Twisted Tales of Mayhem

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Twisted Tales of Mayhem Page 40

by Sapphire Knight

  After all my talk, I’d cut off my dick before I let myself come before her.

  Just thinking about a knife against my flesh helped get my sensitivity under control. I lifted her other leg over my other shoulder and plowed into her, driving even deeper.

  “Ohmigod!” she shouted.

  She hadn’t felt anything yet. I pinched her clit between my fingers and continued to fuck her hard. “I’m gonna need you to hurry and get there, baby.”

  “Holy shit!”

  Chuckling, I pinched her clit harder as I drove home. Throwing back her head, Jessica cried out my name as she came. I rode her through her orgasm and then unleashed my own before collapsing on top of her.

  As we lie on my bed, struggling to catch our breath, I realized two things.

  One, Jessica really was a lady in the street and a freak in the sheets.

  Two, now that I’d had a taste of her sweet, tight pussy, there was no way I was letting her go.

  Sorry, Jess, but a one-night stand is never getting crossed off your bucket list.

  About Harley Stone

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  Whiskey Rider

  by Vera Quinn

  Editing by Maggie Kern

  This is a prequel and will lead into the first book, Sweet Whiskey Dreams, in the series, Deacons of Peril MC.



  I know what I am going to do tonight; I have no right to do it, but sometimes the pain that you carry in your soul guides you instead of your conscience. I keep saying in my head, Jenna stop, but I can’t.

  My pain has been guiding me since that awful night three years ago. That night tore away every dream I had ever had. It took my past, my future, my hopes, my dreams, my husband and my unborn daughter.

  The slick abandoned road, water that had risen over the road from the swollen creek, and I was in too big a hurry to get home for my baby shower. Chase told me we should stay on the main road, but I was determined to take the shortcut that was barely used anymore. My stupid decision. Our maternity photos had run later than I expected, and I was rushing to stay on schedule. I knew I should have slowed down but I didn’t want to be rude and keep people waiting. One flooded creek and a darkness I couldn’t see in because of the sheets of rain falling on my windshield. I remember Chase’s voice saying be careful, but it is so soft in my memories now. I barely remember when I had no control of our car and my foot automatically went to the brake. I knew when my foot hit the peddle that I was in trouble and I did the wrong thing. I panicked and then I had no control and I heard my screams and Chase trying to reach over and help me get control but we were no longer on the road and I felt the car hit the water. I felt the big thump and the seatbelt tightened around my baby so tight. I tried to fight with the belt when I was hit with something in the face and then it was all darkness. The darkness pulled me under and deeper and deeper until there was nothing.

  Three days later I woke up in the hospital disoriented and surrounded by machines and people I didn’t know. One conversation with my dad and my heart was shattered. I cursed the heavens that let me wake up without my family With time and as the details became clear in my head, I knew there would never be another day of happiness for me. I buried that with Chase and our daughter. The last three years I have gone through the motions but not really lived.

  I don’t know how this plan I have even formed or if I am just in self-preservation mode. I tried drowning my sorrow in alcohol and then the prescription sedatives for anxiety. I even mixed the two. I tried throwing myself into work but when you’re on a downhill slide into depression and trying to numb yourself, interior decorating is not a business that flourishes. Old college t-shirts and sweats is not dressing to impress new clients. I tried the counseling and therapy but when you can’t form words that can express how you are feeling it’s hopeless and a waste of time. I can’t even look at a church anymore and I know that would crush Chase if he knew.

  I am quite the disappointment but the thoughts I was left with was ending it all. Then one day I was walking by the park and I noticed the mothers with their children, and they looked so happy. The seed was planted. I can’t replace my family, but I can fill this empty loneliness inside me with someone to love. I have taken measures that ensure when I walk away after tonight, just maybe I can fill some of that loneliness with someone else that belongs only to me. May God help me if this doesn’t work.

