Unforgettable Love

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Unforgettable Love Page 20

by Kelly Elliott

  Moving his lips to my ear, Robert spoke softly. “Tell me you love me, Sierra.”

  Closing my eyes, I felt my tears fall. “I don’t love you, Robert.”

  “Open your fucking eyes and look at me, Sierra.”

  Doing as he said, I quickly looked in my closet. “Do I need to remind you of the love we had for each other?”

  A sob escaped my lips as I whispered, “No.”

  Aaron. Oh God. I need you, Aaron.

  Before I knew what was happening, Robert forced me onto the bed and began unbuttoning my shorts as I kicked and punched at him.

  “No! Stop this now, Robert, or I swear to God I’ll kill you!” I screamed out. My cell phone began ringing again, but this time it was Aaron’s ringtone. Where in the hell were the cops? I didn’t answer my cell when the alarm company called, so they should have called the cops.

  Robert was working hard at getting my shorts off but I fought him back with all my might. Damn it! I was starting to get tired and Robert had managed to pin my left arm above my head.

  “Sierra! Stop fighting me. Let me remind you what we had together.”

  Closing my eyes, I fought as hard as I could. “Get the hell off of me, you sick fucker!” I screamed as I punched with my free hand and fiercely kicked with my legs. Then he was gone. Opening my eyes, I quickly sat up and covered my mouth as I watched Aaron push Robert against the wall. “You fucking piece of shit. Keep your hands off of her!”

  Scrambling up and off the bed, I ran to the closet. Glancing over my shoulder, Aaron punched Robert and then Robert punched Aaron. Screaming, I turned and finished the combination. A loud crash caused me to scream and look over my shoulder. Oh God! Robert has pushed Aaron and he feel into one of the end tables next to my bed. Robert began kicking Aaron as I screamed out, “Aaron! Robert, stop this!”

  Hearing sirens off in the distance, I opened the safe and pulled out my pistol and quickly stood back up. Aaron had Robert pinned against the wall as he kept punching him. Aaron punched him hard across his left cheek; it caused Robert to fall down and pass out. Aaron stood over him and pulled out his cell phone as I walked up to Robert. He was passed out and lying on the floor.

  “Dad, I made it in time. They’re almost here,” Aaron said from behind me.

  Looking down at my ex-husband, my body shuddered as I thought of what he had almost done to me. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and slowly pointed the gun at him. Opening my eyes, I let out the breath I had been holding and tried to steady my shaking hands.

  Aaron walked up next to me and softly began to talk. “Sierra, baby, I need you to give me the gun.”

  “He tried to rape me,” I said as my voice cracked.

  Aaron softly touched my arm. I felt his love rush through my body, and I knew I was okay. Everything was going to be okay because Aaron saved me. He’d kept his promise and kept Robert from hurting me. Turning to Aaron, I let my tears fall freely again. “He tried . . . but you came . . . Aaron you came.” Dropping my hands, Aaron quickly took the gun from my hand and pulled me into his arms as the police came rushing into my house.

  Burying my face in Aaron’s chest, I tried to block everything out. Robert had begun to wake up as the police rushed into the bedroom. Attempting to stand up, Robert started moaning. The police quickly began handcuffing Robert as he started yelling out, “Sierra! You belong to me! Only me!”

  The police led Robert out of the house as he kept shouting over and over how I belonged to him.

  Once Robert was out of the house, Aaron poured me a glass of water as he kept his arm wrapped around my waist. Brice walked into the kitchen and breathed a sigh of relief as he looked between Aaron and me. “He will sit in jail for a very long time, sweetheart.”

  Smiling weakly, I attempted to talk but nothing came out.

  Brice gave Aaron a look that told me he wanted to talk to Aaron alone.

  Kate walked in, and I immediately felt tears build in my eyes. Quickly making my way over to her, she wrapped me up in her arms as she spoke softly to me.

  “Shh, he won’t ever touch you again, darling girl. Aaron and Brice will make sure of it.”

  Leading me away from the kitchen and outside, I let myself relax into Kate’s arms. These last few months she had become the mother I longed for since my own mother passed away. Her fight and win with cancer showed me how strong she was, and I strived to be half the woman she was.

