Talia and Isaac

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Talia and Isaac Page 38

by Lorraine Margaret

  “I’m fine, Jenna, please, don’t worry. I promise you nothing has happened to me.”

  “No! Don’t lie to me, sweet Talia. The king…”

  Jenna’s eyes rolled as they focused on Isaac, her breath coming in fractured little gasps. Isaac murmured, “I’ll leave you alone,” and turned to leave, but in that moment Talia knew exactly what she must do. It was the only thing that might calm her friend and ease her fears. She leapt up and lunged towards Isaac, dragging him back to the bedside.

  “Jenna, please, listen to me. Look at us and see the truth. Please, Jenna, trust me.”

  Jenna froze in fear, her eyes wild and staring as if Isaac were the devil himself. Her angel masquerading as a demon did not deserve this. Talia acted fast, determined to restore Isaac’s reputation and ease Jenna’s fears.

  “Please, help me, Isaac, please.”

  She took his hand in hers, pressed her body against his and turned her face up for his kiss. Isaac didn’t let her down. His lips brushed against hers, tenderly, reverentially, a kiss born not of passion but humanity, a selfless kiss to aid her wounded friend…

  “No, Talia! No, no!”

  “Jenna, please, look! See the truth!”

  In desperation, Talia placed Isaac’s hand on her breast. She heard Jenna’s strangulated little gasp as Isaac lowered his head to kiss her, deeper and longer this time. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist and for a moment she forgot why she had instigated the kiss and lost herself in their love. As their lips parted, she moaned softly and laid her head against his chest, seeking the comfort and reassurance of his heartbeat. She had never needed his strength more.


  Jenna no longer sounded hysterical, just confused.

  “Thank you,” Talia whispered to Isaac as she turned to her friend. “You see, Jenna? You have no reason to worry, nothing bad has happened to me, I am fine.”

  She sat on the bed and reached for Isaac’s hand. Jenna stared at their clasped hands for a long moment before looking up into Talia’s eyes.

  “You have… not been hurt, Talia? Not harmed in any way? I… I don’t understand.”

  Jenna looked from Talia to Isaac and back again, her eyes wide and disbelieving.

  “Jenna, His Majesty has treated me with great kindness and respect. There is no need for you to worry about me. You are safe now, but you must rest and allow your injuries to heal. No one will hurt you, I promise.”

  “Thank you.” Jenna stared at Isaac in wonder. “Thank you for treating Talia so well, Your Majesty. I couldn’t bear the thought of it happening to you, Talia. Thank God you are safe.”

  Talia stroked Jenna’s damp hair back from her forehead, wincing at the bloody wound there. “We are both safe, Jenna, please, try not to be scared anymore.” Jenna nodded, relief flooding her exhausted eyes. “You need to sleep, give your body time to recover from its ordeal.”

  “Talia is right, Jenna, you must rest.” Abraham’s voice was so very gentle but the wildness returned to Jenna’s eyes as he moved closer to the bed.

  “Jenna, Abraham is a man of faith, a good, kind man. You are safe,” Talia repeated.

  Isaac crouched down beside the bed. “Jenna, the man who attacked you has been given the severest of punishments. He will never do anything like this again.”

  Both Jenna and Talia stared wide-eyed at Isaac after his softly spoken words. Jenna nodded and murmured, “Thank you, Your Majesty,” as her eyes finally closed.

  “Time to leave, Wanwisa. Lizzie will let us know when Jenna awakes.”

  Talia nodded and stroked her fingers gently over Jenna’s bruised cheek. “Sleep well, sweet Jenna, may your dreams be blessed by the spirit realms. I’ll see you soon.”

  But Jenna had already drifted into sleep, finally relaxed enough to allow her body the rest it so badly needed. Talia stared boldly into Isaac’s eyes as they quietly left the room. “What was Michael’s punishment, Your Majesty?”

  She was prepared for the very worst, the stuff of nightmares. Nothing she heard could upset or disturb her – she could endure anything with Isaac by her side.


  He stared into Talia’s eyes and sighed at what he found there. His little visionary was determined to learn the truth. She had borne this terrible event with great fortitude, but had been devastated by the horror that had befallen her friend. She was fragile and distressed – but she deserved the truth.

