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by Jenny Ramshard

  It started with a couple of little jerks and punches to each other. Now, the two of them would only go after the other person, and the teammates wondered if there was some sort of reason. The reason was simple: they loved to rival one another in everything that they did. It was something that was going to have to be the par for the course, and since they both made it to the football team, they would continue this rivalry no matter what happened.

  They continued to cover each other; both of them running to either intercept the throw, or become someone that their other teammate could throw at. The coach thought that a scrimmage would be great for them, since they did have a game this weekend. Whet’s weird was that Alvin and George did have this rivalry, but they did work together to make passes and plays. It wasstrangebecause they would only start trouble with one another during practice, but they would put aside most of those bygones once practice was over. Of course, George did still love to gloat to Alvin whenever he scored more points during a game, and Alvin would do the same.

  The two of them continued to cover one another, until their teammate Carl threw the pass. He was blocked by one of the other team’s players, and soon it fumbled. Immediately, Alvin and George ran to it, both of them determined to grab the ball and run it.

  “You’re not getting it this time,” George said in muffles through his mouth guard.

  “Just watch me,” he told the other.

  The two of them immediately went to the ball, neither of them giving a damn about anything else but one-upping the other person. The two of them were certainly boys, but they also had in mind the intention of impressing the coach. They loved to do that, and they were both working really hard in order to do so.

  That’s when it happened.

  When they got there, they didn’t realize that they were both going into the same place. That’s when George ran into Alvin head-first, both of them hitting each other with a thud. The force of their bodies was enough for them to let out cries, and soon their legs got tangled as well, both of them falling to the grass with a thud. The coach blew the whistle, heading towards the two men as they writhed in pain.

  “What the hell was that for?” Alvin said.

  “Me? You’re the one who ran into me!” George said.

  “Will you two stop it? Are you okay???” the coach said.

  George and Alvin looked at one another. They both thought that they were okay, that is until George tried to get up.

  “Shit, my ankle,” he said. He used his hand to brush the mouth guard out so that he could speak in almost a coherent manner. Alvin did the same.

  “It looks like both of you suffered a collision. Tell you what, I think the two of you should get that checked out with the nurse. Carmella is a really good nurse, and she can help you two out. I know that you probably want to continue this rivalry, but the last thing that I want, is for the two of you to have to sit out the game this weekend because of your foolish efforts. You should head on out and get checked out,” he demanded.

  They both wanted to argue. It wasn’t fair, it’s not like they wanted to collide with one another. Then again, the nurse might be able to help them get back to top health in no time. It was definitely something that they wanted to do, especially since it could jeopardize the future of their game.

  “Yeah, I guess we should head there,” Alvin said.

  “I think so too. As much as I hate to visit the nurse and be a little bitch, I think it’s something that is necessary,” George replied.

  They helped each other get up, much to their own dismay. They were still going to blame one another for it, and they certainly didn’t mind the rivalry continuing. But what they didn’t know was the fact that the nurse was not what they were expecting, and the two boys were in for quite the treat.

  “All right, get a diagnosis, and tell me the state of what’s going on,” he told them without saying anything else.

  The two men nodded, both of them a bit worried about the possibility of them having broken ankles. That would be the one thing that they didn’t want. Hell, even a sprained ankle isn’t a good thing, especially when it comes to playing. It would leave them incapacitated for the next game at the very least, which wasn’t fun.

  The two men then went in the direction of the nurse’s office, wondering what the lady would tell them in terms of their future and ability to play the game that they loved.

  Chapter Two

  They walked to the on-campus nurse office. George turned to Alvin, looking at the other guy with a glance.

  “I know that you’re supposed to be my rival and shit, but do you know anything about this new nurse? I heard that the old one retired. I heard the old one was a crusty old chick, and it creeped out most of the students. That’s just the rumors I heard in the locker room.” George stated.

  “Well, I’ve heard that she’s pretty hot. One of the guys who got a minor concussion in the game last week wouldn’t shut up about how hot she was. I mean, I don’t really know. Could be some old bat that one of the desperate guys has the biggest hard-on for,” he told George.

  “True. But I am curious. Maybe we both get a really attractive nurse. That would be fun, especially since she can clean up our wounds and tell us how naughty we are for doing what we did,” he said with a grin.

  “You’re a hopeless pervert,” Alvin said. Of course, he was probably thinking the same thing. Alvin wouldn’t mind a hot chick as his nurse, and George was probably just voicing what he was really thinking out loud. But of course, he wasn’t going to be a creep about that sort of thing. If she wasn’t interested, then he could admire from afar. There wasn’t any harm in that, right?

