Twisted Tales of Mayhem

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Twisted Tales of Mayhem Page 73

by Sapphire Knight

  The boys have been giving me a wide berth all day today, out of fear that I will snap and throat-punch them. Today would be the day to do it, the mood I am in. The kids were running late for their day camp thing they go to, and then a message popped up on my phone from my ex-cunt of a wife, asking to see the kids.

  After all these fucking years now she wants to see them. I talked to Ash and Tovi and the way to camp and they both said they want nothing to do with her. I replied tell Kristine that the kids didn't want to to see here.

  Then I see my girl arrive and my temper gets the better of me, I had every intention of talking to her today, but when she saw me eye-fucking her, she rolled her eyes, spiking my temper again.

  The noise of a truck pulling into the garage, pulls me from my hourly thoughts of Pepper and all the shit I am going through. I stand and pick up the rag, whipping the oil from my hands, and walk out to meet the delivery guy.

  It seems that someone else got there flirts and the little shit is smiling at him, twisting her sexy hips back and forth. Yeah, baby, that is not happening, every.

  “Pepper, office.” She jumps at the sound of my voice. Her eyes wide at being caught flirting with this punk ass kid. In a flash her eyes narrow at me, making me smirk.

  “I am working, Zero, I can sort the order out in a minute.” She says in a defiant tone, crossing her arms, making her tits push up in her top.

  “You think flirting with this guy is working. Then I taught you wrong then, darlin’. Do I need to give you more lessons in how to please me?” I spread my legs, taking a relaxed stance and crossing my arms, mirroring her.

  “You did not just say that?” I shrug. Pepper stamps her foot, before turning to walk into the office. I smirk at her, turning my head to watch her stomp away. Her ass looking fucking delectable in those jean shirts she wears. I am sure she wears them to fucking torture me.

  I look back at the punk, and growl when I see that he is watching my girls ass, as she walks away. His gaze snaps to mine and the fear of God shows on his face.

  “Keep your eyes off what is mine, fuckface, you hear me?”

  “Yes, sir. Sorry I didn't know she was taken. I am not like that I swear, man.” I nod at him.

  “Good, now get this shit unloaded.” I tell him, before walking away. Viper is smiling at me when I enter the garage, I flip him off and lay back down on the floor, getting back to work on this car.

  “Pushing it.” Viper says.

  “Fuck off, brother. Not getting into it with you or anyone for that matter.”


  Three-hours, Pepper stays in her office, staying clear of me. I am not sure how I feel about it, she is making my fucked up head more fucked up. Drying my hands with a clean towel, then walk over to see her. I need to clear the air, maybe see she will go for a drink with me.

  For the second time today I catch her flirting with some punk ass fucker.

  But she isn’t yours yet.

  The thought makes me pause, seeing her smile at this guy, making my temper flare but my stomach tightens with thoughts of her actually being with someone else. I am frozen to the spot, as they talk and smile at each other. In a flash they separate and he walks over to his car and drives off, waving at my girl who waves back.

  She turns and sees me watching her. Her steps falter, but she regains her rhythm, and turns her gaze away from mine and walks into the office.

  No fucking way in hell is she ignoring me. I need to find out what the fuck that was about. I stomp over to her and slam the door open, making her jump. Her hand goes over her heart, and her breathing is heavy.

  “Fucking hell, Zero, you scared the shit out of me.” I don't bother with foreplay conversation, I get straight to the main event.

  “What the fuck was that?” I point out the door, knowing she knows what I mean.

  “What? I was talking to a customer. He was picking his car up.” She says bluntly, shuffling papers on her desk.

  “And flirting is now part of the job. Twice today, darlin’ I caught you flirting with punks in my garage. I don't fucking pay you to flirt with assholes. Men like them don’t want a little girl to warm their bed, they want real fucking women, who know how to fuck and suck a cock, perfectly,” her mouth drops open in shock. Hurt flashes in her eyes and I instantly feel like a prick for saying that shit.

