"On consideration, I will see you. Be with me at Cumberland Houseto-morrow morning at ten o'clock."
"I will be there," was the reply.
"Mind, I make no promises, but I will see what can be done. I shouldwish you to accompany the young man, Dr. Byrom."
The doctor bowed.
"You say Miss Rawcliffe is staying at the St. James's Hotel?"
"She is staying there with my daughter and myself, colonel. They areboth yonder. May I present you to them?"
"Not now," replied the colonel. "Bring them with you to CumberlandHouse to-morrow. They may be of use." Then turning to Atherton, headded, "I shall expect you."
With a military salute, he then rode off towards the Horse Guards,followed by his orderly, leaving both his nephew and the doctor fullof hope, which was shared by Constance and Beppy when they learnt whathad occurred.
Next morning, at the hour appointed, Constance and Beppy, accompaniedby Dr. Byrom and Atherton, repaired to Cumberland House in ArlingtonStreet. Sentinels were stationed at the gates, and in the courthalf-a-dozen officers were standing, who glanced at the party as theypassed by. In the spacious vestibule stood a stout hall-porter and acouple of tall and consequential-looking footmen in royal liveries.One of the latter seemed to expect them, for, bowing deferentially, heconducted them into a handsome apartment looking towards the Park.
Here they remained for a few minutes, when a side door opened and anusher in plain attire came in, and addressing the two young ladies,begged them to follow him.
After consulting Dr. Byrom by a look they complied, and the usher ledthem into an adjoining apartment, which appeared to be a cabinet, andwhere they found a tall, well-proportioned man in military undress,whom they took to be Colonel Conway, though they thought he lookedyounger than they expected to find him.
This personage received them rather haughtily and distantly, and in amanner far from calculated to set them at their ease. He did not evenbeg them to be seated, but addressing Constance, said:
"Miss Rawcliffe, I presume?"
Constance answered in the affirmative, and presented Beppy, to whomthe supposed colonel bowed.
"I have heard of your father," he said. "A clever man, but aJacobite." Then turning to Constance, he remarked, "before you sayanything to me understand that every word will reach the ears of theDuke of Cumberland. Now what have you to allege in behalf of yourcousin? On what grounds does he merit clemency?"
"I am bound to intercede for him, sir," she replied; "since it was bymy persuasion that he was induced to join the insurrection."
"You avow yourself a Jacobite, then?" said the colonel, gruffly. "Butno wonder. Your father, Sir Richard, belonged to the disaffectedparty, and you naturally share his opinions."
"I have changed my opinions since then," said Constance; "but I wasundoubtedly the cause of this rash young man joining the insurgentarmy. Pray use the influence you possess over the duke to obtain him apardon."
"What am I to say to the duke?"
"Say to his royal highness that my cousin deeply regrets the rash stephe has taken, and is sensible of the crime he has committed in risingin rebellion against the king. He is at large, as you know, but isready to give himself up, and submit to his majesty's mercy."
"If grace be extended to him I am certain he will serve the kingfaithfully," said Beppy.
"I will tell you one thing, Miss Rawcliffe, and you too, Miss Byrom;the Duke of Cumberland feels that a severe example ought to be made ofthe officers of the Manchester Regiment. They are double-dyed rebelsand traitors."
"But we trust his royal highness will make an exception in this case,"said Beppy. "We would plead his youth and inexperience, and theinfluence brought to bear upon him."
"But all this might be urged in behalf of the other officers--notablyin the case of Captain James Dawson."
"True," said Beppy. "But as I understand, they are not willing tosubmit themselves, whereas Sir Conway Rawcliffe has come to throwhimself upon the king's mercy."
"But how can we be certain he will not take up arms again?"
"Such a thing would be impossible," cried Constance, earnestly. "Iwill answer for him with my life."
"And so will I," cried Beppy, with equal fervour.
"Once more I implore you to intercede for him with the duke," criedConstance. "Do not allow him to be sacrificed."
