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by Jenny Ramshard

  “I smile seeing how fucking me washes the stern look off your face.” He broke from the kiss he had on the back of my neck. His hand moved around to my flat stomach and my legs spread for his questing fingers.

  “Your pussy is soaking wet.” He produced a moan of pleasure and it inspired me to squeeze down on his cock. “The cum is rising in my balls. My cock is swollen and I’m sure that you can feel it for yourself. This is going to take the edge off.” There was a new sensation of his thumb touching the forbidden entrance of my asshole.

  It was a momentous occasion when he quickened and finally came to the finish line. He left me vacant as he blew off all over my pussy lips. I could feel the heat of his deposit and the way that a lot of it was making its way down my long legs.

  “I didn’t… I didn’t…fuck it… I am now… YESSSSS.” He was on his knees, sticking his tongue inside me and how he avoided tasting himself was something only he could answer.

  The added stimulation of his tongue brought me to the edge and over it. It was a very strong gripping moment which was testified by how my fingers were bleeding. Some of the nails actually broke off and I didn’t care.

  The aftermath entailed lying in each other’s arms and making promises we hoped to follow through on. He told me in no uncertain terms that my father was going to have to drag me away over his dead body. He did claim to have a proposal that would prevent any unnecessary bloodshed.

  My father and Stephen were talking and I could tell that they had come to a tenuous peace. They shook hands and my father didn’t even give me the respect of coming over to congratulate me. We had already made arrangements for a commitment ceremony. The baby was going to be born months later, but this was not the reason why he wanted a quickie ceremony.

  “I hope she’s worth it. I can’t live with her, but maybe you can handle her better than anyone else. I didn’t think you would let the property go until it was out of your cold dead hands. Love can make you blind and stupid. Her mother had the ability to make me think marrying her was a good idea. It would appear Laurie has that same power.” He didn’t know the dynamics of our relationship. I was not one to dispel his notion that I was the one in charge.

  “I know exactly what I’m getting myself into and I couldn’t be happier. The land was my family’s legacy, but I’ve found something more important.” Stephen stood beside me waving with one hand and touching my backside where the pain was making me grit my teeth.

  I couldn’t wait to have those feelings charging through me with a particular game of hide and seek. I was looking forward to when he caught me all over again.

  Story 60

  It had been ten years, almost exactly, since Anne Marie had last seen any of this. Ten years since she’d had anything but the most superficial contact with anyone, other than her parents. Ten years since she’d had to smell the scent of manure and sun warmed grass and all the other smells that said ranch to her as clear as day. Ranch. And maybe even home …

  Irritated with herself, Anne Marie stormed out of the bedroom, her old bedroom, where she’d be staying for the nearly a week of festivities that her parents were putting on. To her, it seemed a bit bizarre. It was their thirtieth wedding anniversary, not typically one of those big deal things.

  Still, she sort of wished that she hadn’t used one of her precious weeks of vacation to come back here. She could have chosen Paris, London, Rome, any of the huge arts and cultural centers of the world.

  She could have chosen anywhere but here.

  The party started that night, and she was already thinking that she might just duck out tomorrow. Sure, she’d miss some of the festivities, but since they involved things like square dancing, she somehow thought that she’d survive.

  If only her friends back home in New York could see her now. On second thought, it was probably better that they couldn’t. It would probably just give them a heart attack to see her.

  Once upon a time, the tight, worn jeans and tank top that she’d pulled on would have been more or less her uniform in the hot, sultry Texan summer. She had been surprised by how comfortable they still were, though. Also surprised by her reflection in the mirror.

  Were her boobs really that big? Her ass? She had curves for days, curves that she, in her normal business attire, usually somewhat covered. The jeans showed everything off, and her hair was a mess, too, the strands, light brown shot through with gold, pulled into a ponytail simply to get it out of her face.

  Through her old childhood home, where everything was the same. Out onto the porch, which had, thankfully, been replaced recently. Already, they had a weathered look, like everything around here got.

