Talia and Isaac

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Talia and Isaac Page 13

by Lorraine Margaret


  His lips bruised hers with their violent passion as he pounded punishingly into her body. Her sex was slick with desire, but her inner muscles instinctively contracted, resisting the force of his thrusts. It was brutal, she would be unable to walk after this. Isaac thrust into her, pounding her hard against the door, again and again and again, stealing her breath and leaving her as weak as a newborn.


  His voice was soft and husky, his one word an exaltation of her soul. Talia, not slave. His tongue traced over her open lips and her sex spasmed, overwhelmed with violent pleasure. She lost herself in the spectacular something as her climax claimed her again.


  Her head whirled, made dizzy by the intensity of her orgasm, pleasure flooding her entire being. Isaac’s manhood pulsated, and he groaned into her mouth as he blessed her with his royal seed again. They merged into oneness, safe in the spirit realms. The strength of his body kept hers safe as her soul soared, flying high above the blue room with her angel hawk and Isaac…

  He was trembling just like her, their intensity mutual, a rare and precious thing. She moaned as he gently bit her lip, his breath sweet against her face.

  “You are such a bad little visionary, Talia.”

  She lowered her eyes; she knew what she had done. She had lost control and broken all her rules. She had spoken without permission – and worse still had addressed her master by name. She was in serious trouble. Isaac’s voice was velvet-soft but thrummed with menace, and she was suddenly overwhelmed. Pleasure vibrated through her body as her orgasm slowly ebbed away, but her sex was sore and throbbing, her arms ached, and her master was angry with her. Her legs shook around his waist and her upper body sank back into the door. She had experienced far too many intense and conflicting emotions today.

  “Mmm,” she whimpered incoherently as he bit her lip harder, relentless in his quest for control.

  “This little mouth needs to be punished for its liberties, Talia. Tomorrow we will spend all day doing just that.”

  She sagged against him, tears spilling from her eyes. She was finally defeated.

  “Hush now, don’t cry.” The menace in his voice had gone and sweet tenderness replaced it. “Hush, Talia, hush, little sweetheart, it’s alright. Poor little visionary, you’re overwrought. Don’t worry about tomorrow. I promise to take good care of you tonight.”

  She couldn’t hold her arms above her head a moment longer, her aching shoulders protesting, desperate for rest. She whimpered pathetically, tugging against Isaac’s hold on her wrists.

  “Mmm… maybe keeping you here like this a little longer would be punishment enough. What do you think, Talia?”

  Was she meant to answer that? She whimpered again, and a strangled sob escaped her mouth. She dared to look into Isaac’s eyes, and they were liquid-soft and gentle. His tenderness achieved what his anger failed to do and she broke, her tears falling freely.

  “Alright, it’s alright, hush now. I’m going to take care of you, you’re safe, my little Wanwisa, you’re safe.”

  He held her against him with one strong arm and pulled her arms down with the other. She tried to wrap them around his back but the flow of blood had stopped and they hung numb and useless by her sides.

  “What… Your Majesty… Please, what is Wanwisa?”

  She was not allowed to speak without permission but she needed to know. Fresh tears sprang into her eyes, but Isaac ignored her indiscretion and answered her.

  “When I was twenty-two summers, I travelled across three oceans to learn about the world beyond our beloved land. I met an enchanting race of brown-skinned, brown-eyed people whose lives were governed by ancient stories. They told me many captivating tales, but the one I most remember is that of Wanwisa, the goddess of the sea. She is a mythical being but as real to them as you and I. Beautiful and mystical, Wanwisa reigns over all the mysterious creatures of the ocean and has secret powers no mortal can begin to understand. My new friends were astounded by my travels across the oceans and told me Wanwisa must have protected me on my journey. The first time I saw you, Talia, I thought Wanwisa had come to my palace to visit me. You look exactly as I imagined her and your spiritual gifts are as awe-inspiring as any goddess’s could ever be. Your eyes are the colour of the ocean and as mysterious as its hidden depths. I intend to discover everything that lives behind them, all the secrets you hide from me. Your eyes are exquisite, Talia, and now, they are wet again.”

