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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories Page 30

by Jenny Ramshard

  More often than not, I would take my work home and stay up until the late hours getting things done. My work ethic was beyond reproach. I could be counted on to get deadlines in on time. I heard the phone and I knew Bethany was once again burning the midnight oil.

  I continued to work on my latest article at the same time pressing the button for the speaker. I felt like I got a lot more done by multitasking. I was known to concentrate better with a pair of headphones on listening to my favorite music. It sometimes annoyed those around me. The only way they could get my attention was literally by waving their hands in front of my face.

  “Rumor has it that you have been looking for me.” It was a running joke meant to be a play on words concerning my name. “I have an assignment, but it’s not going to be easy. A new business has opened up and I want you to get an in-depth interview with the two guys. They have been reluctant to take interviews and have even shunned television reporters. They have been very cagey about the details of the business.” She was always expecting the impossible and I always lived up to expectations.

  “I can hear you are at some kind of party enjoying yourself.” I had an amazing ability to block out ambient noise including voices. Focusing on one thing in the background made it easier to get a good read on where she was at.

  “Rumor, I’m having dinner with a few friends from out of town. I would have invited you, but you were never known for social occasions.” I tried to avoid the mundane idle chitchat as much as possible. It was the reason why I didn’t date much. I couldn’t stand to hear them posturing.

  “Send me the information on these guys and I’ll do what I can to get an audience with them. I need as much information as you can get no matter how innocuous it might sound. A detailed portfolio with photographs will help me to determine what approach is necessary.” I was typing at the same time that I was talking. Not many could do what I did, but I still thought there was more waiting for me around the corner. I was always looking for the next opportunity to jump on.

  “I hate to say this, but I do need this done before the end of the week. I know it doesn’t give you a lot of time, but I’m sure you will be able to work your magic. You never disappoint. Don’t let them get away with false platitudes. I want the dirt on these guys. What exactly makes them tick? We need to grab the readers from the moment they start reading the article.” She was always trying to dictate. I was better off working alone. I didn’t need her constantly looking over my shoulder or breathing down my neck.

  I was wearing my glasses even though I owned a pair of contacts. They didn’t feel right in my eyes. I kept getting this feeling of wanting to scratch my eyes out. My hair was short and spiky with blond highlights to hide my dark roots. I was unassuming at 5’2 and less than 120 pounds soaking wet. My best feature was, unfortunately, my melons. They were bigger than average and the nipples were thick and easily seen through any fabric I wore.

  “I wouldn’t have expected anything less. You’ll have something on your desk by Thursday evening at the latest. I will have to go radio silent for the rest of the week.” She didn’t care how much time I took off. The only thing concerning her was the advertising revenue. It was the lifeblood of her publication on the Internet.

  “You have been with me from the very start when we were just getting off the ground. I couldn’t understand the reason why you came to work with me. You could’ve gotten a job anywhere with your list of accomplishments and accolades from your peers. I hate to admit this, but I did take advantage of you.” It wasn’t about the money and my main purpose was to grow with something that was going to be bigger than I was.

  “I saw potential and I wanted to be a part of it. Your vision was clear and concise. You wanted to go a certain direction and you never deviated from it. Word of mouth has spread with very little advertising. Most of our referrals have come from social media.” I didn’t just write the articles.

  I took a personal interest in making this publication a growing concern. Spending hours on the Internet on many of the social media outlets had given me an audience bigger than expected.

  My parents were retired and living in Vietnam. They wanted to live somewhere with a wide range of culture. It was something to give them a reason to open up their eyes in the morning. Missing them wasn’t an option when I was constantly on the go. I did try to live my life without regrets.

  The cold and empty bed in the room reminded me there was no man in my life. I wasn’t exactly a virgin, but I hadn’t found anyone to take my breath away. It was necessary from time to time to fill the void. It always left me feeling like I had done a disservice to myself. It was fun, but it was fleeting where I was looking for something more lasting.

  “You always do this to me. I call it the squirrel syndrome. I’ve been trying to get your attention, but your head is obviously in the clouds again. What you need is some young stud. Throw him on the bed and do unspeakable things to him until he is crying ‘uncle’.” She was known to live vicariously through some of my exploits. I wasn’t exactly shy about stretching my creative wings in the bedroom.

  “It sounds so easy when you say it, but it’s not. I don’t know what gave you the idea that I was a slut. A girl gets caught going down on a guy in the bathroom of a New Year’s Eve party and she never lives it down.” The liquor was flowing freely. I had done more than my fair share of indulging in one shot after another. The idea of getting out of my comfort zone was only made a reality by the necessary liquid encouragement.