  The sun burned her face, and she could remember a time when she was tanned all of the time. Her skin was pale now, pale from years inside, first in a classroom and then during her new job as an associate attorney. She literally couldn’t remember the last time she’d been outside for any serious amount of time.

  Without thinking, she wandered over to the stables. Her family’s ranch was pretty well off, and there were several horses for her to pick from. She hadn’t ridden in ten years, of course, but she was sure it would come back to her. Like riding a bike, right?

  At first, that seemed to be the case. Anne Marie was delighted when she saw that Star, her favorite horse, was still around and even seemed to recognize her. She was able to heft the saddle into place without help, just as she had all of those years ago.

  It wasn’t until she was on the trail that everything went to hell.

  If only she’d remembered that Star had a bit of an issue with water. If only she’d known that that issue seemed to have gotten worse with age.

  Anne Marie felt like she was doing just fine. She was even proud of herself. Some of the muscles that she hadn’t used in years were aching a bit, to be sure, but she was managing it. She was on horseback again, after ten years, and it felt incredible, like flying …

  And then Star snorted and Anne Marie learned what it really was to fly. Nothing on earth was quite like being on a bolting horse. Cars went faster, but in cars, you felt safe. Contained. Not so on a horse.

  The world blurred around her as Star pulled into first a canter, then a good, hard gallop. The dull greens and browns and grays of the landscape all meshed together, so that all that Anne Marie could do was hold on for dear life and pray that she somehow didn’t fall off.

  The reins flew from her fingers, and she clutched onto the saddle horn. Her fingers wrapped around it desperately, but it wasn’t enough. She was slipping.

  “Whoa, Star,” someone called out, a voice that was strangely familiar to her. A voice that may have deepened and matured, but that she swore that she knew …but she was too busy holding on for dear life to think about it.

  Only she wasn’t. Star had, by some miracle, actually heard that voice, just as Anne Marie had, and she slowed down to a canter again, and then a fast trot that bounced Anne Marie around.

  It was that that finally shook her grasp free of the saddle horn. Just as Star slowed and then stopped, Anne Marie fell, and the last time she’d been knocked from a horse had been when she was a child. Her parents were never going to let her forget this.

  She hit the ground hard, landing on her side, and painful heat rushed through her body. But the earth, at least, wasn’t moving. She clung to it, panting, accepting the pain and honestly just happy that she was alive, that Star had stopped, that Anne Marie herself hadn’t gone flying much further.

  “Anne Marie?”

  That familiar voice again. Anne Marie had squeezed her eyes tightly closed, but she opened them to see who was speaking to her.


  Oh God. It was him, wasn’t it? Depending on how she looked at it, he was either the first or second boy to break her heart. Or maybe she’d been the first girl to break his. His and …

  “Well, hello, gorgeous,” another voice, even deeper and more masculine than the first one, spoke out. Speak of the devil, or, in this case,
even start to think about him, and he apparently showed up.


  Could this get any more awkward? The two boys that she’d grown up with, her next door neighbors and the first boys that she’d ever had a crush on. They’d all been best friends, all three of them, and now here they were, standing over her, watching her as she hugged the ground.

  She’d had better moments, that was for sure.

  Lance offered his hand, and so did Austin, and she tried to remind myself that she was a big deal back home in New York. Or at least a moderate deal. Certainly not the grubby cowgirl that she looked at the moment, though of course, no cowgirl worth her salt would be as ridiculous as to let herself be thrown like she had been.

  Still, she took their hands, both of them, and hauled myself to her feet. Maybe not the most graceful, but at least she was standing again. Standing, but still in this humiliating, awkward situation.

  “Well, look who decided to grace us with her presence,” Austin drawled. There had been a time when that drawl was all around her, but over time, she knew hers had faded. Very few people in New York spoke like a Texan did.

  She took a deep breath, letting the air calm her, and then she spoke. She tried to sound as reasonable as possible, to use her best ‘lawyer voice’, and that calmed her more than even the breath had.

