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by Jenny Ramshard

He paused, looking at her with a glance. “Do you have any extracurricular activities or strict parents?” he asked.

  “Nope and nope. I don’t have any plays for a long time,” she told him.

  “Well good, maybe every Friday night we can meet. It can be our little secret. Hell, if you want me to, I can even take you out to dinner or something. In a sense, I can be like a boyfriend, and I don’t even have to be off to everyone,” he told her.

  She thought about it, a bit embarrassed to want that, but at the same time, she did think that it was pretty hot that she was being able to be treated like this.

  “I would enjoy that. Really,” she said.

  The two of them decided on that, and after he gave her the note, they finished everything up. She left with a good bill of health, and he told her that she did get sick and she had a fever that started early that morning. Of course, the fever was obviously cured by their passion, but she wouldn’t say that.

  Chapter Four

  The next day, she walked right into school, and people were looking at her. It was rare for Gina of all people to skip class, but then again, sometimes even the perfect women have to take a couple of chances every so often. Right now though, she was going to fix a couple of loose ends that needed to be taken care of, mostly in the realm of the bullshit that the office was trying to pull with her at the moment.

  She stepped in, and immediately the lady looked at her. “Ahh, great to see that you’re doing okay today, Gina,” she said.

  “I am. I was sick yesterday, and here is the note,” she told the lady.

  The lady looked at the note and then back at Gina, shock present on her face. She then shook her head, grasping the paper and looking at her with a glance.

  “Well, I guess you got away with it this time Gina. But don’t think you can be so slick. I can already tell that you’ve got something planned deep within you,” the lady said.

  Gina gave a small, coy smile and then spoke. “I have no clue what you’re talking about, but I was sick, and I got a whole lot better. The doctor really helped me with it,” she said with a smile.

  The woman looked at Gina with wide-eyed anger, but she didn’t say much else after that. Gina just grinned, heading out of there and then back to her classes. The other kids looked at her, and her best friend Laura glanced at her with jealousy.

  “Thanks for leaving me alone yesterday. Where the hell were you? Did you really get sick?” she asked Gina.

  “I was. Yeah, it sucks that I had to leave this boring as fuck place, but I guess I did feel a bit under the weather. Better to get it checked out by a doctor than to sit around and let that shit fester,” she told her.

  Laura looked at her, but she could also see the small twinkle in Gina’s eyes.

  “Something seems up, and you’re going to have to tell me about it later,” she told Gina.

  Gina just gave her a coy grin before she spoke again. “I think it’s best if you didn’t know what happened, but don’t worry, everything is okay now,” she said.

  Her best friend was utterly confused by the way she was acting. Sure, Gina was a great actor who was a perfect person in every sense of the word when it came to hiding her true emotions, but even Laura couldn’t gauge what she was thinking. Of course, Gina felt like it was best to not get her best friend involved in her mess, because she could already tell that the hyped jealousy would only get worse with her as time went on if she found out the truth, that Gina lost her virginity to the doctor. For now, that relationship was her dirty little secret, and it was one that certainly had a lot of potential.

  It was indeed a dirty little secret, and it was kept as one. She blushed as she thought about it every single time she stepped into class, using the doctor’s notes that she got from Kyle whenever she needed one. She was able to get away with a lot, and the two of them kept their illicit relationship under wraps. Of course Gina also made sure to get on birth control after that, which he was able to provide. Taking plan b every now and then can only get a person so far.

  Gina and Kyle did have a very secret relationship, and it was one that when they parted ways because Gina would be in college was one that was hard to embrace. Gina did cry when she had to leave, but he told her that she could come see him whenever she was in town. Although it was hard, she did so, and the two of them kept it up. After a few years, they managed to get married and have a kid, and everyone thought that it was just a chance happening. But the truth was, Gina and Kyle had their illicit relationship going for a long time, and they would never forget what really happened in that office that day.

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  Story 49

  “It’s 1899, father.” Lauren Crabtree was loud enough for everyone seated at the table to hear. “In another year, this century will be over and we will step into the twentieth century. It is about time we traded our old horse drawn carriage for one of these new automobiles.”

  “That’s a marvelous idea.” Her lovely cousin Melinda beamed brightly around at everyone. “It is in fashion now for people of our affluence to own such a vehicle.”

  “Indeed it is, my dears.” Harold Crabtree the third kept his thin lips tight. “But we cannot afford one yet, not at our current financial standing.”

  “But father…” Lauren protested. “However will we get around… even the horses that pull our ancient carriage are old and tired, fit only to be put to pasture.”

  “The carriage is hardly ancient at all.” Her uncle, Marston Crabtree, said indignantly. “Why it’s been in the family since Harold and I were wee boys. It is a fine piece of English workmanship. Tell them, Harry.”

  “Your uncle speaks true, my dear.” The old master of the House Crabtree nodded gravely. “That carriage is the last good thing we have... from the days when the Crabtree name was one to reckon with.”

