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by Jenny Ramshard

  Yet nothing could prepare me for the answer I was given by the doctor. The man had no reason to lie to me, but for a second, I thought he must be.

  I was pregnant.

  Of course, I had thought about the possibility right after I’d slept with Liam, but I’d pushed it from my mind and done my best to ignore the very thought of it. I’d done too good of a job.

  But no, I was pregnant, and the timing was such that I knew it had to be Liam. I hadn’t slept with anyone else for months before him, I’d been too busy with my career taking off as it had.

  In a daze, I left the doctor’s office, and I looked at Liam sharply. I was pregnant with my bodyguard’s child, and I had a six month tour coming up. How was I ever going to hide my condition from the world, and from him, for that long?

  It was going to be pretty obvious, and fairly soon, what was going on with me. Some signs were going to be pretty hard to hide.

  Damned if I hadn’t gotten myself into a hell of a mess, and as I looked at Liam, I had to wonder just how I was going to get myself out of it.

  * * *

  I still hadn’t figured anything out by the time the tour was set to go. I was going to have to tell Liam, I realized. It wasn’t right to tell him he was about to be a father by letting him figure out when my stomach started to swell. It was tempting to not have to actually say the words to him, but it wouldn’t be fair.

  He was just on the other side of the wall. All I had to do was go knock on his door and deliver the news. Sighing, I tossed and turned, unable to sleep with all that was on my mind.

  This was a big deal for me to start with, this tour. It could change my life, even more than my newfound fame and fortune had already done. It would be enough to keep me up at night even without this whole pregnancy thing.

  I should have been paying more attention. Maybe I’d gotten too used to having a bodyguard. Whatever the case was, when someone slipped into my bedroom window, I didn’t even notice at first.

  The first I was aware of anything amiss was when I had a hand on my mouth. I’d been lying on my side, cradling my own stomach, but the intruder pushed me onto my back, never letting go of my mouth.

  “You got me into big trouble, but don’t worry,” the man whispered. “I forgive you. I’m still your biggest fan, and I know we can be together now.”

  I opened my mouth to scream, to bite at his hand, but he was stronger than me. He started to pick me up, and I really panicked when I realized what he must be planning.

  He was going to carry me right out the window, and after that … I didn’t want to think about that too much. I just knew it needed to not happen.

  I made muffled noises, but nothing loud enough for Liam to hear. Damn it, how was I going to get his attention? The stalker had me over his shoulder, and I lashed out with my foot. Luckily, it connected with a lamp, which fell to the ground with a loud clatter.

  At the same time, I managed to get the flesh of the heel of his hand between my teeth, and I bit down. Hard.

  He let go of my hand, swearing viciously, and I squirmed to try to get free. Why wasn’t Liam coming? It was late. Maybe he was asleep?

  The stalker threw me onto the bed and raised his first, obviously intending to punch me. I winced and threw up my hands to try to protect myself. Not just myself, but my baby, growing inside of me and counting on me to protect them.

  “Please,” I begged, using the only weapons I had. I had never felt fear like this before. It threatened to paralyze me, and yet, I couldn’t let it do so. I had to fight through the terror, because to do anything else would be to surrender my child.

  My own life was valuable, yes, but it was nothing next to the life growing inside my belly.

  “I’m pregnant,” I continued, and just as I said the words, the door opened.

  The whole thing had to have taken less than twenty seconds. It was Liam, of course, and he immediately threw himself on top of him, shielding me from the crazed stalker and then turning on him.

  In seconds, the intruder was on the floor again, and this time, he had a bloody nose for his troubles. I was usually pretty tender hearted, but even I couldn’t regret that. Actually, with how much the guy had terrified me, how he’d made me fear for my unborn child, I sort of wished Liam had killed him.

  “You’re what?” Liam asked, sitting on the small of the stalker’s back with one of the guy’s meaty arms twisted behind his back. He held him there, his arm muscles bulging as he forced him to stay in place, despite his struggles.

  I winced. This wasn’t how I’d wanted to give Liam the news.

  “Or did you say that just to freak this guy out?” Liam asked, when I was silent, trying to think about what the best thing would be to say.

  Maybe I should just let him think that. And then … what? Fire him, after he’d saved me twice? I didn’t necessarily like him, but I did trust him, and the idea of getting a new bodyguard didn’t appeal.

  “No,” I said slowly. “I’m pregnant, just like I told him.”

  There was a moment of silence. One of us should call the cops, but there was no real hurry, I supposed. The stalker was firmly restrained on the ground, after all, and the police had let him go once.

  “Is it mine?” he asked, and it was the first time, literally, that we had even referred to what we’d done that night a few months back. Both of us had been avoiding that subject like the plague. I hadn’t even talked to him, I realized, not even one word, since that night.