  “You didn’t see me complaining when I walked in on you. I was tempted to join you, but I like to keep my bedroom activities out of the office. It would make things awkward in the morning. It doesn’t seem to affect you. I have been impressed by not only your work but your ability to go after what you want.” It didn’t matter if they were married or had somebody waiting for them at home. My needs overwhelmed me and I had no choice but to grab the next available piece of ass.

  “I tend to act first without thinking. It’s one of my more adorable features. The innocent look goes a long way to catching people off guard. It makes me uniquely qualified to do this job. They never see me coming until it’s too late.” I leaned back with my bare legs lying on my bed. My chest was arched and I could see how the air conditioning had turned me on.

  “I would like to live in your shoes for one day. My life isn’t near as exciting. That husband of mine is always working. I find it necessary to take matters into my own hands. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. I’ve never prescribed to that notion.” Her husband was the one man off limits to this girl’s insatiable appetite. He was a sexy Italian dish of white chocolate. I wasn’t the only one willing to bring a little bit of fun into the office.

  “It’s time to you to take your own suggestion. Chase that man of yours into the bedroom. Wear something provocative to catch his attention from the moment he enters the room. It’s all about setting the mood. Get back in the fast lane and stop idling in neutral. Both of you have the bodies to climb to new heights of pleasure.” I was giving her my unbiased opinion.

  It would’ve been nice to be a fly on the wall and delve into my voyeuristic nature. I hadn’t done that since walking the neighborhood when I was barely out of my teens. It was under the guise of a neighborhood watch program which I had initiated for a specific reason. It had nothing to do with the safety of the citizens.

  There were many fine examples and one in particular who had become a daily encounter. He was single and fancy-free. There were no hang-ups. We were always trying to find a way to shock one another. I was able to coach the boy in the art of seduction. He was young enough to be taught. I gave the girls after me a man worthy of taking a bite out of.

  Bethany was one lucky girl and how she wasn’t tearing off his clothes every night was beyond me. This was the reason why I believed variety was the spice of life. It gave me a chance to sample the differences in each man. It had been almost a month and the vibrator by my bed was getting old. Using
up the batteries wasn’t my way of putting a smile on my face. Nothing compared to the real thing.

  The quivering flesh of a man in the throes of ecstasy was when I knew that I had found somebody qualified to match my stamina. I was unforgiving. Excuses were for losers.

  I was looking for my best friend and my lover all in one package. It wouldn’t hurt if the package was up to the standards of this size queen. Something in an eight long would do nicely, but that was the bare minimum. Anything else was a waste of my time and effort.

  I hung up and not more than a few minutes transpired before the information I was seeking on these two young men found its way into my e-mail box.

  One look at their photographs was all it took. I had to know more about them. I was torn on which one I wanted most. They both looked delicious and in desperate need of a woman like me to grab more than their hand.

  Chapter Two

  The business in question was for adventurous people looking to cross something off their bucket list. These guys were the ones that made the arrangements. It didn’t matter what it was. They catered to whatever fantasy you might have. It gave me an idea of what angle to take on the interview.

  Following them to the office was easy and getting in was like taking candy from a baby. I had to make sure that I looked like I belonged. Not even the security questioned my appearance. The confidence in my walk was outdone by the long slit up the side of my skirt.

  The guys weren’t the only ones staring at me. There were some women more subtle about their interest. I wasn’t opposed to being with the opposite sex. I was reaching the plateau of 30 years. In my youth, experimentation was encouraged, but I did look back and think that maybe I should have taken a chance more often.

  It wasn’t hard to find their office with two desks back to back. I sat down in the one with the chair in the position to see who was going to enter first. Their eyes told me one was sedate and the other more open to whatever might come up. Their bodies were destined to feel the eager hands of a woman.

  “I’ve already told you that we’re not that kind of service. I’m going to have to let you go. It appears I have an unwanted visitor. I have to decide whether or not I should call security to have her escorted out of the building.” He had on a pair of black pants and it did nothing to hide the outline of his package. It was impressive and had me desperate to feel the length of it with my fingertips leading the way up to the head.

  “I apologize for trespassing, but I needed to see you about something of utmost importance.” The white shirt stretched with the muscles of his chest pressed up to the material. Colby was showing no modesty. He made me feel naked and uncomfortable in my own skin.

  “You have my undivided attention and what you do with it is going to determine what is going to happen next. Give me one good reason why I should allow you to stay. We take our privacy very seriously. We have a select clientele with repeat business. I can smell a reporter a mile away. You reek of someone looking for an exclusive.” I thought that I would have more time to wean him into the subject matter. It was the first time and hopefully the last that somebody was able to see through me like transparent glass.

  “Forgive me, but I’m at a loss for words. That has never happened before.” He was still standing and what I had perceived to be the outline of his package was growing before my eyes.

