Twisted Tales of Mayhem

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Twisted Tales of Mayhem Page 59

by Sapphire Knight

  She didn’t offer to help me with my bags. “Aren’t you the maid?”

  “You can think of me like your nanny if you wish.”

  “Like hell I will,” I uttered, under my breath.

  Right there, I texted my dad.

  Me: A nanny? Again?

  Surprisingly quick for once, Dad: Not a nanny. Olivia is my cousin, your distant cousin and doing me a big favor, so be pretty.

  I rolled my eyes at his words, “Be pretty”.

  Back when I needed a nanny, I could remember kicking and screaming for what seemed like the whole time my father was gone. It wasn’t much better when he came back. Once I pulled down the drapes, the curtain rods and a bit of drywall with them.

  Back then, my father didn’t blow his top like everyone else. “Where’s my pretty girl?” He’d ask, acting like he couldn’t find me. I’d forget all about being a microbitch and want my father to see me.

  “Your father told me all about you,” Olivia said, breaking me out of the memory. Her red hair and pale skin held my attention for a moment. Yeah, we were related alright. What the hell? She was going through my bag.

  “Fill you in on my scripts, did he?” There wasn’t an anti-depressant I hadn’t tried. It was easy to tear my bag away from her delicate grip.

  “You won’t be needing those from now on. So, hand them all over.” She pointed to the kitchen island, giving me a stern look.

  I gave her back a perplexed one.

  “I’m serious. Your father gave me full reign of you.”

  “You mean you get to try and fix me? It’s your funeral lady,” I told her as I laid out all my meds, even my birth control which she promptly gave back. I flung it across the marble. “It’s not like I’m going to need it here in Hick-ville.”

  My former boyfriend resided hundreds of miles back in Santa Barbara, and I was a virgin—contrary to my father’s assumptions. I went upstairs to find a room, ignoring the stunning home, thinking only of Bevan.

  Back in California, dad had come home to find Bevan Nox sleeping at the end of my bed. He scared the daylights out of the boy who cleared the hell out of there. Dad destroyed half my room before I stopped him. I rushed to my shelf full of snow globes to protect it. My father always brought me back one after one of his trips, consequently I had quite a collection.

  “Do you think if I had let him fuck me, he’d be on the floor in a sleeping bag?”

  “The rule is no boys.”

  “There was someone snooping around outside, and you weren’t here, as usual.”

  “Where’s Julia?”

  “I don’t know. Even the help gets sick.”

  He immediately tried to call her. I couldn’t believe he hadn’t even called her to check up on me. He hadn’t called me in a month. Julia had been out of touch for at least two weeks.

  “Maybe she went back to Mexico.”

  “You know Julia isn’t from Mexico, and she’s not the maid.”

  “Okay, maybe she went back to Peru or wherever.” Julia—I had no idea where she was from. My father had a type, exotic beauties. Sometimes I thought I wished her away. Most the time, I hated her, thinking she was a live-in psychologist to make sure I didn’t end up like my mother or maybe she was dad’s girlfriend. He never said. She never said. I was a prisoner of their silence.

  “Who even was Julia, anyway?”

  Saying nothing, he went to the door. Stopping just outside of my doorway, he changed the subject. “Who’s this boy? Should I call his parents?”

  “He’s eighteen, dad.”

  “And you’re not... you’re... sixteen.”


  He looked confused.

  “Halloween was last week.” I shut the door in his face and flung one of the snow globes at the door, breaking it. I instantly regretted it. The next day, Bevon said he regretted being in a relationship with a minor in the first place. My dad had gotten to him somehow.

  Born on All Hallows’ Eve, yet another reason for them to call me Hex, I thought as I drove away from Thayer Drake. Not to mention my long dark hair and I’m paler than the moon, although I’ve lived where it was sunny my whole life. What can I say, I wear sunscreen like every educated person should. Still fuming, I planned to climb through my bedroom window because Olivia was worse than any of my other nannies. She’d taken my meds away and given me a curfew.