  Chapter 1


  I have had two men sit down in the seat across from me tonight and they didn’t like my rules that I stated up front. I need to be more tactful and flirt my way through the first part. This is about a one-night stand not a lifelong commitment. Why is it men can’t stand when they aren’t in control and the tables are turned on them?

  I’m sitting at the table right in front of the bar. I have noticed the weekends I have come in here this is the place to sit to get the most attention and I paid more money than this entire table and two chairs are worth to sit here. I have left nothing to chance to make tonight happen the right way. I changed my dull brown hair to a deep red. All the magazines say red is the new blonde when it comes to a man’s preference; I’m not a vain woman, but I know I’m not an ugly person. I have lost the curves that Chase once loved but I notice some men take a second look in my direction. My breast are large for my body frame and my butt still has somewhat of a curve to it. I used to love to cook and eat and add that to the squats I did made my legs and butt have just the right shape for me, but with my weight loss I still have a passable body. The clothes I am wearing are trashy-chic. The price tags were outrageous. The woman in the boutique raged they were the ‘it’ style to wear for a night out at the club and it would turn the heat up in a chilly relationship. Most decent women wouldn't be caught out in this dress. I feel like my butt is hanging out and my boobs are doing a peep show, but it has a designer tag and the heels make my legs look great. I need to look the part of a woman on the prowl.

  I see the tall dark-haired man that walks in the door and just by the way he carries himself piques my interest. As he walks closer, I can see his face clearer and the scruff he is sporting does nothing to take away from his chiseled good looks. He is young, I am guessing a good eight to ten years younger than my 34 years. His worn jeans and leather vest tells me he is no businessman. His wind-blown hair looks messy but sexy. His biceps are bulging, his chest is massive; slim hips and his jeans look painted on his muscular legs that lead down to some type of work boots. He is one fine specimen of a man but in my life before I would have never chosen this man for me. I have a gut feeling to proceed with caution with this man. He has an edgy feel about him just from how he looks. This man is going to be a challenge and I don’t know if I am up for it. I don’t even know if edgy is the right word, maybe dangerous would be better, but I ignore that tingle of warning going up my spine and plaster on my fake smile. He stops at my table and has a sexy slow smile on his face. He makes it no secret he is checking my body out.

  “Red, is this chair taken?” Not very original but I’ll play along. His voice is deep and raspy.

  “It is now handsome, what can order I order you to drink?” I wave my hand to the bartender who's making sure my night proceeds the way I want it to by keeping the alcohol flowing.

  “Shouldn't I be asking you what you'd like to drink?” the stranger asks. The man sits down, and a waitress is there to take our order.

  “Not tonight darlin’, it's all on me. What's your pleasure?” I wink at the man and lay it on thick. His smile becomes bigger,

  “My kind of lady,” the stranger says to me and then looks at the waitress. “Whiskey neat.”

  The waitress looks at me; so far tonight I have stuck to soda.

  “Make that two, top-shelf please.” The waitress raises her eyebrow and I smile at her. That
was my signal to her and the bartender to keep them coming.

  “I didn't take you as a whiskey drinker. You’ve been sipping that soda for a while.”

  That surprises me; I thought he just arrived. I guess my shock is on my face.

  “Did you really think I would just approach a woman without first watching her for a while?”

  “That’s a bit stalkerish isn’t it, Whiskey?” The man full out laughs at me and I see the sparkle in his eyes. His eyes are a deep blue like a Caribbean ocean.

  “I am passing through and I can't let my guard down. You never know who is safe to be around these days.”

  The waitress sets two glasses in front of each of us and Whiskey gives the waitress a strange look.

  “The boss said the second one is on the house.” The waitress is giving off a nonchalant attitude and she’s convincing.

  “Tell your boss thank you,” I say before Whiskey responds. “Bring us another, I feel lucky tonight.” The waitress just smiles.

