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by Jenny Ramshard

  Abby heard this, and she immediately smiled. Miranda was really nice, and it was always good to hear her voice and listen to her. She was a lot older, but she knew her way around the world.

  “Really? Thanks! You’re amazing,” Abby replied.

  “No, you are. You’re really sweet, and I can’t wait to hang out,” Miranda offered.

  Abby then hung up the phone, pacing around her room. Miranda was really cool, and she could tell that her father wouldn’t be home anytime soon. However, she wanted to get confirmation just in case. Abby dialed the number, and after a moment or so, he spoke.

  “Hey there, pumpkin,” her father said jovially.

  “Hey, dad. I was just wondering if you were coming home tonight. Miranda invited me over, and I was going to hang out with her, if that’s okay with you,” Abby asked.

  There was a pause, and then her father spoke.

  “You know, that might be a good idea. I’m swamped here at work, and I know that I’m not going to be getting out of here anytime soon. If you want to go out, then go for it. I’ll probably see you later tonight or tomorrow. I’m really sorry, but it’s just so busy here,” he offered.

  Abby was used to this, which was a bit sad to say. Then again, she knew how her father worked, and the ways of him, so hearing that he was busy and wasn’t able to make it wasn’t the end of the world for her, nor was it a major problem.

  “It’s totally find, dad. I get it,” Abby replied.

  “Thanks, sweetie. Just be safe and I hope you’ll have a great night,” he offered.

  “I will, it’ll be pretty amazing,” she told her dad.

  “Well, I’m glad. Night,” her father stated.

  The phone clicked off, and for a moment, Abby wondered if going over was a good idea. Miranda was a nice woman, but she didn’t know what this all meant. However, she would go over early and see what was happening, and hopefully, everything would be okay.

  Abby called up Miranda and asked for the address. Sure enough, she was only about a ten-minute walk from her dad’s apartment, so the brunette walked down the street to where the apartment complex was. She knew this was the apartments that her father was originally looking at, and she had to admit, they were pretty damn nice. When she got to the apartment designated in the text, she rang the bell, and suddenly, Miranda appeared.

  “Hey there, girl,” Miranda said.

  “Hey, Miranda. What’s up?” she asked her.

  “Oh, you know, just the usual. So yeah, come on in,” Miranda offered.

  Abby nodded, heading into the fancy apartment. There was decorative furniture everywhere, but it also felt homey and welcoming. It was a stark contrast to her dad’s home, because this one looked lived-in and not messy like his own.

  “This place is nice,” Abby said.

  “Isn’t it? I’m glad that I got to move in here. Once the divorce finally settled out, I was able to move wherever I desired. I had been eying the apartments here for ages, and when I was finally able to move into one, I was so happy,” Miranda said.

  Abby nodded. “Indeed. So what’s new with you?” she asked.

  “Oh nothing really. But what about you? Ow are things with your father?” she asked the younger woman.

  “Eh, okay. He still hasn’t shown up yet,” Abby said with slumped shoulders.

  Miranda looked at Abby with a concerned glance. “What do you mean? I thought he lived there,” Miranda asked. She thought that the younger woman was in good hands.

  “Well, he does, but he’s a workaholic, so it’s hard to see him. It’s part of the reason why my parents separated,” Abby admitted.

  “Ahh. I feel you. Well don’t worry, I’m here, so I’ll hang out and take care of you. I’ll even get you some dinner,” Miranda said with a smile,

  Abby nodded in gratitude, watching as the older woman cooked dinner without any second thoughts. They ate, and the two of them conversed about various things. However, one question that Miranda brought up did make her wonder.

  “So, do you have your eyes on any of the guys here?” the woman asked.

  Abby blushed, looking at the other woman and shaking her head.

  “Not at all. I mean, the guys are cute and all, but I don’t know how to interact with them,” she admitted.

  Miranda nodded. “I understand. I was your age once, and it was hard for me to deal with all of that. But I can give you some pointers if you want, maybe even after we have dinner,” Miranda offered.

  Abby couldn’t believe it! This woman was giving her advice. She seemed to be so versed in it in a sense.

  “Are you sure? I thought you divorced though?” she asked Miranda.

  “Well, just because I’m divorced doesn’t mean I don’t know the ways of dating. I was pretty foxy back in my prime, and I can help you figure out your love life too,” the other woman offered.

  For Miranda, this was going to be fun. She had grown to like the other woman, and she thought that teaching her a few personal thing or two and getting up close with the younger woman. Miranda did want to see what this young woman had to offer.

  Abby thought about it. It seemed like a dream come true for her! But then again, she didn’t know what it was that Miranda had up her sleeve. For Abby though, this seemed reasonable.

  “Okay. I mean, if you can help me with that, it would be amazing,” Abby admitted.

  “But of course. Have you ever been with a guy before?” the older woman asked.

