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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories Page 99

by Jenny Ramshard

  Amy raised an eyebrow, momentarily shocked before she cackled, “God no! I had at least a few times to get with someone. I mean, it was shit, but still.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank fuck, I wasn’t sure if I could be bothered guiding someone through that shit tonight.” She trailed a finger down Amy’s stomach, “Even someone as fucking sexy as you.”

  Amy clicked her tongue, “You’ve got a mouth on you, don’t you?”

  “Mmm...” Cassandra licked her lips, “Why don’t you sit on it? Shut me up and all that.”

  She shuffled back, leaning back as Amy stood up, turning around and pressing herself down against Cassandra’s mouth. The singers vision filled with the glorious swell of Amy’s ass, tongue already aflame with the intoxicating taste of her juices. She wasted no time digging in, tongue lapping at her depths like she’d been dying in the desert and Amy was a glass of water.

  Amy bucked her hips against her, talented tongue steadily unraveling her mind as she leaned forward, desperate to give Cassandra what she could in return. She nuzzled against Cassandra’s slit, dragging her tongue down before suckling on her clit. She felt Cassandra groan into her, and when she sunk her teeth into the sensitive skin of her thigh she was almost thrown of by Cassandra’s yelp of pleasure.

  The singer chuckled, “I’m gonna have to step it up.” She took hold of Amy’s ass, hands filled and squeezing down on the wondrously soft flesh. Amy shivered at the attention, her own hands going forth and spreading Cassandra’s lips, tongue probing her depths as they continued to devour each other.

  Amy was far from the inexperienced maiden that she was first mistaken for, and Cassandra felt herself rapidly approaching her release. She reached around, plunging three fingers into Amy’s hole, delighting in the squeal of ecstasy that she raised in response. Their bodies were on fire with pleasure, legs trembling and tongues growing sloppy as they drew closer and closer, before they fell over the edge.

  Their mouths filled with the others release, not stopping in their attentions for a second so as to lap up every single drop that they were given. Amy’s tongue laved all over Cassandra’s body, the other woman shuddering as the delicate skin of her thighs was touched. She took a deep breath as she sat up, swinging her leg over so that she didn’t suffocate Cassandra. She looked down at the singer, face flushed and chest heaving, pupils blown wide with lust, and she felt an indescribable panic.

  “Oh god,” She thought, “I can’t go back now, this is it. I don’t... I can’t...” Without thinking she got up and ran out of the room, a very confused Cassandra being left behind.

  “Shit. I’m usually the one to leave afterwards.”

  Chapter Three

  Amy shivered as she stopped outside the warehouse, the wind hitting her body and chilling her to the bone. She’d thrown her pants and jacket on, but everything else had been left next to the mattress where it had fallen. The result was that she had no protection at all from the cold as it sailed through the open jacket and easily seeped into the thin fabric of her jeans, her nipples pebbling and her thighs rubbing together, desperately trying to fight off the residual arousal that she still felt.

  Speaking of, she put her head in her hands, not able to believe that she had run off like that. She groaned, if she hadn’t seemed like some tender, scared virgin before she definitely did now, running away after some of the most primal, incredible sex that she’d ever experienced in her life. Left the most beautiful woman she’d ever seen lying there with her come still glistening her lips, not even giving her a kiss before she made her escape.

  While she had always idly fantasized about leaving someone without a care once she was sated, the reality sure was a letdown.

  She startled as something draped itself over her shoulder, looking down, she saw that it was the underwear she’d left behind. Following the arm still holding onto it, she looked once again into those radiant eyes, the same ones that had been looking up at her in total adoration not ten minutes ago.

  “You know...” Cassandra’s lips curled effortlessly around the words, “If I’ve lost my touch you should tell me, normally I can’t pry them off for hours after.”

  Amy chuckled in spite of her nervousness; breath misting as she huffed out a laugh, “Trust me, you’re definitely not lacking in that department. I could barely feel my legs afterwards.”

  Cassandra bumped her hip, standing right next to her now, “Then what’s up? You looked majorly freaked out, did I do something?”

  She looked at the older woman, seeing that shine of concern behind her carefree front. She sighed, stepping closer and leaning her head against her shoulder, “I just freaked out, it was stupid. I... I want to get out of this elitist bullshit so bad, but it’s been my entire life! I just... I don’t know if I’ll ever get to do what I want, you know.” She squeezed her arm, “I guess I freaked because, well, you’re kind of what freedom looks like.”

  Cassandra blushed, “Wow. Normally people just tell me that I have great tits, that’s the first time anyone’s ever said that I look like freedom.” She smirked, winding her arm around Amy’s shoulders, “With a silver tongue like that I bet you could get whatever or whoever you want.”

  She looked up hesitantly, “Even you?”

