The Manchester Rebels of the Fatal '45

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The Manchester Rebels of the Fatal '45 Page 26

by William Harrison Ainsworth

  "Such is my own opinion, I confess," replied Atherton. "Nevertheless,I cannot leave him."

  He then addressed himself to Mrs. Butler and Father Jerome, who hadbeen looking anxiously towards him, and acquainted them with the causeof his unexpected return. They were both deeply grieved to hear of theprince's retreat.

  Tears were shed by all the ladies when they were told of the executionof poor Erick Dickson, and they deplored the fate of the faithfulHelen Carnegie. Atherton had a long conversation with Constance, butthey could not arrange any plans for the future. At last the hour camefor separation for the night, and it was in a very depressed state ofmind that he sought his chamber.

  It was a large apartment, panelled with oak, and contained a massiveoak bedstead with huge twisted columns, and a large canopy. Though awood fire blazed on the hearth, and cast a glow on the panels, theappearance of the room was exceedingly gloomy.

  "'Tis the best bedroom in the house, and I have therefore prepared itfor you," observed old Markland, who had conducted him to the room."You will easily recognise the portrait over the mantelpiece. I havenot removed it, as I have not received orders to do so."

  Atherton looked up at the picture indicated by the old butler, andcould not repress a shudder as he perceived it was a portrait of hisuncle, Sir Richard.

  However, he made no remark, and shortly afterwards Markland quittedthe room.

  Seating himself in an easy-chair by the fire, Atherton began toreflect upon the many strange events that had occurred to him, and healmost began to regret that he had ever joined the unlucky expedition.

  While indulging these meditations, he fell into a sort of doze, andfancied that a figure slowly approached him.

  How the person had entered the room he could not tell, for he had notheard the door open, nor any sound of footsteps. The figure seemed toglide towards him, rather than walk, and, as it drew nearer, herecognised the ghastly and cadaverous countenance.

  Transfixed with horror, he could neither stir nor speak. For some timethe phantom stood there, with its melancholy gaze fixed upon him.

  At last a lugubrious voice, that sounded as if it came from the grave,reached his ear.

  "I have come to warn you," said the phantom. "You have neglected mycounsel. Be warned now, or you will lose all!"

  For a few moments the phantom continued to gaze earnestly at him andthen disappeared.

  At the same time the strange oppression that had benumbed hisfaculties left him, and he was able to move.

  As he rose from his chair, he found that the fire was almost extinct,and that his taper had burnt low.

  On consulting his watch he perceived that it was long past midnight.He could not be quite sure whether he had been dreaming, or had behelda vision; but he felt the necessity of rest, and hastily disrobinghimself, he sought the couch, and slept soundly till morning.

  He was awake when old Markland entered his room, but he said nothingto him about the mysterious occurrence of the night.

  Determined to abide by his plans, and fearing his resolution might beshaken, he ordered his horses to be got ready in half an hour. He didnot see Constance before his departure, but left kind messages forher, and for Mrs. Butler and Monica, by Markland.

  The old butler looked very sad, and when Atherton told him he shouldsoon be back again, he did not seem very hopeful.

  A fog hung over the moat as he crossed the drawbridge, followed by hisgroom. On gaining the park, he cast a look back at the old mansion,and fancying he descried Constance at one of the windows, he waved anadieu to her.

  As it was not his intention to return to Manchester, but to rejoin theretreating army at Preston, he forded the Mersey at a spot known toHolden, and avoiding Warrington, rode on through a series of lanes toNewton--proceeding thence to Wigan, where he halted for an hour torefresh his horse, and breakfast, after which he continued his courseto Preston.

  On arriving there he found the town in a state of great confusion. TheHighland army was expected, but it was also thought that Marshal Wadewould intercept the retreat.

  To the latter rumour Atherton attached very little credence, but putup at an inn to await the arrival of the prince.



  On the evening when Atherton visited Rawcliffe Hall, intelligence wasreceived that the Duke of Cumberland was advancing by forced marchesto Manchester, and as it was not the prince's intention to give theduke battle, he prepared for an immediate retreat.

