Fake Pet

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Fake Pet Page 12

by Jamie Knight

  I grinned to myself. Her words were surprising, and a little rebellious, but she was right. I had to earn it.

  I pulled her body back slightly from the railing and wove my arm around her hips. My hand found her clit and I started to run it with my thumb. Eileen moaned at my touch. She quivered under me and started to throw her head from side to side.

  I felt her pussy walls tighten further around my cock. She was getting there, but it wasn’t enough.

  Keeping my thumb firmly clamped on her clit, I moved two of my other fingers back and slid them into her pussy between thrusts. I found her G-spot and fingered that too as I kept up the endless thrusting with my engorged dick.

  Her pussy was even tighter now, it was almost unbearable, but I was determined to make her scream. I played with her g-spot and clit, rubbing them hard, and enjoying the way she twitched with each touch.

  She bucked. Her head came back, and she leaned into my body, breathing like she had run a marathon.

  “They are all watching you,” I said into her ear. “They all want you but only I can have you.”

  She shuttered and her pussy got tighter.

  “They want to see you come,” I continued. “All those strangers, with their eyes fixed on you, they want to see you cream all over this balcony.”

  Her pussy clamped. Her juices squirted. Eileen screamed as her orgasm hit her hard. Her voice echoed off the buildings.

  Her pussy throbbed and milked my cock so hard that I came with her. My cock strained and I shot a huge load into her. It was so much that it leaked out the side of the condom and down my thighs. But still I continued to thrust into her.

  Eileen’s scream became yelps. Her head wavered and her body shook all over. I rubbed my cum drenched hand over her clit and g-spot, now so ridged, and caused her to come again. She squirted onto the balcony.

  “I can’t…Oh my God…It just…Fuck!” she screamed and started to lose her balance.

  I kept her body clamped to mine and rubbed her furiously.

  “Come for them again,” I ordered her. “Come for me!”

  Her body tensed one more time and then released, quivering and throbbing hard. Eileen’s legs were Jell-O now. Her ankles turned and I—sadly—had to slip out of her pussy to catch her before she collapsed.

  Eileen’s hands came up and lazily circled my neck as I gathered her legs and back into my arms. Her breathing slowed. She was asleep before I got her back into the hotel room.

  I couldn’t stop smiling. Everything was perfect.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Blinding light hit my eyelids. It pulled me from the odd dream I was dreaming about having sex with my unbelievably hot boss. My brain was a bit fuzzy, but I remembered that there was something about a crazy sex show and that I was the star. I blinked a few times then looked up at an unfamiliar ceiling.

  And that’s when it all came flooding back to me…

  It was real. The show at The Leather and Lace Ball, begging Ray to take me again once we got back to the hotel room, and Sarah! It was all real. Jake’s ex-girlfriend had seen me in a bondage suit, and I had told her that I was Ray’s fiancée! What the hell had made me say that?! I had made something uncomfortable way worse with a stupid lie. And now I was going to have to deal with it.

  But there was just no way I could explain to my family that I performed a sex show to help out my boss who was also my ex-boyfriend who said we were not compatible…but who also said he loved me…kind of.


  I grabbed a nearby bed pillow and pulled it over my face to block out the offending sun light. Tons of questions filled my mind. It was too much. Too crazy. I wanted to go back to sleep and make it all go away but couldn’t.

  What the hell did I do now? Had Sarah already called my whole family? And if so, why hadn’t any of them called me? Sure, it was early in Vegas, but my father and brothers didn’t care about time differences.

  Keeping the pillow pressed to the side of my face, I turned over in the covers and reached semi-blindly over to the night stand for my phone. Holding it up to my eyes, I flipped on the screen. It had been on silent. Fourteen missed calls and more texts than I could count were waiting for me. The last text I had received was from my father, who only texted as a last resort.

  It read: Call me immediately!

  I sat straight up in bed, let the sunlight hit me full in the face, and took a deep breath. I felt around under the pile of covers beside me for Ray. I found his muscular shoulder and shook him awake.