  Abby blushed, hiding the red face that was obvious to Miranda. The answer was painfully obvious, and for Miranda, it only made her that much more excited. She could already tell this was going to be fun. For Abby though, it was pretty embarrassing. She liked guys, but due to the fact that she was studious in nature and rarely had time for guys back in the day, she didn’t really make an effort to get past being just friends. That meant she hadn’t even gotten her first kiss yet, which made it even more embarrassing.

  “To be honest, no. I’ve never even kissed a guy. I don’t even know if I would be good when it comes to being with a man,” she told Miranda with a red and embarrassed face.

  Miranda simply nodded in understanding. “I feel for you. Maybe I can show you a few things as well. I’m pretty good with that sort of thing,” she said with a grin.

  “Okay. Just don’t make it weird for me. I don’t even know what to call myself. I mean, I’ve been saying I’m only attracted to men, but even then, I don’t know,” Abby said. She felt red as a tomato saying all of this, but for Miranda, she completely and utterly understood.

  “Don’t fret. We’ll talk about this in the other room,” she told Abby with a smile.

  They finished up dinner, heading to the other room after Miranda cleaned up the plates. Once they got there Abby sat down on the couch, looking at Miranda with expectant eyes.

  “So where do we begin?” Abby asked with a flush.

  “The first thing we must go over is how to do basic things such as holding a man’s hand, hugging him, and even kissing. This works for women as well, so if you feel like you want to test things out with women, do that. It’s the same thing, just different plumbing downstairs,” Miranda explained.

  Abby blushed. She couldn’t believe she was having such an intimate discussion with a good friend like this.

  “Okay,” Abby replied.

  “First, just grasp my hand. You should hold it steady and firm, but also be gentle with it,” Miranda explained.

  Miranda grasped her hand, and suddenly, a jolt spread through Abby’s body. She liked this, and for a moment, she was contemplating what that meant. This felt strange, and suddenly, she felt Miranda’s finger massage her palm in the subtlest of gestures.

  This felt strange to Abby, but she liked this. She moved herself closer to Miranda, basking in the feeling. However, Miranda pulled her closer, her body right next to hers.

  “You seem to be enjoying this,” the older woman teased.

  “I kind of do. I don’t know, you holding my
hand is kind of comforting in a sense,” Abby admitted.

  “I understand. I know that it’s definitely different, but I can assure you, it’s something that men love to do. They will hold your hand, pull you close, and have your flush body up against their own,” Miranda said with a small smile.

  For Abby, the feeling was almost too much. She didn’t get why, but the warmth that was cascading through her body was only getting worse with time, and she couldn’t believe that this was happening. When she touched Miranda, it felt like sparks were flying, but she didn’t get why.

  “Why do I feel like this?” she asked Miranda.

  “I don’t know. Maybe you’re learning something about yourself that you didn’t know about before,” Miranda said softly.

  The words struck Abby completely, and suddenly, she let out a small gasp as Miranda pulled her closer. Soon, the two women were facing one another, and for Abby, this felt almost foreign to her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked timidly.

  “You said you wanted to learn, right? Well, this is what you’re going to learn about next. How to kiss someone,” Miranda said pointedly.

  For a moment, Abby was unsure of what to do. However, she looked at Miranda, seeing the woman’s cheerful face. Even though Abby didn’t know what she was going to feel, she was kind of excited. The holding of her hand sent jolts through her body, and the fact that Miranda still had her eyes locked on her said something.

  “Don’t be afraid. Just push your lips against mine, and then follow my lead,” Miranda told her reassuringly.

  Abby blushed, feeling excited about it all. However, as they got closer, she was soon growing restless, a bit worried about what this all meant. Suddenly, their lips touched, and that’s when a fire ignited within Abby. She couldn’t believe that this was happening, that she was kissing her friend from college, a mother who could even be her own. But there was something hot about all of this, and then, that’s when it began. Abby started to kiss her back, and for a moment, she wasn’t sure of what she was doing. But then, Miranda led her, and the two of them continued to lock their lips with one another, barely deepening the kiss just yet. But then, Miranda pulled away, grinning at the flustered Abby.

  “What’s that? You like it?” she teased the younger woman.

  Abby had to admit, she did enjoy it.

  “I did particularly enjoy it,” she told her.

  “Well good. I did as well. Maybe you’re waking something up within you,” Miranda teased.

  Abby nodded, but that didn’t stop the slight jolt of pleasure that was gushing through her body. She looked at Miranda, blushing profusely.

  “Is it okay if we continue? I want you to show me what pleasure is like. I like what you’re doing to me,” she admitted.

  For a moment, Miranda was caught off guard by this whole thing. She couldn’t believe that Abby was being so open right now, but it was pretty enticing to hear.

  “Yes. Follow me to the bedroom, and I’ll show you some things,” she told the other in a lustful manner.

  Abby followed the older woman, and when she got to the room, she sighed. She knew that the feeling within her was only going to get worse, and the lustful desire that she had for this woman would only grow stronger with time.