  Her answer was to pull Amy into herself, lips caressing hers gently this time. She approached her with a tenderness that surprised herself, not having had a meeting of the bodies in years that hadn’t been driven by raw, animalistic passion. This was new, and even she would have to admit that it scared her a little, but maybe that was ok.

  She pulled back, forehead leaning against Amy’s, “I used to be like you.”

  “Like me?”

  She nodded, “Perfect grades, country club weekends, parents not giving a fuck about me until I brought them my grades.”

  Amy was surprised, with the way she acted it seemed like she’d been fighting against everything since the day she was born, “How did you end up here?”

  “I graduated from high school and they gave me a car for my birthday. Not a hug or even a card, just a car.” She smirked, “I sold that shit, jumped on the next bus and got out of there. I made it to the other side of the country and decided that Seattle was as good a place as any to start over.” She twiddled her fingers idly, “Bought my first guitar and went from there. Stacy, our drummer who is still inside waiting for the after-concert celebration by the way, grabbed me off the street and gave me a place to sleep.” She threw her arms out, “And here we are! Totally free, no one to tell us what to do or when to do it!”

  Amy wasn’t sure what to say, “Wow that’s... That sounds incredible.” She looked down, “I wish I could do that...”

  Cassandra pushed her chin up, fingers delicately swiping across her lips, “Maybe you still can...”

  Her eyes widened, “You can’t mean...”

  “Why the fuck can’t I mean it? We could always use company when we’re travelling around, and it’s been a while since I taught someone to play an instrument.”

  “You want me to just drop everything I have here, leave college… just so I can go on tour with you? Just to,,, just to smoke and play and fuck?”

  Cassandra stroked her fingers, “I think it could be fun, don’t you?”

  Amy sighed, but she couldn’t hide her smile as she looked up. She grinned widely, throwing her arms around the singer and pulling her in, lips smashing against a startled cheek as she giggled, “I think it sounds just about fucking perfect!”

  “Well...” Cassandra took a moment to recover from her surprise, “I guess we’d better get you introduced to the rest of the band, don’t you? You’re going to be spending a shitload of time around them for a while after all.”

  Amy laced their fingers together, squeezing her grip as they walked towards the entrance. Cassandra reached up to her shoulder where her underwear was still sitting, plucking it off and stuffing it into her back pocket. She laughed at the look Amy gave her, “What? Don’t pretend lik
e you were going to put them back on anytime tonight.”

  Amy conceded the point, “Fair enough. Shouldn’t I put more clothes on if I’m gonna meet the band though?”

  She chuckled, “Oh trust me, that’s not a problem.”

  She shifted as she sat in her chair, jacket still undone with her skin bared to the world, though that was hardly the reason that she was nervous right now. No, that would probably be that she was by far the most dressed person in the room.

  Stacy, the drummer, was in her underwear and nothing else, while Indra, their bass player wasn’t even wearing that, sitting with her legs crossed calmly even as the other members swept their gazes over her gorgeous body.

  Cassandra herself had thrown off her shirt as soon as she entered the room, the sight obviously not being unfamiliar to her. Amy felt she finally understood what she meant when she mentioned the band was still waiting for the after-concert celebration. Cass slinked up behind her, hands slipping underneath her jacket and squeezing down on her pale orbs, “You don’t have to worry, you know? We all have fun, we all care about each other, that’s just how we work.” She kissed behind her ear, “you’re a part of that now, if you want to be.”

  Looking over at Stacy, red hair drawing the eye down to a petite figure, tight muscles corded through, speaking to her career as a drummer, then to Indra, caramel skin still glistening with sweat from their performance, long fingers idly tapping along her leg as she stared at Amy. She saw the same look of concern that she had on Cassandra, that same look of “You can leave anytime you want, no pressure.”

  She knew she had to be a part of this. She shouldered off her jacket, gaining confidence from the other members obvious arousal and Cassandra’s answering smirk.

  Stacy was the first to move, lithe body slinking its way across the floor to her, eager teeth already sinking into her thigh and scraping upwards to their destination. She gasped when her lips met hers, lips clamping around her clit and sucking down. So surprised she was that she didn’t even notice Indra had made her approach, not until she felt her cheeks parted and a quite obviously practiced tongue prodded and swirled around her rear entrance.

  She gasped at the feeling, that part of her never having been touched by anyone before, though she would have to admit that she loved it. Cassandra chuckled as she came up beside her, “Should’ve told you, Indy is a total ass-woman. None of us ever complain though, looks like you’re not either.” She got down on her knees, pushing Indra slightly to the side to make room for her, desperate to get her own taste of Amy’s gloriously thick ass.

  She gasped and shuddered as she was eaten from both sides, the three women so much more experienced than any of the boys and girls she’d been with before. Every movement of their fingers, every swipe of their tongues was made to give her the most pleasure possible. She almost lost her footing when Indra and Cass sunk their fingers in to the knuckle, two fingers each pushing into her tight little hole. Her body was ruthlessly plundered by the three women, none letting up as they pleasured her with finger and teeth and tongue, Indra and Cass devolving into a sloppy make out with her tight pucker in the middle.