  I turned my headlights off before I rounded the corner leading to my house. Pulling into the drive in the dark, I hit the gas to make it up the hill. I jerked forward, crashing into a bumper. What the hell? Olivia’s Porsche was always in the garage. I turned on my lights. I’d hit a black Escalade sitting in my drive—Angel, my stalker’s ride. Thayer’s Harley was parked beside it. At two o’clock in the morning? A knock on my window startled me. Thayer stood outside with his finger to his lips. He signaled for me to roll down my window.

  “Turn off your lights,” he whispered.

  I cut the lights. “How’d you get here before me?” I asked, wondering what the hell was going on.

  “I cut through,” he said, and I understood he meant a shortcut.

  “What the hell is Angel doing here?”

  “Stay in the car. I’ll find out.” Thayer disappeared into the dark.

  As I locked the doors, the gravity of the situation hit me. Something wasn’t right. I got out of the car and sprinted toward the dim porch light. When I reached it, the door swung open and Angel pushed past me, knocking me to the ground. Getting up, I glanced behind me long enough to see she’d fled on foot. Inside, I spotted Olivia’s ginger hair at Thayer’s feet.

  “You can’t stay here. It’s not safe,” he said, emotionless.

  I glanced down quick not wanting to see the blood. Olivia’s lifeless body all the evidence I needed, I followed him out the door, to the back of his bike.

  “My bag,” I started.

  “Leave it.”

  Trembling, I wrapped my arms around his thick waist. He rolled out of the driveway before he started the engine. As the wind slapped my face, I realized we hadn’t even called the cops. When our shaky ride ended, Thayer led me into a house. I barely took in the scenery. I just needed to sit and process what had happened. He showed me to a bedroom, and I sat on the edge of the bed, while he paced.

  “Angel had been following me. She was at my house, and Olivia is dead,” I said out loud but really to myself.

  “I don’t think we were followed. You’ll be safe here,” Thayer said, sitting down beside me.

  “Shouldn’t we call the police? An ambulance? Are you sure...” she was dead? I couldn’t say the words.

  He nodded, opting not to say the words either. “Call the cops? Not me. Not from here. Tomorrow. In the daylight.” Thayer’s arm went around me, and my head fell into his chest.

  Tears flowed. I realized not for Olivia but for life in general. After all, I’d hardly known her during these last three months. I’d hated her every second of it, but she hadn’t deserved to die. And selfishly, I cried out of fear for my own life.

  As I sobbed, Thayer lifted my head, my lips to his and kissed me, like I really was a porcelain doll, like I would break. It didn’t last. His kiss a draft, then a breeze became a gust, blowing me over. Suddenly, my grief and fear morphed into a yearning to feel anything but. Rough hands slid under my shirt without warning. I jumped as he caressed everything but my breasts. His touch made me feel alive. And I was so glad to be alive. Our kiss ongoing, his tongue ring hitting my teeth, I felt up his shirt too, finding the nipples I’d wanted to lick. They were tiny and hard under my thumbs. As if this gave him permission, Thayer tore down the cups of my bra and did the same.

  Zing—that’s all it took. Before I knew it, we were naked, all but my black panties, our hands and mouths exploring every inch of each other. In the nude, Thayer seemed even larger, his build, his muscles, everywhere, formidably so. When my hand ran the length of his impressive cock, reality set in. I was a virgin. Did he know I was a virgin in mo
re than just ink? His fingers traced the edges of my underwear before slipping in and invading me. He was about to find out, maybe. His fingers stopped their careful exploration too soon for my taste, but something better awaited me. I was on my back as he pulled my panties clear off. His warm breath hit first, then he licked my folds like he’d licked my palm, slowly. The metal ball in his tongue hit my clit, rhythmically, making me squirm. The more I writhed, the more he gyrated his mouth. When his face loomed over mine, the head of his cock brushing against my naked sex, I felt ready for the inevitable. He picked up one leg, spreading me before he thrust in.

  “Oh, no,” I groaned, just as it was too late. Thayer was in. I was full up with dick. It’d hurt like hell and felt too good to fathom—simultaneously.

  He paused his movements at my words. Panting, he said, “Too late. Something wrong?”

  “I’ve never done this before.”

  A sly smile appeared on his face. “I realized. Should we stop?”