  “Then what happened?” Lauren asked with a scowl. “Why are we now no better than the help?”

  “Times have been hard on us, my dear.” Her father replied. “Our lands have gone barren and our coffers have run dry.”

  “After your mother’s unfortunate passing, Lauren.” Marston Crabtree said to her. “Our fortunes suffered a dismal slide.”

  “If it were not for the gambling tables that you and father indulged in, uncle, we would now be riding around in a new automobile.” She glared at the fat faced man. “And your wife would not have run off with the Frenchman.”

  “Lauren!” The housekeeper, Mrs. Sutcliffe, rebuked her. “That’s no manner to speak about your uncle and father. Apologize at once.”

  “I will not, for it is the truth.” Lauren stood up and pushed back her chair.

  “Where are you going?” The plump housekeeper demanded. “Dinner isn’t finished yet.”

  “For me it has, ma’am. You are not my mother, so don’t pretend to be.” Lauren replied haughtily. “And my appetite died even before we sat to eat.”

  “Such impertinence.” She heard her uncle say as she walked away.

  “She takes after her mother, god rest her poor soul.” Her father sounded livid. “I must have her wedded soon.”

  “A man to wed her will be hard to find.” The matronly Sutcliffe snorted.

  Lauren could bear it no more. She ran up the stairs to her bedchambers. Closing the door behind her she sat on the bed. The good comfortable mattresses were gone, as were the satin sheets and soft, fluffy pillows. The ones replacing them were from the servants’ quarters, now that they could only afford a third of their staff from before. Anger filled her heart and her head pounded. Why did this happen to her? And why was that fool of an uncle of hers and his dimwitted daughter even there? They had arrived a fortnight ago and never seemed to want to leave. She feared that they might just live there in the old manor with her father and her.

  Lauren missed her mother, and the times when it was a matter of pride to be a Crabtree. She was just thirteen when her mother had passed away, and it w
as hard on her. The last six years, their family fortunes went down a steady decline with no hope of ever recuperating. And all that time it was her father and uncle steadily wasting away the family fortune on games of chance.

  A soft tap sounded on her door. Her cousin, the blonde blue eyed Melinda peeped into her room. What the stupid cow wanted now, she wondered. Melinda was a year older than her and a more full figured at that. She was also much prettier than Lauren, but lacked everything else that she had, namely a thinking mind.

  “Lauren.” Melinda sounded anxious. “You made your father quite vexed.”

  “It was about time.” She retorted. “He’s been making me feel anxious for the last six years.”

  “Oh, but you shouldn’t have said all those things.” Her cousin shook her head with a look of dismay.

  “What do you want now, Melinda?” She asked the blonde tersely.

  “Oh, yes. After you left the table… we had dessert and then Papa and Uncle Harry got to talking.”

  “About what?”

  “About you, silly.” Melinda laughed. “Uncle Harry wants you to be married, but he wants you to be a proper lady first.”

  “The nerve…” Lauren almost exploded.

  “Oh, Lauren.” Melinda gushed. “I’m so excited. We are to leave tomorrow for the Langdon Estate.”

  “The Langdon Estate?” She looked at the other girl blankly.

  “Oh, do you know nothing, you silly girl.” Her cousin laughed at her. “The Langdon estate is where naughty young things like you are sent for correction.”

  “I don’t need to be corrected. If anything, they do… your father and his brother.”

  “Oh, don’t be silly, Lauren. It’s going to be fun.” Melinda clasped her hands together and swayed from side to side like a giddy child.

  “How is it going to be fun?” Lauren could almost slap the silly faced girl across her flushed face.

  “Lord Nathaniel Langdon, oh, he’s quite the dashing devil.” Melinda replied with a distant dreamy look in her wide blue eyes. “Many a young woman would gladly give their all to be corrected by him.”

  “Who the fu… um…” Lauren almost leapt at her cousin but checked herself. “This lord, he is a corrections officer?”

  “Yes, that’s what he is?” Melinda looked very excited. “And I’ve heard some things… about his methods. Oh, I am so eager to do this.”

  “Why are you so eager, if I’m the one being sent?”

  “Oh, you silly girl.” Her cousin’s face grew more cheerful. “You won’t be going alone. I’m going to be there with you all through this.”

  “But how is father going to afford paying for this?” Lauren exhaled deeply and shook her head.

  “Uncle Harry isn’t the one paying, Lauren. Lord Langdon does this as a service to society, and sometimes he pays hapless parents to send him their daughters.”

  “So that’s why father is doing this, that insufferable bastard.” She felt the heat rising up behind her ears. “Why I ought to just run away from home just to spite him.”

  “Oh, Lauren. You say the funniest things.” Melinda’s stupid smile infuriated her, but she decided to calm down. There wasn’t anything really she could do than go through with it. How bad could it be?


