Unforgettable Love

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Unforgettable Love Page 9

by Kelly Elliott

Dodge stood up. “I wasn’t accusing; I was trying to get answers, Sierra.”

  Shaking my head, I took a few steps back. “Is there anything else we need to discuss before the hearing? I’m not feeling very well and ready to head home.”

  Dodge’s father looked at him. “No, I think we’re good to go. I would like to go over some questions they might ask you. Prepare you for questioning,” Dodge said as he pushed his hand through his hair. I wanted to be turned on by the motion, but my heart was still throbbing from Dodge’s accusations of me having an affair.

  “Sierra, are you free this weekend?” Mr. Walker asked.

  Dodge began choking on his own spit. Good. I hoped he passed out and hit his head on something hard. “Dad, what are you doing?”

  Holding up his hand to quiet Dodge, I glanced over at him and gave him a smirk. “We are running out of time before the trial and I really want to go over some things with Sierra before next week,” Dodge’s father said.

  “No, sir. I’m totally open all weekend. No plans at all,” I said.

  Turning back to Mr. Walker, he wore a huge grin. “Perfect. I’ll have my car pick you up at your house tomorrow morning around seven. You’ll be in Port Aransas just in time for lunch.”

  My smiled dropped as I stared at Dodge’s father. Swallowing hard, I whispered, “Excuse me?”

  Placing his hand on my shoulder, Mr. Walker gave me a wink. “Pack casual clothing and maybe one formal gown for dinner on Saturday night at the country club.”

  Wait. What? What the fuck just happened?

  Turning to Dodge, his back was faced toward us as he stared out the window.

  “Wait, um, Mr. Walker what do you mean?”

  Guiding me out the door, Mr. Walker started laughing. “You’re spending the weekend at my beach house, dear. We are having a family get together. It will be perfect for Aaron and me to prepare you for everything that Dr. Jackson’s lawyers are going to try to ask you while you’re on the stand.”

  I glanced over my shoulder to see Dodge talking to Kyle. Looking straight ahead, I tried to concentrate on breathing.

  Oh my God. I’m spending the weekend with Dodge and his family. How did this happen?

  Oh Christ.

  I’m screwed.

  “Ryn! You’re not helping me any!” I shouted into the phone as I stared at two gowns hanging up in front of me.

  “Okay, sorry. I can’t help but laugh at how stupid you were to walk right into this weekend.”

  Rolling my eyes, I sat down on the edge of the bed. I could feel my heart pounding in my damn ears. “How in the hell did I know Dodge’s father was going to ask me to crash their family beach weekend?”

  Ryn started laughing again. “I don’t know. But I would have given anything to see your face!”

  “I hate you. Like, I mean I’m really feeling the hate for you, bitch.”

  “Oh! I wonder if Princess will be there?” Ryn asked as she shouted something to Tristan.

  “Princess? Who the hell is that?” I asked as I stood up and held the shorter gown up to me as I looked at myself in the mirror.

  “You don’t know? You were the one who gave the dog to Dodge in the first place.”

  My mouth dropped open as I tried to let that all soak in. “Wait. He named the damn dog . . . Princess?”

  Ryn giggled. “Yep. Tristan said she goes to doggy daycare every day while Dodge is at work. Tristan even said that Dodge has admitted to sneaking her into work once or twice.”

  Dropping the dress to my side, I smiled. “He kept the puppy?”

  Ryn laughed. “Of course he did, Sierra. What did you think he would do with her?”

  Slowly shaking my head, I paused for a moment as I pictured Dodge with that sweet little ball of fluff. “I don’t know. I figured he would have given her away.”

  “It’s a chick magnet! Dodge is probably thanking you for her, Sierra. He told Tristan he has never had so many women offer up their numbers as he did when he was out walking Princess.”

  Dropping my mouth open, I closed my eyes. Oh my God. Instead of pushing women away from him . . . I led them straight to him. Falling back onto the bed, I let out a moan.

  Fuck. My. Life.

  The car honked right on time. It was seven on the dot. Grabbing my bag and the two dresses, because I couldn’t narrow it down to just one, I headed to the door. Setting the alarm that my father insisted I have put in, I started to walk to what I thought was going to be some black mysterious-looking car. Nope. God is out to get me . . . clearly he likes to see me suffer.

