Word of Mouth

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Word of Mouth Page 9

by Tymber Dalton

  Jonah moaned, clinging to him, wanting more, needing it.

  How could he have ever walked away from this man?

  I’m an idiot.

  But no more—never again. Once the tour was over, even if it meant he spent the rest of his life busking in Sarasota parks for change, he would never walk away from Gordon.

  It didn’t take Gordon long to come at that punishing pace. When he did, he fell still with his cock deep inside Jonah and his lips gentling over Jonah’s.

  “Please don’t break my heart again, boy,” he softly whispered against Jonah’s mouth.

  Jonah wrapped his arms and legs around Gordon. “I’ll show you how much I love you, Master. I promise.”

  * * * *

  Over the next three weeks, the men spent every night together, and Jonah almost dreaded leaving on tour with the band, even though the PR team had the fans whipped into a frenzy on social media.

  He couldn’t help but worry that, while he was gone, Gordon might change his mind and decide not to take him back after all.

  They did a lot of talking.

  A looooot.

  But while Jonah told Gordon he loved him several times a day, Gordon held that back, despite having said it that very first night of their reunion.

  Jonah didn’t blame him, either. That he’d managed to regain as much of Gordon’s trust that he had was a miracle Jonah refused to take for granted.

  The cage felt uncomfortable, but it only took him a few days to get used to that. He fully understand why Gordon insisted on it—because any moment Jonah wasn’t working with the band, his mind was completely focused on Gordon.

  The night before they were scheduled to fly out of the Venice airport on a charter flight to Atlanta, Gordon surprised him by removing the cage from him and making love to him.

  It drove both of them to tears, but that didn’t stop Gordon from handing it back to Jonah when they finished, after they’d cleaned up in the bathroom.

  “Your choice, boy,” Gordon said.

  No, there was no choice. Not really.

  Jonah, now an expert in how to wear the damn thing, quickly put it on, making sure to watch Gordon’s face when he clicked the lock shut.

  The fragile relief that widened Gordon’s eyes and made his breath catch was all the motivation Jonah needed to endure this any way he had to, as long as he followed Gordon’s rules.

  He stepped in and wrapped his arms around Gordon, tightly holding him as Gordon buried his face in Jonah’s hair and…just breathed.

  “Thank you, boy,” Gordon whispered. “I was going to get you a day collar, but I wasn’t sure what to get and realized that, in a way, this is one. If you want to be mine, I have to trust you’ll come back to me. Once you’re home, then we can discuss what your day collar will be.”

  “Thank you, Master.”

  The next morning, they took a shower together before Gordon had to leave for work. Jonah had helped him move his things back to his apartment the night before, not wanting the bulk of that job resting on Gordon’s shoulders.

  Whether Jonah would be joining him there upon his return was up to Gordon.

  Jonah walked him out to his SUV and stood there holding him for several minutes, even when he knew he needed to let him leave for work.

  “I love you, Master,” he whispered. “I’ll keep saying it until I can prove it to you, and I’ll keep proving it to you as long as you need me to.”

  He felt more than heard Gordon’s ragged breath. Then he pressed his lips against Jonah’s ear. “Be safe, boy. Follow my rules. We’ll talk when you return. I’ll be waiting.”

  When he finally released Jonah, Jonah spotted the tears in Gordon’s eyes, but he climbed into his vehicle too fast for Jonah to say anything else to him about it.

  So he stepped out of the way and watched until he’d pulled out of the gate.

  That’s where Doyle found him a few minutes later when he walked out, sipping a cup of coffee.

  “And?” Doyle asked.

  Jonah shoved his hands into the pockets of his shorts. “I won’t let him down,” he quietly said. “I’ll show him.”

  Doyle nodded. “That’s all you can do, at this point.”

  * * * *

  8 Weeks Later…

  It was a long, grueling tour, but by everyone’s reckoning it was also one of Portnoy’s Oyster’s most successful ones.


  Due in no small part to the viral video of Jonah and Gordon playing the song, which had been titled “Word of Mouth,” in their duet, with Mal singing along with them.

  They were working on prepping a single of that version, too.

  Jonah wanted to stampede over the others to get off the charter flight, but somehow managed not to.

  In the eight weeks during the tour, he learned what hell meant.

  Hell was not being curled up with Gord every night, like they had been during the weeks before leaving for the tour.

  And Jonah was so fucking horny now he could barely see straight. All he wanted to do was get alone with Gordon and hopefully hear his Master tell him he was forgiven.

  Doyle had teased him that he knew there was a surprise awaiting Jonah, but that’s all he’d say.

  When they got off the plane in Venice that Wednesday afternoon, there were several SUVs waiting for them. As he ran toward them, looking for Gordon, the driver of the first SUV waved him in.

  “Mr. Yeager? This is your ride.”

  When Jonah jumped in the back seat, there sat Gordon, wearing a playful smile and a sexy-ass suit.

  “Miss me, boy?”

  Jonah flung himself on Gordon and kissed him. “God, I fucking missed you, Master!”

