Fake Pet

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Fake Pet Page 4

by Jamie Knight

  “Casual Tuesday?”

  Her voice brought my head up with a snap. I turned and looked at Eileen and my breath caught in my lungs. We were alone for the first time since our night together.

  Eileen was wearing heels—tall black, platform heels that made her at least six-four. My eyes crawled up her legs, memorizing the shape of her ankles, the curves of her caves, the roundness of her kneecaps and the—holy hell—muscles in her thighs. Eileen was wearing a miniskirt. She never wore anything that daring and…short. It wasn’t really office appropriate and I loved it.

  My eyes wanted to stay there, glued to the ivory skin of her thighs, but I knew I couldn’t. I had given up that option when I stopped calling her. I shook my head slightly, trying to get my thoughts out of the gutter and pulled my head up to look her in the face.

  My breath gasped out again.

  Eileen was holding a black, leather spiked leash and dog collar.

  “What the…” I started to say, but my words got caught in my throat.

  She smiled at me shyly.

  All I could think about was wrapping that collar around her neck and making her walk around on her hands and knees till I was ready for her to suck my cock, which was hardening as I looked over her curves. I grabbed my briefcase and pulled it up to cover my slightly bulging pants.

  Eileen blushed slightly and twirled the leash.

  My hands ached to grab her and push her up against the elevator’s wall. I would push up that shirt, black skirt and sink my fingers into her pussy. Maybe I would thrust that leather leash in between her teeth and pull her head back with it as a harness.

  “Leather,” I breathed. “Fucking leather. Short skirt.”


  Eileen blinked at me. Her pouty lips, covered with red lipstick, pinched together. Her perfect brows went up in concern.

  I realized that I was starting to sound like I was having a stroke. Quickly I glanced around to make sure that there was no one else in the elevator with us. Thank God there wasn’t.

  “Sorry,” I stammered, finally finding my voice. “It’s been an odd week.”

  She smiled at me again. “It’s only Tuesday, Ray.”

  “I know.” I shrugged my shoulders. “But this week seems life changing.”

  Eileen shifted her weight and started to walk towards me. I couldn’t help but stare at how her hips swayed as she strutted in her tall heels.

  “Good or bad?” she asked and playfully swatted my arm with the leash.

  I wanted it around her neck so badly. I would pull it taunt as I stuck my cock in her red lips and fucked her beautiful, innocent-looking face. She would look so hot blindfolded or with a ball gag.

  “Ray?” Eileen asked.

  “Hmm?” I could barely breathe. Her sent was overwhelming me now. I could barely think, only fantasize about what I wanted to do to her.

  “Good or bad? Your life changing week?”

  I watched her lips form each word. My cock was hard as a rock now. Why couldn’t Eileen be kinky? Why couldn’t she be a dirty girl who was just aching for a spanking? She was so perfect looking.

  “Good. I hope.” The words tumbled out of my mouth before I knew what I was saying.

  She grinned. “Me too! It’s so good to have a pet again!” She practically bounced on her heels and her breast swayed with the movement. “I just hope he likes the new leash I got him.”


  Eileen giggled. She swung her head to the side and the length of her brown pony-tail flopped over her left shoulder. She looked like she was taking a picture for the ultimate girl next door. Ultimate bad girl.

  She playfully swatted me with the leash again.

  “I got a dog.” She turned away from me and faced the elevator doors. “I adopted a dog. A pug. Reese is here and I wanted to show her the leash I bought this morning. It’s really cool. Don’t you think? Ray?”

  “I think it’s very cool.” I felt my shoulders drop as I relaxed. “Your new pup is a very lucky guy.”

  Eileen grunted softly as the elevator doors opened on the executive floor.

  “Well,” she said, giving me a slight frown from over her shoulder as she walked out. “I needed someone to share my bed.”

  It was a barbed remark and it stung, just as she meant it to. She just didn’t know how much.

  The elevator doors shut but it didn’t move. This was my floor, but I felt frozen in place.

  How in the hell was I ever going to get over that woman?