  They got to the nurse’s office, and when they saw the sign that she was there, they immediately went in. They expected the place to have students, but it was empty. However, when they got inside, they checked the office, and suddenly, they noticed it.

  It wasn’t her that they first noticed, it was her butt. It was big, round, and it was hugged perfectly by the tight dress that she wore as part of the uniform. She had on a white coat and one of those white hats, but they could see the outline of her backside against the fabric that she had on.

  She turned around in her chair, looking at the two of them. That’s when they both stopped, trying to figure out what to say. The woman had raven-colored hair, big blue eyes, and was busty as all hell. Her breasts were huge, and they both wondered if they were real. They certainly hanged like they were real. She was about twenty years their senior, and she looked amazing.

  “Hello there. How may I help you?” she asked with a sly grin.

  “Oh, hey there. Sorry, we got injured during practice, and we would like for you to check us out—I mean make sure that we’re okay,” George said. He was stuttering his words, and he was growing nervous with delight. Alvin couldn’t help but think this chick was attractive as hell too.

  “Well, both of you got to the examination room, and I’ll check out you,” she said. She was excited already, two new men for her to have some fun with. She would certainly check them out, but not just for any injuries that’s for sure.

  They went to the room, both of them sitting on the bed and waiting for her to show up. George looked at Alvin, grinning like a madman at the sheer notion of this woman.

  “Holy shit, this is like a dream come true!” he screamed out.

  “Don’t get your hopes up. You shouldn’t be too excited about this. She probably already has a boyfriend or a husband,” Alvin replied.

  “I don’t think so. I could see it in her eyes. She seemed excited to see us. Of course, that could just be me,” George said.

  “It might just be you. I wouldn’t do anything until you think it’s best,” Alvin replied. He was more of the type to analyze and perform his next move before anything else.

  The nurse thought it was her lucky day. She wanted to get together with some hot guys, and she was a hot cougar just waiting for a bit of fun. She never imagined that she would have someone so fast.
Sure, there were others that came in, but these two were certainly the best ones imaginable. She was already wet with desire as she tried to hold herself back, lightly teasing her pussy and trying to quell the raging feeling that was coursing over her. Of course maybe the two of them would be willing to help her out as well. That would be really nice, especially considering how horny she was feeling.

  She waltzed into the room, looking at the two of them with a smile.

  “All right, take off your clothes. I have to examine you. You can keep your underwear on, but I want to make sure that not anything else is injured,” she instructed. She tried to sound natural, but the truth of the matter was, she was horny and excited. She was ready for action, and these two were certainly the perfect type of men.

  They didn’t seem to mind being asked by the hot nurse to undress. They looked at her, both of them grinning. It was strange because they thought that she would leave the room while they did that, but she looked at them with a predatory grin, both of them blushing at the sheer fact that she hadn’t left them alone. They wanted to say something, but the truth was, they weren’t going to mess up this chance of having a hot chick look at them. She was much hotter than the bitches at their school, that’s for sure.

  “That’s the spirit. My, I have to say that the two of you look very nice,” she said in a very sensual and sly manner. She couldn’t help it, she loved it when she had some hot man candy come on in and get checked out. It was the best part of her job, that’s for sure.

  “Well, we’re happy that you enjoy it,” Alvin said with a smile.

  “Yeah, we’re happy that you think we’re hot,” George said.

  “Well, I definitely am interested, but let me check those legs and arms first. I want to make sure that the two of you aren’t going to get worse. I’m supposed to be a nurse, remember?” she teased.

  The two men did remember, but that didn’t stop them from growing hard at her words. They wanted her to continue this, to check them out in ways they had never been checked out by a nurse before. She sauntered over to Alvin first, moving her hands down to his ankle. She felt the area, moving up his leg.

  “Well, you haven’t broken it, so that’s good,” she said to him.

  “Thank god. The last thing that I want is for me to have to sit out a few games cause of it,” he said.

  “Yeah. Well you wouldn’t be standing or even walking if that’s the case. It hurts though when you do so, right?” she asked.

  “Yeah, it’s pretty brutal,” he said.

  “I think you just sprained it and bumped it then. I mean, that’s still not fun, period, but I definitely feel for you. I mean, the best thing that I could tell you to right now, would be to take a small break. I know that’s impossible with football season going on, but I can tell you right now, that the only thing that will heal this is if you actually sit out and try to rest it,” she told him.

  He nodded. She then moved up his leg, feeling him there. She danced her fingers around his thigh, and when she did that, immediately Alvin started to grow a bit worried. He couldn’t believe that she was touching him there, in such an erotic place, but he didn’t get mad or anything. In fact, he wanted it. Her touches felt good, and her fingers were soft despite it all. She then moved up towards his upper thigh, her hands dangerously close to his cock.

