She closed her eyes as if horrified with herself for thinking of them at such a traumatic time for her friend.
He sounded like a fool. Why? Why? Why? But he needed to help her, comfort her, and could only do that if he knew how she was feeling.
“Jenna’s husband Rowan… he will come for her.”
Was that all? He sighed with relief. “Talia, we are safe here, how could you think otherwise?”
“But he will come for her – he loves her.”
He loves her. And Isaac would have to decide whether to kill this loving husband, if he foolhardily decided to threaten his king.
“Talia, we will give Jenna to him. If he comes in peace there will not be a problem.” He stared into the depths of her beautiful turquoise eyes and prayed she saw the sincerity in his.
“But it will never end.”
Her eyes shone with love, but her voice was brimming with despair.
“What will never end, Wanwisa?” He stroked her hair, hating the troubled expression in her eyes. It caused him such pain. All he wanted was to ease that pain for both of them.
“The hatred – it has gone too far.”
“Thanks to Michael,” he said bitterly.
“You have me too, Your Majesty, my people will come for me too. They know if they attack your palace they will probably die but they will come. They revere my spiritual gifts and will not abandon me. I have opened my mind to their thoughts and tried to communicate my happiness but even if I succeed, they will come. Rowan loves Jenna deeply, he would gladly die for her.”
“As I would gladly die for you.”
His words slipped out as recklessly as hers often did, to be met with stunned silence from the group of nearby men. No one had imagined his profound love for Talia extended to a willingness to die for her.
“I would gladly die for you, Isaac.”
She clung to his shoulders, the passion of true love in her eyes and voice.
“You won’t have to, Talia.”
“Neither will you.”
“Let’s hope not.” Abraham’s voice was light, but there were dark shadows in his eyes.
This was no longer the right moment for Isaac to action his wonderful plan, perhaps it never had been so soon after the attack on Jenna. Anyway, when he did this, he and Talia should be alone, not surrounded by gawping men. He grinned enigmatically into her eyes, lightheaded at the thought; if only you knew what I have planned for you, Talia.
“Isaac? Are you alright?”
He must look feverish, he certainly felt it. And he enjoyed the slack-jawed expressions on his advisors’ faces when Talia called him by name in public. They were scandalised, it was most amusing.
“I’ve never had a woman say she’d die for me before,” he quipped, “I like it… but it most definitely will not be happening.”
She giggled, completely at ease with his strange shift of mood. It made him impatient, desperate to action his plan again. Talia was perfect for him and he wanted to do this glorious thing right now, immediately, this second… He was lightheaded and giddy, like a love-struck girl. And he loved it.
Somehow, he got through dinner, but he was preoccupied with his thoughts. Maybe the time was perfect after all. After such a hideous thing, a life-affirming, beautiful thing, why not? He and Talia could bring a little love and hope back into their damaged world. Surely Talia would see it that way? By the time he had coaxed her dinner into her, he was convinced. His troubled little visionary needed encouragement to eat her potatoes due to all her sensitive disposition had endured today. He had persuaded her to eat, even made her smile again. They were perfect for each other, complemented each other exquisitely. A few short days had changed his life forever. So very many women, such a rich life lived, with many glorious, memorable experiences – but never anything like Talia, nothing like their love. It reinforced his conviction to proceed with his plan. There was no need to wait, the time was right, do it now, Isaac, do it now…
He delivered her safely back to the haven of their bedroom and prepared to excuse himself.
“Rest awhile, Wanwisa, take a bath if you desire, I will be back shortly.”
He had sat her on their enormous bed, and she had instantly relaxed, sinking into the soft pillows, her eyes taking on a luminous glow as she gazed up at him. But that glow disappeared on hearing his words… She blinked once, twice, three times, and stared blankly up at him. This didn’t look good…
“You are leaving me, Your Majesty?”
Your Majesty; Oh, Talia! You think you have offended me in some way, if only you knew…
“I wish to spend a little time with my advisors, Talia. I won’t be long, I promise.”