  Chapter Six


  Tuesday nights were family nights, well sort of. My father coached a softball team for his law firm, Davies and Sons, and he insisted that my brothers play. I wasn’t a member of the firm, but I was required to play because I could pitch. I didn’t mind. It was a way to stay close with my father and my brothers and the activity did me good too.

  Mr. Pugsly and I strutted down the block as best we could. The pug hobbled; his three legs giving him a jumpy pace, but he did it with enthusiasm. Pugsly didn’t let his disabled status hold him back. He pulled on his new stylish spiked, leather leash urging me to walk faster and smelled every bush he could find. The one time I tried to hurry the dog, he gave me one of his awkward bark/yowls and grunted—pig-like—till he was finished smelling whatever graced the low foliage. I had to stand and wait.

  Our odd little party got a few looks and stares, but to be honest, I was glad that the surprised expressions were aimed at my dog and not the fact that I was a tall woman. It made me love the gruesome pug a little more. We could withstand the crowd’s stares together.

  As we neared the baseball field, my dad waved from the dugout. Most of the team had already started their warm ups. I pulled Pugsly’s leash and led him down the steps to my meet my dad. I knew I had a smile a mile wide.

  “Evening, Le Le,” he grunted, his eyes on the players running around the diamond.

  When I didn’t respond, Dad turned to me and then glanced down. His wrinkled brown eyes bulged a bit. “Le Le, why are you leading that broken bat around on a leash? Shouldn’t something like that live in a zoo?”

  I laughed and pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss on the top of the head. It should come as no surprise that my father was tall as well.

  “This is Mr. Pugsly, Dad.” I leaned down and picked up the fat pug, who gave us both a little grunt. He kind of sounded like my father. “He’s my new man.”

  Dad reached out and gave Pugsly a scratch under the chin. He got the perfect spot and one of the dog’s back legs started scratching the air.

  “Does that feel good, Bub?” Dad asked. The he turned and patted me on the head. “Leave it to my big-hearted daughter to pick the ugliest dog in the pound.”

  I set the dog down and sighed. “Someone has to love the odd ones, Dad. Pugsly and I go together.”

  Dad put his hands on his hips and gave me a hard look.

  “Don’t be talking down about yourself child. You’re as pretty as your mother was, and she was a model. You could have been one too, if you wanted. I had people ask. So, don’t be giving me that speech.”

  I blew out my breath in a huff and sat down on the wooden bench to change into my cleats. Dad didn’t understand how hard it was to date when you were a tall woman. Tall men were the accepted norm; I was a freak.

  “What that fuck is that?” William, my oldest brother, came running into the dugout. He pointed at Pugsly.

  “Le Le’s taking in strays,” Dad grunted. “You know how she likes to help the lost causes.”

  William frowned and scratched as his dark-brown bushy beard. It had little streaks of red in it.

  “I can understand you wanting a dog, Sis, but this is not a dog. How is this little thing going to protect you? Is he just going to gross out the robbers?”

  I tutted at him and punched him playfully in the arm. “Mr. Pugsly is a companion, not protection,” I explained. “I didn’t adopt him to watch my place. H
e’s here to make me happy.”

  William gave me a frown and raised one large, dark eyebrow. “Bad date?”

  That earned him another punch in the shoulder. But it was true. Will laughed and put up his plate-sized hands in defeat. He inched his way around me and the pug and went to the cooler to grab some water.

  “Get out there you two,” Dad grunted. “We’re ready to get started.”

  I tied Mr. Pugsly’s leash around the metal rod that held up the dugout’s bench and headed to the pitcher’s mound.

  The game was easy. Our opponents were a data entry firm from across town. Some of them had gotten a little doughy from sitting at the computer all day and their manager had started the team as an opportunity for the employees to lose some weight. There wasn’t much enthusiasm.

  I had just thrown a strike, when a limo caught my eye. Originally, it had been tooling down the street that ran alongside the baseball diamond, but now it had pulled up to the chain-link fence. I tried to ignore the black shiny car and regripped the baseball.