  “What?” he murmured, turning halfway in the tangle of covers and blinking at me with heavy-lidded blue eyes.

  “I am so fucked!”

  He blinked at me a bit until the meaning I gave the words hit him. Ray sat up. He reached for me but pulled back at the last second, a confused look on his face. That was fine, because I was still too confused myself about what was going on to want to be touched. Even by him.

  “She told them?” He looked at me for confirmation, raising one black eyebrow. “The woman we ran into last night?”

  I nodded. I couldn’t sit still or be in bed any longer. I swung my legs over the side of the mattress and started to get up, but my nudity stopped me quickly. I didn’t want to walk around nude in front of Ray.

  I wasn’t pretending to be his pet anymore, and really, I wasn’t sure what was going on between us or what I wanted, or he wanted. So, for modesty’s sake, I grabbed the comforter and wrapped it around my shoulders. Ray watched me without comment, a frown taking over his chiseled features.

  I needed a plan. There had to be someway to make this whole incident pass quickly so I could get back to my normal life. And so, Ray could get back to his too. As my mind worked, I paced from one side of the hotel room to the other and back with the tail end of the comforter trailing behind me like a cape.

  “We could just pretend to be fiancés for a week or two, attend a few family functions with my father and brothers…and then breakup!” I announced stopping in the middle of the hotel room. “It’s not like we would have to pretend at work, so that’s good. Just a few things with my family and that’s it. That’s easy, right?”

  I looked at Ray to see what he thought of my plan.

  He ran a hand through his artfully mussed black hair, which looked model perfect even after hours of sleep. Ray yawned. He stretched his long muscular body, and arched his hips, showing me that he had no concerns for modesty. He was sporting some impressive morning wood. My mind started to wonder if he always woke up that way.

  I can’t get distracted, I told myself. I have to get him to go along with this plan.


  “Hmm?” He yawned again, gave me a sleepy smile, and looked towards the clock.

  “Does that sound okay?”

  He looked over and blinked at me a few times. “You want me to pretend to be your fiancé for a few things with your family and then break up with you?”

  I clutched the comforter around myself and started pacing again.

  “That seems like the easiest idea,” I told him. “Right?”

  “Its not easier to just tell them that you were in a sex show with your boyfriend?”

  I froze in place, envisioning telling my father that. He would get disgusted with me, I was sure. He would kick me out of the family, and maybe, never want to see me again. Would any of my brothers be able to look me in the face if they knew what I had done? Would we ever be able to relax around each other again if they thought I was a sexual deviant? I felt myself start blushing and raised my hands to cover my cheeks.

  “It’s too embarrassing, Ray!” I squealed. “They can’t know…I’ll just die!”

  I looked back at him and saw that he was frowning again. He didn’t understand.

  “Look, my family isn’t like your uncle, Ray. We’re normal people!”

  Turning away from me, Ray flipped the covers off the rest of his body and got up. He walked—nude and hard as a rock—across the suite t
o the kitchen area where he started filling the coffee maker with water. “I see,” was all he muttered as he passed me.

  Oh shit, did I just insult him?

  Clutching the comforter around me, I followed him into the kitchen area pleading the whole time. “Ray, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that you’re not normal. Or that your uncle isn’t. It’s just that…”

  There was growling to the rear of me as Mr. Pugsly attacked and clamped onto the comforter that was trailing behind me. I tried to pull it out of the pug’s mouth but as I pulled back, Pugsly pulled the other way. The pug thought we were playing tug-of-war and he was loving it.

  “Pugsly, no!” I screeched. “You’re going to rip a hole in this and then we will have to pay for it!”

  My dog wasn’t listening to me at all. He pulled back more, growling playfully the whole time. His deep-brown doggy eyes sparkled with excitement. I pulled the comforter the other direction moving my hands to get a better grip.

  The blanket slipped off my shoulders and down off of my bare breasts. I hissed and tried to pull it back up to cover myself, but changing my grip gave Pugsly more control. He ripped the blanket out of my hands, then tugged it across the suit to the little couch he had claimed as his own. There he twisted it into a little bed, cuddle in, and looked up at me with pride.

