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Talia and Isaac

Page 35

by Lorraine Margaret

  “And a stupid one,” he muttered ruefully, his eyes darkening with regret.

  She ran her hand soothingly over his tousled black hair. “You are too hard on yourself, my love, we all fear what we don’t understand. The Lokian way of life is insular, designed to keep the mind and spirit free of the clutter of the mortal world, but our isolation has contributed to feelings of fear and distrust. We have unwittingly built a mystique and secrecy around our lives and that is not a unifying thing.”

  “Your lives are mysterious and magical, Talia, but you have freely told me about them. This knowledge was all I wanted when I had you snatched from your home and embarked on my mission to understand your mind. What I did was cruel and wrong. Please forgive my stupidity, Wanwisa, the trauma I made you suffer was unnecessary. I could simply have asked and you would have told me everything I wanted to know.”

  She smiled again. “There is nothing to forgive. Don’t you see, Isaac? It was our destiny to meet the way we did, to battle through our problems in order to create a spectacular love.”

  “Spectacular Talia,” he murmured into her hair. “You trusted me against all rationale and logic, allowed your spirit to trust mine.” He gazed down into her eyes, the solemn reverence in his breathtaking. “Will you do me the great honour of trusting me one more time and allow me to make an enormous decision for you? Will you do that, Wanwisa, without knowing what that decision is, will you trust me with your life?”

  She did not hesitate for a moment. “Of course I will, Isaac, I will always trust you with my body and soul. I know you only want the happiness of both.”

  He laughed softly. “I intend to make your body ecstatically happy, Talia, and wish I could do so right now… but… later…” His eyes darkened with desire and her heartbeat accelerated, thumping against his. He smiled and breathed in sharply. “Later, Wanwisa, later. I have a question for you now, and I need you to answer truthfully, even if you think your words might hurt me.”

  She nodded, and he blew out a long breath as if this moment was monumental.

  “Talia, do you wish to be with me until the end of our time on earth? Tell me, my precious Wanwisa, if you have any doubts about our future together.”

  “None,” she answered passionately. “I have no doubts at all, my love, I want to be with you for all eternity. You are my destiny and destiny lasts a lifetime and beyond.”

  Joy and relief flooded his eyes. Could he really have thought her answer might be otherwise?

  “You express everything I feel about our love – a lifetime and beyond. Bonded for all time, Talia.”

  “Bonded for all time, Isaac,” she breathed, awed by his sincerity and passion.

  “I love you, Talia, thank you for your trust. It is all I ever wanted. I promise this will be the last time I ask you to take such an enormous leap of faith.”

  Enormous leap of faith? Her stomach churned, but with excitement, not fear. The unknown between them was no longer terrifying, it was spectacular. It was their future, the ever-growing beauty of their bond. That could not be predicted, only enjoyed moment by loving moment, a lifetime of moments lasting into eternity… and beyond.

  Isaac stared intensely into her eyes and nodded, seemingly satisfied with what he found there. “So… are you ready to go, my little goddess of the sea?”

  Sweet memories of their revelatory afternoon in the blue room surged through her veins, her body remembering the pleasure of sharing his as true equals. My little goddess of the sea. Wanwisa. Isaac would always worship her as she would him.

  “Absolutely, Your Majesty, your wish is my command.”

  He chuckled as he led her from the bedroom, his eyes bluer than ever before.

  “My dress… it matches your eyes, Your Majesty. You are impossibly beautiful in body and spirit.”

  “Thank God you feel that way, Talia, for my life is now complete.” He laughed loudly. “What are you looking for?”

  Her gaze darted furiously around the long, empty white stone corridors they were walking hand in hand. Corridors she had not walked before but were as empty as ever…

  “Any sign of human life.” She gazed into his inscrutable eyes. “People.”

  “People? You would like there to be other people?” He laughed again, the sound had a strangely giddy, almost hysterical, quality to it, very unlike Isaac. “Am I not enough for you, Talia?”

