Unforgettable Love

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Unforgettable Love Page 18

by Kelly Elliott

  “What in the fuck?” Robert said as Judge Patterson glanced over and gave a warning to him.

  “I will hold you in contempt of court, Dr. Jackson, if another outburst is heard from you.”

  Yes. Please do show your true colors in front of the honorable Judge, Robert.

  Judge Patterson raised her eyebrow and looked at Robert’s lawyer and then me. “How are we just now finding out this provision? This would have saved a lot of time.”

  Standing, Robert’s lawyer said, “The trust documents were reviewed by my paralegal. I’m not sure how she missed this.”

  Judge Patterson’s eyes about popped out of her head as she stared at Robert’s lawyer. Shaking her head, she turned to me. Attempting to hold my smile back, I cleared my throat.

  “As the court knows, I was newly assigned to Mrs. Jackson’s case. After going over the documents numerous times, it was clear there were some missing. Those missing documents arrived only last week.”

  Taking in a deep breath and letting it out sharply, Judge Patterson nodded her head and said, “I see. Well, clearly it would have been nice if someone had noticed this major section in the trust fund documents was missing.”

  Nodding my head, I said, “I agree ma’am.”

  “Continue on, Mr. Walker.”

  “Yes, your honor,” I said as I reached for another envelope.

  Judge Patterson leaned back in her chair, as if waiting for the show to continue on.

  “We’d like to go ahead and address the accusation of my client, Mrs. Jackson, having an affair with Jeremy Hines. I have here a sworn affidavit from Mr. Hines stating he has not seen Mrs. Jackson in over five years and has been living in the United Kingdom with his partner, Joshua Rimm, where they are raising a daughter together. He has stated that at no time in the years he has known Mrs. Jackson, have they ever engaged in any sexual conduct.”

  Robert stood up. “This is bullshit! They fucked in college! I know they did.”

  Judge Patterson slammed her gavel so hard that it echoed through the courtroom and Sierra let out an audible gasp. Pointing to Robert, Judge Patterson said, “Sit down, Dr. Jackson. One more outburst from you and you will be held in contempt.”

  Turning around, I looked at Robert’s lawyer who glared at me. Turning to Robert he whispered something, nodded his head and then stood and addressed the judge. “Your honor. My client would like a moment to speak with his wife in private.”

  Judge Patterson looked at me and I shook my head no. “My client wishes to proceed. This trial has been pushed back multiple times and she longs to move on with her life.”

  “With you!” Robert called out. Judge Patterson glared at Robert.

  “Mr. Walker, do you have anything else to present since it seems you’re on a roll this afternoon?”

  Giving her a smile, I walked back to the table and looked at my father. He sat back in his chair happy as a clam, while Sierra sat there with a blank expression on her face.

  Sifting through the papers, I pulled out the last two bits of ammo I had. The affairs. Sierra sat up taller and folded her hands across her lap as she gave me a smile. Glancing over to my father, he nodded.

  Turning to the front of the courtroom I held up the first piece of paper. “I have here in my possession a sworn affidavit from a forensic accountant who went through the last three years of Dr. and Mrs. Jackson’s bank statement. The statement states Dr. Jackson was slowly draining the joint account he and Mrs. Jackson shared and depositing it into an alternative funding account. This account is considered a part of the marital assets.”

  Robert leaned over and began talking to his lawyer who kept nodding his head.

  “Your honor, I also have sworn affidavits from two women who previously worked at the same hospital as Dr. Jackson, stating they both had sexual relationships with Dr. Jackson while he was married to my client.”

  Judge Patterson motioned for the affidavits. Reading over them, she set them down and cleared her throat. “Mr. Walker, is your client going to be asking for her portion of these marital assets?”

  “No, your honor. My client only wishes to be granted the divorce and is waiving all rights to her portion of the marital assets.”

  Nodding her head, Judge Patterson, said, “Fine. I’m ready to make my ruling.”

  Everyone stood as I heard Robert behind me whispering frantically to his lawyer.

  “I hereby rule in favor of Mrs. Jackson and grant her divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. No additional compensation will be granted to either party.”