  I just nodded slowly. Why lie about it? He struck me as the sort of guy who would demand a paternity test if I said no, anyway.

  “I’m not looking for anything from you,” I made sure to state. “I have money. You don’t need to be involved at all.”

  I wasn’t trying to trap him, and I wanted him to know that. I was fine on my own. I’d always been an independent type.

  He didn’t say anything, though I had to admit, I didn’t give him much time to do so. I just grabbed my robe and left.

  What more was there to say?

  * * *

  Belatedly, I did remember to call the cops, and the same process started all over again. The same questions, the same statements, and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes about the whole thing.

  I was so tired. Utterly exhausted. One of the cops, at least, was a woman, and she seemed to see just how done with it all I really was.

  “This time, he won’t get bail,” she promised. “I mean, I’m saying that unofficially. There’s just no way.”

  So that helped. But when I got out of the office, having given my statement, I collapsed into a chair in the waiting room. I was too tired to go anywhere, and I had no idea how I was going to fix that.

  It was the first time in ages that I didn’t actually know where Liam was. He was always just there, or just through the wall. I would have been pretty scared, I realized, if not for the whole exhaustion thing.

  Still, I waited, and eventually, Liam came out. I gazed up at him, taking in every detail of his strong, muscular form, his handsome face, and I tried not to admit to myself that I was glad to see him.

  Tried, and failed. Utterly.

  I didn’t like him. Or I didn’t think that I did, anyway. But he was there, and that helped.

  He came over to me, which I expected. Then grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up out of my seat, which I definitely didn’t. His lips crushed against mine, and in that moment, the strict control I’d been keeping over my feelings for him, my very real arousal, broke down utterly.

  I moaned, feeling that pulsing, throbbing emptiness between my legs once more. I’d felt it quite a bit since our first time together, but I hadn’t allowed myself to really think about it too much.

  “I’m taking you home,” he growled, and that dominant voice sent shivers of delight through me from head to toe. I wanted that. I wanted him to take me, if he wanted to, and from the way he pressed against me, I was willing to bet that he did.

  He called a cab, and we didn’t even
make it all the way home before we were all over each other. He kissed me, and one of his hands slipped up to cup my breast, effortlessly finding my pregnancy sensitized nipple and toying with it as we made out.

  In a way, it was good that we were in the cab. It drew things out a little more. The first time we’d been together, it had all been heat and passion, and it had felt almost like it was over before it had begun.

  This time would have been the same, if not for the fact that we were in a cab. I dimly knew that anything we did here would end up all over the internet, because there were always people with cameras around me, so that kept me from outright crawling into his lap and taking him deep inside myself.

  Not that I didn’t come close. But we kept our hands above the waist, and by the time we got to the house, I was dripping wet, ready for him. When he outright pulled me into his arms and swept me up bridal style, I moaned and clung to him, kissing him frantically even as he brought me into the house.

  This time, at least, we made it to bed. Last time, it had been the kitchen table, so this was a change. He placed me down onto the soft surface almost gently, and then he started to strip me.

  It was so hot how he moved. He obviously wanted me, and it showed, but he was very deliberate in his movements. He was inexorable, like the tide, or maybe more like the flow of lava across a field.

  I was naked for him soon enough, and then I went for him. Last time, he had still been mostly dressed, and I was desperate to see the gorgeous body, not just his cock. So I stripped him down, and then took a second to just look at him with awe.

  He was perfect.

  A god couldn’t have been more gorgeous. With his slender waist and hips, his solid chest, and his massive arms and shoulders, he was ripped and strong and he couldn’t have been any sexier to me.

  “Liam,” I moaned, and my eyes traced down over his flat stomach to his cock, which stood proudly up. I remembered quite vividly how it had felt to have that monster buried inside myself, and my cunt clenched, wanting that again.

  He came back to the bed, and settled down on it. I expected him to rest on top of me, but instead, he pushed my legs apart and let himself rest between them.

  At first, I didn’t even know what he was going to do. I honestly though he would just take me, and I was more than ready for it. But then he slipped down and his lips were grazing over my hard little clit.

  I saw stars, I swear. My vision changed, and all I could see was him as he wrapped his full, gorgeous lips around my hardened, slick nub. He worked on it, his tongue swirling over it, each movement making pleasure rocket through me.

  At the same time, he shoved two fingers deep inside me, and I tightened around him, desperate to have him deeper, harder, filling me more.

  I reached around, gripping his hips. Tugging him, I got him into place, so that his thick erection was right by my head. I’d never had anyone so big in my mouth before, but I wrapped my lips around him and did my best.

  It stretched my jaw, but I didn’t care. The taste of him, the smell, the masculine musk, it was enough to make me drip more of my juices, which he licked up. I moaned, and his tongue brushed over my clit in the exact right way.