  “I don’t know,” I lamented, still not sure.

  Biting his lip, he lunged forward a lot.

  My body jerked at the sensation. I craved more. “Don’t stop.”

  “I wasn’t going to anyhow,” he said, his lips finding mine. After a convincing kiss, he pressed on, about breaking me in two. Clutching his biceps as if I was holding on for the ride of my life, I screamed out before I caught myself. I got off almost instantly, thrashing about beneath him.

  Thayer noticed, but he continued. He wasn’t finished. Turning us over until I was on top, he purred, “Sit up and ride this dick, doll.”

  When I sat up, he pressed both thumbs into my clit, helping me work up again. Although sore, the itch was strong.

  He slapped my ass. “You can do better, doll baby, ride my cock hard and make me come like a good girl.”

  His words warmed my cheeks. I had no idea I was into dirty talk. Hot once more, I moved with more purpose, all the while taking in his rippling bod, covered in tattoos and his hungry expression. Thayer was a true sex god. His eyes glued onto my breasts, his hands guiding my hips, he grunted and moaned at my movements. “I want to see your porcelain titties bounce, baby.”

  Never more turned on, I did my best bouncing, but it wasn’t enough for him. He hauled out and had me on my back, again. Drawing up my knees, parting me, he entered my swollen sleeve, again, pounding my pussy until I didn’t think I could take anymore. I cried out in pain. He came right inside me, making me slicker than ever. The pain eased and he kept going, like the energizer bunny, fucking me until I cried out with another implausible orgasm.

  When he pulled out for good, my pussy missed him. Thankfully, he drew my body next to his to sleep.

  I slept like the dead.

  When I woke, all I could think of was the dead. Thayer was right where I remembered him, spooning me. My heart leaped in my chest and my naughty bits tingled with memories of last night, until I felt guilty. A woman, my dad’s cousin, my cousin was dead at the hands of someone looking to kill me. Why would anyone want to kill me? My mind couldn’t even imagine a reason.

  I shook Thayer. His eyes opened a slit, and he croaked. He tugged me back into the spoon, into him, whispering into my ear, “I want you again.” His arm wrapped around me, and his hand cupped my sex.

  “Not now. I have to call the cops.” I thought of my vehicle, my bag at the scene of a murder. I lived there. Angel’s car had still been in the drive, too, when we left.

  Sex was all that Thayer had on his mind as his hard cock butted against my backside. I broke away from him and sat up.

  He grabbed his cock as if he was pointing it at me. “Come here.”

  Not to say, I wasn’t tempted for a moment. “There’s no time.” The fact that I was naked in the morning light hit, and I went to find my clothes. “Can you take me to the police station. Angel...”

  “Onyx, the police is the last place you’d want to go.”

  I couldn’t find a stitch of my clothes. “Obviously, you don’t want to go to the cops, for whatever reason, but I have to go home at some point. There’s someone trying to kill me.” I picked up Thayer’s shirt, and was about to put it on until I saw the blood. Bile came up my throat. I dropped the shirt and kicked it under the bed. “There’s blood on your shirt.” I backed away. “Who’s to say you didn’t kill Olivia.” My mind racing, my eyes searched the room and landed on a pocket knife. Instinct kicked in, and I sped to grab it. Flipping it open, I pointed it at the big biker, as if it would matter.

  Thayer was on his feet now, his hands out. “Onyx, I didn’t kill Olivia. But I had to check her pulse. I wiped my hands on my shirt. I know you don’t like blood.”

  “How do you know?”

  “It’s obvious and...” he shook his head. Thayer looked so guilty. “Cats out of the bag, I guess.” He suddenly had a bit of a southern drawl. Like he’d been faking being a Jersey boy this whole time.

  “What cat?” My heart raced. “Just spill it, or I’ll cut off your balls.”

  He raised his eyebrows, and in a flash, he had me, my back against him, my wrist in his hand, making me press the knife against my own throat.

  I swallowed hard.

  He let up on the knife but only a bit. “If I wanted you dead, you’d be dead.”

  “So, what do you want?”