  I tilted my body back, swung my arm, and threw another strike. One more and it was our turn to bat. The catcher, my brother Dan, threw the ball back to me. I caught it easily and then let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw two men climb out of the limo and start walking towards the dugout. One of them was very…very tall.


  I kept my mind in the game, but just barely. I didn’t turn to look and confirm my suspicions. The ball was a little damp with my sweat, so I rubbed it on my pant’s leg to dry it out. This should be an easy throw. The batter wasn’t even holding the bat right, his hands were about halfway up its length and he looked scared that I was going to hit him in the face.

  I let muscle memory take over. My shoulders moved back. My right leg came up—knee high, and then I let my hips start to glide forward. Momentum took over. My arm came up and over, then wham! Strike three!

  Fighting the urge to hop up and down with happiness, I started running towards the dugout. The sight of two men with my father stopped me in my tracks. Kane McKenzie, my head boss, was talking to my dad. Ray was sitting on the bench behind them and petting Mr. Pugsly.

  “Eileen!” Kane greeted me cheerfully. He was a very happy man since his wedding. Reese was good for him. “This is quite a skill you’ve been hiding from us.”

  “Sorry, Mr. McKenzie.” I shrugged. “McKenzie Tech doesn’t have a softball team for me to play on.”

  Kane scratched his chin and then dropped his hand down to drum his fingers on the railing that lined the dugout. “Perhaps we should. I’ve got quite a few competitors that I would like to beat in more ways than one—in the boardroom and on the field sounds nice.”

  “Nonsense!” Dad grunted. “Le Le stays on my team. Family before work. That’s how it should be.”

  “Indeed,” Kane said with a grin. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  Ray stood up and came over, just as my brothers were running up. I tried to catch his eyes, but he just wouldn’t look at me. He fidgeted and shuffled his feet like he wanted to run away. I guess he really didn’t like me at all.

  Danny looked up at Ray in surprise. “Holy hell, Man. How’s the air up there?”

  “I bet you play basketball,” Will joined in, elbowing Danny in the side.

  “And I bet you both play football,” Ray laughed and gave them both a grin. “Really? Tall jokes? You two are hardly little yourselves.”

  “Got to take the opportunity when I have it,” Dan cracked. “Not often that I look up at a fella.”

  To save Ray from further jokes. I got in between him and my family. “Dan, Jake, William, these are my bosses: Kane McKenzie and Ray Silver.”

  Kane shook all their hands and smiled like the CEO he was. Kane was good with people, he had to be to constantly be making business deals. Ray stood back a bit and let his boss take the stage.

  As Kane and my dad chatted and got on the topic of the new legal department Kane wanted to add to the business, I sat down to pet Mr. Pugsly. It was uncomfortable to have Ray here, but I hadn’t told any of my brothers about our—brief—relationship so he was safe in that way. So, I tried to relax and just enjoy the fact that the big boss had taken time out of his busy evening to meet my family. Kane was a good guy.

  Mr. Pugsly licked my hand. My pup was the only man I needed. Once, I thought I caught Ray’s blue eyes on me, but when I looked up to check, he was mindlessly staring at the sunset.

  After a few more words, Kane said goodbye to my gaggle of brothers and my father and walked over to me. Ray followed, like a large, silent bodyguard. Kane knelt down a scratched around Pugsly’s good ear.

  “Reese is having a pool party tomorrow night as a housewarming for the new apartment we just bought. You will come?” It wasn’t exactly a question and it wasn’t exactly an order.

  I smiled at him. “Of course. I’ll be there.”

  Kane shook my hand and headed back towards the limo. Ray held back a bit. His full lips opened like he was going to tell me something but closed again quickly. I was ready to let him leave without a word or a goodbye just to end the awkward situation.

  I dropped my eyes and moved slightly to let him pass. But he didn’t. Ray’s hand came into my view. I looked up and met his eyes. He didn’t say anything. He just waited, hand extended. I took it in my own and shook quickly. When I went to let go, Ray held on just slightly and gently rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand. It was a delicate, almost loving touch.