  Early on the following morning, therefore, the main body of the army,with Charles at its head, quitted the town, and crossed Salford Bridgeon the way to Wigan.

  Very different was the departure from the arrival. Those who witnessedit did not attempt to conceal their satisfaction, and but few cheerswere given to the prince.

  At a later hour the Manchester Regiment commenced its march. Itsnumbers had again been reduced, several desertions having taken place.Some of the officers went on very reluctantly, and one of them,Captain Fletcher, who had refused to proceed further, was dragged offby a party of soldiers.

  Shortly after Colonel Townley's departure an express from the Duke ofCumberland was received by the magistrates, enjoining them to seizeall stragglers from the rebel army, and detain them until his arrival.The duke also promised to send on a party of dragoons, but as they hadnot yet come up, and several regiments had not yet quitted the town,the magistrates did not dare to act.

  However, as the rear-guard of the army was passing down Smithy Bank tothe bridge, a shot was fired from a garret-window, by which a dragoonwas killed, upon which the regiment immediately faced about, and thecolonel commanding it was so enraged that he gave orders to fire thetown.

  In an instant all was confusion and dismay. The men, who were quite asinfuriated as their leader, were preparing to execute the order, whenthey were pacified by the capture of the author of the outrage, andsummary justice having been inflicted upon him, the regiment quittedManchester, very much to the relief of the inhabitants.

  On that night the prince slept at Wigan; on the following day hemarched with his whole forces to Preston, and here Atherton joinedhim.

  Next day, Charles pursued his march to Lancaster, where he remainedfor a couple of days to recruit his men before entering upon the fellsof Westmoreland.

  After quitting Lancaster, the army moved on in two divisions, one ofwhich rested at Burton, and the other at Kirkby Lonsdale, but theyjoined again at Kendal, and then continued their march over ShapFells. The weather was exceedingly unpropitious, and the fine viewsfrom the hills were totally obscured by mist.

  The prince's deportment seemed entirely changed. He had quite lost thespirit and ardour that characterised him on the onward march, and heseemed perpetually to regret that he had turned back. He thought hehad thrown away his chance, and should never recover it.

  One day he unburdened his breast to Captain Legh, for whom he hadconceived a great regard, and said:

  "I ought to have gone on at all hazards. The army would not haveabandoned me--even if their leaders had turned back. By this time Ishould have been master of London--or nothing."

  In vain Atherton tried to cheer him. For a few minutes he rousedhimself, but speedily relapsed into the same state of dejection.

  Heretofore, as we have stated, the prince had marched on foot at thehead of one column of the army, but he now left the command of thisdivision to the Duke of Perth, and rode in the rear, attended by theMarquis d'Eguilles, Sir Thomas Sheridan, Secretary Murray, and CaptainLegh.

  Lord George Gordon commanded the rear-guard, and was more than a day'smarch behind the van--great fears being entertained lest theretreating army should be overtaken by the Duke of Cumberland, who wasin full pursuit. At length, these apprehensions were realised.

  The duke came up with the rear-guard at Clifton, near Penrith, andimmediately attacked it, but was most vigorously and successfullyrepulsed by Lord George; and little doubt can be entertained that ifCharles,
who was at Penrith, had sent reinforcements, the duke wouldhave been defeated, and perhaps might have been taken prisoner.

  Be this as it may, the pursuit was checked, and Charles reachedCarlisle without further interruption.

  End of the Third Book.





  On the prince's march south, three companies of Highlanders had beenleft at Carlisle under the command of Colonel Hamilton, but it was nowproposed to strengthen the garrison by the addition of the ManchesterRegiment, in case the town should be besieged by the Duke ofCumberland.

  To this plan Colonel Townley raised no objection, as his men weredisinclined to proceed further, and he doubted whether they could beinduced to cross the Border. He was therefore appointed commander ofthe town garrison, while Colonel Hamilton retained the governorship ofthe citadel.

  The Scottish army did not remain more than a day in Carlisle, and noneof the men wished to be left behind.