  Walking me to her car, I stopped and turned to her. “I don’t like feeling this way, Kate. He made me feel weak. He took something from me, and I’m not sure how to react to that.”

  Giving me a smile that caused my heart to melt, Kate placed her hand on the side of my face. “Baby girl, he didn’t take a damn thing from you. You fought him off and you kept him away. He may have scared you and made you feel vulnerable, but he didn’t take anything away from you.”

  My lower lip quivered as I said, “What if Aaron hadn’t showed up?”

  Shaking her head. “There is no what if’s in life. Everything happens for a reason on a set course. What if I had never gotten cancer? What if you had never met my son? What if you had never caught Robert cheating? We could play that game all day long. What is in front of us, Sierra, is that you held off a man who wanted to hurt you. You did it until someone came to help. You were strong enough to fight him and he didn’t get to take that away from you. That is what we focus on. Nothing else.”

  The woman standing before me was beyond amazing. In the short amount of time I had known her, she had changed me. Kate was strong, yet admitted her weaknesses. She was caring, yet no one pushed her around. She wasn’t afraid to take a chance, but always proceeded with caution. Come Saturday, I would become her daughter-in-law, and she would become the mother I had longed for.

  Nodding my head, I smiled at Kate. “Thank you, Kate. Thank you for being the mother-figure I hadn’t realized I had longed for all these years. I’m honored to be your future daughter-in-law.”

  Pressing her lips together in an attempt not to cry, Kate looked away for a moment before turning back to me. “Oh, Sierra, my darling girl.” Kate’s voice faltered as she blinked her eyes rapidly, causing me to do the same. “I’m the one who is honored to be gaining another daughter. Aaron has no idea how lucky he is.”

  Trying to find my voice, I wiped a tear from my cheek. “Oh, Kate, I’m the one who is lucky. Besides my father, I’ve never had anyone love me like your son. My life without him would be nothing.”

  Glancing up, I saw Aaron and Brice walking out. Aaron’s eyes caught mine and his smile instantly calmed my crazy heartbeat. Shaking his father’s hand, Aaron made his way over to me. Kissing his mother on the cheek, he turned to me. “They just need a statement and then we are good to go.” Looking at his mother, who was now leaning into Brice as he wrapped his arms around her, Aaron said, “Mom, is it okay if we push dinner off and do breakfast tomorrow?”

  Waving her hand, Kate said, “We are good to go. Everything is set and ready to go for Saturday. I want you and Sierra to just spend some time together. Don’t worry about a thing.”

  My heart felt as if it was going to explode, I was so blessed with Kate and Brice. I couldn’t even imagine Aaron and his father being at odds with as close as they had become the last few months.

  “Kate, are you sure?” I asked. “I don’t want to stick you with everything."

  Giving me a big grin Kate said, “Oh please, I’m loving this. Now, Aaron, you take Sierra, and Brice will make sure everything here at the house is secure.”

  Turning to leave with Brice, I remembered Kacey. “Kacey! She’s coming to get the furniture.”

  Aaron wrapped his arm around my waist and led me to his truck. “I already took care of it. They’re coming tomorrow morning. Em and her boyfriend, Zach, are going to meet them here.”

  Feeling utterly exhausted all of a sudden, I stepped into Aaron’s truck. Turning to him, I asked, “Can we just go home? I want to forget this day ever happened, and
the only way I can is to be snuggled on the sofa and in your arms.”

  Something in Aaron’s eyes changed as he looked at me. I’d never seen him look so happy and yet so sad. Lifting his hand up, he placed it on the side of my face and it felt as if my whole body warmed with that one touch. “I think that sounds like the perfect way to spend the rest of the day.”

  Pulling my head back, I narrowed my eyes at him. “Um . . . yeah no. We snuggle for a bit and then you’re taking me out to dinner and then somewhere for an adventure. I want to end this day together . . . laughing and being . . . us.”

  Aaron’s face lit up. “Holy shit! I have the perfect place!” Kissing me quickly on my lips, Aaron shut his door, fist pumped and then dialed someone on his cell phone as he slowly walked around the front of his truck. Looking back at me, he started laughing.

  Shaking my head, I whispered, “Oh, holy hell. What does he have planned?”