  Just like that, I was gone. I screamed my pleasure around his dick as the pure sensations ripped through me, leaving me helpless and quaking before them. I came hard, and I still wasn’t done when he rearranged us and then pushed inside of me all at once.

  All bets were off, then. We were on each other like wild animals, shoving our bodies desperately together, his cock stretching me open and slamming deep. I rocked up toward him, and it seemed like only a few seconds before my cunt convulsed again and I started to come, giving hoarse little cries with each movement.

  We kissed, our tongues battling, and I felt his cock get even more rigid inside of me, even bigger. He groped my breasts, rolling the nipples in his strong fingers, as our movements got furious and hot enough to actually shake the bed.

  “Natalie,” he growled, deep up inside of me, his hands and mouth seemingly all over me. I could tell he was close, and so was I, to another stunning release. I’d lost of how many he’d given me so far, but the one that was building was going to be a biggie.

  “Liam, oh my God, Liam,” I moaned, and I clung onto him as tightly as I could as my pussy tightened around him, milking him for his come. We came at almost exactly the same time, so that he was shooting inside of me and thrusting so frantically that it drew out my own release.

  “Liam,” I repeated, when I could speak again. “I meant it. I’m not going to try to trap you, so if you want to take off, I’ll be fine.”

  It had occurred to me that maybe he was just jumping me out of some sort of twisted sense of obligation. I hadn’t minded at the time, but the haze of arousal had cleared a little bit and I was worried about it.

  How could I want someone who only wanted to be with me out of obligation?

  “Natalie, don’t be stupid,” he growled. He stayed inside me, but rolled us so that I was on top of him, still impaled on his cock but not squished by his massive body. Despite his words, his tone was gentle, and his hands were sweet as they caressed my back.

  “I’m not being stupid, I’m being realistic,” I argued. “I know you don’t like me. Just because we’re having a baby …”

  He shut me up with a kiss, but this was a different sort of kiss. One with more depth, more emotion. There was still passion, because this was us and it couldn’t be any other way, but it was more than that, too.

  I got it then, without him needing to say another word. He didn’t hate me, and I, no matter how hard I’d tried to deny it to myself, didn’t hate him, either. I wanted him, and he wanted me.

  And we both wanted this baby.

  For the moment, at least, it was enough, and I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back with everything I had in me.

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  Story 51

  Chapter One

  Here I was, off to college, immediately feeling the excitement that completely ravaged through my body. I mean, I wasn't technically a student yet, so I had to hang around near the outside of the dorms. It made me feel excited, but at the same time, I felt like I could get in trouble.

  There was a small rustle in the bushes there, and soon, my best friend Beth came out from there. The pretty blonde immediately smiled at me, and I could feel the excitement coursing through my veins.

  “Sup?” she asked.

  “Not much. Just here,” I told her.

  “Well come on Clara. We can’t be out here forever. Remember, I told you to lay fucking low,” she said with a small worried expression.

  I nodded. “I know, that’s why I'm coming with you,” I told her.

  She nodded, following me inside. This was Layton College, a super prestigious school, and an all-girl’s school. Beth was my best friend, and she was a year older than me. I just turned 18, and finishing up my senior year. This was her first year here, and being 19, she was still pretty new. She brought me over to the door to one of the buildings, looking around.

  “Okay, the RA isn’t around. We can get in,” she said.

  I nodded, following her. It definitely was exciting to say the least. Beth convinced me to come out. She said she had all of this under control. I didn’t know how much of that was the truth, or a goddamn lie, but at the same time, it wasn't going to stop me. I started to move myself against her, feeling her curvy body against my own.

  I was always jealous of Beth. Had had gorgeous curves, and I was kind of a stick. At 5’3” and a mere 110, I didn't have much besides an ass. I was also a virgin too, never really finding someone that I could see myself with in high school. I was bisexual, but all o the guys were too damn thirsty, and most of the girls weren't really my thing.

  The only girl I honestly had eyes on for was Beth. I had a huge crush on her, and I mean, she was older, and had a banging body. A part of me wished tha
t I could have her, but at the same time, I didn’t want to scare her off.

  I followed her inside, and she soon crept down the halls. I was as quiet as I could be, doing what she did, until we got to a room. It had a small, empty whiteboard on it. Beth quickly unlocked the door, looking at me.

  “If the RA comes over and hears anything, we’re fucked, so try to be quiet,” she said.

  I nodded. I would try my best.

  I stepped in, and in the room was a redhead on the other bed. The beds weren't too small, but they certainly were smaller than my king-sized one at home. Beth then stepped forward, urging me to close the door, and then suddenly, she ushered to the redhead there.


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