"Sacrificed! His life is justly forfeited. When he took this step heknew perfectly well what the consequences would be if he failed."
"I cannot deny it," replied Constance. "But he now bitterly repents."
"Surely, sir, you will answer for him," cried Beppy.
"I answer for him!" exclaimed the supposed colonel.
"Yes, for your nephew," said Beppy. "Had you been with him he wouldnever have taken this false step."
"Well, I will hear what he has to say. But I must first make amemorandum."
He then sat down at a table on which writing materials were placed,and traced a few lines on a sheet of paper, attaching a seal to whathe had written. This done he struck a small silver bell, and, inanswer to the summons, the usher immediately appeared. Having receivedhis instructions, which were delivered in a low tone, the usher bowedprofoundly, and quitted the cabinet.
Scarcely was he gone when an officer entered--a finecommanding-looking person, but several years older than the other.
On the entrance of this individual a strange suspicion crossed theminds of both the young ladies. But they were left in no doubt whenthe new-comer said:
"I trust Miss Rawcliffe has prevailed?"
"I must talk with your nephew, Colonel Conway, before I can say more."
"Colonel Conway!" exclaimed Constance. "Have I been all this time inthe presence of----"
"You have been conversing with the Duke of Cumberland," suppliedColonel Conway.
"Oh, I implore your royal highness to forgive me!" exclaimedConstance. "Had I known----"
"I shall die with shame!" cried Beppy.
At this moment Dr. Byrom and Atherton were ushered into the cabinet.
On beholding the Duke of Cumberland, whom both the new-comersrecognised, they knew not what to think, but each made a profoundobeisance.
"This is my nephew, Sir Conway Rawcliffe, your royal highness," saidthe colonel.
"Hitherto, I have only known him as Captain Legh, the rebel," observedthe duke, rather sternly.
"Rebel no longer," said Colonel Conway. "He has come to deliverhimself up to your royal highness, and to solicit your graciousforgiveness for his misdeeds."
"Does he acknowledge his errors?" demanded the duke.
"He heartily and sincerely abjures them. If a pardon be extended tohim, your august sire will ever find him a loyal subject."
"Is this so?" demanded the duke.
"It is," replied the young man, bending lowly before the duke. "I herevow allegiance to the king, your father."
"Well, Sir Conway," replied the duke, "since you are sensible of yourerrors, I will promise you a pardon from his majesty. But you willunderstand that a point has been strained in your favour, and that youowe your life partly to the intercession of your uncle, whose greatservices I desire to reward, and partly to the solicitations of theseyour friends. It has been said of me, I know, that I am of a savageand inflexible disposition; but I should be savage, indeed, if I couldresist such prayers as have been addressed to me--especially by yourfair cousin," he added, glancing at Constance.
"Those who have termed your royal highness savage have done you agreat injustice," she said.
"I must bear the remarks of my enemies," pursued the duke, "satisfiedthat I act for the best. Here is your protection," he continued,giving Sir Conway the document he had just drawn up and signed. "Youwill receive your pardon hereafter."
"I thank your royal highness from the bottom of my heart," said SirConway. "You will have no reason to regret your clemency."
"Serve the king as w
ell as you have served his enemies, and I shall becontent," said the duke. "'Tis lucky for you that your estates willnot be forfeited. But I hope your fair cousin may still continuemistress of Rawcliffe."
"I would never deprive her of the property," said Sir Conway.
"Nay, you must share it with her. And take heed, my dear young lady,if you are united to Sir Conway, as I hope you may be, that you do notshake his loyalty. You must forswear all your Jacobite principles."
"They are forsworn already," she said.
"May I venture to put in a word?" observed Dr. Byrom. "Such faith hadI in your royal highness's clemency, and in your known friendship forColonel Conway, that I urged his nephew to take this step which hashad so happy a result."
"You then are the author of the plot?" cried the duke.
"Perhaps I was at the bottom of it all," cried Beppy. "I don't like tolose my share of the credit. I had the most perfect confidence in yourroyal highness's good-nature."