  THE MOMENT SIERRA MENTIONED SHE wanted to go on an adventure, I knew exactly what we were going to do. Quickly calling Em, I told her to meet me at iFly at seven. I thought Em was going to come through the phone and kiss me she was so excited.

  Jumping back into the truck, I gave Sierra a wink as she eyed me suspiciously. “You have that look in your eyes.”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I asked, “What look?”

  Pulling out of the driveway, I headed back to my house as I reached over and took Sierra’s hand in mine. “That look, Aaron. Like you’re planning something I’m either going to love . . . or hate . . . or possibly both.”

  Laughing, I shook my head and said, “I don’t know what you mean. I’m planning a simple night out with Em and Zach. Spending some time with my two favorite girls.”

  “Uh-huh. Am I at any point this evening going to utter the words, dickhead, bastard or you son-of-a-bitch?”

  Damn, Sierra, knew me so well. Taking a peek over at her, I chuckled and looked straight ahead.

  “Oh shit. I’m going with son-of-a-bitch,” Sierra said as she stared straight ahead.

  Once we got home and Sierra walked into my house, she practically collapsed onto the sofa. Pulling her into my arms, I held her while she cried. I knew she was trying to be brave and that broke my heart in two. In no time at all, Sierra was asleep in my arms.

  Holding her close to me, I vowed I would never allow anything like what happened today to happen to her again. Blowing out a breath, I closed my eyes and thought back to earlier today when I got a terrible feeling in my gut. My parents have always told me to listen to my gut, and I’m damn glad I did. The moment I pulled away from the house that morning, something felt off.

  Then when Sierra’s alarm to her house sent me a text, I knew right away it was that asshole. The fucker was lucky I didn’t kill him. Anger began to boil up inside of me as Sierra stirred in my arms. I promised her I’d never let him touch her again and I failed her. Fucking hell.

  Kissing her gently on the forehead, I whispered, “No one will ever hurt you again. I promise you, Sierra. As God as my witness, I will protect you with my whole being.”

  My eyes grew heavy as I leaned my head back and closed them. Sleep soon took over as I held the one person I would love forever and always.

  Waking up to Princess jumping on me, I yelled for her to get down off the sofa. “You know better, you big ole baby.”

  My sixty-pound golden retriever jumped off the sofa as Sierra stretched and let out a soft moan that rushed through my veins and caused my dick to jump. As much as I wanted her, I didn’t want to do anything to upset her or make her feel uncomfortable.

  Sliding out from under Sierra, I glanced at my watch. “Shit, we better get ready for dinner and our night out.”

  Sierra’s eyes were filled with something I’d never seen before, and it scared the piss out of me. “Okay,” she whispered as she stood up and gave me a weak smile.

  Keeping my distance from her for fear I wouldn’t be able to control myself, I headed into the master bedroom and grabbed a change of clothes. Sierra walked in behind me and immediately looked at the bed. Turning back to me, she smiled and raised her eyebrows.

  Damn it. What was going through her mind? Was she thinking about what that asshole did to her? Shaking my head, I turned and looked away as I fought to control my anger. Quickly walking into the bathroom, I turned on the cold water and began splashing my face. Sierra telling the police what happened in detail had me feeling sick to my stomach. What if I hadn’t gone back? Would he have raped her? How could he do something like that to someone he claimed to love?

  Looking up into the mirror, I pushed my hands through my hair and cursed under my breath.

  Sierra walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist as she kissed my back. “I won’t break, Aaron. Your touch is the only thing that will keep me sane right now. Please don’t pull away from me. My head is spinning right now with questions as to why you won’t touch me or look at me like you want me.”

  Pulling her arms from around my waist, I spun around. Cupping her face with my hands I took her all in. She was breathtaking. Beautiful beyond any words I could use to describe her. “Sierra. I’m not pulling away, baby. I feel the same way. I’m not sure what’s going through your head. I’d never want to push you or make you feel uncomfortable in any way. Baby, I want to make love to you so bad, it’s physically hurting my body to keep from touching you.”

  Giving me a smile that literally made my knees shake, Sierra whispered, “Make love to me, Aaron. Please push today away and fill me with your love.”

  Pressing my lips to Sierra’s, I reached down and picked her up. Carrying her over to the bed, I gently placed her down as we never broke contact with our lips.