  Hitting the gavel again, it echoed through the courtroom as Robert stood up. “Wait. No wait.” Turning to Sierra, Robert said, “Sierra. We can make this work! Why are you throwing our marriage away?”

  Robert’s lawyer got Robert to settle down as the judge left the room.

  My father clapped his hands and then pulled me in for a hug. “Damn good job, Aaron. I’m proud of you, son.”

  Smiling, I nodded my head. “I learned from the best.”

  Turning to look at Sierra, she was sitting back down with a stunned look on her face. Sitting down next to her, I took her hand in mine. “It’s over, Sierra. You’re free of him and he isn’t getting a damn thing from you.”

  Turning her head slowly, Sierra said, “It was too easy. That was too easy. I mean . . . you just walked in and rattled off some information . . . and then . . . it was done.”

  Laughing, I said, “I told you I was the best lawyer in Austin. He will never bother you again, Sierra.”

  “It’s over? I mean. We’re divorced?”

  Holding back my desire to lean over and kiss her, I nodded my head and whispered, “It’s over, baby.”

  Sierra stood up and turned to my father. Taking her into his arms he hugged her and whispered something into her ear that caused her to start laughing. Turning to me, Sierra threw herself into my body and held onto me for dear life.

  Whispering in my ear, Sierra said, “Thank you, Aaron. Thank you so much.”

  Closing my eyes, I held her tight. “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you, Sierra.”

  When I let Sierra go, I turned to see Robert glaring at us. Before I knew what was happening, Robert made his way over to Sierra and grabbed her by the arm.

  “You’re mine, Sierra and I’m not going to let you walk away from our marriage like this.”

  My father grabbed my arm and held me back. “Aaron, let her handle it.” Glancing at my father, I knew he was right. Turning back to them I took in a deep breath and held it. I wanted to pound the hell out of Robert.

  Sierra grabbed Robert’s hand and pushed it away. “You are nothing to me, Robert. Nothing. Go find your whore now and move on with your life. I fully intend on moving on with mine and you are not a part of it.”

  Robert stood there stunned. Turning on his heels, he quickly left the courtroom.

  Sierra took a few moments to get herself together as my father let me go. Turning to Ryn and Azurdee, Sierra smiled. “It’s time to celebrate!” she said as she hugged Ryn and Azurdee and began making her way out of the courtroom.

  Gathering up my files, my father took me by the arm. “Aaron, something is not sitting right with me.”

  After placing the last file in my briefcase, I looked at my father with a slack expression. “What do you mean?”

  Shaking his head, my father let out a frustrated sigh. “He walked away too easily.”

  Pulling my head back, I pushed my eyebrows together and said, “Because he knew he lost, Dad. He had nothing, and with the additional affairs being brought to light, he didn’t have a leg to stand on.”

  Pushing his hand through his hair, my father looked around the courtroom as if searching for answers.

  “No, I mean he walked away from Sierra too easily just then. He clearly realized right at the end the mistake he made by cheating. Do you really think he’s going to walk away from her just like that, after that outburst?”

my hands into fists, I forced myself to loosen them. “I think he was pissed he lost, Dad. He’s pissed because I think he thought he was going to get the money and Sierra.”

  Shaking his head, my father wore a worried expression. “I’m not sure, but I think now would be a great time for you to take some time off. Maybe go on a trip somewhere and properly ask Sierra to marry you. I’ve seen too many cases where one of the spouses realizes the mistake that was made and they try to fix it. And by fix it, I’m not meaning in a good way, Aaron.”

  My heart began to beat rapidly in my chest. “I’d love to do that, Dad.”

  Placing his hand on my shoulder, he gave me a weak smile. “Keep your eyes on her, son. I have a feeling Dr. Jackson isn’t going to ride off into the sunset.”

  Giving the side of my arm a light tap, my father turned and headed out of the courtroom. Leaving me standing there wondering if I had just woken up a sleeping beast.

  ALMOST FOUR MONTHS HAD PASSED since the divorce trial. I hadn’t heard or seen Robert or Lisa since. The first few weeks after the trial, I found myself looking over my shoulder. Robert’s behavior rattled me, but Aaron assured me it was a man who had just had his balls busted and was pissed off.