"'Tis the first time I have been complimented on my good-nature,"observed the duke, smiling--"especially by a Jacobite, as I believeyou are, Miss Byrom."
"After what has just occurred I could not possibly remain a Jacobite,"she said. "I shall trumpet forth your royal highness's magnanimity toall."
"And so shall I," said her father.
"When next I see Sir Conway Rawcliffe," said the duke, "I trust itwill be at St. James's Palace, and I also hope he will bring LadyRawcliffe to town with him. Meantime, I advise him to retire to hiscountry seat till this storm has blown over. It may possibly fall onsome heads."
"I shall not fail to profit by your royal highness's advice," repliedSir Conway, bowing deeply.
Profound obeisances were then made by all the party, and they wereabout to depart, when the duke said in a low tone to Constance:
"I depend upon you to maintain your cousin in his present disposition.Go back to Rawcliffe Hall."
"Alas!" she rejoined, "I would obey your royal highness, but I cannotleave just now. My cousin, Miss Butler, is betrothed to CaptainDawson, of the Manchester Regiment. I must remain with her."
"Better not," rejoined the duke, in an altered tone. "But as you will.'Twill be vain to plead to me again. I can do nothing more."
Colonel Conway here interposed, and, taking her hand, led her towardsthe door.
"Say not a word more," he whispered; "or you will undo all the goodthat has been done."
The party then quitted Cumberland House, and returned to the St.James's Hotel.
Needless to say, they all felt happy--the happiest of all being SirConway.
The Duke of Cumberland's injunctions were strictly obeyed. Next day,the family coach was on its way back, containing the whole party, withthe exception of poor Monica, who would not return, but was leftbehind with Lettice.
Three days afterwards the Duke of Cumberland, attended by ColonelConway, proceeded to Scotland, where the decisive battle of Cullodenwas fought.
An interval of some months being allowed to elapse, we come to a verymelancholy period of our story.
The unfortunate prisoners, who had languished during the whole time inNewgate, were ordered to prepare for their trial, which was intendedto take place in the Court House at St. Margaret's Hill, Southwark,before Lord Chief Justice Lee, Lord Chief Justice Willes, JusticeWright, Justice Dennison, Justice Foster, Baron Reynolds, Baron Clive,and other commissioners specially appointed for the purpose.
Previously to the trial the prisoners were ordered to be removed tothe new gaol at Southwark.
'Twas a sad blow both to Monica and her unfortunate lover. So muchkindness and consideration had been shown to Jemmy during his longconfinement in Newgate by all the officials, that he was quite grievedto leave the prison.
Familiar with every little object in his cell, he was unwilling toexchange it for another prison-chamber. In this narrow room he andMonica had passed several hours of each day. Their converse had beenchiefly of another world, for Jemmy had given up all hopes of apardon, or an exchange, and they had prayed fervently together, orwith the ordinary. Monica, as we know, was a Papist, but Jemmy stilladhered to the Protestant faith. Before her departure from London,Constance had taken leave of him; but Sir Conway could notconsistently visit the prison after the pardon he had received fromthe Duke of Cumberland. Dr. Byrom and his daughter had likewisevisited him before they left town.
About a week after Constance's return to Rawcliffe Hall, Mrs. Butlerdied, and the sad tidings were communicated with as much care aspossible to Monica. Prepared for the event, the poor girl bore it withpious resignation.
"My mother was right," she said. "She foresaw that we should nevermeet again."
At length the hour for departure came, and Jemmy was forced to quithis cell. As he stepped forth, his heart died within him.
In the lodge he took leave of the gaoler who had attended him, and ofthe other officials, and they all expressed an earnest hope that hemight be exchanged. All had been interested in the tender attachmentbetween him and Monica, which had formed a little romance in theprison.
The removal took place at night. Jemmy was permitted to take ahackney-coach, and, as a special favour, Monica was allowed toaccompany him--a guard being placed on the box.
