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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories Page 74

by Jenny Ramshard

  “I sleep,” she said, shrugging. “I read.”

  “And you don’t get bored?” he asked, the tip of his finger tracing a circle around the rim of his glass. His eyes were intent on her face and he was leaning forward, every bit of his attention focused on her. She felt exposed and yet thrilled by his interest. Susan had never thought herself a particularly fascinating person, but his eyes made her feel that way, and so she took another drink.

  “I get bored, but I’m shy, and I’m not sure how to do anything else.”

  “Shy,” he said. “I see that. You’re shy with me and I see you every day.”

  She didn’t say anything, only swished the dregs of her wine in the bottom of her glass until Tyson waved a server over and had him bring the bottle.

  “Do I make you uncomfortable?”

  “Not necessarily,” she told him slowly. The wine was already getting to her, making her head light and bubbly. She never drank, not even on special occasions, but he was so convincing and she was enjoying herself immensely.

  “Not necessarily?”

  “You do make me feel particularly shy,” she said, speaking without thinking. His eyes sparkled in the light and he gave her a half smile, raising his eyebrows.

  “Why is that, Susie?”

  “You’re so handsome.” She reached forward to stroke the back of his fingers. Even as she did it, she knew she would regret it, but the wine made her bold and his eyes made her hot and it was a terribly seductive combination. “And charming and powerful. I don’t know how to act around you.”

  He took her hand and held it between his, his eyes grazing over her face, lingering on the spot he had revealed when he’d unbuttoned her shirt.

  “You shouldn’t have told me that,” he said. She blushed then, looking away from him.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, no,” he said, his eyes lighting upon hers once more, burning her with their intensity. “But now that I know my attention might be well-received, I’m not sure I’ll be able to help myself.”

  “Help yourself?”

  He brought her hand to his lips and brushed the knuckles lightly across them.

  “I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to see you let your hair down,” he said, reaching forward and fingering a strand of it. “And wondered if you’d let me.”

  Susan pulled it to one side, draping it over her shoulder. His eyes were bright with drink, studying her face, and his hand was frozen in the air as if he wanted to touch her. She felt shy again, very shy, and when she looked down at her hands he did touch her, tilting her face to look at him.

  “Tonight, you’re going to relax,” he said, grinning. “And have another drink. I want to know everything there is to know about you.”

  So she talked, relaxing with every sip of wine every time he laughed or smiled at her. She told him where she’d grown up and what her favorite books were. When the topic came up about past relationships, she blushed a deep red and shook her head.

  “I’ve never…” she said, “that is, I’ve never met anybody I wanted to.”



  “Mm,” he said, steepling his hands beneath his chin. “Would you like to?”

  She looked at him for a moment before nodding. He wasted no time in paying the bill, then led Susan out to the car and opened the door for her. When they were at her house, she let him in, shut the door behind him and sat perched on the edge of her couch. Her head was swimming with tipsy lust, her body feeling somehow swollen and light at the same time. Tyson knelt down in front of her and wrapped a lock of hair around his finger before bringing his face close and brushing his lips over hers. The feeling was electric. It made her body sing, made her wrap her arms around his neck to hold him close. Her mouth responded to his intuitively when he kissed her, sucking on her bottom lip, then the top, then slipping his tongue into her mouth to tease and toy with her own.

  “Bedroom?” he asked huskily when he’d moved his lips to her throat. All she could do was point and he lifted her, wrapping her legs around his waist, and carried her into the small room. He laid her on the bed and began to undress her, unbuttoning her shirt with slow, sure fingers and unclasping her bra in the front to free her breasts. Susan gasped when he touched her there, when he leaned down to pull each nipple between his lips and suck them until they were hard and aching. While he did this, his hands worked to unfasten her skirt and pull it down around her ankles and off until she lay in front of him in only her plain white cotton panties. His palm traced a line down her stomach and stopped at her panty line so abruptly she moaned.

  Tyson lowered his face to kiss her then, climbing on top of her. She wanted to feel his skin against hers. She wanted to feel every part of him. While she unbuttoned his shirt, he pulled her thighs apart and traced his fingertips up and down, teasing her so that she was pushing her hips up to grind against his.

  The skin of his chest was warm and smooth and felt so decadent against her, felt better than anything she’d ever really experienced. He tasted good, too, like cinnamon gum and amber liquor, and she couldn’t get enough of his tongue.

  When he took her panties off, she caught his eye, her body feverish.

  “What is it?” he asked, looking over her face.

  “Is it going to hurt?”

  He groaned then, burying his face in her neck.

  “Susie, I can’t do this right now,” he said, crawling off of her, standing up and looking down over her body.

  “Why not?” she asked, propping herself up on her elbows. “What’s wrong?”

  “I will hurt you if we do this right now. I’m not used to being gentle.”

