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Talia and Isaac

Page 7

by Lorraine Margaret

  “It’s alright, Talia, I’ll warm you up. I’ll take care of you, I promise.”

  He shook his head as he placed her carefully in his bed, wrapping the thick blankets around her freezing body. When he was satisfied with her comfort, he stepped back to admire the strange and beautiful sight. Talia, Lokian visionary, was lying in his bed where she belonged.

  He was doomed.

  Isaac’s Bed

  He slipped into bed beside her, examining her face for some tiny sign of life, proof her mind had not deserted her body… but there was nothing, nothing at all. Talia had gone and an empty shell was lying in bed alongside him, a beautiful, alluring female body that held no appeal now her spirit had abandoned it. Amidst his fear and concern was a burning pride. He was not a monster – he was worthy of being a king. He felt no desire for this empty vessel, his cock finally soft in Talia’s presence. Except she was not here. This was desperate. Or maybe… He didn’t want to think about the maybe for it terrified him even more than this. Maybe, just maybe, this was Talia’s Lokian gift. He had heard stories about their spiritual abilities, strange mystical tales of transcendental trances that allowed their minds to travel while their bodies remained inert. What dark magic was that? The dark magic that was insidiously invading the hearts and minds of the Cornicunian people… His people. He shook his head, pulling her into his arms and holding her against his warm body, praying it would bring hers back to life.

  “Look at me. Talia, look at me. You’re safe now, my little visionary, you’re safe.”

  He was talking inane rubbish in a futile attempt to calm himself for he was powerless and didn’t like it one bit. Talia clung to his shoulders, her head lolling against his chest like a rag doll. There was something seriously wrong and he had caused it by expecting her to adjust to her new life in just one night. Poor little frightened visionary… stolen from her people to be his sex slave and he had expected her to accept it without reservation. What a fool he had been. Talia had spoken the truth – she was not like other women. She was a Lokian, governed by spirituality, a pure soul untarnished by the material world. She cared nothing for wealth or status, for the leverage a woman could gain by coupling with a king. He brushed his lips over her hair; it was as soft and sweet smelling as her delectable body. She smelt of summer sun and wet forests, sweet vanilla and ripe strawberries, her body as pure and natural as her soul.

  “Talia, look at me, my sweet, look in my eyes.” His concern infiltrated his voice making it harsher than he intended, but Talia’s head lifted. Encouraged, he continued in the same dominant tone. “Good little visionary, that’s right. Look at me. Talia, look at me now.”

  He was not asking but commanding. Talia immediately raised her eyes to his, but they were unfocused, unseeing. Beautiful, damaged Talia. A sickening stab of fear pierced his heart; what if she never came back? Where had her traumatised mind gone to escape the horrors that had befallen it? He had to fetch Abraham; his ecclesiastically trained friend would know how to communicate with a Lokian visionary. He gently pushed her back onto the pillows, but her grip on his shoulders tightened, her fingers bruising his skin. She thrust her soft breasts against his chest and rubbed herself against him. Good God.

  “Look at me, Talia, look at me now.”

  His voice was strident, commanding – but nothing. Her eyes were empty, staring straight through him, focused on something far more magical than he could ever be. A soft whimper escaped her parted lips, and her eyes widened. Where was she? What unfathomable, mystical place had her elevated Lokian soul travelled to? Wherever it was, it was unimaginable to him. Compared to Talia he was an infant and his lack of understanding terrified him. How could he be sure she was safe in a Lokian trance and not descending into insanity? He tried to ease himself free of her grasp, but she clung to him as if he were a lifeboat on a stormy sea, the only thing keeping her afloat in her horrific new life.

  “You need help, Talia. I’m getting help.”

  She screamed out, the terror in the sound bone-chilling. “No! Please, no! Please don’t give me to them!”

  What? Oh, no…

  “No, my sweet, no, I’m getting you help. This has gone far enough, you need help.”