  On the contrary, it was sorely against their inclination that thethree companies of the Duke of Perth's regiment remained with ColonelHamilton.

  On the morning of the prince's departure from Carlisle, the ManchesterRegiment, now reduced to a hundred and twenty men, was drawn up on theesplanade of the old castle. With it was Colonel Townley, nowcommandant of the garrison. On the glacis, also, were ranged the threecompanies of Highlanders who were to be left with Colonel Hamilton.

  Already the greater portion of the Scottish army had quitted the town,but Charles remained behind to bid adieu to his devoted adherents.Apparently he was much moved as he thus addressed the officers and menof the Manchester Regiment:

  "I am loth to leave you here, but since it is your wish not to crossthe Border, I do not urge you to accompany me to Scotland." Thenaddressing the Highland companies, he added: "Scotsmen, you mustremain here for a short time longer. Should the town be besieged, youneed have no fear. The castle can hold out for a month, and longbefore that time I will come to your assistance with a strong force."

  This address was received with loud cheers, both by Englishmen andScots.

  Colonel Townley then stepped forward and said:

  "Your royal highness may rely upon it that we will hold the place tillyour return. We will never surrender."

  "I will answer for my men," added Colonel Hamilton. "The Duke ofCumberland and Marshal Wade shall batter the castle about our earsbefore we will give it up."

  "I am quite satisfied with this assurance," rejoined the prince. Thenturning to Captain Legh, he said to him: "Will you remain, oraccompany me to Scotland?"

  "Since your royal highness allows me the choice, I will remain withthe regiment," replied Atherton. "I think I can best serve you here."

  Charles looked hard at him, but did not attempt to dissuade him fromhis purpose.

  "I leave you in a perilous post," he said; "but I am well aware ofyour bravery. I hope we shall soon meet again. Adieu!"

  He then mounted his steed, and waving his hand to the two colonels,rode off.



  Surrounded by walls built in the time of Henry the Eighth, Carlisle,at the period of our history, boasted a fortress that had successfullyresisted many an attack made upon it by the Scots.

  Situated on an eminence, and partly surrounded by a broad, deep moat,fed by the river Eden, the citadel, strongly garrisoned and wellprovided with guns and ammunition, would seem to be almost impregnable.At the foot of the western walls flowed the river Caldew, while thecastle overlooked the beautiful river Eden.

  On the summit of the keep floated the prince's standard, and from thislofty station remarkably fine views could be obtained. On one sidecould be noted the junction of the Caldew and the Eden that takesplace below the castle, and adds to the strength of its position. Thecourse of the Eden could likewise be traced as it flowed throughfertile meadows, to pour its waters, augmented by those of the Caldew,into the Solway Firth.

  From the same point of observation could likewise be descried theborders of Dumfries, with the Cheviot Hills on the right, while on theother side the view extended to the stern grey hills ofNorthumberland. Looking south, the eye ranged over a sweeping tract inthe direction of Penrith. Of course the keep looked down upon theancient cathedral which closely adjoined the castle, and upon the townwith its old gates and bulwarks.

  Though the walls had become dilapidated, and were of no greatstrength, yet, from its position and from its castle, it would seemthat Carlisle was able to stand a lengthened siege; and such was theopinion of Colonel Townley, who considered it tenable against anyforce that could be brought against it by the Duke of Cumberland.

  One important matter, however, could not be overlooked. Theinhabitants were hostile, and were only controlled by the garrison. InCarlisle, as in all Border towns, there was an hereditary dislike ofthe Scots, and this feeling had been heightened by the recent events.

  Immediately after the prince's departure, Colonel Townley examined thewalls, and caused certain repairs to be made. Guns were mounted by hisdirection, and chevaux de frise fixed at all the gates and entrances.

  A house from which the prince's army had been fired upon was likewiseburnt, to intimidate the inhabitants; and notice was given that anyviolation of the commandant's orders would be severely punished. Asallying party was sent out under the command of Captain Legh toprocure forage and provisions, and returned well supplied.

