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Fake Pet

Page 11

by Jamie Knight

  Ray grabbed my hips and pulled me up. I lifted my legs up and encircled his waist, letting him carry me away from the stage. Where we were going, I didn’t know or see. I was too busy kissing every part of his handsome face.

  After a few minutes, my back hit the back wall of the auditorium. I was pressed between Ray’s hard body and the wall and I loved the feeling. His hands were clenching my butt cheeks hard; his lips were pressed against my neck. His dick was hard against my belly. I leaned to the side just slightly so he could slip his lips lower, but the movement was unexpected for Ray and he lost his balance a bit.

  We stumbled into the back door of the auditorium, my butt hitting the door release and we found ourselves falling into the hallway of the casino. The lights were a bit brighter out here and I had to blink a bit to get my vision to adjust.

  The whole thing was so silly, I found myself giggling.

  Ray set me down quickly but put his hands on my shoulders until we both were stable on our feet. I looked up into his blue eyes and we both started to laugh together.

  “Eileen?” I heard a voice calling me. “Eileen, is that you?”

  Who it was came to me in a second and I froze. That voice belonged to one of the last people in the world I wanted to see, especially since I was pretty sure that my tits were hanging out.

  “Eileen? What the fuck are you wearing?”

  My hands flew up to cover my breasts and find the zippers that would close up the cat suit again. Realizing some of what was going on, Ray helped cover me by facing me. He stood between me and the rest of the hallway.

  The voice belonged to Sarah Clawson, Jakey’s high school sweetheart and the biggest bitch I had ever met in my life. She had cheated on my baby brother constantly and when I had

  the nerve to call her out on it, she punched me. But she only did it once. I clobbered her good.

  Growing up with brother’s had its advantages. I knew how to fight.

  Zippers reattached, I looked up, walked in front of Ray to cover him, and plastered a pleasant smile on my face. Sarah’s narrow horse-face came into my view. She was standing slightly down the hall, still holding the hand of whatever unlucky bloke she had convinced to date her this time. He was scuzzy and looked like he might be a drug addict.

  When I gave her my attention, she dropped his hand and put hers on her narrow hips. Then she strutted our way.

  “What in the world are you doing in Vegas in such a slutty outfit?” she asked with the biggest fake grin on her face.

  My heart was racing. My mouth was dry. Whatever I said at this moment, Sarah was going to immediately call Jakey and tell him. Then he would tell the rest of my family. They couldn’t find out that I was fucking my boss onstage for money. I would never be able to face them again.

  “I’m attending a costumer ball with my fiancé.”

  The words fell from my lips before I even understood what I was saying.

  Oh shit!

  Ray put one hand on my shoulder, held out his other hand and gave Sarah a male-model caliber grin that stopped her in her tracks. She blushed under his attention. Ray had a way with women.

  “Ray Silver,” he said, introducing himself to the woman I would consider my worst enemy. “How do you know Eileen?”

  Sarah immediately struck a sexy pose, jutting her hip out to the side to give the impression that she had curves—she didn’t. She let one hand fall to her chest as she took Ray’s in her other hand and shook it gently.

  “Sarah Clawson. I used to date Eileen’s brother Jake. He was the love of my life when we were in high school. But it just wasn’t meant to last. Some things—” She rolled her eyes towards me. “—got in the way. How did a plain girl like Eileen find such a handsome guy?”

  The woman practically batted her eyelashes at Ray, and I felt the urge to punch her growing stronger. My hands balled into fists before I even knew what I was doing.

  “Um, Ms. Davies is my employee,” Ray provided after I didn’t say anything for a few seconds. “Your typical office romance.”

  Sarah crossed her arms in front of her non-excitant chest. Her overly-plucked eyebrows shot up her overly-large forehead.

  How did Jakey ever find her pretty? I wondered to myself.

  “You’re marrying your boss?” she asked me. I nodded. “Does your brother know?”