  He gazed into her wide, staring eyes and knew she didn’t see him. She was talking, but she wasn’t listening, wasn’t hearing what he was saying. She was a wild creature intent only on keeping him in his bed. Even at this terrible moment, he was thrilled at her instinctive choice. Him. She wanted him. He pushed her firmly back onto the pillows, but she threw herself against him, whimpering incoherently.

  “Please, don’t. Please, don’t give me to them, please. I’ll do anything, anything you want…”

  He was overwhelmed by the strength and passion of her words, and by her fragile, tempting little body. He sank back on the pillows as his heart curdled with self-hatred and despair. He despised himself. He had driven her to this humiliation, abused her pure spirit, threatened her with a fate so terrible she was falling apart. He didn’t know what to do next but Talia did. She had already decided on her course of action. Fast as lightning, she was upon him, her sweet mouth brushing gently over the head of his delighted cock.

  “No, Talia, no, you don’t have to do that…”

  His words said one thing, his cock another. It was shameless, had no empathy for the poor tortured woman pleasuring it, a woman whose mind was God knows where. It sprang happily to life, engorging and hardening within seconds of her mouth’s caress. He despaired at his lack of willpower. This, he could not resist. He groaned as Talia’s sweet tongue teased his cock so gently, so fucking tenderly, as if even in her traumatised state she felt their connection. He had to stop this – it wasn’t fair. But Talia’s mouth slid down over his cock, caressing it, enveloping him in warmth and tenderness, and he let her do it. No man could be strong enough to resist.

  He lay back on the pillows as pleasure engulfed him, certain he would never be the same man again. This was life-changing. Talia’s tongue swirled over the head of his cock as if it were the most delicious taste on earth. Good God. Her hot mouth slowly slid down over him again, sucking him deep into her open throat, and his entire body came alive as if it had been sleeping all his life until this blessed moment. Everything tingled, everything felt. This was heaven; surely Talia could not still be in her trance? This was not the behaviour of a crazed madwoman or a traumatised slave, this was… a miracle, the full power of the Lokians unleashed upon his unsuspecting cock. He had heard so much about their mystical prowess and now his cock was at their mercy, her mercy… Her warm, wet mouth infused his body with euphoria and peace as her spirituality flowed into him. He closed his eyes, understanding the hypnotic allure of the Lokians as never before. This was what the Cornicunian people loved, what they were fascinated by and drawn to. The Lokians were giving the people of Cornicunia a collective blow job, exciting and enthralling them, enslaving them to magic and pleasure. How could he compete with this mystical wonder? He was just a king. He was lost in pleasure and peace, his body vibrating with Talia’s terrifying spiritual energy, but he had to fight. He could not allow himself to linger in this spectacular state. He must fight Talia with every ounce of his being or she would win. Harnessing all the psychological strength he could muster, he forced himself to reach forwards and lift her head, wrench his cock away from paradise. She looked up and her eyes met his, soft and warm and accepting.

  Talia was back.

  “You don’t have to do that, Talia. It’s alright, you’re safe with me, I promise. Come here.”

  She was still for a long moment, staring up at him with wonder in her eyes. This was a religious experience for both of them, an epiphany. He had never been a devout man, but he wanted to race out onto the palace rooftops and praise the Lord, give thanks for the precious gift of Talia. Hallelujah, praise be. He stared into his little captive’s holy eyes and blinked in shock. He didn’t deserve her tenderness and beauty – he was a brute. And then she moved fast, straigh
t into his welcoming arms.

  “I was so cold.”

  She pressed her sinful little body against his without a moment’s hesitation. He didn’t deserve her forgiveness either, but he appeared to have it. Praise be. Her mesmerising eyes were so close to his, soft, liquid and trusting. He was lost for words.

  “Never again, Talia, I’ll take care of you, I promise.”

  “I heard you say that before.”

  His heart broke, and it was wonderful to know he had one. Maybe, just maybe, he could be worthy of Talia.

  “Where were you, Talia? Where did you go?”

  She stared blankly at him. “Pardon, Your Majesty?”

  He really needed her answer. He brushed her hair away from her eyes so he could examine them properly. They gazed back at him, open and honest.

  “You were not living in this mortal world, Talia, but you came back so easily – just now.”