  “I will repeat myself; I didn't take you for a whiskey drinker.” The man looks like he wants to say something else, but he hesitates. The waitress walks on giving out other drinks. I pick up my first tumbler of whiskey and take a drink; the burn feels good and I finish it all. Whiskey looks around amused. “I stand corrected.”

  “Drink up Whiskey, you’re getting behind and we can't let that happen, tonight is just beginning.” Whiskey drinks his tumbler dry.

  “If I didn't know any better, beautiful, I would think you were trying to get me buzzed, so you can have your way with me. Save your money, I’m easy,” Whiskey laughs. “You don't need to seduce the willing. Our night was sealed as soon as I sat down.” Whiskey changes the subject. “Why did the other two men get sent on their way? You want a walk on the wild side?”

  I look at Whiskey and then down to my other drink. I drain my drink. I no sooner have it gone, and the waitress is there with four more drinks. Whiskey guzzles his second. “Change the next round to whatever is in a longneck and slow them down to one at a time.” The waitress nods her head and leaves us. I didn’t think this man could get any sexier, but his take charge voice has me almost gasping for air.

  “I have some rules Whiskey.” I look him in the eyes letting him know I'm serious.

  “The name is Grinder, not Whiskey,” he tells me. “I don't live by anyone's rules.”

  “Is Grinder a first or last name, if you don't mind me asking? Why are you wearing a leather vest in this heat, it must be in the nineties outside?” I get side tracked by the strange name and a question that has been bothering me since I saw the stranger walk up to my table.

  “Grinder is my road name, and this is not a vest, it’s a cut.” I must look as confused as I feel. “I’m in a motorcycle club and I assume you know nothing about my lifestyle.” Whiskey sounds impatient.

  “Whiskey cool your jets, I don't need to know about your lifestyle, and you're right, I don't even know anyone that rides a motorcycle. I don't want to know your history, I just have a few simple questions.” The man looks as if he’s waiting, so I go on. “The first is what’s your first and last name. The first so I know what name to scream out when you give me the first orgasm I’ve had in three years, and your last because I refuse to get naked with anyone that I don’t know what their last name is.” I can tell the man is taken aback by my truthfulness.

  “Are names really that important, when I intend to give you more than one orgasm? The kind that start at your toes, shoots warmth up your legs and makes it way to your clit that is craving the attention that only I can give it?”

  My panties are already wet. I have never had a man talk to me like this. Chase only spoke to me in soft words. This is different but a good different. I feel an ache in my nipples from wanting attention. I down another drink and instead of cooling me off it sends a warmth through my body. I feel on edge for some reason. I try to focus, it’s time to slow the alcohol down.

  “It’s a must for me. I'm not a slut and to guarantee I’m not going to turn into your stalker one-night stand, I don't want to exchange phone numbers or addresses. I don't care what your sign is or your lifestyle. I'm not looking for a commitment, promises or sweet words—all I want is to have one night of countless all-consuming orgasms. I want you to fuck me until I don't know who I am. Not at your place, nor mine, but in the hotel room across the road. When check-up time comes, then we go our separate ways. Hopefully my body will ache for days and your body will know just how much I appreciated your assets. Is that plain enough? I don’t even want to share a meal. I do have one other question though. Do I need to be worried about a jealous girlfriend or wife stabbing me in the back? I’m not a homewrecker. Can you handle that Whiskey?” I have blurted everything out and not in a tactful way. Have I screwed it all up with my liquored-up outburst?

  “You know I should feel offended. I feel like all you want me for is my cock but tonight could be your lucky night if you answer me a few questions.” Whiskey’s face loses all signs of humor, but I don't flinch.

  “You first.” I see Whiskey is trying to figure me out.

  “That’s not how it works, Red. Take it or leave it.” I can tell if I don't agree that he will get up and walk away. I look at my watch and I know my hours are ticking away and I can feel this chance is slipping away.

  “Proceed with caution,” I give in warning.