  I rolled my eyes and glared at her. “Of course, he knows!” I lied. “My whole family loves Ray. So, there is no need at all to call Jakey and tell him that you saw us.”

  “Uh huh.” She looked at me like she was going to call Jake anyway no matter what I said.

  Ray cleared his throat and brought Sarah’s eyes back up to his gorgeous face. She looked drugged as she blinked at him happily.

  “I apologize, Ms. Clawson. Eileen and I have to get back to the festivities. Perhaps you and your man could enjoy a drink on us.” He handed her a hundred-dollar bill from over my shoulder. I had no idea where he would have kept such a thing in his leather suit.

  Sarah grabbed the money quickly and her eyes bulged at the amount.

  “Wow, you sure are generous, Mr. Silver.” She gave him kissy lips and then rolled her eyes at me. “Nice seeing you, Le Le,” she said in her most annoying voice. I hated that she knew and used my nickname.

  I just nodded and didn’t bother to wish her goodbye. In another second, she was running back to her date and waving the money in his face. Hopefully it was enough of a distraction and she would forget about calling my brother, but somehow, I doubted it. Sarah really couldn’t resist gossip.

  I slapped a hand into my forehead. “What the fuck did I just do?”

  Still behind me, Ray wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me back towards the door we had just fallen through, but his touch was more comforting than sexual.

  “Come on,” he told me in my ear. “Let’s go get our coats and go back to the hotel room.”

  I followed him back into the ball, but any magic it had on me before was now broken.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I had just felt Eileen wrapped around my dick. She had fucked me, joyfully, in front of thousands of people and then kept asking for more. She had been everything I had ever wanted her to be. The perfect pet; the perfect lover, but as soon as she had seen that woman everything had changed. We were so connected less than a half hour ago and now she was standing as far away from me in the hotel’s elevator as possible.

  Her beautiful face was turned towards the wall and all I could see was the line of her jaw, but I could tell she was tense by the way she was holding her shoulders. She was so still, the domino mask clutched in her hands.

  “Do you regret it?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. “Letting everyone see you.”

  She didn’t turn and look at me.

  “I…I didn’t think I would see anyone I knew,” she stuttered. “That woman, she is still good friends with my brother. She’s going to tell him, probably tonight. Sarah is a bit of a gossip.”

  Eileen turned and looked at me. Her honey-colored eyes were wide, and they were lined with tears.

  “Ray, I’ve never lied to my family before, but they can’t know that I did that for money or as a favor. Hell, I don’t want them to know I was here at all. What if they disown me for being a sexual deviant?” She brought her hands up to the sides of her face and clutched the hair around her temples. “I mean, who does stuff like this?! It’s crazy.”

  My heart fell at her words and I wondered, as I had been for months, if she could ever accept this part of me. When we were onstage, I felt and thought that she could. But now, once again, it felt like I was wrong.

  I stood back on my heels, feeling my heart break all over again, but also wondering what to say to comfort her. No matter what Eileen’s feelings were about tonight, she had just saved my inheritance. It was a debt I could never pay.

  “Do you have this woman’s phone number?” I asked, trying to come up with some kind of solution. “We could
call her and bribe her to keep her mouth shut.”

  Eileen shook her head.

  “No. We shouldn’t. Knowing Sarah, she would take the money and then tell everyone anyways. She was never one to keep a secret. Especially when she thought it would hurt someone else.”

  I nodded unsure of what else to say. I had never dreamt that what I was asking would affect Eileen’s relationship with her family or her life at all. All of my reasoning had been selfish. Perhaps I shouldn’t have asked her. I had just felt like there was no other choice.

  The elevator dinged at our floor. I walked out the doors and unlocked our hotel room. Eileen’s black pug rushed up to us, panting excitedly; the poor thing did realize the depressed mood we were both in. I knelt down to pet him gently and scratch behind his ears.

  “Would you be more comfortable if I got another room?” I asked, unable to look up at her.

  I stood, keeping my back to Eileen and started to undo the straps of my suit. After a few minutes of silence, I turned to look at her. She was standing in the middle of the room, shaking a bit and looking lost.