  He was unsure whether to allude to the erotic act she had performed on him. Did she even remember doing it? He desperately wanted her to remember and to have felt the same wonder as him. She stared into his questioning eyes.

  “I was with my angel hawk, flying free in the spirit realms, but… you brought me back, Your Majesty.”

  It was awe-inspiring information. Angel hawk, spirit realms – angel hawk; the bird must be her spirit animal, he had heard whispers of them – and flying free in the spirit realms. Good God. What magic lay within her mind? He could find out so much about her people if he questioned her while she was lying relaxed and trusting in his arms, but somehow his royal mission had become less important than his selfish needs.

  “I brought you back?”

  Fishing for compliments, for affirmation, he was an egotistical nightmare.

  She gazed at him in wonder again, her turquoise orbs flooded with mystical beauty. If it was the last thing he ever did, he would discover the secrets behind those magical eyes.

  “I was safe in the spirit realms, but I was even safer when your manhood was in my mouth. Your Majesty, I was… at peace.”

  He had changed her life too. She felt safe with him, at peace. The shift in their short relationship was absolute, from master and slave to this… What? She had already mentioned her spirit animal and the spirit realms, unguarded and open in her communication with him. This equal, easy exchange of thoughts was so effortless it was astounding, yet he was still her captor, and she was still his slave. She knew it. They both knew it. His mission to understand Talia and her people could not be cast aside. He must protect his sovereignty, not waver under the onslaught of her Lokian magic. Yet he wouldn’t risk a replay of what had happened tonight. Talia must be willing, eager for their union. He would not become a monster, so he would have to compromise with her. He may not be a visionary or a mystic, but he was a principled man. He would never be a rapist. But this level of democracy was new and he was uneasy with it, overindulged by the multitudes of women constantly clamouring to be intimate with their king. He was the one in control, not Talia, yet she was inadvertently dictating the rules of the game. He sighed heavily. He was confused, and he hated it.

  Talia whimpered, and he met her turquoise gaze with his. There was no sign of triumph in her eyes, she was not playing games or manipulating him. She was just being her mystical Lokian self. So what did he do now? And then, he remembered her words in the cage and they were important ones. Please, Your Majesty, not like this, I cannot bear it. He ran his fingers through her tangled auburn hair, marvelling at the silkiness of the strands sliding sensuously against his skin. She murmured softly, curling her arms even tighter around his naked body. Talia was vulnerable – she needed tender care.

  “You felt safe with my cock in your mouth, Talia? Believe me, it was good for me too. You enjoy giving a man pleasure, don’t you?”

  Her sweet blush was clearly visible even in the dim light.

  “I… I loved doing it with you, Your Majesty.”

  With you. Not giving it to you, doing it with you. His heart swelled with pleasure.

  “Do you like being in my bed, Talia? Do you feel safe here?” She nodded, her eyes so wide and trusting it made his heart ache. “Alright, we will consummate our union here. Would you like that?”

  Her eyes widened even more. “Does it matter if I like it, Your Majesty?”

  She knew it mattered but was determined to make him talk. Lokian intuition was a terrifying thing. She knew exactly how to prise his secrets out of him. He shuddered, there was nowhere for him to hide with Talia.

  “You know it matters, Talia, if our union isn’t pleasurable for you it won’t be pleasurable for me. I have never taken an unwilling woman.”

  She shivered. “I know, Your Majesty. I knew that from the moment I first looked into your eyes. It was just hard for me to accept the truth and trust you. You kidnapped me, but… This is not what I expected.” Her soft eyes locked with his, invisible threads weaving them together until he didn’t remember who he was before Talia came into his life. “If… if you feel able to be kind… and warm with me, Your Majesty, I will be able to express the tenderness I feel for you. It is such an intimate act, I need to feel we are doing it together.”

  So honest, so eloquent, so beautiful… The thought of receiving more of her tenderness, the way her sweet mouth had felt around his cock… Good God. Talia was sensual, warm and uninhibited. She had initiated an act rare amongst gentlewomen, and it was all the more precious because of that. A blow job from a whore was skilled and enthusiastic but nothing more than fleeting physical pleasure. Not like Talia – her desire for intimacy had been obvious even in her strange disconnected state. She was a profoundly spiritual woman whose primal desires rivalled his – was that even possible? The thought caused his head to spin.