  It was starting to harden a little bit, and the nurse smiled.

  “I can see that you’re getting a little bit excited,” she said.

  He blushed. “Sorry,” he said.

  “It’s fine. Oh, and my name is Michelle. You don’t have to call me ‘doctor’ or any of that crap. I’m just your friendly nurse, and I definitely like what I see,” she cooed.

  Alvin was trying his best to hold himself back, but with her words, he was already growing harder with each separate moment. He wanted her, and soon she was moving her hands up to his arms.

  “It looks like you have a bit of bruising on your arms as well. The best thing to do in that situation is to just ice it. I mean, it goes away after a day or two, but I can tell you right now that it will probably hurt if you put pressure on the area,” she said.

  “Okay,” he replied.

  “Now, time to check out the next one,” she said, firing a glance at George. George was already biting his lip, struggling to keep his cool despite it all. It was certainly growing harder to do so with every passing second.

  She sauntered over to him, and soon she did the same thing to him, checking his leg and seeing what the hell was going on. It was certainly a very interesting process to George, since she seemed to almost be massaging the area, and he was trying his best to not moan in approval. Sure it did hurt when he felt her against the area, but when she did the rest of his legs, he did find it pleasurable.

  “That feels good,” he said.

  “I’m glad. I checked your leg, and it looks like you have a minor sprain. It’s not as bad as Alvin’s but it’s something that might cause you to have issues for a few days. I mean, you might recover before the game, but don’t play the hero if you still feel bad,” she told him.

  He nodded. “Very well,” he said.

  She then started to check the rest of his legs, feeling his muscles. He let out a small groan, and soon she looked up at him, her eyes cloudy with lust and excitement.

  “What’s wrong? You already hard over me touching your legs? My, you’re very naughty then,” she said.

  He blushed, realizing what was going on. “Fuck. Sorry about that. I’m trying, I really am,” he said.

  “Its fine, I’m glad that it’s you. You’re quite the cutie,” she replied.

  He then started to blush once again, and soon she moved her hands up towards his hip. She grazed her hand over it, and soon he let out a groan.

  “My, but it seems like you do have a bit of bruising there. I can only say that it will probably be there for a few days, so do be careful,” she replied.

  She then moved her hands up, dusting right over his nipples, and soon George was moaning out in pleasure. She then moved her hands up to his arms, feeling his bulky biceps.

  “Your arms feel fine, and I’m glad that you’re able to move around. I don’t think you’re too hurt, and I’m glad about that. I was a bit worried about what might happen to the game if it were the case,” she said.

  “Yeah. Thank you nurse,” he told her.

  “My pleasure. But I think the two of you want something else, right?” she said with a small smile.

  They turned to her, and soon she was looking directly down at them. The two of them were now super hard, and soon she was grinning wickedly.

  “I’m sure the two of you know that I’m not just a nurse. I’m a nurse with needs, and I’m sure that the two of you would love to satisfy me,” she cooed.

  They didn’t have to be told twice. They nodded eagerly, and she started to laugh.

  “Look at you! You’re already so hungry for me. This is going to be fun,” she said to them.

  The two men then moved towards one of the beds, both of them blushing madly. What was she going to do to them? They wanted to know, but for now, they would have to just wait and see.

  Chapter Three

  Michelle wasted no time. She started to move her hands up their bodies, lightly grazing over them. She then got to their cocks, massaging them through the fabric of their understeer. They both started to groan, both of them excited about this, and Michelle was enjoying the hell out of it. She continued to let her hands move against the area, loving how they both seemed to give in immediately and start to grow.

  “My, the two of you are already this hard? What, you haven’t gotten laid?” she said to them with a quirked glance.

  It had been a long time since that happened. They had girlfriends earlier this year, but it seemed like as soon as they went off to college, it was over. They didn’t want to put in the commitment, and it was hard to find a college girl that could satisfy them.

  “It’s been a bit hard. Pun not i
ntended,” Alvin groaned.

  “Yeah. Most of the girls here are lame. We don’t like younger women,” George replied.

  “Oh? So you like older chicks then. I like that,” she told them. She continued to stroke their cocks with each hand, petting them with soft touches until they were both standing erect and painfully hard. The tents that she made, the beads of precum that were already staining their boxers, made her smile. It was so nice to see, and already she was having a ton of fun.

  “Well, before I have a little bit of fun with that area, I have my own plans,” she told them in a dark and husky voice. It had been a long time since she got laid too, but she knew how to make guys writhe and scream in pleasure. She then moved towards George, straddling his hips and lightly shaking them. He could feel her panties graze over his boxers, and she was right over his hard cock.


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