  “No. Don’t go,” she whispered and bit her lip. “I want you, again.”

  I was across the room and before her in a second—still not quite sure what I had heard. I reached forward and wound my fingers into her brown hair. Her lips parted and her breath came out in little pants. Could this be true? Was she really wanting to be my pet and not just for show? I pulled her hair slightly. Eileen didn’t complain. She let me guide her head, keeping her golden-brown eyes locked on mine.

  Her lips opened just slightly with a little puff of air. “Please,” she begged.

  I let her hair loose, tracing my fingers down her cheek and her jaw. I found my hand wrapped around her neck. I didn’t apply much pressure; I just held her captive.

  “Do you want me, pet?” I asked, my voice a horse whisper. It wasn’t the dominate question it should have been; I was too nervous for this. I wanted it to be true with all of my being.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Yes, what?” I asked, my voice louder and more confident.

  She dropped her golden-colored eyes for a second and bit her lip as she tried to figure out what answer I wanted. When she looked into my eyes again, hers were filled with a heat that shot right through my core.

  “Yes, sir.”

  That was all I needed to hear. I dropped my hand to the top of her chest and pushed her back slightly. Accepting my guidance, Eileen backed up into the bedroom. She moved slowly, so that my hand stayed connected to her skin and I had to keep gently pushing her.

  Her long, but curvy body inched backwards gracefully in her tall heels, like she was a dancer. Her sparkling eyes kept my own; we were locked together in anticipation.

  I wanted this woman with all of my soul, but I needed her know that this was me. It wasn’t just one night, one show. This was how I played, always.

  I fought to find a voice for my words.

  “Eileen,” her name came out of my lips like a half croak. “This isn’t a game to me. I’ve tried. I’ve tried to do things in the normal way but…”

  “You need this?” she offered.

  I nodded and rubbed the top of her chest lightly. “I need a pet. Someone who takes orders. Someone who likes to be a little rough and likes a little pain with her pleasure. Can you really do that for more than a few nights?”

  Her lips pursed together, and she glanced away for just a second.

  “I don’t know.”

  Her answer was honest. My breath left my body in a rush and I dropped my hand.

  “Ray,” she whispered grabbing at my fallen hand. “No. Please. I’m willing to try. Just give me a chance. Just let me experience it one more time.”

  Her body shook. Eileen was scared that I was going to leave her. It excited me. Her wide eyes begged, and I knew that I had to give this a chance. She had already done so much for me, how could I not?

  Unbidden, my hands came up. I grabbed her by the shoulders and slammed her into the wall. Caught, she whimpered a little and wiggled in my grasp, until I pressed my lips to hers. I kissed her hard, rough and demanding.

  Keeping her pinned, I pulled the catsuit from her shoulders and down to her waist. Her breasts were bare before me; her nipples already hard. I gently smacked one breast and watched how it jiggled. Eileen moaned with pleasure and thrust her head back against the wall. Cupping my hands under both her breasts, I brought them up, and squeezed them hard.

  She turned her head, her golden eyes met mine, and her mouth opened slightly with desire. Her face was so sexy this way; it was like she was begging me with her eyes.

  “Take off your catsuit,” I ordered.

  “Yes, sir.”

  I loved how her pouty mouth formed those words.

  Still pinned to the wall, Eileen wound her hands around her body and pushed her leather catsuit off her wide hips and round ass. She pulled it off one long leg and then the other. After, she replaced her black platform heels and stood before me nude.

  My dick came to attention. It pushed the leather flap of my suit back and begged to penetrate Eileen’s tight pussy, but I wasn’t ready yet. It had been a very exciting evening. The only thing that could top it was to fulfill one of my fantasies. Particularly one of my fantasies for Eileen.

  I pulled her away from the wall, still holding on to her shoulders and pushed her towards the balcony. She looked back at me with curious eyes.