  I sucked in a breath. My hands flew to cover my breasts and my pussy, as I stood nude in the middle of the hotel room. My cheeks blushed, and slowly, I turned to look at Ray. He was staring at me wide-eyed as he poured coffee grounds into the coffee maker.

  He raised one black eyebrow as he looked me up and down. “Eileen, I’ve seen you nude before. Hell, I’ve fucked you in front of other people. Twice. Why do you feel the need to cover yourself now?”

  “We’re not pretending anymore,” I whispered.

  “Aren’t we?” Ray shrugged nonchalantly, as he went looking through the cabinets for coffee mugs. “Aren’t we pretending to be fiancés?”

  He would go along with my plan! His words cheered me so much that I let out the breath I was holding and forgot all about my embarrassment. I slapped my hands up to my cheeks and grinned.

  “Really?” I skipped to the kitchen counter. “You would do this for me?”

  A strange look crossed Ray’s bright-blue eyes, but then his gaze focused on me. “Of course, after what you…endured…for me, pretending to be your fiancé at a few events will be easy.” Then a smile started to twist on his lips. “It might even be fun. I’ve never been anyone’s fiancé before.”

  “Excellent!” I clapped my hands together. “Okay, this will work out perfectly. Just a week or two and then we can break up and move on with our lives.”

  I ran back towards the bed to retrieve my phone. Sitting down on the mattress, I wrapped up in the bed sheet and prepared myself for an uncomfortable conversation. I hopped my father didn’t yell. After taking a deep breath, I dialed him. The phone only rang once.

  “Le Le,” Dad answered. I could tell he was on speaker phone and thus not alone. Which wasn’t a surprise, Dad and Jakey golfed together on Sunday mornings. “Is this true? What Sarah says?”

  “Yes?” I answered feeling suddenly uncertain. Then I stopped myself, I had to commit to this lie if I was going to pull it off. “I mean, yes, it’s true. I’m engaged to my boss, Ray Silver.”

  There was some muttering on the other end of the line as Dad and Jakey discussed what I said in hushed tones.

  “I see,” Dad said. His voice was even. It was curt, and I couldn’t tell what he was feeling or thinking. “Are you two still in Las Vegas?”


  “Returning to New York today?”

  “Yes. Very soon.” I sat back onto the bed and pulled my knees up to my chest.

  Dad let out a haggard sigh. “Very well. I expect this fiancé to be present at the game Tuesday night. We are up against White, Gleason, and Wilson. Wilson beat me at the last time we were in court together, and I want to rub his teams’ noses in the dirt. Understand?”

  My shoulders dropped and I felt like I could breathe again. If Dad was talking about softball, then I was back into safe territory. It seemed like Ray and I could pull of this ruse without a hitch.

  “Of course, Dad. We’ll beat them good!”

  “Safe flight, Le Le.” Dad hung up and I fell back onto the bed, feeling fully relaxed for the first time in days.

  Ray appeared, standing over me and holding two cups of coffee. He handed me one.

  “Your father bought it?” he asked.

  I took a sip of the very good coffee and smiled up at him. “Yes! He wants you to come play softball on Tuesday night.”

  Ray nodded and sipped his own coffee. My eyes traveled down his sculpted torso. I was sad to see that he had put on a pair of boxers. His tempting cock was hidden from me, which was just as well because we needed to stop confusing things with sex. Although a big part of me didn’t want to.

  “We have to be at the airport in an hour,” Ray said, oblivious to my thoughts. “Mind if I shower first?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I clutched my hand over my mouth, surprised at my reply. I had said those words to Ray so many times this weekend, it was an automatic response.

  His blue eyes flashed for a second, with what could have been lust, but then they went back to normal and he gave me an easy smile.

  “Order up room service,” he suggested, “and eat while I shower.”

  Yes, sir, almost crossed my lips a second time, but I stopped it. That part of the pretending was over. I just nodded.

