Wish for the Moon

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Wish for the Moon Page 16

by Carole Mortimer

  “They couldn’t even run me a comprehensive list of her assets and accounts, so I could begin contacting the banks for access.”

  A coal of heat burned in her center, but she said nothing, knowing that stammering out explanations when he hadn’t yet asked a question would betray her nerves.

  “You realize I’m not the only person under the impression you’re a sophisticated task-management app?”

  “I believe that is the impression your grandmother preferred to cultivate.”

  “Why?” His voice was whip sharp. She had to concentrate not to flinch as it landed on her.

  “Among other things, it forces people to express themselves in writing,” she explained in an unruffled tone. “It creates a traceable trail. She told me once that when your grandfather died, his business manager attempted to take advantage of her. She wasn’t able to prove his wrongdoing and she wasn’t able to take control of the wealth she had inherited. Not without a terrible fight.”

  “Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Apparently.”

  Bam-bam-bam. Her heart threatened to crack open her breastbone.

  “Since then, it has been her practice to maintain tight oversight with regard to her finances. She personally approves all but the most routine transactions.”

  “Does she? Because it sounds like you do.”

  “She didn’t care for computers. I work under her direction.” And steered her direction, when opportunities presented, but that wasn’t important right now.

  “Your actions strike me as empire building.” He crossed his legs, hitching his pants as he did. “You have made yourself indispensable in a grasp for power. I’ve seen it before, many times.”

  “I have no empire,” she assured him.

  His cynical look said he saw right through her, which shouldn’t cause her stomach to bottom out, but it did. He was nothing to her, but it was taking every ounce of courage she possessed to hold his gaze.

  It struck her that she had never had the courage to defy Mae. What chance did that give her against someone like him?

  “You live here?” The cynical twitch of his mesmerizing mouth called her a parasite.

  “A room is assigned to me, yes.”

  “Where did you come from?”


  “That wasn’t what I was asking, but I hear that in your accent now.” His gaze shifted as he took in her features once again. “It’s sultry. Exotic.”

  He sounded vaguely mocking, which stung. Her rudimentary English, taught to her by a chaperone, had been perfected here, where Mae had learned it from a British boarding school. The staff spoke broken versions peppered with Indian, Malay and Pilipino accents.

  As he stared at her, the tingle of sensual, elemental awareness shimmered around her again, disconcerting her. Logically, she presumed she could use her voice and looks to charm and distract him, but she had no practice wielding those weapons. Instead, she found herself fascinated by the subtle inflections in his voice and the slightest twitch of his lips.

  “How long have you been here?” he asked.

  “Eight years.”

  “Not Singapore. In this house, employed by my grandmother.”

  “I came to this house when I came to Singapore eight years ago.”

  He frowned. “How old are you?”


  “Were you hired as a housemaid?” He was taken aback. “How did you come to be doing high-level work like this?” He jerked his chin toward the sleeping laptop on the writing desk.

  She licked her lips. How to explain?

  “As I said, your grandmother found computers tiresome, but she wished to be as hands-on as possible with every facet of her business.”

  “You’re her hands?”

  He was skeptical, but it was true. Luli couldn’t count the number of times May had nudged her in the back of the shoulder and told her, Go back. Show me that again.

  “I perform various confidential tasks at her direction.”

  “Bank transfers, stock purchases…?”

  “Yes. If a broker or middleman is used, I follow up after transmitting requests to ensure the task has been completed. I compile background information on potential employees and business partners, assist her in reviewing performance reports and run random secondary checks on various budgets and accounts, helping spot discrepancies that could point to misuse.”

  “People love audits, especially random ones. I bet you’re very popular.” He was being sarcastic.

  “A necessary evil” was probably the kindest thing she’d been called, usually in an email chain not meant for her eyes.

  Was she evil? She would have called her mother that, until she had been backed into a corner herself and now had to think about how she would survive.

  “As you say, most people think I’m a computer program. I’ve never concerned myself much with whether people like me so long as your grandmother was satisfied with my work.”

  A small lie. She would love a friend, a real one, not an old woman who had forgotten what it was like to be young and curious about the world. One who was scared to let her see any of it, in case it made her leave.

  “On the topic of programs,” she said, feeling clammy sweat break on her palms. “It might interest you to know that your grandmother requested I switch exclusively to using your operating system. She had reservations about cloud-based so she purchased the download versions. We use all your business modules, accounting and security, the productivity suite… She wanted to know her most important records and cryptocurrency were backed up and protected against intrusion. She liked that you claim it’s next to impossible to hack. I’m sure you could get in, though. If you had to.”

  There. She was inching onto the limb she had chosen.

  It might hold her or it might snap and send her plummeting to her death.

  Copyright © 2019 by Dani Collins

  Don’t miss


  by Dani Collins,

  available June 2019 wherever

  Harlequin Books and ebooks are sold.


  ISBN-13: 978-1-488-05277-4


  This edition published in 2019

  Copyright © 1987 by CAROLE MORTIMER

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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