  Sitting in my driveway was a black Toyota truck with one dashingly good-looking asshole sitting in the front seat. Of course he had a shit-eating grin on his face as I stood there, frozen in my spot.

  Dodge rolled down the passenger window. “Come on, Sierra. We need to be in Port A by noon or my mother will flip.”

  His mother? Oh my God. I was going to puke. I was meeting Dodge’s mother! And I was not meeting her in the way I wanted to meet her, though. Dodge wasn’t bringing me home to meet her because I was the woman he loved more than anything in this entire world and he wanted to share that with his mother. No, he was bringing me to meet his mother because I was a client who needed to be prepped for her asshat husband’s stupid lawyers’ endless questions regarding an affair that never happened!

  Ugh! This is not happening!

  “Hello? Earth to Sierra?”

  Shaking my head, I walked toward the truck as Dodge jumped out. Reaching for my bag, I pulled it back. “No. No, this isn’t right. Your father said his car was going to pick me up. He didn’t say anything about you picking me up.”

  Dodge gave me that damn melt-my-panties-in-an-instant smile of his. “What’s wrong? You afraid to drive with me, short stack?”

  Ugh. Dodge had given me that stupid nickname months ago and apparently it was going to stick.

  I was about to answer when I heard a puppy bark and a little fur ball jumped up and looked out the window. Gasping, I pushed my bag and the two dresses into Dodge’s chest and made a beeline to the puppy.

  “Oh my goodness! Look at her! She’s gotten so big!”

  Dodge opened the back door to his truck and set my bag down. My heart melted when he hung up my two dresses. Most guys would have just tossed the dresses into the back seat.

  “Wait. You’ve seen Princess before?” Dodge asked as he reached in and grabbed the puppy and put her in my arms as I sat down in the truck. Shutting the door, Dodge leaned in and my stomach dropped with how he was looking at the puppy. Why couldn’t he look at me like that? Looking forward, I snarled my lip. Did I really just think that? Good lord, I didn’t need to be near this man for the next three hours.

  “Of course I’ve seen her before. Kacey was trying to get me to take her for a few weeks before I suggested you maybe wanting a dog.”

  Dodge placed his finger on my chin and turned me to face him. His eyes met mine and I wanted to let out a moan. “What makes you think I needed a dog, Sierra?”

  Smiling, I said, “Oh, Dodge. Don’t get all sweet and lovey on me. I only suggested it because I thought it would make your life a living hell.”

  Dodge fought to hold his smile back, but I saw it in his eyes. “Thanks for that.”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I said, “That’s what friends are for. Right?”

  The light from Dodge’s eyes faded some. “Right.”

  Shit. This was going to be a long drive.

  SIERRA HELD PRINCESS ALMOST THE entire trip down to the coast. We only stopped once for Princess to go potty. There was something so flippin’ sexy about Sierra holding my dog in her lap and loving on her. I’d never admit it to Sierra, but I loved that damn dog. She kept me company and gave me someone to talk to.

  Looking away, I fought to keep the crazy emotions down. I knew I was falling more and more for Sierra, but when she mentioned things like us being friends, I didn’t know how to read her. One minute she looked at me like she wanted to kiss me, the
next it was as if she wanted to knock the hell out of me.

  Sierra seemed to be really nervous and I had no idea why. Kind of like I had no idea why my father invited Sierra along on a family only vacation, but I wasn’t going to argue with him. When Sierra was around, the happier I felt. Sierra’s leg was bouncing up and down as she looked out the window. Reaching down, I took a hold of her hand. “Sierra, is everything okay? You don’t seem like yourself.”

  Sierra’s eyes caught mine as she sucked in a breath. Good lord she had the most beautiful blue eyes. I could swim in them for the rest of my life.

  “Um . . . I just . . . I guess I’m nervous about the hearing and all. I’m ready for this to all just be over so I can move on with my life. What if he wins, Dodge? What if they push it back again?”

  Damn. The last thing I wanted was for her to be nervous. “Don’t be nervous. I promise you, Robert is not going to win this and they have exhausted all extensions. The judge assured us the hearing will go on as planned. It’s going to be in our favor.”