  “He has been castrated and after a protracted period of suffering, he will be killed. I will not risk this happening again, Talia. Michael’s behaviour was monstrous and I will ensure everyone knows what to expect if they follow the same evil path. Michael will be an example to all men.”

  He watched as all colour drained from her face, her enormous turquoise eyes fixed on his. “Thank you, Your Majesty, for treating this crime with the severity it deserves.”

  She dropped to the floor in an exquisite curtsey, a sublime gesture of respect. He relished it for barely a moment before helping her up. Talia was a goddess amongst women and he would always treat her as such.

  “No punishment is severe enough. Michael’s barbarity was appalling, if the soldiers hadn’t heard Jenna’s screams when they did…”

  Abraham’s impassioned words were too much for Talia, a fatal assault on her fragile emotional state. Isaac caught her just before her wilting body hit the hard stone floor. As he scooped her into his arms he cursed himself for allowing this to happen.

  “I’m sorry, Your Majesty, I shouldn’t have said that.”

  Poor Abraham was contrite, but this was not his fault; Isaac had started this foolish tell Talia the truth thing…

  “No, Abraham, please don’t apologise. I’m sorry for being feeble, please forgive me.”

  Talia’s exquisite eyes fluttered open and shut, a low moan of pain sounding deep within her throat. What she had endured over the last few days would have destroyed many a man; he would not allow her to berate herself.

  “No, Wanwisa, you’re the most courageous person I know. Of course you are upset, Jenna is your friend.”

  “So terrible, poor Jenna, this is unbearable,” she whispered into his chest.

  “I know, sweetheart, I know, but we’ll help her recover. I know you will do everything you can.”

  “Yes.” Her eyes sprang open as they started the long walk back along the corridors to their room. “Where’s Katrina?”

  “Sitting with Jenna, my love, until Lizzie returns. Jenna will sleep a while, I am sure. Her body needs rest.”

  “Her mind too,” said Abraham grimly.

  “I can’t imagine how horrific it must have been, how scared she must have felt…”

  Her eyes were fluttering, open and shut, like tiny frantic birds. Talia was a sensitive, spiritual woman trapped in a cruel, cruel world. She could escape to the spirit realms anytime she wanted – but she hadn’t, she had chosen to stay with him. His heart thumped against his chest as he looked imploringly at Abraham. Good God, she was scaring him! He felt helpless. Talia meant too much to him, he couldn’t think straight, didn’t know what to do.

  “I’ll fetch Talia some food.”

  “Can’t eat, not hungry.”

  “You have to eat, Wanwisa, more so now than ever, you’re in shock.”

  “Feeble,” she murmured.

  “No, Jenna is your friend, you’re bound to be upset,” he repeated as he looked across at Abraham. “Thanks, Abra, if you could bring some milk too, just in case…”

  Just in case we can’t persuade Talia to eat…

  “Of course, I won’t be long.”

  Isaac laid her on their bed as gently as he could. This horrific event had been a devastating reminder of her fragility. Men should protect and cherish women, not abuse and hurt them… Fuck! He lay alongside her, taking her hand in his, and her grateful smile made him catch his breath. It was as if the simple act of holding her hand was the most profound thing he could ev
er do. It tore at his newly sensitive heart. They didn’t speak, they simply stared into each other’s eyes, absorbing warmth and love, relishing beauty after horror. Abraham returned, and they managed to coax Talia into eating some scrambled egg, but she refused bread and ate far too little. Isaac looked pleadingly at his friend as she weakly sipped at a glass of milk.

  “Talia, you must drink. None of us feel like eating but milk is food, it will keep you strong, and Jenna will need your strength.”

  Abraham’s voice was kind but firm, just what Talia needed. Why hadn’t he found those practical, effective words? Because he was too close to her, too worried about her physical and mental condition…

  “And Isaac.” Her words were a solemn little whisper.

  “What did you say, Wanwisa?”

  He smiled into her huge, haunted eyes.

  “You need me to be strong too. I need your strength so very much, you must need mine.”