  Chapter Two

  For Abby, she couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. The woman who used to be just a friend to her, but also someone that she enjoyed being with, was now showing her a side of herself that she never thought that she would she would feel this way about a woman, primarily because when it came to the fairer sex, it always seemed like it wasn’t the right thing to do. However, right now with this woman grasping her hand and taking her to the room, pushing her down on the bed and kissing her senseless, there was nothing else that she could do besides figure out for herself what this meant for her now, and in the future.

  For Miranda, this was a dream come true. Abby was such a sweet young woman, and she wanted nothing more than to show her a side of herself that she never thought possible. Soon, her lips were against the younger woman once again, kissing her a bit more passionately than before. Abby was still surprised, a bit unsure of what to so, and Miranda thought that was utterly adorable when she saw it. Abby was very innocent when it came to these sorts of actions, and Miranda felt like she was teaching the younger woman something very worthwhile.

  The kisses were chaste for a bit as Abby got used to them. However, she felt something swipe at her lips. She blushed, realizing what it was, and soon, she parted her lips slightly. It was Miranda’s tongue. Miranda was about to push her tongue into Abby’s mouth, and for a moment, Abby was confused upon what to do. However, after sighing for a bit, she started to enjoy it, and soon, she felt Miranda explore her mouth in ways she never thought possible.

  “Do you like this?” Miranda asked as she pulled away, a thin line of spit connecting their two mouths.

  “I do. I want to continue this. I don’t know what this means for me, but I like it,” Abby admitted.

  In truth, she felt like she was discovering more about herself with every passing minute with Miranda, and although she didn’t know what would be next for her, she wanted to find out more.

  “Good. Then let me show you a few things. Let me show you a realm of pleasure that you probably will never feel with anyone else,” Miranda said.

  For Abby, she had no idea what this meant, but then, Miranda was back on her mouth once again, letting her tongue penetrate into the other woman’s mouth. Abby let out a small, strangled gasp as she started to relax, letting her own tongue mingle with the woman. Miranda smirked as she heard the small, subtle moans from the younger woman, and she had to admit, she was enjoying this far too much.

  But then, Miranda pulled away, looking at the younger woman with a smile present. She then started to kiss down Abby’s neck, lightly teasing and flicking her tongue over the sensitive areas. She then moved towards the small sensitive portion that Miranda knew every woman loved, and then, she nibbled on it. She didn’t bite down hard enough to hurt her, but she did bite down hard enough to leave a small mark. She knew that Abby would keep that around, and that none of the boys would try to get in the way.

  For Abby, she felt like she was in some sort of heaven. She didn’t know what to do, but she liked the idea of this. The fact that it was happening like this was certainly something, and she could tell Miranda liked this too. Miranda was interested in women, but she never really dove into that interest for a while, mainly because of her issues with the divorce and such. But now, now that she was kissing Abby and enjoying this, she knew she would show the younger woman what it was like to experience pleasure.

  “Now, as you can see, the neck is a fun place to leave a mark on someone. I gave you a little present, just so you know,” Miranda said with a smirk.

  Abby blushed, touching her neck and already feeling a small prick of pain from the bruise. She did think it was hot, and soon Miranda lightly sucked on the juncture of her neck, a highly sensitive spot on her body, and Miranda had to admit, the sounds that Abby made were music to her ears. She continued this, dotting little bites and licks all down her collarbone until she got to Abby’s chest, lightly sucking on the flesh there.

  “I’ll tell you right now, that this will certainly leave a mark,” Miranda murmured.

  “I don’t mind,” Abby breathed.

  Miranda smiled, excited to hear those words, but then, she started to bite down once again on her collarbone, leaving one final mark while her hands moved against Abby’s curves.

  “You have a great body,” the woman murmured, letting her hands drape from Abby’s sides to her breasts, kneading them. Abby let out a soft gasp, a bit shocked at the sudden feeling that she got from this. However, Miranda was already moving her hands back down to the bottom of her shirt, tugging it off.

  Abby blushed as she felt the garment move off her body and over her head, exposing her black bra. She blushed as Miranda lightly trailed her fi
ngers around the cups, and for a moment, Abby didn’t know what to feel. She felt embarrassed, but she liked where this was going. However, she could already tell that Miranda had other plans as well.

  “You have cute breasts. I like them,” Miranda said.

  “How do you even know that? I don’t even have my shirt off,” Abby replied with a blush.

  “Oh, it’s simple. Just looking at you and how you’re blushing says it all. I know that you’re a beautiful woman, and I’m going to show you what it’s like to feel pleasure, and some of the amazing things you can do as well,” Miranda replied.

  Abby watched with anticipation as Miranda started to move her lips downwards, trailing them down until she got to the apex of her breasts, lightly licking up the sides of it in a slow, sensual manner. Then, Miranda grasped Abby’s breast, cupping them and letting her thumb dance over the top of the nipple. Abby moaned, and Miranda couldn’t help but smile.


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