  “Oh, no… I didn’t mean…” She was aghast he could think such a ridiculous thing. He laughed again, sounding slightly crazed now.

  “I am playing with you, Wanwisa. I think we may still have much to learn about each other.”

  She beamed. “And we have a lifetime in which to do it.”

  “Yes, we do.” He was suddenly serious, his smile disappearing as his hand tightened around hers. What was going on? Would the endless corridors of his cavernous palace ever take them to their destination? Ah, well, if her fate was to forever wander these corridors with him it would be a truly rapturous one…

  “Why do you think I have kept you away from other people, Wanwisa?”

  She could tell the truth now, it was wonderful. She bit her lip. “His Majesty is a despot who wishes to control my every move, consume my every waking moment with himself, so all I can think of is Isaac… Isaac, Isaac, Isaac. I cannot imagine a moment of my day without Isaac in it… you have made me obsessed with you.”

  She smiled impishly, and he roared with laughter. “Consume your every waking moment? Oh, Wanwisa, I intend to invade your dreams too! So… my evil plan has worked?”

  “Yes, but it wasn’t necessary. I was obsessed from the very first moment I saw you. You have worked extremely hard when all you had to do was ask me how I felt about you.”

  He nodded thoughtfully. “You forget one very important thing, my frighteningly intelligent Wanwisa. Your king is neither as clever nor as emotionally mature as you. He was floundering with his strange new feelings of love and only had his game to rely on.”

  “Well it worked.”

  “Only because you allowed it to… no, don’t argue.” He bent to brush his lips against hers. “I know it is the truth. You have always been in control, Talia, and it is the way it should be. You are a woman and should have power over your own mind and body, not be coerced and controlled by one who is physically stronger than you. Love is all about trust.”

  “I will always trust you, Your Majesty.”

  “And I will always trust you, Talia, for eternity and beyond,” he whispered into her hair. “I kept you away from other people to ensure you responded purely to me, unaffected by others and their thoughts and behaviour. Unaffected by the trials of real life. It was just you and me, working out what we were going to mean to each other… and what spectacular results we have had.”

  They shared enormous smiles as he led her through the open doors of the great hall.

  A sea of faces…

  A deathly hush…

  A palpable sense of expectation in the air, excited, joyful souls, euphoria suppressed by respectful silence…

  Hundreds of smiling eyes focused on her face as Isaac’s hand tightened around hers.

  “My people, thank you for assembling here tonight to share in our happiness and celebrations. I want you all to meet the greatest joy of my life, my unique and exquisite Talia, my destiny – and soon to be my wife.”



  First Day

  She was lying in bed with Isaac, dreaming of the day of their wedding. This was her life now.

  Talia’s heart soared as she embraced the ecstasy of true love, a paradise lasting for all eternity. She was loved by King Isaac, their lives intertwined forevermore, and the wonder of the unknown stretched into infinity and beyond. Joy surged through her veins and arousal drenched her sex, her world magically transformed by her passionate, tender king. She was fulfilled, euphoric – and in love. How had this happened to her? What miracles had she performed in past lives to deserve such blessings now? Thi
s was not an accident or coincidence, Isaac had been waiting for her since birth. He was her destiny, her fate.

  Last night as Isaac thrust inside of her, he had pressed his lips to her ear and whispered magical words. There is one more thing I haven’t told you about my dream, Talia. The moment before my eyes opened, I walked into the great hall with a faceless angel wearing the blue dress, and I announced our betrothal to the world.

  She rubbed her face against his chest, inhaling the sweetest scent on earth. Isaac. Sandalwood and orange blossom, delicious. Soft lips brushed against the top of her head.

  “That’s it, Wanwisa, wake up. I missed you while you were sleeping.”

  Her eyes sprang open as the wonder of the night before flooded her mind. Isaac’s words to his people, introducing her as his bride-to-be… and the riotous evening of drinking and dancing that followed. During the celebrations she had spoken with Abraham and been entranced by his innate spirituality. He had the soul of a Lokian guru as well as the astute intelligence and honesty invaluable to a king. He was the perfect friend and advisor to Isaac – and now he was her friend too. She was finally part of real life at the palace. There would be no more ghostly empty corridors, no more ghouls lurking ominously in the shadows of her mind. The dark spectres had left the palace leaving only light and love behind.