  “Pepper, shit I’m⎯.” She holds her hands up, stopping my barrage of words. My stomach knots to a point I am sure it will never untangle itself again. I stand there like a fucking fool and watch as she collects her things and walks towards the door.

  “Where are you going?” I ask, in a gentler tone. She stops and looks back at me over her shoulder, her eyes are full of pain and I know I have fucked up beyond belief.

  “I am going home. You see, one of those men today, actually wants this little girl. I have a date to get ready for.” With that she walks out, leaving me with my jaw on the floor.

  I lean forward resting my hands on the desk, dropping my head to my chest, I breath out a breath that was stinging my lungs.

  I have pushed her to far and she walked away, like everyone told me she would.

  Scott Payne you total cunt.



  I text Indie as soon as I get to my apartment, asking her to come over and help me pick clothes out for my date tonight. I have had a tit-full of Scott-fucking-Payne, and I want to forget about him and the date will help, hopefully. Today he lived up to his name, of giving ‘zero’ fucks about hurting me. I rip off my clothes on my way to my bathroom, I need a hot shower to wash the grime off my body, and the heat on my muscles will hopefully help me destress.

  I turn the shower on, waiting for it to heat up. I look at myself in the mirror and frown at how sad my eyes look. Ignoring the red and puffiness, I climb into the hot stream of water. This is all his doing, and I can’t do it anymore.

  I am a pretty girl, I am not being vain, but I am told often enough to understand that I am. My blond hair is as straight as it comes, and stops in the middle of my back. My lips are pouty as Cherry calls them. One time one of the brothers called them ‘cock sucking lips’, and Zero, beat the crap out of him, then he vanished for three days.

  “Bitch, I am here. Where you at?” Indie calls out.

  “In the bathroom, let me shower and I will be right out.” I yell back. The water washes over me and I start to relax. I jump a little when I hear the door open.

  “Date, you say. Did he finally man up?” she asks, excitement coats her voice.

  “No.” is all I say, my low tone of voice showing how hurt I am.

  “Peps, what did he do?” Indie knows about everything that has happened with Scott, we keep no secrets at all. She is like the sister I knew had.

  “The usual, ran his mouth and crushed me, again.” My heart aches knowing that my head is done with Scott.

  “Fucking prick. No more, Pepper Monroe do you hear me? If that piece of sexy biker man-meat can’t step up after all these years then it is his loss, fuck him.” She states, in her ‘don’t mess with me’ voice. “So who’s the date?”

  The change in the tone of her voice makes me laugh.

  “His name is Isaac. He picked his car up from the shop today. We flirted and he asked me out.” I explain, stepping out of the shower and taking the towel she hands me.

  “Deets, girly. Age, build, eyes color, salary.” She winks at me.

  Me and Indie have seen each other naked more times that two best friends should, but hey they don't call me ‘Shy’ for no reason. I wrap the towel around me and walk into my bedroom, with Indie hot on my heels.

  While I dry my body and hair, she ransacks my closet, searching for the perfect outfit.

  “Where is he taking you?” she asks, not looking at me. But flicking through my clothes.

  “No clue, he just said to dress sexy.” Indie sorts my clothes and shoes out while I do my hair and makeup. She settles on a black sexy off the shoulder dress that molds to my
body, showing off my curves. My eyes are done with a smokey effect, to make them more alluring as Indie puts it.

  “Does Zero know about the date?” Indie asks, when we walk into my living room. She sits on the bar stool, in my kitchen and waits for my answer. I lick my lips and answer her.

  “Yeah, he knows.”

  “And he still did nothing?”

  “No,” I swallow hard, the emotions building again. “He let me walk.” Them four words cut me deep. My body runs cold, as the emotion gets to much for me and tears burn my eyes. So this is it for us, not that there was an us.

  There will never me a Scott and Pepper after today.

  “Oh honey.” Indie races over to me, wrapping me up in her arms. The tears flow down my cheeks as sobs rack my body.

  I am about to go on a date with some random guy and my heart is breaking over the one man I love because he doesn't want me. Or he does but he is too stubborn to claim me.