She didn’t react at all, that in itself was worrying, but he didn’t dwell on it. The sooner he left, the sooner he could return to tell her the wonderful truth…
Isaac’s Plan
“My friend, will you take a walk with me?”
“People will talk, Isaac, your eyes are shining quite unnaturally. It is as if you are in love with me.”
Abraham was teasing but he knew Isaac well, he knew something major was afoot.
“Abra, anyone would be honoured to be intimate with you. If that is what these filthy minded scoundrels are thinking then I am proud of it!”
Abraham chuckled. “As I am proud to receive the attentions of my king. Come, let us stimulate their curiosity, give the reprobates something to gossip about!”
The two men meandered from the hall, sniggering quietly as all eyes followed them. Isaac patted Abraham’s shoulder as they turned towards the main doors.
“I’m surprised we do not have a small contingent of men following us.”
“They wouldn’t dare.”
They laughed easily together as they walked out into the courtyard. Abraham was pretending to be relaxed, but his brown eyes were intense, impatient for the revelation. Isaac smirked happily, enjoying his new game far too much to hasten to the big reveal. It was a still night, pleasantly balmy, and he was more than happy to take his time and enjoy the fresh air.
“Your Majesty, I believe you are toying with me. What dastardly game are you playing?”
Abraham knew him too well, it was disconcerting, but Isaac would play with him just a little longer…
“What game am I playing, Abra? What a manner in which to talk to your king! I assure you I am not playing, this is deadly serious.”
Abraham’s eyes widened, and Isaac smirked all the more.
“Deadly serious, Your Majesty? Well then, I am the right advisor for the job. I specialise in deadly serious matters; what would you like to discuss?”
“Mmm, discuss – there is nothing to discuss.” Isaac shook his head, prolonging the suspense of his glorious surprise as they walked past a soldier on sentry duty. “But I do have a question for you.”
“A question?” Abraham arched an eyebrow, and Isaac grinned like a mindless fool. They were ambling towards the fountain in the middle of the courtyard and were alone now. This was the moment he had been waiting for. He stared at the sparkling water as he began to speak.
“Yes, Abra. I don’t want to wait a moment longer, I wish to make Talia my wife immediately. So – will you please do us the great honour of marrying us tomorrow?”
Abraham shrieked like a girl, his deep voice transformed into a high-pitched wail. “Isaac! Oh, yes, Your Majesty!”
And then they were in each other’s arms like lovers; if any of the men had followed them, they would be forgiven for thinking Isaac had asked Abraham to marry him! Isaac clung shamelessly to his friend, the only person, beside Talia, he could not do without.
“It will be my honour, Isaac. Fuck, this is wonderful news!”
The profanity was most unlike Abraham and he had tears in his eyes too. Isaac gazed at his friend through his own wet eyes, his soul overflowing with happiness.
“Good God, Abraham, look at us! So fucking emotional, so full of joy… Let’s ju
st hope Talia is happy to marry so soon. I think she may have anticipated a longer engagement but I pray she will agree for my selfish sake – and for everybody here. After today’s trauma this is exactly what everyone needs. The lifelong union of two souls is the perfect way to celebrate all that is good in our world.”
Abraham squeezed Isaac’s shoulder. “You have no need to worry about Talia’s reaction, my friend, I have never seen a love so mutual and profound. She will be thrilled.” The two men grinned at each other like small boys intent on making mischief. “And I am thrilled to play such a major part in your wedding. I had forgotten I still hold the power to marry.”
“You have not used that power for so long, Abra, and that is a great shame. We will be honoured to have you officiate at our wedding.”
Abraham blew out a long breath, grinning boyishly as he ran his fingers through his hair. “I am overwhelmed, Isaac. After the horror we have experienced today, we are to be blessed with the beauty of your marriage. After the darkness, God has blessed us with light. That is a glorious thing.”
They stared at each other, brimming with barely contained masculine energy, but Isaac had to be practical, keep a clear head.