  “I don’t care,” she breathed, lifting her head to capture his lips between her own. “Please.”

  He took her wrists and laid her down, kissing her once more, then groaned as he set to dressing himself.

  “I want you sober,” he told her. “And unafraid. I want to see that you’re completely comfortable with me before we do this.”

  She nodded. She supposed she understood. How would he feel if she showed up to work tomorrow shy and regretful, with her hair tied up tight and her proper shoes as if nothing had happened? She would prove to him that she was ready.

  “Good night, Susie,” he said, kissing her forehead, then her lips. “I’ll see you in the morning.”


  Susan felt different the next morning. She had slept naked and the cotton sheets felt good against her bare skin. She took a moment to feel her body with her hands, touching between her legs, her breasts, tracing her own lips with her fingertips. When she got out of bed, she stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself in full. It was something she rarely did, something she avoided. Her body had not been something she associated with particularly good sensation. But the night before, despite the fact that he had barely touched her, had made her skin feel alive with possibility.

  She went to work looking much as she had when they’d gone out the night before. Her long hair flowed down her back and her shirt was unbuttoned enough to show an expanse of bare skin. When he saw her, his eyebrows lifted and he looked her over for a long moment.

  “Good morning,” he said, smiling. She shut the door behind her and went to him, bold as anything, wrapped her arms around his neck and lifted her face to kiss him. He responded in full, backing her up against the desk so that she was sitting on top of it, his mouth working hungrily at hers while she ran her hands up and down his chest.

  He pulled away just before she could begin to undress him. She was hungry for him, had thought about him all night after he’d gone. Susan felt wanton and unlike herself. Or, like a better version of herself, freer and more relaxed.

  “I’ve been waiting for this since I met you,” he said, licking her top lip in one stroke.

  “So have I.”

  “So we’ll wait.”

  “We’ll wait,” she agreed reluctantly.

  They went about the day as
usual aside from flirty, sensual glances exchanged in passing. Susan laughed more, felt more languid. Something within her had changed at his urging.

  When the three men from the merger arrived to iron out the details, Susan didn’t blush when she caught Edward staring. Instead, she held his eye, bit her lip and lowered her lashes so that he was the one who looked nervous. The other one, a very tall, dark-haired man named Will, noticed their exchange and looked at her with a knowing smile.

  “It looks like your assistant here has caught the attention of my colleagues,” said the third, a man named Jackson who was broad and thick as a bull.

  Tyson cleared his throat and looked at her, charmed, showing no hint of dismay or jealousy. There was something more like pride in his eyes, something warm and welcoming her to continue if she liked.

  “I think your colleagues have the right idea,” said Tyson, tapping the bottom of his pen against the table. “But now is not the time.”

  “Perhaps later?” piped in Will. “A drink to celebrate?”

  “Perhaps,” said Susan, and all four men looked at her with grins on their faces and enchantment burning in their eyes. She felt powerful and richer than the three of them combined, drunk on her own charm and influence. They continued on with their meeting and afterward Edward pulled her to the edge of the room while the other men chatted.

  “Tell me you’re single.”

  She laughed. “I am.” Kind of. She wasn’t sure what she was doing with Tyson but was free in the meantime, as far as she was concerned. And she wanted to play around a bit.

  “Good. Let me take you out.”

  Susan noticed he spoke in commands rather than questions. He was used to getting what he wanted.

  “Maybe,” she said coyly, and left him there in the corner, moving to join the rest of the men in the group. She felt a hand stroke her waist just barely and looked, expecting to find Tyson, instead finding Will with a smirk on his face. Susan shivered and excused herself, leaving the room breathlessly. She had enjoyed his touch and Edward’s attention, enjoyed the way Tyson was looking at her as if he was having trouble containing himself. When she went back into the room, she clapped her hands together.

  “A drink, gentlemen,” she said, “tonight. We have a lot to celebrate.”

  They all agreed and she left, going into Tyson’s office and shutting the door. Moments later he appeared and crossed the room to her in a few quick steps, pressing his mouth to hers while pulling her skirt up over her hips. He led her to his desk and pushed her up so that she was sitting on the edge of it, then spread her legs.

  “That was so goddamn hot, baby,” he said, biting at her thighs, teasing her, stroking them with her fingers so that she was squirming. “Watching you flirt with them. Seeing them want you. My bad girl.”

  She tossed her head back when he finally moved his face to her pussy and ran his tongue over her through the fabric of her panties. He found her clit and massaged it with his tongue, soaking her, making her moan with the new sensation.