  The next day, they were out in the early dawn. The overnight rain still came down in a steady torrent. The old carriage lurched and shook as Lauren and Melinda climbed onboard. Only the one horse, a tired old beast, was harnessed to the carriage and the driver cracked his whip over the animal’s ear. The road was wet and carriage slowly moved forward. The Langdon Manor was a good hundred miles away and it would take all day to get there. Lauren sighed and stared angrily out of the window. She did not even say goodbye to her father before she stormed out with her packed trunk. They were going to be there for a week or even a month, however long it took for her to be corrected. She contemplated on doing the worst she could, and never get corrected or come back home.

  The hours dragged by and on several occasions Lauren suppressed the urge to strangle the excited and talkative Melinda. The only stop they made was for lunch beside a tavern and then it was on again for the next few hours. Then almost after sundown, the imposing gates of the Langdon Estate appeared before the lumbering carriage. The carriage passed through the unattended gate and rolled along the winding pathway up to the impressive manor up ahead in the distance.

  When they reached the manor, no one was there to greet them. The driver helped them with their trunks and then proceeded to the great door. He lifted the large iron knocker and knocked twice before walking back to the carriage.

  “I shall take my leave now, Miss Crabtree.” The driver doffed his cap at Lauren. “It’s a long way back.”

  “Yes, off with you.” She snapped at the man, aggravated that their host had not bothered to come out and greet them.

  The carriage rolled away and they waited outside the door of the manor. Even Melinda seemed at a loss for words by their host’s apparent apathy. Lauren had a good mind to run back after the carriage and return home to Crabtree Manor, but anywhere was better than there for her at the moment.

  “Should we knock again?” Melinda finally spoke, in a small voice.

  “No, I think someone’s coming.” Lauren’s sharp hearing picked up the telltale sound of footsteps approaching the door.

  They heard a few locks being turned and a few heavier sounds of levers being released. Then the huge door opened slightly inwards and a face peered out. It was a woman, round faced and stern eyed.

  “Yes, my ladies?” The woman asked them.

  “We are here on Lord Langdon’s invitation.” Melinda answered with some urgency.

  “The master is away…” The woman, quite evidently the caretaker of the manor, or perhaps just a maid, said with some irritation.

  “And are we to wait out here in the cold and rain until he arrives.” Lauren’s patience got the better of her. “Do let us in, my good woman, lest Lord Langdon have to very ill patrons on his conscience.”

  “Oh… er.” The woman stepped back in and opened to door wider. “Come in, my ladies.”

  “Have someone fetch our trunks.” She told the woman as she stepped up to the door.

  “Er… there are no servants, my lady.” The caretaker replied casually. “I’m afraid you must carry your own luggage, or leave it outside.”

  “This is no way to treat a guest…” Lauren began hotly, but the woman was already walking away.

  “Please hurry.” She called after her. “And close the front door after yourselves. I must go see to your lodgings and evening meal.”

  “The nerve of that woman.” Lauren gnashed her teeth as she struggled with her trunk. “Who does the bitch think she is?”

  “She must be the housekeeper.” Melinda stated the obvious as expected.

  “Thank you for that observation.” Lauren shook her head. “Now help me with this god-awful trunk, we can’t carry them by ourselves. We have to together take them in one at a time.”

  After stumbling and huffing for a while, she and her cousin managed to carry all four of their trunks inside and shut the door behind them. The plush chairs in the waiting room looked very inviting and Lauren flopped down on top of one. Her cousin did the same beside her.

  Barely had they sat down, the woman who opened the door returned and looked at them as if they were something that crawled out from under the furniture. Lauren had a good mind to tell the woman a thing or two, but she was too tuckered out from hauling the heavy trunks. The woman should have at least offered them something to drink. Instead she pursed her lips and stood before them with her hands on her hips.

  “The Master will not appreciate his fine carpets being muddied that way, my ladies.” The woman told them. “But never mind, I will have that mended before he returns. I am Jane Peabody, the housekeeper for this fine manor. Your rooms are ready, please proceed upstairs… with your luggage.”

  And with that t
he housekeeper turned and walked away.

  “What nerve!” Lauren said under her breath. “We are expected to carry these heavy trunks up to our rooms… if this Lord Langdon is so wealthy, where are the servants?”

  “I think this is part of the correctional course.” Melinda said and stood up with a sigh. “Come on, dear cousin… one trunk at a time.”

  By the time they had managed to haul all four full trunks up to their rooms, Lauren was ready to collapse on the bed and fall asleep. Melinda seemed to fare no better. They were given separate rooms, but her cousin had flopped down next to her on the bed.

  A rap on the door made them jump up. Jane Peabody pushed open the door and announced. “Dinner will be served at eight sharp, please be ready and at the table five minutes before. The Master does not tolerate tardiness. He will be arriving in time for dinner and will expect to see you at the table in your finest gowns.”


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