  I spent the next five minutes kissing her and telling her how much I loved her as I moved my hands over her body. It didn’t take long for us to both be naked as I continued to worship her body with my hands and lips. Needing for her to know how much I loved her, I took my time.

  Sierra’s back arched as I slipped my fingers inside of her and sucked in her lower lip. Whispering my name against my lips, Sierra let out a soft moan as I deepened our kiss yet again. Slipping her fingers through my hair, Sierra pulled hard as she purred, “More.”

  Moving over her, I looked deep within her blue eyes. The love I saw had my heart racing as I saw nothing but my future with this stubborn, smart-ass woman who, next to my mother, was the strongest woman I’d ever known.

  Pushing slowly inside her, I softly kissed her lips. “Look into my eyes, Sierra. Do you see how much I love you? If you could look into my soul, you’d see you fill it completely.”

  A tear slowly moved down Sierra’s cheek. “Everything I do in this life, Sierra, I do it for you. You are my life and my very reason for being. I’d lay down my life for you. I need you to know that.”

  Pressing her lips together, Sierra closed her eyes briefly before opening them and capturing my eyes. “You’ll never begin to know how you make me feel. Never in my life . . . have I felt so . . . loved and worshiped. I love you so much, Aaron. I’ve never felt like this before. Ever.”

  Kissing Sierra softly, I slowly made love to her. When I couldn’t hold off any longer, I poured myself into her and knew in that very moment what I wanted more than anything.

  To be Sierra’s husband and the father of her children.

  WHEN AARON PULLED UP TO In and Out Burger, I died laughing. “This is where you’re taking me for dinner?”

  “Hell yeah. Best burgers around,” Aaron said as he jumped out of his truck and ran to my side. Opening the door, I pushed him out of the way and turned to glare at him.

  Placing my hands on my hips, I shook my head. “You are not a true Texan.”

  Jerking his head back, Aaron curled his lip and grimaced. “Did you really just say that to me? I’ll have you know, hanging in my bedroom at my parents’ house is a birth certificate from the state of Texas stating I’m a Texas native. I am Texan, one hundred percent, baby.”

; “Texas birth certificate? As opposed to?”

  Letting out a gruff laugh Aaron gave me a smirk. “You’re just jealous because you don’t have the giant framed birth certificate stating you’re a native Texan.”

  Tilting my head, I gave him a look like he was stupid. “Um . . . dipshit. I don’t need one. My actual birth certificate states where I was born. Texas. Why do I need a special one that says the same thing?”

  Pointing at me and yelling, “Ha! See. You don’t value your true heritage. If you did, you’d be shouting from the tree tops that you’re a native Texan.”

  Dropping my mouth open, I glared at Aaron. “What did you just say? Um . . . excuse me, dickhead, but you’re the one standing in the parking lot of an In and Out Burger that’s from California. Where had I been driving, we would be standing in the parking lot of Mighty Fine Burgers. You know . . . the burger joint started by true Texans.”

  Aaron placed his hands over his heart as if I had mortally wounded him. Letting out a giggle, I felt the weight of what happened today slowly lift away. I would not let Robert win. He would not strip me of my happiness.

  Aaron reached for my hand and tried to lead me into the no-go zone. Stopping when he realized I wasn’t moving, he let out a small chuckle. “Oh my God, are you serious? You’re really not going to eat here?”

  Shaking my head, I said, “Nope. I don’t even care if one of my favorite authors ever loves this place. I’m not going in.”

  Aaron looked at me and asked, “Which author? Is she one who makes you laugh? Turns you on?” Wiggling his eyebrows, he pulled me into his arms. “If you were a true fan, you’d eat here just because one of your favorite authors loves this place.”

  Giving Aaron a sly smile, I felt the butterflies dance in my stomach as he leaned his forehead against mine. “She made me cry.”

  Aaron frowned as he rubbed his nose against mine. “Oh, baby. Good cry or bad cry?”

  Looking away, I thought about poor Chase. How could she? Fighting the tears, I looked back at Aaron. “I’d rather not talk about it. Damn it, let’s just eat here. I’m starving and the more we talk about this, the more I shrivel up from hunger.”


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