  “Are you happy, Wanwisa?”

  Isaac stroked her hair just as he had last night as she drifted into deep and dreamless sleep. And he had whispered more magical words… Soon you will be my wife, Talia, and I promise to always be the husband you deserve. I will do everything in my power to make each day of our marriage happier than the one before. Yes, she was happy. She nodded and wriggled up his body to brush her nose against his, pressing herself against his swollen manhood. His smile widened yet he made no move to develop their intimate embrace. There was no rush for either of them, their connection absolute, their harmony divine. The peace of this moment was everything they needed but still… She wrapped her leg over his in silent invitation, craving union with her beloved yet again. A Lokian in love was always insatiable, Isaac must have realised that by now. He groaned, shifting his body so his erection nudged her sex but still he did not take her. She moaned encouragingly, rubbing her sex over the head of his manhood and glorying in her feminine power as it jerked in response.

  “My Wanwisa.”

  She stared into his eyes as he sank slowly inside of her. The spectacular something reigned supreme. It drew her deep into the spirit realms until the pleasures of her body became secondary to the pleasures of her soul.

  “Talia? Come back to me, sweetheart, please.”

  She blinked and saw the fear in Isaac’s eyes. “I’m sorry, Isaac, I travelled to the spirit realms but you were with me there.” She stroked his face, hating the dark shadows in his eyes. “Please don’t be afraid of my meditations, they are part of me and are here to stay.”

  He cupped his hands around her head and stared intensely into her eyes. “I know, Talia, and I don’t want to change a thing about you, but I never want you to use your meditations to escape this world. If you are ever upset or concerned about anything, please talk to me. You can trust me, I promise I won’t let you down.”

  He thrust inside her, his tender, intense passion reinforcing the sincerity of his words.

  “I promise, I trust you,” she gasped as her sex contracted, the exquisite pleasure born of the beauty of their love. Her body craved Isaac’s passion and tenderness, could not resist them – or him. As he could not resist her… He responded to her ecstasy with a powerful climax of his own, and their eyes locked together as the sweet sensations slowly ebbed away…

  “We must get you some breakfast, my sweet.”

  Isaac kissed her forehead and held her even tighter as she said a silent prayer. Please, let us stay in the spirit realms forever, please. A melodic rapping at the door dragged her rudely away from her moment of bliss…

  “Come in, Abraham.”

  Isaac rolled them onto their sides and pulled the blankets up and over her naked body, just in time to greet a grinning Abraham.

  “Good morning. I am just the delivery boy, please do not pay me any attention.”

  A cream silk day dress lay draped over Abraham’s arm. She laughed, and Isaac raised his eyebrows.

  “What a bad little visionary, encouraging my reprobate friend. I am shocked, Talia.”

  She giggled again, lightheaded with joy. Everything was so very simple now.

  “Come on in, Abraham, make yourself at home.” Isaac smirked as he rearranged the blankets to ensure she was covered with only her shoulders peeking out. Abraham stood at the foot of the bed, staring happily as Isaac cradled her in his arms.

  “Talia will always be in your bed, Isaac.”

  “Talia will always be in my heart, Abra.”

  “It is the way it should be.”

  “Yes, it is our destiny.”

  Isaac smiled boyishly, and Abraham grinned back, no longer the king and his advisor, just two men delighting in their friendship. She was mesmerised.

  “Are you planning to stay in bed all day, Your Majesty, or will you be joining us for luncheon?”

  Abraham smiled at her as she snuggled into Isaac; he was making her feel at home. Lokians always wandered in and out of each other’s rooms, their intimacy unforced and natural. Just like this.

  “Yes, I think we will be joining you now Talia has something practical to wear.”