  Walking into the nursery, I glanced at the three newborns as they all slept peacefully. Never in my entire career had I walked into this room and felt the desire I had been feeling the last two months. I wanted a baby. Aaron’s baby.

  Hearing one of the babies whimper, I walked over and picked up the pink swaddled baby and walked over to the rocking chair. Holding her in my arms, I slowly rocked her back into a slumber as I thought back to Aaron asking me to marry him the second time.

  Rolling over, I smiled when I heard the waves crashing on the shore. Aaron had surprised me with a trip to Cancun not long after the divorce. We had been here four days already and I was wishing we could just stay here forever. Yesterday was filled with a trip out on a sailboat Aaron had chartered for the day. The evening ended with a slow dance on the deck of the boat and Aaron promising to make love to me all night long.

  Stretching, I let out a giggle. Oh yes. My body indeed felt the after effects of Aaron’s marathon night of lovemaking.

  Sitting up, I reached for a hairband and pulled my hair up into a ponytail and headed out of our little bungalow. The smell of breakfast immediately hit me as I saw Aaron pulling out a chair at the small round table. My stomach felt as if I was on a roller coaster as I stared into his breathtaking eyes.

  “Why thank you, Mr. Walker,” I said with a purr as I walked up, kissed him on the lips and sank down into the chair.

  Leaning over, Aaron placed his hand on my chin and lifted my face up to his. “Good morning, baby. Did you sleep well?”

  Sinking my teeth into my lip, I nodded. “When I was finally able to sleep, yes, I slept heavenly.”

  Winking, he said, “Good.”

  Taking a seat next to me, Aaron reached for the orange juice and poured me a glass. For some crazy reason, my hands were shaking and I felt like I was a teenage girl again out on her first date.

  Placing the glass of orange juice up to my lips, I asked, “What’s up today?” Taking a drink, I raised my eyebrows as Aaron gave me a naughty smile.

  “I’ll tell you one thing that’s up.”

  Rolling my eyes, I looked down at the yummy breakfast before me. Picking up my fork, I began digging in. Glancing up, I smiled as Aaron stared at me. “What?” I asked as I stuffed more eggs into my mouth.

  Standing up, Aaron held his hand out for me. “I can’t wait a second longer. I never was good with keeping surprises.”

  Jumping up, I smiled. “Surprises?”

  Aaron reached down and scooped me up into his arms. “Close your eyes, baby.”

  Feeling like a little kid in a candy store, I did what he asked as he walked toward the shore.

  “Ready?” he whispered as he lowered my body slowly down. The moment my toes touched the sand, I smiled. Opening my eyes, I was looking directly into Aaron’s. My heart felt as if it skipped a beat as he smiled back at me. His eyes were swimming with love.

  Turning me toward the shore, I sucked in a breath as I looked out in the water. A huge sailboat sat just off the shoreline with a sign that said, I love you, Sierra. Will you marry me?

  Spinning around, I practically fell backwards at the sight before me. Aaron was kneeling down on one knee holding open a ring box with one hand and a bouquet of calla lilies in his other hand. My favorite flower.

  Placing my hands over my mouth, I began to cry.

  “Sierra Lynn Jackson. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Dropping my hands to my side, I nodded my head frantically as I dropped down onto the sand and wrapped my arms around Aaron. I would never experience such happiness as I did in that moment.

  “Sierra? Sierra, are you lost in thought or what?”

  Smiling, I shook my head and stood up. Placing the little pink bundle of joy back into the basinet, I turned and looked at my coworker, Maria. “I guess I was just taking in this will be my last time in this room.” Taking in a deep breath, I held it while I attempted to settle my feelings. Slowly blowing it out, I turned and headed out of the nursery. Walking up to the nurse’s station, I smiled as everyone held a single balloon in their hands. Each one said good luck. Wiping my tears away, I quickly made my way to each of the nurses I had worked with for the last four years and hugged them.

  “We’re going to miss you. Are you sure you want to do this Sierra? Leave patient care and go teach?” Maria asked as she handed me the last balloon.