“Please stand with me now, Abra. I need to talk to everyone and prepare the path for our wedding. I must address any concerns today so if Talia agrees she will experience only joy and happiness on her special day.”
Abraham nodded. “Of course, Isaac, but you have nothing to fear. Your advisors are all intelligent, logical thinkers, they know the most revered of Lokian visionaries is an inspired match for their king. They are long-sighted, looking to the future of your lineage. Any children that result from your union will be blessed with royal blood merged with mystical powers we cannot even begin to understand. Your marriage to Talia will strengthen the royal family of Cornicunia for all time.”
Isaac stared at Abraham in bemusement. His advisors had been talking and it was good news. He hadn’t thought of his relationship with Talia as a strategic union, a practical move intended to enhance his reign. He had taken his eye off his most important game. His role as king.
“Thank you, Abra, I am pleased to hear that. I wasn’t aware you had discussed my union with Talia and its implications for my reign.”
Abraham’s smile widened. “Of course you weren’t, you are a man in love. All you can see is your happiness with Talia. It is the way it should be.”
Abraham’s words imbued Isaac with a deep sense of peace, and his breathing was calm and steady as they marched into the great hall. He was King of Cornicunia, esteemed ruler of this land. He had nothing to fear.
“My people, I have an announcement to make.”
His words created a palpable air of anticipation and excitement as all chattering ceased immediately and all eyes turned to him. It was always the same when he had something to say and this was the most important thing he had ever said. He was a man committed to his mission, a man of unshakeable self-belief, a king with a calm, regular heartbeat and a deep, unfaltering voice. He kept it simple.
“Friends, Talia is my destiny, and I will wait no longer to be united with her as man and wife. I will return to our room shortly and ask her to marry me tomorrow. If she agrees, it will give us little time to prepare the wedding but the chapel is waiting and Abraham will honour us by conducting the service. I pray I will soon return with good news, and you will all be able to share in our joy and celebrate with us tomorrow.”
A resounding cheer echoed off the tall ceiling, reverberating around the great hall. Isaac let out a relieved breath as he scanned the room, watching his excited people. Not a solitary word of dissent or caution, no disapproving frowns or mouths set in stern lines. Darren was pink-cheeked and shiny-eyed as he fought his way to the front of the congratulatory crowd, jostling for Isaac’s attention.
“Talia loves you, Your Majesty, it is plain to see. She will not want to wait a moment longer to be your queen.”
Isaac smiled at Darren’s boyish enthusiasm. “I hope you are right, Darren, or your king will look quite the fool tonight.”
Beyond the thronging sea of people, he caught a glimpse of Katrina’s ecstatic face. He pushed through the animated crowd, accepting back slaps and good wishes along the way, before coming to a halt in front of his trusted servant. Tears of joy rolled down Katrina’s flushed cheeks as she murmured her congratulations. Her loyalty and devotion deserved so much more than he had ever given her. He threw aside years of protocol without a second thought, pulling her into his arms, making her gasp with pleasure as she tentatively returned his embrace. He tightened his hold, giving silent thanks for Katrina. Such a kind, warm woman, she had always revelled in the happiness of others and had cared for Talia from the start. Talia. He had to return to his bride-to-be. He had been gone far, far too long. As he released Katrina, he recalled the distant expression in Talia’s beautiful eyes when he had left her in their bedroom. Talia was not happy with him, would not be in the mood for his surprise…
“Your Majesty, what are you waiting for? We are all desperate for confirmation of Talia’s answer, and I am eager to conduct my first wedding for many a year!”
Abraham’s teasing words caused a resurgence of cheering and clapping, and they had given Isaac the perfect escape. He waved his hand in a melodramatic flourish.
“God willing, I will soon return with my bride-to-be and the celebrations can commence in earnest!”