  “Hey, come on. Your makeup will ruin.” She snides, touching my wet face with a tissue. “There all perfect again.” She winks. The doorbell rings and my stomach drops. Aren't I supposed to feel excitement about this date not dread. I feel like I am cheating on a man that isn't mine.

  “You ready?” Indie prompts.

  Yeah.” I nod and walk over to the door. I pull it open and smile when I see Isaac standing there in a suit, looking quite dapper.

  “Holy shit, you are beautiful, sweetheart.” He says, leaning in to kiss my cheek. I smile at him and reply.

  “Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself. Shall we go?”

  We go to a popular restaurant in town and the food was nice, not really my style but nice nonetheless. I am used to burgers and beer. Isaac is a interesting person but there are no sparks at all between us, not when he touches the small of my back or holds my hand. Nada, zero, zilch.

  We arrive at the new nightclub, that everyone is raving about, again not my style but I need to branch out, move away from the biker thing and try new things. We join a group of his friends and they seem nice enough, well except one girl in particular, she wasn't impressed to see me arrive with Isaac.

  A table next to us, is filled with frat boys by the looks of things. They all look fairly young and a drunk off their asses. Pushing and shoving each other, calling out to girls, even one slaps one girl on the ass. I go to move to teach the fucker a lesson, but one of Isaac's friends beat me to it and that's when all hell breaks loose.



  The office door is closed but I know that Pepper is in there, because she has the music blasting through the speakers, a and if memory serves me right or it could be to do with that fact that I know my girl, she is hiding from something.

  “Zero, that guy for the Honda is here.” I turn to see Scout, one of the newer prospects calling me. I give him a chin lift before looking back at the office, then turning deal with the customer.

  Once the guy is gone, I get back to work. We manage to catch up on our workload for the day. Fuck me it is like every Tom, Dick and Harry wanted their car fixed today. I walk over to the wash station and scrub my hands to get rid of all the oil and grease.

  “Hey, fuckface, have you been in to see my sister today?” Trace asks from behind me. I shut the water off and turn to face him, while picking up a clean hand towel to dry my hands.

  “Been busy as fuck, brother. Not had the chance. Why?” dropping the towel on the workbench, I make my way over to him where he stands in the doorway into the garage. He looks at the office then back to me. He looks worried and it get my back up, thinking he knows something I don’t.

  “You know she went on that date last night?” I nod, gritting my teeth. I know I can’t say shit, because she isn’t mine. Yet.

  “Well there was a punch up at the same club she went too, but she hasn’t returned my calls or texts.” His words register and I storm out of the garage and over to the office which is now quiet. Did she leave when I wasn’t looking?

  The closer I get, the more my anger builds. When I am half way across the yard, the office door opens and she steps out. My breath catches seeing how fucking beautiful she is. She is wearing a long black, sleeve dress with different size white stars in it that stops mid thigh and her black black Doc Martens.

  She stops when she sees me and Trace marching towards her. I can't see her eyes, because she has big ass sunglasses covering her eyes. Her mouth drops open but closes quickly.

  “What happened last night? You okay?” I demand. My anger getting the better of me. I swear to everything that is holy that if she got hurt, I will the fucker that caused it.

  “What ‘No hello, Pepper’?” she snarks back.

  “Don’t, baby.” The endearment slips out effortlessly. My fists clench, to stop myself from reaching out to remove the glasses, she doesn’t usually wear them that big.

  “It was fine, thanks. We met his friends and we had a few drinks, then he took me home. End of.” She shrugs it off like its nothing. That alone tells me the date was a fucking disaster, and I can't stop the smirk that crosses my face.

  “Shit date then?”

  “Piss off, Zero.” She goes to walk around me, but I grip her wrist and she cries out in pain. My heart jumps up into my throat and Trace steps closer. I step up to her and gently pull the sleeve back revealing the cause of her pain.

  “Motherfucker,” Trace mutters from my side. There on her slim wrist is a large dark bruise. My anger goes to maximum boiling point.

