tender whisper in her ear. “I want you to listen to me now. You will never run from me again. Never. There will be severe consequences if you do. This time I will forgive you, but I will not be so lenient again.”

  She slowly absorbed this information, repeating his words over and over inside her head. One thing stood out. Isaac had the capacity for fairness and compassion; he was giving her this one chance. This king was human.

  “And now we will start again.”

  He moved his other arm from underneath her so her naked body met the cold stone floor. She wriggled without anticipating escape. It was a tiny, impotent gesture of autonomy, letting him know she would always be Talia, an independent, sentient being, whatever he decided to do with her as his slave. He took hold of her wrists and held her arms above her head, his grasp firm yet surprisingly gentle. A sickening pain coursed through her injured shoulder, twisting agonisingly in her empty belly.


  The sickness surged from her belly to her throat, evading her weak attempt at restraining it. She gagged once, twice, and a horrible little choking sound entered the blue room along with Isaac’s heavy breathing.


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