  “Missed you, too, baby.” Part of the daily torture had been Gordon watching him remove and replace the chastity cage during their video chats, and then making Jonah watch him masturbate.

  Jonah hadn’t had an orgasm since the night before they’d left on the tour.

  The SUV departed. “Got something for you,” Gordon said as he eased his fly open.

  Jonah dropped to his knees in front of the seat and swallowed his cock, eagerly sucking him down to the root.

  Something else he’d improved on before leaving on tour—regaining his deep-throat skills.

  And he’d been fantasizing about his Master using him exactly like this upon his arrival.

  It didn’t take Gord long to reward him with a load of cum, either. As he relaxed on the seat, he held Jonah in place and stroked his hair.

  “Happy to be home?”

  “You have no idea, Master!”

  Gordon threaded his fingers through Jonah’s hair, staring into his eyes for a long moment with nothing breaking the silence but the sound of the vehicle’s tires on the pavement and the AC blowing.

  “You came back.” The tentative tone of Gordon’s voice nearly broke Jonah’s heart.

  “I’ll always come back to you, Master.”

  Gord sighed. “I’m not leaving my job. I enjoy teaching the kids. And I…I can’t not have a job. Especially not right now. I need it for my sanity as much as I do to make a living.”

  Jonah hated that he’d shattered Gord’s trust, but all he could do was try to rebuild it. “I can either walk away from the band,” Jonah said, “and find a job locally here. Or, Mal said I could fly back and forth and stay in their spare bedroom at their condo in LA when I have to be out there. If it’s a weekend, you can fly out and join me. I’ll pay.”

  “What do you want to do?” Gord asked.

  Jonah squeezed Gordon’s hand. “Whatever you tell me to do.”

  Gordon studied him, his blue eyes dark today, the Gulf’s depths instead of a sunny sky. “If I tell you to quit?”

  Jonah shoved away the pang in his heart. “Then I’ll call Mal and tell him right now.” He started to dig out his phone, but Gordon stayed his hand.

  “It’s your dream to be famous.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I used to think. My dream is to be
happy, and that means being with you. Without you, nothing else matters.”

  Gordon stroked Jonah’s hair again. “What if I say we can have a trial period of you doing that? Going out to LA?”

  “It’s up to you, Master.”

  He loved the feel of Gordon’s fingers along his scalp, had missed that even more than orgasms.

  Missed the feel of the other man’s body pressed along his after weeks of having him back.

  It made his absence so much more painful to bear.

  “What’s the next step with the band?” Gordon asked.

  “Two weeks off. Then two weeks recording in LA. I could come home on the weekends, or fly you out there with me. I already told Mal I’d have to let him know what my availability is after talking to you, that I couldn’t give him a commitment yet. Two weeks after that here in Florida, working with Rich and Mal on some new material and recording here. Then probably a lot of Florida time, because Rich doesn’t want to go out to LA without Chelbie, and she’s getting too far along to fly much more.”

  Gordon slowly nodded, but didn’t answer yet. After several long minutes, he finally smiled. “You’d wear the cage while you aren’t with me?”

  Jonah eagerly nodded. “Your rules, Master.”

  Gord dragged it out another long minute. “Then I suppose we can try it for a month and see what happens. But if I feel we’re not working because of that—”

  “Then I’ll walk away from the band,” Jonah promised. “Without a look back. I belong with you. I miss our shitty old apartment, and having to play at the beach to earn money to buy food after we paid the rent. Because I knew we’d always be okay. We were always okay together, even when things were hard. And when I wasn’t with you, things were never okay again.”

  Gord finally nodded, stroking Jonah’s chin. “One more thing—I decided on a day collar for you. At least I can afford to buy you one this time around.”

  Jonah felt something slip onto his left ring finger. Only then did Gord release him so he could look.

  The gold band was shiny and plain, but it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen in his fucking life.

  He looked up at Gord, who smiled. “Our next stop is the county courthouse, by the way. To get our marriage license.”

  Jonah completely forgot about the damn chastity cage and nearly smashed his junk against the edge of the seat as he climbed up for a kiss.

  “I love you, Master,” he said. “God, I love you.”

  It was something Gordon hadn’t said to him since that first night, their frantic interlude.

  Jonah didn’t blame him, but he’d kept saying it anyway.

  During their chats and talks and texts while Jonah was on tour, Gordon had told him to stay safe, told him to be good, had called him his good boy, lots of other endearments…but had not said those particular three words again.

  Gordon smiled and cupped Jonah’s face in his hands. “Love you, too, boy. Never letting you go, either.”

  Jonah grinned. “Good, because I think I’ve successfully proven I’m shit without you.”

  Gordon nuzzled his nose against Jonah’s. “Then it’s a good thing you have a Master who loves you and will take care of you for the rest of our lives, huh?”

  “Yes, Master. Absolutely.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Upon their return to Doyle and Mal’s—with their freshly minted marriage license in hand—they headed straight to the bedroom where some of Jonah’s things were still stored, and where the techs had taken all of Jonah’s things from the plane, and Gordon locked the door behind them.