  She wished she could wear her beloved blue gown all the time, run around the palace grounds clothed in its celestial beauty. She sighed, and Abraham grinned wickedly.

  “Would you like this dress, Talia, or do you intend to keep our lucky king in bed all day?”

  “Both, I think. Thank you, Abraham.”

  Abraham chuckled as he laid the gown out at the bottom of the bed. She sat up to take a closer look, pulling the blankets around her and away from Isaac, exposing his nakedness. His eyes widened in disbelief.

  “Talia has stolen my blankets and left me to freeze. I am much abused by my bride-to-be, ah, well…”

  He grinned and leapt from the bed, naked and shameless. She laughed out loud.

  “Your beautiful bride-to-be will be shocked by the sight of so much naked male flesh, Your Majesty.”

  “Talia is used to carefree nudity and sexual abandon, we will not shock her so easily.” Isaac’s grin grew wider as he strode over to Abraham, wrapping his arms around his friend in a loving embrace. “You know how I delight in scandalising women, Abra. Do you think this might shock Talia?”

  They turned to face her and she giggled harder than ever as she sat up on her knees, clutching the blankets tightly around her. Isaac shook his head and marched towards her, his eyes glinting dangerously.

  “No! No!” She was still giggling as he tugged at the blankets, threatening to expose her completely. “Abraham will see… No!”

  “Abra, please avert your eyes for a moment while I deal with this shameless little hussy.”

  Abraham obligingly turned to face the door, his shoulders shaking with amusement as Isaac descended upon her. He ripped the blankets away, pressing his irresistible body against hers.

  “You need to be taught a lesson, Talia, your behaviour is appallingly unladylike.”

  She couldn’t reply, she was laughing so hard.

  “Oh, please, not with me in the room, shameless, the pair of you.”

  Isaac shoved his rock-hard manhood against her stomach as he rearranged the blankets around them. “I will refrain, my friend, until tonight, when I have the time and energy to adequately punish this little minx.”

  She clung to his shoulders, loving the warmth and mischief in his eyes. Her all-powerful king was relaxed, playful and tender, his transformation complete. She peered apologetically at Abraham, but his chocolate eyes were soft with approval. As Isaac pushed her back onto the pillows, Abraham strode towards the door.

  “Time for me to leave, I think. I hope to se
e you both at luncheon although I rather doubt I will. Have fun.”

  They didn’t respond. Her arms were already wrapped around Isaac’s back, her legs moving over his…


  “Talia, do you plan to give the rest of our picnic to these greedy beasts?”

  “Why, yes, Your Majesty, I think I do… if it pleases you.”

  They were reclining on the riverbank with Abraham as Isaac had decided they should have a private picnic lunch where she could get to know his friend better. The appearance of Epiphany had disrupted his plans and the men had spent much of the time watching her play with the hawk, marvelling at her instant bond with him. Epiphany had proved to be quite a showman, preening his snow white feathers and strutting across the grass, shamelessly showcasing his beauty while casting surreptitious glances at the men to ensure they were watching him. Now the bird had retreated to his favourite spot atop the great oak tree, and she was playing with her other feathered friends.

  “Talia, these birds can eat the entire contents of the palace kitchen, if it pleases you.”

  “I think it might, Your Majesty,” she said, fluttering her eyelashes, “but I would hate the lack of sustenance to cause Your Majesty to swoon.”

  He laughed out loud. “Swoon, Talia? That I have never done and never intend to, but if you desire to witness such a thing, I could play act for you.”

  She giggled. “That would be most entertaining, Your Majesty, you are too good to me.”

  “You deserve all the goodness I have to give,” he said fervently, changing the mood with one short sentence and bringing tears of happiness to her eyes. She flung herself into his welcoming arms and shot Abraham yet another apologetic glance. She and Isaac had behaved shamelessly, unable to keep their eyes or hands off each other throughout lunch.


  “Yes, Isaac?” She was allowed to call Isaac by name in front of Abraham for his friend was the only other person in the palace permitted to do so.

  “Are you sure you have had enough to eat?”


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