  I opened my mouth to ask him what he was doing, but I couldn’t find the words. In that moment, he dropped my hand and ran to catch up with Kane. I watched him go.

  “Not a bad looking guy.”

  My head shot around, and I discovered that Jakey was standing next to me. His arms were crossed over his chest.

  “Doesn’t matter,” I whispered, so that only my younger brother would hear. “He wasn’t interested.”

  Jake arched both his eyebrows. “Are you sure?”


  As I turned back to the game, I could still feel the traces of the gentle touch of Ray’s thumb on the back of my hand. And suddenly, I wasn’t as sure as I thought.

  Chapter Seven


  Kane handed me an open beer bottle, but I didn’t notice. He poked my hand with the base, and then patted it with the side of the bottle, but I still didn’t take the beer.

  My eyes and the whole of my attention was fixated on the ladies in the roof-top pool or rather, on Eileen, in a two-piece—a tiny, yellow, string bikini that left very little to the imagination and a lot to look at.

  Her long legs spilled out of it, made even longer by new platform sandals that I had never seen before. Her long brown hair was shiny and pulled back into a high pony-tail. She had only dipped her long legs into the pool so far, so she wasn’t wet, yet.

  The bikini had ties on either side. Ties that I could easily reach out and pull; that would make that little tiny strip of material covering her pussy slide away easily and expose the rest of her body to me.

  I had never seen Eileen in so little and the effect it was having on my body was noticeable and out of my control. I could barely breath and thinking straight was out of the question.

  Something had changed in that girl. She constantly wore heels now, towering above her friends and coworkers and not looking embarrassed. I had caught sight of her over the security cameras today at work wearing an even shorter skirt then the day before. The sight had made my dick very hard and I had dealt with it roughly, but I was in no way prepared to see Eileen in a bikini tonight, especially one so small. Her breasts looked like they would escape the fabric at any moment.

  The girls started playing volleyball with an inflatable beach ball and Eileen dove into the pool fully. The water must have been cold, because I could see her nipples against the fabric of her top that was now a darker yellow due to being wet.

  “Ray! Stop drooling!”
r />   I blinked, shook my head, and turned to look at Kane. He pushed the beer bottle into my hand again.

  “Sorry,” I muttered and took a swig of the latest microbrew that Ashton had bought. It was okay, but I preferred hard liquor.

  Watching Eileen hop out of the pool, all wet and dripping, to retrieve the beach ball they were playing with, made me realize that I needed a glass of scotch and I needed it soon.

  I took another sip of beer. It wasn’t enough to quench my thirst.

  “What are you staring at?”

  Kane stood shoulder to shoulder with me and stared out the same window. We were both in our swim trunks and t-shirts, but we hadn’t made it out to his new large roof-top pool. We were stick in the kitchen making drinks and hamburgers for the grill. I wasn’t sure why Kane’s personal chef wasn’t doing what we were, but Reese had insisted. She said that she liked to act normal sometimes. Making hamburgers was not normal for me.

  Kane glanced at Eileen, who was stooped down and petting her new pup, and then he glanced back at me.

  “Didn’t you date her? A few months ago around my wedding?”

  I nodded. “Just slightly before that. We were dating around the fundraiser ball.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest and hid the logo that covered the front of his black t-shirt. It was for some kind of car. I was sure it was something that Reese bought him. I didn’t think I ever saw Kane wear t-shirts before he married her.



  Kane snorted a quick laugh. “What happened? Your obviously not over her. You have drool on your chin.”

  I whipped my mouth and Kane laughed again.

  “I didn’t mean literally.”

  My shoulders dropped as I slumped into myself. My feelings were so obvious. I wasn’t over Eileen. I sighed.

  “She dumped you?” Kane nodded knowingly.

  “No. No,” I hurried to explain and keep my reputation intact. “I stopped calling her. We had a good time and I love the way she looks but—” I raised an eyebrow so he would understand my meaning “—we weren’t compatible.”


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