  “Money. Freedom. Sex. Lots of things, but listen, I’m not total scum. Your dad hired me, us. He hired my club to watch you. Keep you safe. I’m doing a fine job so far.”

  Out of so many words I wanted to say only, “Olivia,” came out.

  “She wasn’t part of the job. You’re safe.”

  “If I’m safe, let me go. I want to leave.”

  “That bitch is still after you. You’re not going anywhere.”

  “You know why that woman wants to kill me?”

  “No. This job is need to know. I know people are after you, period.”

  I didn’t believe him. “Are you being paid to fuck me, too? I’m sure my dad will love that.”

  “I figured what he doesn’t know, couldn’t hurt.”

  “You lied to me. Let me call my dad.”

  “I don’t keep a phone.”

  “How convenient.”

  “Listen. Your dad didn’t hire me. He hired the club. I’m doing this to earn my backpack.”

  “A fucking backpack?”

  “Not that kind of backpack.” He pointed to a leather vest hanging over on a hook. “The honor of having that three-piece patch tattooed on my back. I’ll be an honored member of the Asphalt Gods’ MC then.”

  “I’m the membership fee to a fucking biker gang?”

  “No, I’m a member. You’re like the bonus level. And I saved your life, doll. Ought to be thankful.”

  “Don’t call me that... Is Thayer even your real name? Do you even skate?”

  “Yes, it is. And actually, you’ll call me Slayer, my road name from here on out.”

  He let go of me. I guess he figured I wouldn’t run away naked.

  “But I don’t skate,” he said with a chuckle.

  Sitting on the bed, I covered my lap and crossed my arms over my breasts. “A woman is dead, and you laugh? You really nineteen?” As the words left my mouth, I knew they couldn’t be true. I’d been so dumb. “You realize I just turned seventeen in October.”

  “At Metal’s you signed that you were eighteen.”

  “For the tattoo I sneaked out for? Obviously, I lied.”

  “Well, I lied too. I’m not nineteen, not for four years now.” He laughed some more.

  My dad was going to kill me. “My dad is going to kill you.”

  That seemed to stop his laughter.

  “I mean not literally or anything.”

  “Yeah, right. Do you even know your dad, Onyx O’Connor?”

  I was beginning to think I didn’t know a damned thing. “Has everything been a lie,” I asked him, speaking of us, my heart hurt.

  “You can’t fake what happened last night, doll,”
he answered, in his real accent.

  “It won’t happen again,” I told him, still hurt by his lies.

  “We’ll see. It’s a long road to Austin.”

  “Austin? I’ve got to get home.”

  “X, I have my orders. Once someone makes an attempt on you, you’re not to leave my sight. Besides, your house will be crawling with the fuzz by now. And your father wants no police involvement, if you catch my drift.”

  I ignored whatever he was implying as my mind reasoned, I should trust him. What choice did I have? After all, he could have killed me by now. “Why Texas?”

  “Can’t stay here, so I’m taking you somewhere safe. I’m taking you home.”

  “Okay, so, I go to Austin until my dad shows back up, then what?”

  “I don’t know, but until then, I have to keep you under wraps. We get to the clubhouse, you’re going to have to put on like you were last night.”

  I looked to the ceiling. “Put on or put out?” I said, even though I got his meaning.

  “Act like you like me. We’ll need some cover for me to keep an eye on you, for you to stay with me without word getting around about you. You’ll have to pretend to be my girl. Okay?”

  “Pretend to be some biker’s bitch?”

  “Wasn’t too hard for you last night.” Standing in front of me still naked, Thayer’s erection was obvious, he didn’t need to stroke it.

  I rose, taking the sheet with me to find my clothes. Conflicted, my mind hadn’t completely wrapped around anything. Thayer had taken my virginity under false pretenses. That was unforgivable, wasn’t it? No matter how good it’d been.

  “Oh, and we shouldn’t be introducing you as Onyx. You’ll need a name.”

  “Like your road name, Slayer? Maybe I can be Winger.” Yes, I was mocking him.

  “How about Hex?” he bit back.

  My mouth pinched at the word. It was going to be a long road to Austin.

  To be continued.

  Thanks for reading.


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