  The night advanced, Amy finally being allowed some form of rest as she sank to her knees, Indra kneeling in front of her with an almost pleading look on her face. She sighed dramatically, the act betrayed by the eager expression on her face as she thought of the experience she was about to have. She parted he gorgeous cheeks, pressing a kiss to each one as the bass player shuddered in arousal. She nuzzled her face in between, amazed at the feeling of tightness and softness surrounding her as she dug in to her meal.

  Indra gasped, not believing for a second that Amy had never eaten ass before, her tongue already winding its way into her depths and pumping in and out. She was almost driven insane when Amy sunk three fingers into her slit, her pinky lightly stroking over he clit with every thrust.

  Cassandra and Stacy looked on jealously, turning to each other with the same plan coursing through their mind. Stacy took up residence below Amy’s dripping pussy, pulling her hips down until her vision was surrounded by the former college girl’s depths. Cassandra knelt behind her lover, light kisses being placed upon her backside as she lined up her own hips with Stacy’s.

  The singer and drummer ground their hips together, the delicious friction only topping off the amazing feeling they got from devouring their newest member. She tasted like vanilla, strawberries, every manner of flavor that they could imagine right now that only made the experience of having her upon their lips more pleasurable.

  The four women were rapidly reaching their ends, Indra taken by surprise by Amy’s skill, the woman herself still feeling the aftershocks of a previous climax, the experience of her holes once again being taken pushing her to the brink. They all tightened at once, sheer force of will making them still work their fingers and tongues raw, desperate to prolong their partners pleasure for as long as they could. Finally, it all got to be too much, and they collapsed into a pile, the three band members even more sweaty and tired than they had been after a full set.

  They gathered around Amy, herself almost having passed out from the intensity of her latest orgasm. Cassandra tucked her head into her shoulder, drawing her close, neither of them worried about their state as they pressed lingering, tired kisses to each other’s lips. She leaned back, taking in Amy’s form. Sweaty, hair matted, lips swollen and bruised from the nights activity, she looked absolutely beautiful. Amy nuzzled in, “So, where are we heading next.”

  Cassandra looked at the other two members, who merely watched on with a shrug and a smile. She looked down at Amy, on the verge of sleep. She pressed a kiss to the top of her head, “Where ever you want to go.”

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  Story 45

  Chapter 1

  Carolyn was hurrying out the back door of her spacious bungalow. She had just seen a man heading into the pool house. She had grabbed her baseball bat and she was running to investigate. She was so distracted that she forgot about the little lip on the French doors that opened out into the back patio.


  “Are you okay, Mrs. Robbins?” Zack came running to help his next door neighbor up off the ground. Carolyn had really only hurt her pride, but she felt especially silly when she realized the identity of her burglar.

  “How are you, Zack?” Carolyn tried to rebound from her fall. She had asked Zack’s mother if he would look after the pool when he got home from college. “You’ve grown a lot since the last time you were in town.”

  As Carolyn got back to her feet, she saw that Zack had taken off his shirt. Not only had he grown, but he had added a lot of muscle to his skinny frame. Zack muscles all seemed to be flexing as he moved toward Carolyn.

  “Yeah, I keep meaning to get back here, but college has been a whirlwind for me,” Zack had lived next to Carolyn for most of his life, but he had never talked to her so confidently.

  Zack had spent the last two years at college and the summers travelling through Europe, and he didn’t look like the awkward young man that used to peek at Carolyn through the fence. She remembered catching him one day. As she looked over his new finely tuned physique, Carolyn wondered how differently that day might’ve played out with this version of Zack standing on the other side of the fence.

  “So you’ve been working out, I see,” Carolyn asked as Zack finished talking about his trips through Europe. Carolyn had to change the subject; she had been too distracted to pay attention to his stories.

  “Yeah,” Zack said as he flexed his bicep a bit. “I got into a battle with depression during my first year at college and I was told that an exercise routine could help me get out of my funk.”

  “I love funk,” Carolyn said as she stared at the muscle. “I’m sorry,” the older woman laughed. “I’m having a hard time paying attention right now. I forgot you were coming over today, and then I didn’t recognize you. I’m going
to go sit down.”

  “Sure,” Zack said as he walked back toward the pool house.

  “Oh, Zack,” Carolyn shouted as she jumped back toward him. “The pool cleaning stuff is in the garage now. I had to start renting the pool house this year after Harold took me back to court.”

  Carolyn had just started renting the pool house out, and she was worried about her future income. The current tenant had only signed on until September when she was heading back to school. Carolyn had been searching for a while to find a tenant, and she was going to have to go through that process again soon.

  “I heard about that, I was sorry to hear about you guys splitting,” Zack sighed. “But after I heard about how Mr. Robbins was treating you…well, maybe it’s for the best.”


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