To prevent any attempt at escape he was fettered, and this grieved himsorely, for he had not been placed in irons during his confinement inNewgate.
On London Bridge, a stoppage occurred, during which the coaches wereexamined.
On their arrival at the prison at Southwark, the lovers wereseparated. Immured in a fresh cell, Jemmy felt completely wretched,and Monica, more dead than alive, was driven back to Jermyn-street.
Next day, however, she was allowed to see her lover, but only for afew minutes, and under greater restrictions than had been enforced inNewgate. Jemmy, however, had in some degree recovered his spirits, andstrove to reassure her.
Three days afterwards the trials commenced. They took place, asappointed, at the Court House, in St. Margaret's Hill.
Colonel Townley was first arraigned, and maintained an undaunteddemeanour. When he appeared in the dock a murmur ran through thecrowded court, which was immediately checked. The counsel for the kingwere the Attorney-General, Sir John Strange, the Solicitor-General,Sir Richard Lloyd, and the Honourable Mr. York--those for the prisonerwere Mr. Serjeant Wynne and Mr. Clayton. The prisoner was charged withprocuring arms, ammunition, and other instruments, and composing aregiment for the service of the Pretender to wage war against his mostsacred majesty; with marching through and invading several parts ofthe kingdom, and unlawfully seizing his majesty's treasure in manyplaces for the service of his villainous cause, and taking away thehorses and other goods of his majesty's peaceful subjects. Theprisoner was furthermore charged, in open defiance of his majesty'sundoubted right and title to the crown of these realms, withfrequently causing the Pretender's son to be proclaimed in a publicand solemn manner as regent, and himself marching at the head of apretended regiment, which he called the Manchester Regiment.
To this indictment the prisoner pleaded not guilty.
The chief witness against the prisoner was Ensign Maddox, an officerof the regiment, who had consented to turn evidence for the Crown.Maddox declared that he had marched out with the prisoner as anensign, but never had any commission, though he carried the colours;that the prisoner gave command as colonel of the Manchester Regiment;and that he ordered the regiment to be drawn up in the churchyard inManchester, where the Pretender's son reviewed them, and that hemarched at the head of the regiment to Derby. That the prisonermarched as colonel of the Manchester Regiment in their retreat fromDerby to Carlisle; that he was made by the Pretender's son commandantof Carlisle, and that he took on him the command of the whole rebelforces left there; that he had heard the prisoner have some words withColonel Hamilton, who was governor of the citadel, for surrenderingthe place, and not holding out to the last; and that he hadparti
cularly seen the prisoner encourage the rebel officers andsoldiers to make sallies out on the king's forces.
After Maddox's cross examination evidence was produced that ColonelTownley was many years in the French service under a commission fromthe French king; and since he was taken at Carlisle had beenconstantly supplied with money from France. Other witnesses werecalled to invalidate the evidence of Maddox by showing that he wasunworthy of credit.
But the court ruled that no man who is a liege subject of his majestycan justify taking up arms, and acting in the service of a prince whois actually at war with his majesty.
After the prisoner's evidence had been gone through, theSolicitor-General declared, "That he felt certain the jury wouldconsider that the overt acts of high treason charged against theprisoner in compassing and imagining the death of the king, and inlevying war against his majesty's person and government, had beensufficiently proved."
While the jury withdrew to consider their verdict, Colonel Townleylooked more indifferent than any other person in court. On theirreturn, in about ten minutes, the clerk of arraigns said:
"How say you, gentlemen, are you agreed on your verdict? Do you findFrancis Townley guilty of the high treason whereof he stands indicted,or not guilty?"
"Guilty," replied the foreman.
Sentence of death was then pronounced upon him by Lord Chief JusticeLee, and during that awful moment he did not betray the slightestdiscomposure.
He was then delivered to the care of Mr. Jones, keeper of the countygaol of Surrey.
The Manchester Rebels of the Fatal '45 Page 34