  Sierra glanced down and asked, “How do you know that, Dodge?”

  Placing my finger on Sierra’s chin, I lifted her eyes to mine. “Because I’m not about to let him hurt you anymore, and I’m your lawyer now. Didn’t you know you had the best lawyer in Austin?”

  Giving me a weak grin, Sierra said, “No, I thought you were just known as the best lemon drop maker in Austin.”

  Grinning, I moved my hand to the side of her face and gently brushed her tear away. “Please don’t cry, short stack. I can’t take you crying. You’re probably one of the strongest women I know next to my mother. Please don’t worry.”

  Giving me a slight smile, Sierra asked, “How is your mother feeling?”

  Smiling, I said, “The chemo has taken its toll on her, but she is doing amazing. This whole weekend is about celebrating her win over cancer.”

  My heart dropped to my stomach with the way Sierra was looking at me.

  Chewing on her lower lip, Sierra whispered, “I’m honored to be able to meet her.”

  Swallowing hard, my body ignited at the idea of introducing Sierra to my mother as something more than just a friend. Or a client. No, Sierra was so much more than that. So. Much. More.

  Giving Sierra a smile, I was barely able to find the words to speak. “She’s going to fall in love with you.”

  Turning, I looked out the window as the ferry docked.

  Ten minutes later, we were pulling into my parents’ beach house driveway.

  “Awe, Grams is here.”

  “Oh shit,” Sierra whispered as her body slumped over.

  Making my way to my mother, I gave her a kiss on the cheek and then moved on to my Grams. They both looked beautiful.

  “Mom, you have some color back,” I said as I gave her a once-over.

  “This sea air agrees with me,” she said as she glanced over to my father.

  Em walked up to me and hugged me. “Introduce us, Aaron.”

  Turning, I saw Sierra holding Princess. Smiling, I motioned for Sierra to walk over. Was that . . . fear . . . in Sierra’s eyes? Huh. Interesting.

  Em immediately pulled Sierra into her arms before I could even introduce her. “Sierra! It’s so nice to meet you! I’ve heard so much about you. I’m Em, Aaron’s sister.”

  Widening her eyes in surprise, Sierra asked, “You have?”

  Em giggled. “Oh yeah, Aaron talks about you all the time.”

  My mouth dropped damn near to the ground. “Well don’t believe anything he says about me,” Sierra said, trying to act completely normal. Em pulled her head back in surprise.

  “Don’t be silly. He speaks highly of you. Said you’re the best thing that’s happened to him in a long time.”

  What the fuck?

  Sierra’s eyes snapped over to me. Laughing, Sierra looked around. “What are you looking for?” I asked as I took Princess from Sierra’s arms and handed her to Em.

  “Hidden cameras.”

  Laughing, I shook my head. “Why?”

  Looking at Em and then back to me, Sierra shook her head. “I don’t believe for one minute you’ve been spreading good cheer about me, that’s all.”

  My heart dropped and I tried to like hell to ignore the sadness in Sierra’s eyes.

  “Okay, kids, it’s my turn,” my mother said as she made her way over to Sierra. “Hello, Sierra.”

  Returning my mother’s hug, Sierra smiled that sweet smile of hers that made my knees weak. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Walker.”

  Letting out a laugh, my mother pulled Sierra in for another hug. Jesus, why is she being so lovey-dovey with her? “You can call me Kate. Brice has spoken highly of you.”

  Sierra looked confused. “Brice?”

  “My father,” I said looking between my dad and mom. What in the hell is going on? Why is my whole damn family acting like Sierra is my girlfriend? Gram made her way over to Sierra and gave her a once-over before pulling her into her arms and hugging the shit out of her.

  “Oh my! Those blue eyes are beautiful. Here I thought Aaron had the most beautiful baby blues. Yours are beyond breathtaking. What amazing babies they’ll make.”

  Sierra smiled and then dropped it as she stared at my Grams. “Um . . . babies? What babies?” Glancing back at me, I shrugged my shoulders. I could tell Sierra was just as confused as I was.

  Slapping her hands together, my mother spun around and looked at me. “Aaron, show Sierra to her room. I have her in the guest room next to yours.”

  “What?” Sierra and I said at once.