  She snuffled loudly as he wiped her tears away.

  “I’m sorry, Master.”

  “Shush, it’s alright, I will take care of you.”

  The story of Wanwisa, the goddess of the sea, was a tale to rival anything the Lokians believed. Isaac’s words whirled inside her weary mind as he dressed her in a heartbreakingly tender manner, lifting her aching arms and moving them gently through the straps of the flimsy gown he had brought to the blue room with him. He reverently smoothed the silky material over her trembling body as she whimpered quietly, too exhausted to do anything other than marvel at the magic of Wanwisa, the goddess of the sea.

  “Such a beautiful story… Wanwisa.”

  Isaac’s lips brushed against her forehead, but he didn’t speak or chastise her for speaking again. He strode through his deserted palace as she nestled into his chest, safe in his arms, his tenderness overwhelming her, breaking her as his fury never could. Foolish Talia was undone by the kindness of the king she so stupidly adored. But she was his Wanwisa, his goddess of the sea. Not his slave. What did that mean?

  She was too tired to understand, her brain unable to hold onto any logical thought for longer than a second. She needed to rest. And then finally, she was comfortable and warm, snuggled under the blankets of Isaac’s enormous bed as he pulled the red velvet curtains around her. She was swaddled like a baby, swaddled by Isaac’s blankets and by Isaac’s love…

  Isaac’s love?

  What was she thinking? Whatever it was, it had escaped her mind and was lost forever, leaving only fuddled contentment behind. So relaxed, at peace, sleepy Wanwisa…


  She heard the tasselled bell and the soft footsteps of Katrina but was too exhausted to open her eyes. Isaac spoke quietly to Katrina about broth and bread… wonderful things… something about a sweet treat. And then there was the beauty of Isaac’s sensitive fingers stroking through her hair…

  “Try to stay awake, Wanwisa, you need to eat a proper meal. Don’t sleep, just rest.”

  Wanwisa. Talia was Wanwisa too now. She liked it. Isaac had named her after the goddess of the sea. She managed to move her head in a tiny nod. “Yes, Master,” she mumbled, peace consuming her. She was so happy now. She thought she heard a soft chuckle and then heard nothing more… until a knock at the door.

  “Thank you, Katrina, it smells wonderful.”

  Her eyes opened into tiny slits. Katrina and Isaac were standing by the bedside table.

  “Would you like me to bathe Talia after she has eaten, Your Majesty?”

  “No, Katrina, she will be staying here with me. We will bathe together tonight.”

  Katrina gasped, a sharp sound of disbelief.

  “Of course, Your Majesty.”

  “This is not a secret, Katrina.”

  What? What was not a secret? That she was staying with Isaac in his room?

  “Yes, Your Majesty, I understand. I hope you both enjoy your dinner, Your Majesty.”

  Dinner? Was it really evening already?

  “Not a secret,” she murmured as Katrina closed the door quietly behind her.

  “What did you say, Talia?”

  “’S not a secret that I’m staying here with you.”

  Her eyes sprung open in sudden alarm. He had not asked her to speak! Or had he?

  “No, it isn’t.” His eyes were sparkling and consumed by the spectacular something. He chuckled, his smile wide and carefree, like a boy’s. “Now, let’s eat.”

The broth was delicious, overflowing with huge chunks of butternut squash, potato and parsnip. Isaac patiently spooned it into her mouth and fed her hunks of warm seeded bread. She was never allowed to feed herself and knew this was an important part of his ritual. Such reliance on another human being caused trust to grow. Without Isaac’s kindness and mercy, she was lost. His evil plan was working, but he was not as clever as he thought, for even in her exhausted state she was aware of what he was doing. She may be his slave, but she was also a Lokian visionary, the most gifted of them all.

  And she was Wanwisa, goddess of the sea…

  When he had finished feeding her and himself, Isaac ordered her to close her eyes and open her mouth again. For a moment she wondered if her day of oral punishment was beginning early, but Isaac’s surprise was not of an erotic nature. Instead, sweet, soft sponge filled her mouth, complimented by the tartness of blackcurrant and rich, buttery cream. She could have wept with delight.