  Abraham smiled, but Isaac wanted to weep like a baby. She had made him an emotional wreck. Part of him wanted to fight against it, resent her for exposing his weakness, but a larger part recognised it was not a weakness but an amazing strength. He was capable of profound love, emotion and empathy. He was a fully rounded man, complete of character at last. And all because of Talia…

  “That’s right, sweetheart,” he murmured, his voice cracking as she cuddled closer to him, the warmth and proximity of her body giving him all the comfort he needed. She nestled into him, wrapping her arms around his back, joyously uninhibited in front of Abraham. Desire rose in her eyes, and he was unsurprised. It was not desire for sexual satisfaction but for unity and reassurance. Talia needed reaffirmation of their love after the horror of this never-ending day. He knew what she needed because he needed it too. The hideous attack on Jenna would bond him and Talia closer than ever. He smiled wryly at the vagaries of life for if he didn’t smile, tears would threaten to appear and he must be strong for Talia. He looked across at Abraham, who was watching them, his wise eyes soft and approving. His friend still carried his vocation for priesthood deep within his soul and recognised the profound bond the little Lokian visionary shared with his king. Abraham was attuned to spiritual things just like Talia.


  Her voice was small and plaintive; he smiled down at her.

  “Yes, Wanwisa?”

  “Jenna’s husband Rowan… he will be frantic, out of his mind with worry. Please… is there some way we can get a message to him? Tell him what happened to her?”

  He stared down at her pale face, cursing the folly of his actions. How would the Lokians ever believe King Isaac was taking care of Jenna when his soldiers had snatched Talia before their very eyes? But Jenna was too weak to withstand the journey home yet so…

  “Abraham, could you please arrange for a message to be taken to the Lokian village? Tell them Jenna is safe and will be returned when she is stronger. I don’t think they will believe it but we can try. Please tell the messenger to leave the letter somewhere it is sure to be found and to avoid any interaction. I fear for any of our soldiers who meet a Lokian now and I want to avoid bloodshed at all costs. I need to think of the future, of rebuilding my relationship with the Lokian people.” He looked down into Talia’s enormous soulful eyes. “Do you think that is the best course of action, my sweet?”

  Her eyes were haunted, weary with emotional strain. “My people will not trust your message, Isaac, you are right. They will think it is some kind of trap. What terrible maze have we all become lost in? I cannot see any way out, not until Jenna is well enough to tell everybody the truth.”

  He sighed heavily. “It is all we can do at the moment, we can but try. Yes?”

  She nodded. “Yes, please, Your Majesty.”

  He pressed his lips against her forehead and turned to Abraham. “Will you please pen the letter for me, friend? And then I will sign it.”

  Abraham got up to leave. “I will do it immediately, Sire. Will I be seeing you at dinner?”

  “Yes, I think it is important to maintain normality. We’ll be there.”

  “Alright, I will bring the letter for you to sign on the way to the great hall. Enjoy your afternoon together.”

  “Enjoy is not a strong enough word,” Talia murmured sweetly.

  Isaac and Abraham exchanged looks of incredulity. Talia was fragile and emotionally upset – but she was fighting, her wit and spirit intact. Her resilience was extraordinary and Isaac was desperate to be one with her again.

  Abraham loitered by the door, his eyes misty. “Treasure each other; what you have found together is rare.”

  And with that devastatingly beautiful sentiment lingering in the air, he was gone.

  “Abraham loves us together,” Talia whispered, her voice full of wonder.

  “So do I, Wanwisa, so do I.”

  Their union was the perfect healing antidote to the horrors of the day. He didn’t enter Talia, he was pulled inside of her by an invisible magnet, compelling his body to unite with hers. It was how it should be. Now he had seen what men were capable of, something about being male was repugnant to him today. The act of taking Talia seemed crude and aggressive, not an expression of love between soulmates and equals. So they took each other. Their love radiated between them, and somehow his cock ended up inside her perfect little cunt.

  “I love you like no other has ever loved before.”

  “I love you like no other has ever loved before.”

  “Bonded for all time.”

  “Bonded for all time.”

  They were lying, limbs entangled, their hot, wet bodies pressed together, basking in the afterglow of passion, sated, happy, bonded for all time. Talia’s eyes momentarily darkened, flickering with pain and sadness. “I have opened my mind to Jenna, set it free for her to explore. I hope she will sense my happiness and feel the profundity of our love. I want her to know what a good man you are, Isaac.”