  “On to the balcony, pet,” I ordered. “You fucked me onstage in front of thousands. Now I want you to fuck me in front of all of Las Vegas.”

  Eileen’s body started to shake. She bit her lip and her forehead crinkled. I waited for her to say no or push back, but she didn’t. She took three big steps, opened the sliding door and crossed, nude, out on to the balcony. I joined her.

  It was almost midnight. But the lights of the strip found us, even at twenty stories up. There were crowds of gamblers and tourists milling around below. Random music was coming from cars; taxis were honking. It was a mess of noise and light, but I barely heard or saw anything other then the stunning woman before me.

  My blood was pumping hard in my veins; my pulse sped up with excitement. This was exactly the way I wanted my perfect evening with Eileen to end. It was slightly different than my daydreams, but the real thing was so much better.

  Eileen crossed the small balcony. She gripped the railing and looked down. Her shoulders were tight; a tension that I could see holding her back ridged.

  I stepped forward, pressed my body to hers, and pinned her to the railing. My hands came up and ran over her smooth skin that was just turning a bit cool in the night air. I felt her taught, tense stomach under my fingers as she leaned back into me, her eyes still on the crowds below.

  “Can they see us?” she whispered. There was a hitch in her voice, I wasn’t sure if it was from fear or desire or both.

  I kissed her neck and pulled her closer to my body. “If they look up. Does that excite you, pet?”

  “I don’t know,” she admitted, “but I don’t want you to stop. Does it excite you?”

  “Yes!” I breathed. “I love it.”

  I kissed her neck hard, then bit it hard enough to make a mark. Eileen’s breath came in gasps. Her butt bucked into my hard cock, rubbing and teasing it.

  I rubbed my hands up her torso to find her breasts. I squeezed them and cupped them as they dangled over the railing in the night air. Eileen moaned a little. Her body quivered under mine. I loved having my body wrapped around hers.

  “There’s too much leather,” she breathed.


  “Your suit. I need to feel your skin on mine. Please, sir.”

  I pulled away, but Eileen stayed pressed to the railing. She didn’t watch as I undressed or cloaked my hard cock with a condom. She kept her eyes on the people below, as if she was begging them to look up at her and her glorious nude body.

  Eileen reached up and undid her pony-tail,
letting her chocolate brown locks flow around her shoulders. But she didn’t cover her breasts, those she kept revealed and her nipples were hard because of it.

  Ready, I grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her forward until half of her body was dangling in the air. Her breath sped up and she started panting.

  “Fuck me, sir,” she begged. “Please. I need you here on this balcony.”

  I spread her legs a little wider and slid my cock past her butt cheeks and into her very wet pussy. I trust in hard and fast, pushing her hips into the cold metal of the railing and making her breasts swing in the air. She was tight and hotter that I had ever felt before.

  Eileen’s pussy gripped me hard, almost to the point that I couldn’t pull back and thrust into her again. She was that tight and that aroused.

  I grabbed her hips, pulling her back and guiding my dick into her depths again. It was rough and hard and perfect. Over and over, I drilled into her and pounded her beautiful body into the cold metal railing.

  As we fucked, I let my eyes wander, anxious to see if anyone was watching. There was. A couple a few balconies over had spotted us. Our desire had struck them, and they were in the midst of getting undressed. There were quite a few people out of their balconies at the hotel across the street. One man looked like he had binoculars out. I couldn’t blame him. Eileen was worth a closer inspection. Some people looked at us in shock, some in judgment, and some in lust, but no one looked away. We had a captive audience and that was just what I liked.

  My dick grew harder. It strained against Eileen’s pussy’s walls. She was so wet that her juices were running down her legs and mine. As my hips slapped into her butt there was a wet, squelching sound.

  “Pet?” I growled.

  “Yes, sir?” Eileen’s voice came in gasps.

  “I want you to scream when you come. Everyone who is watching you needs to know how much I please you. I do please you, don’t I?”

  “God, yes,” she grunted. “Like no one else. But you’re going to have to make me scream.”


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