  “It could be you see something you like and are afraid to reach out and take it.” His dark hair was cut short with the parting on the left side. I was walking on a shaky foundation with his eyes about to make it collapse underneath my feet.

  “You’re being a little too forward with our guest.” Thomas Dempsey was a little younger, but his confidence in business was legendary. He was always taking fledgling companies and making them a huge success before selling off his stock for a considerable profit. He made his first million by the time he was 18. That was a mere 4 years ago.

  “I was just getting to know her before you so rudely interrupted me.” Colby sat down right beside me with his hand on my bare knee. I made an error in judgment by gasping from the brief contact.

  “He can be very incorrigible, but some girls claim, it’s part of his charm. Don’t encourage his behavior. If you want, I’ll be more than happy to discipline him for his treatment of you.” I was trying to pull Colby’s hand off of my leg, but his fingernails had other ideas.

  “I see something I like and I very rarely back down until I get it. This reporter thought it was a good idea to ambush us in the office. I’m having a bit of fun at her expense. I don’t want her to think we condone this type of tactic. We would all be more comfortable in a casual setting. We can go to one of my favorite restaurants. I have a standing reservation.” Colby was used to getting his way, but I could tell Thomas wasn’t exactly at a disadvantage.

  They were both looking at me with a pair of green eyes and a pair of blue ones for a punch combination hard to ignore. Trying to stay still and focused wasn’t easy with them both undressing me with their eyes. I couldn’t decide and then I realized maybe there was no reason to.

  “I came here to get the straight answers. The public announcement was barely a blip on the radar. This is a unique business. I overheard your conversation and might I inquire what it was about. Is there really a line you won’t cross for the almighty dollar?” I was a little nervous and I tried to hide it by breaking into my song and dance. It was a defense mechanism for when I felt like I was getting in too deep.

  They were dressed alike, but Thomas had blond hair with cleanly shaven features to give him that innocent boy next door look. It was in direct contrast to Colby who was wearing his sexual prowess on his sleeve like a badge of honor.

  “I’m inclined to refrain from answering any questions. You are going to have to grace us with your presence and even then I make no promises. It’s a known fact drinking lowers inhibitions. I get this feeling you’re no stranger to a few cocktails to loosen up.” Colby was savoring the moment with his fingers climbing higher until they were disappearing under the hem of my skirt. I squirmed noticeably when he touched the sodden material of my lacey red panties.

  “I need to see to something immediately. Can I trust that I can leave the both of you alone without worrying how I’m going to find you when I come back? I shouldn’t even ask the question.” He had barely closed the door when I was pulled into his arms with his fingers playing down the surface of my spine.

  “We both know this is going to happen. I’ve been waiting for someone to come around to make working with him tolerable. He doesn’t know the meaning of the word fun.” I turned my head, but his mouth descended onto my neck. The feeling made me weak at the knees. His obvious infatuation was flexing between us.

  “A cold shower is in order for you.” I fought his advances, but the pressure to release my inhibitions was too hard to overcome.

  I could see the presence of his manhood standing tall and proud inside his pants. I could see the pendulum swing all the way until the head was clearly seen poking above his belt.

  “There’s no reason to be coy. I know what you want and I’m willing to relent for a price. I doubt the cost will be something you are unwilling to pay. The way that you have been staring at it makes it hungry to feel your lips wrapped around it. Stop thinking about it and go ahead and do it.” My thumb touched the wetness on the tip and I tasted it. I wanted more and I sat down in a position to unveil his likeness.

  “Women give in too easily to you for a reason. Somebody needs to slap you when you get too fresh. There’s a bad man lurking inside you in desperate need of a spanking. You might find that I’m up to the challenge of disciplining you.” He was trying to pull down his zipper, but his hands were too anxious for his own good. He kept fumbling until I removed the heated missile from the confines of his pants.

  I was tempted to touch it, but I was worried that he was going to go off in my face. The thing was throbbing with the long pronounced vein down the back. The head swelled and began to puls
ate with the lifeblood of his essence running through the veins. I grabbed it and squeezed tightly. It was enough to coax the white hot cream from his balls. He was dripping hotly down over my hand.

  “I can’t control myself when I’m around a pretty young thing like you. There’s no reason why you can’t come a little closer. I promise that I won’t scream at the top of my lungs. You would have to be exceptional for me to do that.” He was using reverse psychology to make it necessary to supply him with the scolding touch of my tongue. I snapped forward with the tip making contact with the white gold ready to be devoured.

  The warmth of his seed had me slowly working my hand over the knob and back down the entire thing. It would take very little to give him that kind of satisfaction. My entire body was raging with desire. The fuse was lit. The only way this was going to end was with the imminent explosion between his legs.


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