  Nodding my head, I chewed on my lower lip. “I’ve never been so sure of anything in my entire life. I’m going to miss y’all too.”

  After saying good-bye again for the fourth time, I took my handful of balloons, waved, and made my way to the elevator. As much as I loved my job, I was looking forward to my new career of teaching. I needed a change and this was it. At least . . . I hoped this was it. Something felt as if it was missing and I couldn’t place my finger on what it was.

  Walking to my car in the employee parking lot, I put the balloons in the back seat and then pulled out my cell. Sitting in the driver’s seat, I opened up my text messages. I had eight text messages from Aaron.

  Aaron: Princess is hurt!

  Aaron: Princess is bleeding. Everywhere! I need you!

  Aaron: Stat!

  Oh shit. What happened to Princess? Damn it. I knew she should have come with me last night. She’d be safe and at doggy day care right now.

  Aaron: It’s everywhere! What the fuck! Going to vet.

  Aaron: I’m at a loss for words. She’s having her doggy period. Heat is what they call it!

  Covering my mouth with my hand, I tried not to laugh out loud but soon lost the battle.

  Aaron: You had to give me a girl didn’t you?

  Aaron: I’m NOT going to PetSmart to buy girl shit for her.

  Shaking my head, I read the last message and busted out laughing.

  Aaron: Jesus H Christ. You planned this all along didn’t you? You’re evil. I’m marrying the devil!

  Hitting Aaron’s number, I started my car and waited for him to answer.

  “Hello!” Panic laced Aaron’s words as I turned up the volume on my car as the phone connected through the speakers. I knew it was wrong, but I kind of liked knowing this had totally caught Aaron off guard.

  “Clearly you didn’t read the book Kacey gave you when she first gave you Princess. You’d have known this was coming.”

  “W-what? That’s what you’re going to say to me as I sit here with my dog sitting in my truck bleeding as she wears some contraction thing that has her damn tail sticking through it! She got blood on my seat, Sierra. My truck seat.”

  Pressing my lips together to keep from laughing, I said in a calm voice. “Baby, I just pulled out of work. I’ll meet you at the PetSmart on Brodie Lane, okay?”

  “I’m already there. We’re in the parking lot
. . . waiting for you.”

  Ten minutes later, I pulled into the parking lot. Aaron was sitting on the tailgate of his truck while Princess was lying down next to him.

  Parking my car, I walked over to them with a shit-eating grin on my face. Aaron looked miserable and Princess jumped up and began barking the moment she saw me. I had to admit, it made me all kinds of giddy that she loved me as much as she did.

  Aaron sighed. “Sure, now she acts all happy. Before, you’d have thought she was the most depressed dog in the world.”

  Taking Princess’ leash, I called for her to jump down. “Well shit . . . look at her. You have her in a diaper!”

  Aaron shook his head, as if in disbelief. “She’s bleeding! And the worst part is, the vet wants to wait until she is out of heat before he spays her.”

  Aaron jumped off his tailgate and shut it as he began walking toward the entrance of the pet store. “That’s good though, Aaron. If they do it while she is in heat, she might have more bleeding.”

  Brushing me off with his hands, Aaron spoke in a frustrated voice. “I know, I know. He already talked to me about it.”

  Looking down at Princess, she glanced up at me, almost as if we were both thinking the same thing. Nodding my head, I said, “I know, girl. We just need to be patient with Daddy.”

  My stomach dropped as the thought of having a child with Aaron flooded my thoughts. Grinning like a crazy fool, I pushed the thoughts away while following Aaron into the store.

  Aaron immediately walked up to a young woman stocking a shelf. “Excuse me, can you tell where I can find the tampons for dogs?”

  My mouth dropped open and so did the employee’s as she asked, “Um . . . excuse me?”

  Aaron lifted his hand and dropped it again in frustration. “You know, the tampons for dogs? My dog is in heat and I need tampons so she won’t bleed.”

  Princess whimpered next to me, and I fought the urge to pick her up and run. Looking down at her, I held up my hand and whispered, “I got this, girl, but let’s just let this play out a few more seconds.”


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