  Isaac chuckled again. “I hope you enjoy cake, Talia. More?”

  “Yes, please, Your Majesty.”

  “Keep your eyes closed. It will taste even better that way.”

  He was right. This was cake unlike any she had tasted before, so much richer than the simple fruit cake Lokians baked. It was impossibly delicious and there was so much of it. The sugar roused her a little and she became desperate to open her eyes and show Isaac her appreciation of his gift.


  “Greedy little visionary.” His soft lips brushed against her sugar-stained ones. “You have eaten most of my cake too.”

  Her eyes sprang open unbidden.

  “So sorry, Your Majesty.”

  He smiled, rubbing his nose against hers.

  “No apologies necessary, I decided you should have it. You need to keep your strength up for your arduous day of punishment tomorrow.”

  She felt her eyes widen. “I’m sorry, Your Majesty, please forgive my indiscretion earlier.”

  “I have, but you will still be punished. I enjoy punishing you and you must learn how to behave.”

  His voice was soft and he was stroking her cheek, confusing her greatly. Punish her as if he was furious yet stroke her cheek so tenderly? Gaze into her eyes with his spectacular something and yet expect her to believe he wished to cause her pain? The man was an enigma, he made no sense at all. His exquisite eyes narrowed as if he sensed her deliberations but the spectacular something burned even brighter than before.

  “You are exhausted, Talia. We will bathe, and then you will have an early night.”

  They were going to bathe together. Before she could analyse this mind-boggling information, he stood and pulled off his shirt. Her mouth dropped open in blatant admiration of his muscular, hair-covered chest. Despite her weariness and erotic satiation, she was instantly aroused. He really was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. He dropped his trousers and smirked knowingly into her besotted eyes.

  “Beautiful, lustful Talia.”

  His voice was a caress. She whimpered softly as he moved naked towards her and then she was in his arms again, being carried to a hidden door, to the left of the bed.

  She caught her breath as he carried her into his bathing room. Isaac had taken her to the spirit realms once more. Her angel masquerading as a demon… She looked around in wide-eyed wonder. His bathing room was far grander than the one she visited with Katrina, an elaborate mural in gold and silver decorating the pure white walls. Scenes of battle, of celebration, of the royal family… the lives of Isaac’s ancestors were vividly depicted and would surround them as they bathed. The Cornicunian royal family had such a rich and noble history, and she blinked in awe, suddenly aware of the magnitude of her situation. Lokians did not value material wealth or status, but the man who held her in his arms was the ruler of this land! She was coupling with the King of Cornicunia. It was an overwhelming thought. As a Lokian visionary, it was her duty to ensure she used her gifts for the good of all beings on this mortal earth. Could her union with Isaac assist her with her spiritual mission? Isaac smiled at her awestruck expression as he carried her down into the fragrant milky water of the enormous sunken bath.

  “Your eyes are as mysterious as distant planets and just as alluring. You are so very beautiful, Talia,” he murmured into her hair. “See over there,” he nodded towards a door on the right, “the entrance from the corridor allowed our bath to be prepared without disturbing us. Do you like my bathing room, Talia?”

  “It’s magnificent, Your Majesty, befitting such a great king. Thank you for bringing me here,” she whispered before realising she was probably only expected to answer yes or no. Her rules were so very difficult to adjust to and they didn’t seem to be enforced as rigidly outside of the blue room. Lokians led autonomous lives, and she was unused to censoring her words and thoughts. She wanted to express her gratitude for Isaac’s kindness, for her dinner and this beautiful bath, but her rules made this impossible. She could not speak openly and enthusiastically or caress his eyes with her warm, grateful ones. She sighed heavily.

  “Are you in pain, Talia?”

  His hand moved to her injured shoulder. She had quite forgotten about the nagging pain there. With all that had happened to her today it had been the least of her concerns.