  “I have already felt your tenderness, Talia, can you feel mine?”

  She gasped and stopped breathing as he stroked his fingers down her neck.

  “Breathe, little visionary, breathe. Answer me. Can you feel my tenderness?”

  She nodded mutely, her eyes warm and soft, embracing everything he was. The man, not just the king. The time was finally right but first…

  “Good. We will try again after you have had a drink.”

  He eased himself from her arms and was shocked by the physical jolt of separation. Talia had invaded his body, become part of his soul. He was less without her, empty. He yearned to hold her, feel her soft breasts squashed against his chest and the comforting beat of her heart next to his. The invisible threads were pulling him to her side – Talia’s willing marionette. This would be the hardest game he had ever played for it was impossible to remain detached, yet he had to keep some distance in order to maintain control. He had to succeed in his mission – Talia could not win. As he fetched a flask of water, she moaned softly to herself and he knew she felt his loss too. Talia had power – but he had more. This magic between them was mutual but she was the vulnerable one. She was no threat to him – he was king. She was his captive, his slave.

  Reassured of his dominance, he felt able to be kind. A good man never abused his power. He held the flask to her mouth and watched her drink, remembering how it had felt when those luscious lips had been wrapped around his cock. Good God. He hastily drank a little himself, swallowing his lust down with the water. He had to take this slow, maintain their emotional connection – Talia deserved it. There was awe in her turquoise eyes as she watched him drink; at last things were right between them. He dropped the flask at the side of the bed and wrapped his arms around her trembling body.

  “Are you alright, Talia?”

  He looked gravely into her eyes, steeling himself for a vacant, empty stare as she indulged in God knows what with her spirit animal, but her eyes were focused and searching his intently.

  “What are you looking for?”

  Her slender shoulders shook all the more. “Our shared energy, Your Majesty, it means everything to me.”

  He was overwhelmed by her devastating honesty, even t
hough it cleverly forced the same from him. Supreme little manipulator, I should resent you, but I don’t. He knew she was not trying to control him, or the situation, she was simply speaking the truth. To her captor. That was a miracle in itself. He stroked her hair away from her face and she moaned softly.

  “Did you find what you were looking for?”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “You know I did, Your Majesty, you know.”

  He smiled and brushed his lips over the top of her head. “Yes, I do. Good. This is really incredibly simple, isn’t it?”

  She wriggled against him, rubbing her nose against his, and without warning pressed her soft lips against his mouth, the gentle caress as unexpected as her earlier carnal attack. That blow job… His head spun again, emptying of all reason, and he lost hold of his mission as his mind was consumed with dreams of their future instead.

  Their what?

  Walking hand in hand through the palace grounds with Talia, laughing, talking… and fucking. As their lips parted, he saw his dreams in her eyes, a shared vision of their future. He stared as she smiled radiantly into his eyes, and he needed no further invitation, laying her back against the pillows and lowering his lips to hers. There was no hesitation from either of them now, their connection pure and strong, their captor/captive relationship dissolving into nothingness. All that mattered was their kiss. It was easy. All he wanted was to prolong this moment, with no desire to hasten to consummation. He had always luxuriated in foreplay, the delicious, slow exploration of a woman’s body, the thrill of watching her eyes widen and glow with pleasure in response to his touch. Awakening a woman’s desire was exhilarating, persuading her to abandon feminine modesty and wallow in sensuality instead. And with Talia, he wanted these things a million times more than he ever had. As they kissed, she ran one hand down his back, slipping it between their bodies to rest on his swollen, expectant cock. He caught his breath, moved by her uninhibited desire for sexual intimacy, her tender appreciation of his manhood. It was unlike anything he had experienced before, as wanton and abandoned as a whore’s desire but stemming from a place of purity and light. It was an awe-inspiring combination, and he groaned his gratitude into her open mouth.


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