He squeezed Katrina’s hand and shot Abraham a grateful smile before beginning the long walk back to his irritated little Lokian visionary. But not for long, ah, no, not for long. Talia, I am coming for you. I will make you mine for all eternity and make you happy always. Bonded for all time, Wanwisa, bonded for all time…
Talia’s Musings
She was hurt and furious, a profound sadness consuming her heavy heart. She couldn’t decide on an appropriate response to Isaac’s thoughtlessness, vacillating between blind fury and desolation. This behaviour was not befitting a Lokian visionary, she was ridiculous, had allowed herself to become dependent on a man. Men at best were not constant and Isaac was the most mercurial of them all. She couldn’t believe he had abandoned her after such a traumatic day. She needed him! She would have been perfectly happy to stay in the hall and spend some time with the women while he talked with his advisors. She was not the type of woman to cling to her man, unable to bear a second apart. Or was she? Maybe at this moment in time she was but that was understandable, she was fragile after the attack on Jenna, at the mercy of her riotous emotions. But Isaac had not appreciated this, he had escorted her back to their bedroom as if she were a toy to be stored until he wished to play with it. She was being treated like a slave again and it was especially hurtful after what had happened to Jenna. She needed the reassurance of Isaac’s love but the sweet intimacy of this afternoon seemed a lifetime ago. She was delicate, in need of tenderness and understanding. Isaac was an intelligent, sensitive man; he must have known how this would make her feel. Left alone, while he socialised as if nothing of importance had happened… she was certain he would return to the bedroom when he desired sex! Dwelling on this was making her even more emotional, but she felt powerless to stop, obsessing over events in the mortal world in a manner hitherto unknown to her. This was not the way of a Lokian visionary, Isaac was corrupting her gifts again. How dare he!
She stalked over to the door, gripped by sudden fury. She would not be left here like a doll! She was a powerful, intelligent woman and she would go where she was valued. Determined to visit Jenna again, she grasped the door handle, but the pressure of her hand met resistance, the door stubbornly refusing to allow her to leave the room. She shook her head as she tried again to no avail. This was worse than she had thought! Isaac had locked her in – she was his prisoner. She turned away in frustration, stamping her foot like a child, and was confronted by the terrible truth…
The cage.
She stared transfixed as it loomed before her, an ominous reminder of Isaac
’s attitude to women, a haunting symbol of his debauched life. She had become dangerously desensitised to its presence despite its huge bulk dominating the room. She had allowed her mind to be consumed by Isaac’s wonders, allowed him to cleverly distract her from the truth. The cage. She blinked at seven foot of imposing solid metal, devastating proof that despite everything she was captive here. Isaac’s slave. Bonded for all bloody time indeed! She was chained and shackled, but by Isaac’s will rather than the implements of restraint in his cage. Bound by his charm, his tenderness, his erotic expertise… She was a fool, a Lokian visionary who had blocked the voices of her people in order to focus on her relationship with Isaac. She had been led astray, far from the spirit realms, had used her gifts for selfish ends. And what good had it done her? She had thought she understood Isaac, his fears and insecurities – his latent spiritual nature – but she was wrong. Isaac loved her and wanted her to be his wife, but she was still his slave, at the mercy of his continued kindness and benevolence, reliant on his desire for her. Well, she would not accept this situation, and she would not retreat to the spirit realms. She would stay and fight. Why, if only she had a fruit knife! She would not be treated like this! She was upset, angry and more confused than ever.
She sat on the bed, silently seething as her heart fractured into a million tiny pieces unable to bear Isaac’s emotional neglect. He had been gone for an eternity! How dare he! The fractured pieces of her shattered heart would separate and dissolve into nothingness, leaving only a floundering, bodiless spirit whose only crime had been to love too much. She was overemotional, and now she was suffering for it.
And then Isaac strode back into the bedroom as if nothing had happened to be confronted by her mutinous glare.
“What’s wrong, Wanwisa?”
He slid onto the bed beside her, pulling off his boots and loosening his shirt as if he expected instant gratification of his wishes. Well, he could think again…
“Don’t touch me!”
Talia and Isaac Page 40