  “Tyson,” she breathed, holding his head still and grinding her face forward against it. He growled against her pussy and pulled her panties down so that they were dangling off one foot, then spread her legs further and touched her clit with the tip of his tongue. It was something she had never felt before and wasn’t ready for it, hadn’t expected the sheer torture the pleasure would bring. She moaned. Loud. And he shushed her while he began to lick her up and down, dipping his tongue inside of her pussy to spread her wetness all over. He buried his face between her legs and licked and sucked hungrily at her cunt, eating her until she flooded his face again and again. He pushed her back against his desk and pulled her knees as far apart as they would go, stroking his tongue in circles around her clit, driving at her relentlessly.

  “Tell me,” he said, pulling his face back, looking at her. “Would you fuck them?”

  “Yes,” she said, trying to push his face back between her legs, desperate to feel his mouth there.

  “I want to see you wild and free. I want to watch you do it.”

  She looked at him then and he was smiling at her, his eyes full of heat and longing.

  “I could do that.”


  “Yes,” she said, and then, “Now, stop talking.”

  He shut up and licked her for a long time, tasting her juices, moaning against the lips of her pussy. When he was finished and she was spent, he climbed atop her, kissed her lips. She could taste herself on his mouth, sweet and sensual, and she licked him clean.

  “Promise me something, though,” he said against her neck.


  “I get you first.”

  Of course she would let him. Of course she would obey him. She had always known she wouldn’t be able to resist whatever he said. She nodded and kissed him again, then pulled her skirt down. He took her panties and shoved them in his desk drawer, smiling at her wickedly.

  “I can’t wait,” he said, stroking her cheek with his thumb.

  “Neither can I.” And she meant it. She felt wild just thinking about it.

  She went home to shower before she came back that night to celebrate with the men. Susan put on her sexiest outfit, which wasn’t saying much as she had always dressed very conservatively. When she felt appropriately attired, she waited anxiously for Tyson to pick her up. He arrived within minutes and she climbed into the passenger seat with a kiss. His hand found her thigh and he pulled her skirt up, stroking her pussy with two fingers.

  “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the way you taste,” he said. “And your moans.”

  “You’ll hear plenty of that tonight.”

  He looked at her and winked, then pulled out of her driveway and headed toward the office. Will, Edward, and Jackson were waiting for them outside. All were dressed casually as Tyson was in jeans and t-shirts and Susan marveled at how good they all looked, how odd it was that four exquisite men could find their way into one room together. Upstairs, Jackson pulled out a giant bottle of scotch and while Tyson went to fetch five glasses, Edward approached Susan. He reached up and pushed a strand of hair from her cheek.

  “I hope your boss knows you deserve a raise for all you do for him.”

  She scoffed. “Tell him that.”

  When Tyson entered the room, Edward turned to him.

  “Give this girl a raise, Landis.”

  Tyson laughed and shrugged. “It’s up to you now, too, you know.”

  Will raised his glass, then tipped it to his lips.

  “That’s true. Do you think she’s earned it, boys?”

  Susan looked at them all in turn, a fake sweet smile on her face.

  “She could do a little more, I think,” said Jackson. Susan was more than surprised when he pulled her down to sit on his lap, his thick cock rubbing against her ass through their clothes. She looked at Tyson, who nodded.

  “Landis told us about your plan for tonight,” Jackson said, nipping at her earlobe from behind. “Are you really ready to earn that raise?”

  Susan turned to him and nodded eagerly, her eyes innocent and wide.

  “Yes, please,” she begged, then grinned at him. He lifted his head to crush his mouth to hers, his tongue tasting of liquor and peppermint, and she kissed him back before she stood to undress herself in front of them. Naked, exposed, she looked at each of their faces and saw lust repeated on each and every one. Tyson set his drink down and moved toward her, sitting her down in one of the oversized chairs, and knelt to lick her pussy until she was writhing and ready for his cock. For all of their cocks. The thought surprised her. The whole situation surprised her, actually, and it made her wetter than she ever thought possible. Edward caught her eye as she was moaning and held it, grinning at her as she bit her lip, and tilted his head down to take one of her breasts in his mouth and suck the nipple. Will joined him on the other side and sucked on the other one as Tyson ate her pussy ravenously. Susan thought that had to be the peak of it, tha
t it would never get any better, until Tyson stood up and unfastened his jeans to reveal a cock that was long and thick and standing proudly in front of her.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” he asked, and she nodded, wrapping her hands around him and pumping him back and forth so that he was throbbing in her palm. He lowered himself and angled his cock into her opening, reaching down to rub her clit as he pushed inside. There was a pinch of pain but she was distracted from it by the feeling of the two men tugging at her nipples. She squirmed uncomfortably for just a moment as Tyson filled her pussy with his swollen cock and began to move in and out of her slowly, his cock hitting the back of her, knocking the wind out of her body. The feeling of his hand on her clit, of their mouths on her breasts made her cum all over him quickly and he laughed when he felt it, fucked her harder and then harder still when he realized she could take it. He pulled her out of the chair and onto the floor so that she was straddling him, and she tentatively began to ride his cock.


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