  Ray gave me one last glance and then turned to go shower. It took all my will power to not join him, but I knew it was for the best. Or at least, that’s what I told myself.

  Chapter Twenty


  Returning to work at McKenzie Tech after Eileen and I’s crazy weekend felt odd, but odd in a good way. There was a bit more bounce in my step and I found myself humming—something I never do—but I couldn’t help myself. I was just so happy. I had proven to my uncle that I deserved his fortune. Eileen had really manned the stage at the Leather and Lace Ball, and I was thinking that she was almost to admitting that she liked it. Sure, there was the oddity that I now had to pretend to be her fiancé for a few weeks, but that wasn’t s bad. Part of me found that just as intriguing as the rest.

  As I stepped onto the office elevator and wove my way through the workers to the back, I thought about how I would feel as a married man. I had never really thought about it before. Usually, I just took a lover or a pet and was with her until one of us got bored. A long-term commitment wasn’t something I had really done.

  I straightened my tie and pulled at my cuffs to make sure my look was perfect. The cuff links were new, a pair that Eileen had insisted I buy in Vegas. They looked like large, flat pearl buttons. I liked the way they shimmered against the light blue of my dress shirt.

  Suddenly, an itch started at the back of my mind. What if I made this commitment to Eileen for real and she admitted that she didn’t like being my pet? What would I do then? Maybe it was better to just pretend to be fiancés then to actually make the plunge. I frowned to myself and got off the elevator on the executive floor.

  My office was just as I had left it, except for a new stack of mail pilled on the left side of my desk. Mondays were always filled with mail that had piled up over the weekend. I set down my briefcase, unbuttoned my suit coat and took a seat; my eyes falling onto a large manila envelope at the bottom of the mail pile.

  I put a finger on it and pulled it from the rest of the mail. There was nothing written on the outside, no address or return address. Strange. It must have come from inside the office. I knew it wasn’t a report, all reports at McKenzie Tech were digital these days.

  Taking in in hand, I pushed my finger through the envelope and ripped open the top. Inside was a few large eight by ten photographs. Curious, I pulled them out of the envelope. When I realized what they were of, my fingers slipped
, and the photos fell down onto my desk.

  It was a set of black and white pictures of Eileen and I having sex onstage at the Leather and Lace Ball. Her mask had been pushed up a bit and you could tell plainly who she was. There was no note or comment with the pictures; nothing written on the backs.

  Who would send this? I wondered, and why? Was it just someone who saw the show and wanted me to have some cute souvenirs? Eileen did look sexy in the photos. Her mouth was slightly open in ecstasy as if she was just about to come. The thought gave me shivers.

  Trying to ignore the strange pictures, I put them back into the envelop and pushed it to the side of my desk. I turned on my computer and got my mind ready for work. I had a major financial report due soon that I had been putting it off for a while now. My mind really hadn’t been on my work lately and that needed to change.

  I signed into the financial apps for McKenzie Tech’s holdings, checked our stocks and the profit and loss statements. There was a flash of something at the bottom of my computer screen. Another app had been activated and was blinking for my attention.

  “What the hell?” I muttered to myself.

  The blinking app was Watercooler, the McKenzie Tech staff chat program. No one contacted me this way. I wasn’t a computer chat kind of guy. If I was going to talk to one of my team I would go down there and talk to them face to face.

  My breath caught. Maybe it was Eileen. Maybe she was sending a dirty message or picture. Feeling a bit of excitement, I clicked on the blinking app and watched as a window opened on my computer screen.

  The screen name of the person contacting me wasn’t one I recognized. Most of the staff just used their real names, but some got cutesy. This one said: Big Daddy. That seemed inappropriate for work and an odd choice for Eileen.

  The message was one word: Liar.

  Okay. Probably not Eileen.

  Who is this? I typed.

  Someone who knows you. The real you.

  What the fuck does that mean?

  I know that you are a liar and a fake.

  Not sure what to say. I didn’t respond. I wasn’t quite sure what this mystery person was talking about.


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