  “I . . . I thought I would be in a guest house or something,” Sierra said as her voice cracked.

  My mother looked at Sierra like she was insane. “Don’t be silly, Sierra. Change into something casual, sweetheart. We are going to get down and dirty for lunch.” My mother gave Sierra a wink and walked into my father’s arms.

  My mother was my father’s entire world. I had to admit, with me giving in and working at the law firm, they both seemed to be so much happier. Even I had been happier. I missed my other job, but being a lawyer was what I was meant to do. I felt it in my bones. Once I finally admitted it to myself, I found myself longing to prove to my father I had what it took to be a great lawyer.

  Em walked up to me and whispered, “They’ve been like this all morning. It’s kind of cute!”

  Nodding my head, I watched my father wrap his arm around my mother’s waist as he led her back into the house. I wanted that. I wanted a love that made me smile like my father was smiling at my mother.

  Clearing her throat behind me, Sierra walked over to my truck and pulled out her bag and the two dress bags. Quickly making my way over to her, I took them from her.

  “Dodge, I’m so confused.”

  Letting out a nervous chuckle, I said, “Me too.”

  Letting out a sigh, Sierra climbed the stairs up to the entrance of the house. Stopping, she turned to me and said, “I thought . . . well . . . I thought we would be going over the trial and I would be staying away from the family. Like in a guesthouse or something.”

  Pulling my head back in surprise, I stared at Sierra. “Why in the hell would you be staying away from the family? Sierra, you’re a friend of mine. My family wouldn’t treat you any different.”

  Nodding her head, she smiled weakly. “Of course. But I’m also a client. Let’s not lose sight of that, Mr. Walker.”

  Frowning, I hesitated before turning and walking into the house as Sierra followed me.

  Five minutes later, I was walking Sierra into the guest bedroom next to mine. I wasn’t sure how I would be able to sleep at night knowing Sierra would be in the room right next to me. Spinning around like a little girl, Sierra giggled. “Oh my goodness. This is the cutest room I’ve ever seen. Who decorated it?”

  Looking around the room, it was done in blues and whites. “My mother.”

  Smiling, Sierra flopped down on the bed. “It’s breathtaking. It makes me feel like I’m
at the ocean. Something about it is . . . calming.”

  Setting her bag down, I smiled. Sierra laid back onto the bed, and I quickly fantasized what it would be like making love to her. Our first time would be slow, so I could memorize her body. Learn what she liked and didn’t like and then spend the rest of the night pleasing her.

  My dick jumped in my pants as I looked away. “Do you need to freshen up or anything before we leave for lunch?”

  Sitting up, Sierra stared at me. It was almost as if she had been thinking the same thing I was thinking. “Sure. Um . . . yeah. I should probably do that.”

  Backing up toward the door, I nodded. “Great. Okay well I’ll meet you back downstairs.”

  Giving me a weak smile, Sierra bit down on her lower lip. “Okay.”

  Spinning around, I grabbed the doorknob and yanked it open. I needed to get out of her room before I stripped her down naked and we had a different kind of lunch.

  “The Crazy Cajun is Mom’s favorite place to go every time we come to Port Aransas,” I said as Sierra sat across from my mother.

  “I’ve never eaten here,” Sierra said as my mother gave her a shocked look. Em sat on one side of Sierra, while I sat on the other across from my father.

  “Never?” Mom asked.

  Sierra let out a nervous chuckle. “Nope, never.”

  Glancing over to me, my mother gave me a smile. “You’re in for a treat then.”

  Sierra smiled politely.

  “Your home is beautiful, Mr. and Mrs. Walker,” Sierra said with a sweet smile.

  “Please, sweetheart, call us Kate and Brice. There will be no Mr. and Mrs. this weekend.”

  Sierra nodded her head and glanced at me, confusion lacing her face. She’d already been confused as hell with my father inviting her. His excuse that we were running out of time seemed reasonable, until he began questioning me about Sierra. I knew my father could see right through me in regards to my feelings toward Sierra.

  Em and Sierra were going on and on about some new movie they both wanted to see. My mind couldn’t focus on a damn thing. Every time Sierra’s body brushed up against mine, or her arm touched me, a jolt of electricity raced through my body and I swear it stopped my heart.


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