  “Why?” He starts but then goes on, “Why tonight for you to change and try something new?” I think about how to answer this question without giving too much away. I can't blatantly lie. Whiskey’s too sharp for that and I’m not that great of a liar.

  “The answer to why is complicated, but the short-version is I lost the man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with three years ago. Not to another way of life or another woman, but to death. I know it’s time to quit wallowing in my sorrow and I know I will never love anyone the way I did my husband. I'm not looking for any kind of deeper connection.” I stop and take a drink and enjoy the feel of the warm sensation. “Why tonight? Even though tonight is only about feeling again I want it to be enjoyable for you and for myself. The other two men reminded me in one way or another of my past. You, handsome, are a polar-opposite and I want to grab ahold of that and enjoy ever second of it.” I look Whiskey in the eye but remain quiet. He is looking at me to see some sort of sign that I am lying. He will find none.

  “Well that is a story Red. My name is Elijah James, but I went by Eli. Those names don’t mean much to me anymore. The only name that does is Grinder. If I was a less selfish bastard, I would walk away right now.” Whiskey takes a drink from his glass looks down and then looks back at me. “But I've never been known for being a good man and I need tonight as much as you do. Let's move this party to your hotel room.” Whiskey reaches over and takes my hand. A chill runs up my spine and I almost flinch, but I control myself. How can a person turn me on so much but chill me at the same time? I will not lose my nerve. I have come this far, and I will not stop now. I finish off my last drink and wave to the bartender to cash me out.

  “I think that is the best idea I've heard all day,” I tell Whiskey and I bring his hand to my mouth and kiss it.

  “Red, this is a onetime thing that will last until morning and then I'll walk away and go back to my life and you go back to yours. We will never see each other again—this is the only honorable thing I will do this year—is being truthful with you. You have had a rough go of it, and I think you deserve honesty. Are you sure about this? When we enter your room, I own your body until morning. Do you understand that? If you have any doubts, now’s the time to change your mind? The only promise I will ever make you is I will give you a night full of pleasure. Can you accept all that and then walk away?” Whiskey and I are staring each other in the eyes and seeing who will flinch first.

  “That’s all I’m asking.” The waitress brings my tab, but Whiskey grabs it and pays for it. “I walked over from the hotel.” I stand up still holding Whiskey’s h
and, but he takes it back. He puts it on the small of my back and for some reason it feels comforting. We walk to the entrance and walk out the door. The air is refreshing. It’s a short walk to Whiskey’s motorcycle.

  “I can meet you at the hotel if you need a minute or we can ride together on my bike.” I stop and look at the man I’m going to give myself to tonight and I could see him in all his sexiness on a motorcycle. It fits him. I might as well take a walk on the wild side as Whiskey put it but to me it’s letting go of my past and grabbing a hold of my future.

  “I’ve never ridden on a motorcycle before, so you will be busting my cherry.” I laugh at the flirty words coming out of my mouth, but I see Whiskey adjusting himself and shaking his head.

  “You’re a strange woman, a real nut, but it works for you. Let’s get out of here before I decide to just take you over my bike.” Whiskey half laughs at what he says, but I don’t. I know I sound like a shameless hussy, but for just tonight I don’t care. I want the things this man makes my body crave. The things I have denied myself for so long while I have mourned my one love. I just want to forget everything; feel the pleasure and get the one thing that I need to carry on with my life. Whiskey can do all this for me. The warm air clears my head just a little, but I still feel the alcohol that I’ve consumed. My body is coming alive from being dormant for so long. I just need to turn my head off and think with my body.

  Whiskey pulls me to him. I almost lose my balance and I don't know if it’s too much alcohol or I'm drunk on lust. Whiskey catches me with ease, and when I’m in his arms all I can do is look into his blue eyes. The thought of me losing myself in those eyes for life brings me back to my good senses—enough to gather myself anyway. Focus woman. Whiskey hugs me tighter but I push him away gently. “Are you changing your mind? I keep giving you outs but you’re ignoring them.”


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