  “What the fuck happened? Who did this, Pepper?” I growl out. She tries to pull her arm back but I hold firm, but not enough to causing more pain. Some motherfucker is going to hurt for hurting my girl.

  “Leave it, Scott.” She tries to step away again, but this time I wrap my arms around her waist, keeping her to me without touching her wrist. I cup her jaw with my free hand, forcing her to look at me, slide my hand up removing her sunglasses, hooking them in my pocket. There under her left eye is a bruise, her eyes are filled with tears. My heart aches for her, I hate seeing her hurt and believe me I have caused her enough hurt over the years but no more.

  No fucking more!

  “We are out, brother. I will call you later and fill you in on the details.” I pick Pepper up, bridal style and carry her into the clubhouse and up to my room. She protests but I ignore every word, the boys cheer when they see us, not realising that the fuck is going on yet. I will let Trace fill them in for now.

  Once we are outside my room, I carefully set her on her feet, then unlocking the door with the only key to my room. I learned that fucking hard way about dishing keys out or not locking my door.

  “In you go, babe.” I tell her. She hesitates, but she looks up at my face and sees that I am not fucking around anymore. I nod in the direction of the room, and watch as she tentatively steps into my room.

  She looks around, taking in my home away from home. She has been to my house because she has taken care of my kids, for me when I have had long runs to do for the club. She is the only woman who has never been to my place. There isn’t much in here but it is enough for what I need it for.

  “When were the sheets changed last?” she asks, making me chuckle.

  “A few days ago, I think. And before you ask, I haven’t slept with a club girl in fuck knows how long.” I tell her the truth. I really can’t remember the last time I fucked any woman. I’ve had a few blowjobs here and there but the thought of sticking my dick in anyone that isn’t Pepper makes my cock shrivel up. She scoffs, slowly sitting on the edge of my bed.

  “You don’t believe me?”



  To say I am curious to find out why Zero hasn’t been with anyone in getting the better if me. He is wanted by every woman that he meets, especially the bitches around the club. It is fucking funny how they all hate me, because I get a shit load of attention from all the brothers, even though it is in a sisterly way, well except for Zero, who is a prick to me half the time.

  “No, Zero I don't believe you. Sorry but nope.” I cradle my injured wrist in my lap, I don't miss the flare of anger that flashes in his eyes. I know he will ask what happened, and I know he will be out for blood. I watch in awe, as he kneels in front of me, something I never thought Scott Payne would do. He bows to no one.

  “Now tell me who hurt my girl?” I lean back, shocked that he just called me ‘his girl’. Since fucking when? He hates me, okay maybe hates is a too strong a word, but he dislikes me.

  “You’re girl?” he nods his head, smirking at me. “I will tell you what happened because I know you are like a dog with a fucking bone and won't let it go. But me being your girl. Yeah, not happening.” His eyes flare with amusement, then he leans in so our lips are a breath apart.

  “Well see about that. Now tell me.” I sigh, then tell him. I will conquer the claiming part once I explain what happened on my date.

  “Isaac took me to a club where we met some of his friends. He was so nice to me, a proper gentleman, if you ask me.” Zero scoffs, looking away before bringing his gaze back to mine. I smirk and carry on.

  “He kept buying me drinks, and touching me, his hands were so⎯.”

  “That's enough, baby. I don't want to hear about another man touching what's mine. Get on with it.” He spits out. His breathing has picked up and I know I am pissing him off, which is half the fun with him.

  “Spoil sport,” I wink at him, then continue. “Like I said we met his friends and they were cool. Loved that I am a part of the MC. Anyway, half way through the night, Isaac got into it with a group of guys, shouting and saying shit to people walking passed. Someone from the group grabbed my ass and all hell broke out. He defended me, but in the process of him defending me, I got hit in the face and knocked to the ground.”

  “The fucker didn’t protect you. I’m gonna kill him.” He says through gritted teeth, but he gently touches my face where the bruise under my eye is. Its red and purple and sore as fuck. I hold my breath when Scott closes the gap between us and he lays a gentle kiss over my bruise.


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