  Amongst the most active and efficient of the officers was Tom Syddall,who had now been raised to the post of adjutant, and rendered thecolonel great service. As the number of men ran short, Parson Coppock,whose military ardour equalled his religious zeal, abandoned his gownand cassock, and putting on military accoutrements, acted asquarter-master to the regiment.

  The greatest zeal and activity were displayed both by the officers andmen of the corps, and Colonel Townley seemed almost ubiquitous.

  Colonel Hamilton lacked the spirit and energy displayed by thecommandant of the town, and was content to remain quietly shut upwithin the walls of the castle, leaving the more arduous duties toColonel Townley, who discharged them, as we have shown, mostefficiently. Moreover, though he kept the opinion to himself, ColonelHamilton felt that the garrison would be compelled to capitulate,unless it should be reinforced.

  By the end of the third day all possible preparations for the siegehad been made by Colonel Townley, and he now deemed himself secure.

  On the following day Captain Legh was sent with a message to thegovernor, and found the castle in a good state of defence. Thecourt-yard was full of Highland soldiers; a few cannon were planted onthe battlements, and sentinels were pacing to and fro on the walls.

  Colonel Hamilton was on the esplanade at the time, conversing withCaptain Abernethy and some other Scottish officers, and Athertonwaited till he was disengaged to deliver his message to him; butbefore the governor could send a reply, a small party of horse, withan officer at their head, could be seen approaching the city from thePenrith Road.

  Evidently they were English dragoons. After reconnoitring for a fewmoments, Colonel Hamilton gave his glass to Atherton, who thought theymust be coming to summon the city to surrender.

  "No doubt of it," replied the governor. "I wonder what ColonelTownley's answer will be?"

  "A scornful refusal," rejoined Captain Legh, surprised.

  "That is all very well now," remarked the governor, shrugging hisshoulders; "but we shall have to capitulate in the end."

  "Does your excellency really think so?"

  "I do," replied Hamilton.

  The answer returned by Colonel Townley was such as Atherton hadanticipated. He positively refused to surrender the city, and declaredhe would hold it to the last extremity.

  On the following day the Duke of Cumberland appeared before the townwith his whole army, and immediately began to invest it on all sides.He continued his siege
operations for nearly a week, during which aconstant fire was kept up from the walls and from the larger guns ofthe castle, and frequent sallies were made by the garrison. One ofthese, headed by Captain Legh, was attended with some little success.He drove the enemy from their trenches, and nearly captured the Dukeof Richmond.

  Hitherto, the besieged party had sustained very little damage, and hadonly lost a few men. The duke had not indeed opened fire upon them,because he had not received some artillery which he expected fromWhitehaven.

  Colonel Townley, therefore, continued in high spirits, and evenColonel Hamilton acquired greater confidence. One morning, however,they were startled by perceiving a six-gun battery, which had beenerected during the night. Colonel Townley did not lose courage even atthis sight; but the governor was seriously alarmed.

  "We shall be compelled to submit," he said; "and must make the bestterms we can."

  "Submit! never!" cried Colonel Townley. "We had better die by thesword than fall into the hands of those cursed Hanoverians. The dukewill show us no mercy. Oh that we could but get possession of thoseguns!"

  "Give me twenty well-mounted men and a dozen led horses, and I willbring off a couple of the guns," cried Atherton.

  "The attempt were madness," cried Colonel Townley.

  "Madness or not, I am ready to make it," rejoined Captain Legh.

  Half-an-hour afterwards the north gate, which was nearest the battery,was suddenly thrown open, and Captain Legh, mounted on a strong horse,and followed by twenty well-mounted men, half of whom had spare horsesfurnished with stout pieces of rope, dashed at a headlong pace towardsthe battery. The attack was so sudden and unexpected that the enemywas quite taken by surprise. Only an officer of artillery andhalf-a-dozen artillerymen were near the battery at the time, andbefore they could fly to their guns, Captain Legh and his party wereupon them, and drove them off. A desperate effort was made to carryoff two of the guns, but it was found impossible to move the heavycarriages.


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