  “No, Your Majesty, the pain is much diminished, thank you,” she whispered, quieter than ever. Another answer that was not just yes or no – she was not good at obeying her rules. But Isaac did not appear angered and buried his face in her hair, breathing in its scent.

  They were back in the spirit realms together, in harmony, content. Immersed in relaxing, healing waters, the intense heat instantly soothed her exhausted body. The heady scent of patchouli and rose filled her nostrils, and she sighed again, happily this time. Isaac held her in his arms so she floated on top of the water, and she stared up at the domed ceiling, watching her angel hawk soar. He was calling her, begging her to fly with him, enticing her with his spectacular snowy white wings, but she had no need to escape to the spirit realms for she was already there…

  “It’s not too hot?”

  She smiled into Isaac’s concerned eyes. “No, Your Majesty, it’s perfect.”

  He brushed his lips against her forehead as he carried her to the edge of the bath where the water was shallower. After gently placing her on her feet, he got out and went over to a shelf that was home to a colourful array of crystal bottles. He was a god amongst men, his legs toned and muscular, his behind small and tight in stark contrast to his powerful shoulders. He smiled as he turned to face her, a bottle in his hand.

  “Are you enjoying the view, Talia?”

  She was leering at her master; that was probably breaking all her rules. But Isaac’s voice was warm and playful.

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” she whispered, and he chuckled as her eyes involuntarily moved to his erection. His manhood mesmerised her – she could stare at it all day long. It was magnificent: thick and long with such perfectly smooth skin. It rested nobly against his muscled stomach, powerful and proud, sure of its ability to arouse desire and admiration.

  “I like to see the lust in your eyes, Talia, it pleases me. I need a lover whose desire and passion matches my own. In reward for your lustiness, you may look at me for the duration of our bath.”

  His eyes were as soft and warm as his voice, and she was allowed to gaze into them while they were bathing. She was determined to ensure that was for a very long time…

  The next hour was heaven. He took her there again, this stunning demon/angel king. There was nothing for her to do except relax and luxuriate in their time in the spirit realms. This was not an erotic assignation; Isaac had no ulterior motive for this bath. He only wanted to care for her, soothe her tired body and mind. She remembered his words… It is my responsibility to care for your needs and ensure your comfort at all times. She could trust Isaac. He had told her the truth. So what had happened earlier today? Was their time in the blue room intended to
be a separate entity to their relationship outside of it? A dominant, demanding Isaac, an unyielding Isaac, existed in the blue room. But she would learn how to communicate with him. She was spiritually strong in the blue room – she could do anything there.

  But what did the blue room mean to Isaac? It held the answers to all her questions she was sure.

  “What are you thinking about, Talia?”

  He was washing her hair with the sweet-smelling liquid from the crystal bottle. This was amazing enough, but now he had asked her a question where the answer could not be yes or no. She could not be as honest as she wanted to be, could not let him know her thoughts about the blue room and all that went on there, would go on there… She must retain her power, keep her knowledge safely locked away in her mind.

  “I am thinking how very kind my master is. I cannot adequately express my gratitude, Your Majesty, for my delicious dinner and this beautiful bath.”

  He sighed. It was a very contented sound.

  “You need to rest, Talia, keep strong and healthy. I will always nurture and protect you. Your training will often be demanding, but I will always give you time to rest and recuperate in body and in mind.”

  And spirit, she thought dreamily, as he tipped a little more of the liquid into his hand.

  “I will finish washing your hair and then you will sleep.”

  “Mmm… thank you, Your Majesty.”

  After washing her hair, he massaged her body under the water, preparing it for sleep. First he moved his sensitive fingers over her arms and shoulders, gently yet firmly kneading the flesh, soothing her tired muscles with his reverent touch. This was relaxing and nothing more, but then he moved onto her legs. As his fingers worked into her thigh muscles her sex clenched and her clitoris sprang to life. They wanted him. She wanted him. Isaac stared into her eyes and smirked knowingly.

  “You’re such a good little visionary, Talia, but I know how exhausted you are. I will let you rest tonight and will take advantage of your desire for me tomorrow.”


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