  Honestly? He’d refused to hope until he watched Jonah sign his name to the application form.

  Because when Jonah had turned and looked up at him after signing his name to it, the fierce determination painted across his features nearly made Gordon cry.

  Only in a good way this time.

  He knew his boy’s look all too well, but the last time he’d really seen it had been watching his boy leaving him.

  Jonah was determined to win back Gordon’s trust. In private talks with Doyle over the phone, Doyle had confirmed to Gordon that he witnessed nothing but Jonah’s actions on the road matching his words to Gordon. That he’d never seen Jonah so much as make a joking remark to someone else that could be considered in the least bit inappropriate, much less any flirting or other behavior.

  That all Jonah ever talked about when the band was alone was getting back to Florida.

  To Gordon.

  How much he missed Gordon.

  And—with Jonah’s knowledge and permission to share them with Gordon—how Jonah’s private talks with Doyle were centered around how to win back Gordon’s trust.

  At some point, it had to be enough for him to open the door to his heart once more. He knew he couldn’t keep himself locked into a self-made purgatory where he refused to let Jonah in even while refusing to let him go.

  Because he did love Jonah. He’d never stopped loving him.

  Gordon pulled Jonah into his arms and kissed him, long and sweetly and allowing his heart to finally relax. His boy had come home, and he didn’t want to live in the past.

  He wanted to move forward, to make new memories with Jonah, to live fully in their present and to work toward their future.

  “Let’s grab a shower,” Gordon said, and led him to the bathroom where he took his time stripping his boy before he removed his own clothes.

  Then he smiled as he held up the key. Doyle had left it for him on the bathroom counter. It dangled from a small split ring. “Ready to earn your reward, boy?”

  He thought Jonah would eagerly nod and start begging for it, but instead, he slipped his arms around Gordon and stared into his eyes.

  “That’s your choice, Master,” Jonah quietly said. “It’s always your choice. That’s the way I want it. It’s the way I’ve always wanted it, even if I was too stupid to openly admit it the first time around. You earned my trust by getting sober, and I tossed it away. I’m not stupid enough to make the same mistake twice.”

  Jonah couldn’t have said anything more perfect. Gordon unlocked the cage and carefully removed it, setting it on the counter. “I think that can stay off for now.” He pulled Jonah into the shower with him, his own cock already hard again despite their earlier play.

  As the steam built and enveloped them, he wrapped his arms around Jonah and pressed him against the shower wall, kissing him, sucking on his tongue and enjoying the softly scratchy feel of his beard and mustache against his cheeks. Thank god he didn’t have to teach tomorrow.

  He planned on spending all day in bed with Jonah. Doyle had already told them they had the run of the house—and the playroom. And that the two of them planned on spending a lot of time in their own bedroom to recover from the tour.

  It was even better than being at a hotel, because it meant he could keep his boy dressed in nothing but his collar for the next several days, at least.

  Gordon pinned Jonah to the wall with a hand planted in the middle of his chest before he sank to his knees and tenderly kissed the end of Jonah’s cock.

  His boy’s needy moan was one of the sweetest sounds he thought he’d ever heard in his life.

  Gently cradling Jonah’s cock in his hands, he went down on him, teasing him only a little before swallowing him deep, sucking, lightly tugging on his balls.

  Jonah’s hands settled on Gordon’s head as he groaned, fingers digging into Gordon’s scalp when he exploded.

  As the hot tang of his boy’s cum filled his mouth, Gordon sighed, freed, relieved.

  He didn’t like denying Jonah anything.

  Not his love, not his trust, not his attention or touch.

  His eyes closed as he knelt there, his forehead resting against Jonah’s abs even as he held his boy’s softening cock in his mouth.

  He’d forgotten what peace felt like. Somewhere, over the past three years, his shattered heart had shoved that fact aside in an attempt to survive and maintain his

  This…this was peace.

  This was true contentment.

  He finally climbed to his feet and kissed Jonah again.

  “Thank you, Master,” Jonah whispered against his lips. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, boy.” He reached for the soap, but Jonah touched his hand.

  “What about you, Master?”

  “In bed. I want to curl up around you and go to sleep after you make me come again.”

  And that’s exactly what they did after their shower—Gordon made love to his boy, easily coaxing a second one out of Jonah before finally rolling onto his back and letting Jonah go down on him.

  After, as they lay there in each other’s arms, totally sated, Gordon rubbed his face in Jonah’s hair. “Doyle and Mal have a friend in the lifestyle who’s a notary. She’s coming over on Saturday.”

  Jonah sweetly nuzzled his face in the hollow of Gordon’s throat, his breath warm against Gordon’s skin. “Excellent.”

  “No other chances,” Gordon warned. “So if you aren’t sure, say so now, and we’ll pull back.”

  “I won’t need another chance,” Jonah said. “I belong to you, and that’s all there is to it. I’ve always belonged to you. I love you, Master.”

  Gordon closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I love you, too, boy.”




  Siren Publishing, Inc.





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