  He nodded, awed by Lokian splendour. Talia had set her mind free for Jenna to explore? He wished he was blessed with the ability to explore her fascinating mind. His cock hardened at the thought. He brushed his lips against hers, and she whimpered, rubbing her sex against his rampant erection.

  “I’ll show Jenna how happy I make you, Talia. I know exactly how to do that.”

  She gasped as he pulled her leg up over his waist, making his intentions clear.

  “Oh, yes, Your Majesty, I think that is an excellent idea…”

  Semblance of Normality

  Jenna had woken and immediately asked for Talia. Maybe she had explored Talia’s mind and felt the beauty of their love running through her veins, felt their pleasure vibrating through her damaged body. Isaac prayed Jenna’s bond with her husband would be enriched by adversity so she could focus on the future and put this horror behind her. Maybe the spirit realms would compensate her for her suffering by blessing her with happiness forevermore, God knows she deserved it. Or maybe his love for Talia was making him prone to whimsy. He shook his head as he walked the long corridors to the great hall. This was what happened when you were in love with a Lokian visionary; your mind expanded and began to believe things that had seemed impossible before. He understood why the Cornicunian people were so entranced by the Lokian way of life. Talia’s magic held him firmly in its grasp – and he adored it. The all-powerful king had willingly surrendered to a tiny Lokian visionary and had never been happier in his life…

  When Abraham appeared at their door and said Jenna was asking for Talia, the determination in her eyes had made him catch his breath. He was certain if he had tried to dissuade her from visiting, he would have been threatened with a fruit knife again! Nothing would have stopped her. This was her mission, her life focused on healing her friend. He didn’t feel neglected. Talia had limitless empathy and compassion, and he was bursting with pride. This spectacular woman loved him.

  He shuddered as he strode towards the great hall. Despite her haunted, empty eyes, he had seen the gentleness and wis
dom in Jenna. The Lokian character was a fine thing, elevated and spiritual, and this pure soul had been the hapless victim of Michael’s merciless attack. It proved what Isaac had always suspected; there was truly no justice in this world.

  Abraham had accompanied Talia to the sick room, leaving Isaac to be the indomitable, unshakeable king. He was on his way to do what he always did, reassure his court at times of tribulation. He had always dealt with such things alone, but he didn’t want to do that anymore. He needed the strength and wisdom of his beloved bride-to-be. Selfish, Isaac, selfish. He shook his head, reprimanding himself. Talia must focus on Jenna and he must focus on his people. The standards he insisted on at court had been desecrated by Michael, and this was profoundly unsettling for everyone. This was not the way he did things, not the kind of king he was, viciously assaulting innocent women… or had Michael thought Isaac was exactly that kind of king? He had ordered his soldiers to seize Talia and bring her to his palace to be his slave. Had his actions inadvertently caused Michael’s attack on Jenna? Had Michael thought his king was endorsing the abuse of all Lokian women? This propensity for violence must have been lying dormant in Michael and he, Isaac, had unwittingly brought it to life. He was forced to confront the error of his behaviour and it was not his best moment. He had thought he had made the situation clear. Talia had been brought to court so he could discover the mystical secrets of the Lokians; she belonged to him but was being treated with respect. Isaac froze in the middle of the corridor, cold dread sweeping through his body, chilling his heart. Had he treated Talia with respect? Or was he a controlling, sadistic brute? He shuddered as he faced the truth.

  He had made Talia his sex slave. He had told her she always had a choice about everything they did together but what alternative had he really given her? Had she been so scared and confused that she had acquiesced to his desires not feeling able to do otherwise? He had been so obsessed with playing his beloved game he hadn’t questioned the ethics of his behaviour. Every woman he had ever played with had been overjoyed to be receiving the attentions of their king – but Talia? As she never failed to remind him, she was a Lokian visionary and unlike other women. The complexities and contradictions of his character had never been more apparent to him. He was a man who had never forced a woman to do anything, but he had made Talia his captive and slave. So was he as bad as Michael, his evil simply camouflaged under a more respectful, gentle exterior? Was his an insidious menace, devious and manipulative, psychologically giving poor Talia little choice but to acquiesce? The thought was unbearable.


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