  “Hello, Lance, Austin,” she walked over to Star and stroked the lovely arch of her neck. It was tempting to be angry at her, but she was just a horse. She hadn’t done anything on purpose, she’d just been scared, and really, she should have remembered her fear of water.

  “Hello, yourself,” Lance tilted his head to the side as he looked her over. A bit self conscious, she tried to brush some of the dirt off of her jeans, but it was sort of a lost cause.

  “Look, I’m only in town for … Well, not for very long.” Trying to keep her dignity about her, she looked up at both of them. Way up. she knew she was short for a woman at only 5’2, but both of them were at least a foot taller than her. Still, she drew her shoulders back and looked at them, trying to seem taller than she was. “So let’s just keep it civil. I know things didn’t go so well between all of us before …”

  “You couldn’t make up your mind about which one of us you wanted,” Austin interrupted, and she glared at him. Not that she could deny what he said. It was true, but she was trying to be a grown up about it now.

  “Well, now I don’t want either of you,” she snapped. So much for being an adult. For some reason, though, Austin and Lance just looked at each other and then smirked, like they were sharing some hilarious secret that she wasn’t in on.

  “Oh, really?” Austin purred. He had always been the more dominant one, the one that was more interested in being in control. Not that Lance didn’t have a mind of his own, he did, but he was more willing to sit back and let someone else take the reins. “Because I think, darlin’, that it’s more likely that you still just want us both.”

  She groaned softly. It was true, damn it. It had been a long time since she’d been this aroused. When she shifted, she could feel how slick she was, how the lips of her pussy rubbed against each other.

  These guys were being jerks, maybe, but damned if they weren’t the sexiest jerks that she’d ever been around. They always had been, and if anything, they’d both become hotter than ever. Like so many women, she had always had a weakness for the tall, dark, muscular, and handsome look. Go figure.

  Even the way Austin had purred out that term of endearment, darlin’, so common in Texas but not something she’d heard often in New York, had her dripping wet. She wanted someone inside her. No, not someone. These two men. Both of them.

  Damn it, she clearly hadn’t learned. she still wanted more than she should.

  “She does,” Lance murmured, his blue eyes bright. He was the lighter toned one, with those sapphire eyes, a lighter tan, and light brown hair. Austin was darker, with eyes and hair that were almost black. “She does still want us both. I always wondered why she ran away to the big city. I think I know why now.”

  If there was one thing that Anne Marie hated, it was being spoken about like she wasn’t even there. And both of these men would know that very well, which only made it that much more infuriating.

  “I do not,” she protested, but it didn’t come out nearly as firm as she would have liked. Instead, she sounded almost plaintive, like she was begging them to stop making fun of her. She hated begging. She was strong and proud and didn’t need anything badly enough to beg for it.

  Anne Marie turned abruptly on her heel, intending to mount Star and be on her way, but then she felt a strong, warm finger close around her wrist. She was pulled gently, but inexorably, back around, and then Austin’s lips were on hers, just as they had been all of those years ago.

  “Austin!” Lance’s voice was filled with protest, but Anne Marie’s head was spinning. She’d kissed Austin exactly once before, seconds after she’d kissed Lance. Then, they’d told her to pick, and she hadn’t been able to. Was history repeating itself?

  “It’s her choice,” Austin said, his voice calm, but his eyes tumultuous. “Which one do you want? It’s time to settle this.”

  While Anne Marie was still reeling, Lance came up to her, cupped the back of her head, and kissed her. Both of them were incredible kissers, but Anne Marie could have told them apart with her eyes closed. Austin was rougher, more demanding, whereas Lance coaxed her lips apart and slipped his tongue in so that it almost seemed like her idea.

  Either one of them would have been enough to make her weak at the knees. Both of them together, though? That was nothing short of heaven, and all of a sudden, she knew what she wanted.

  It was so obvious, and it was sort of funny that it had taken her ten years to figure it out. But she’d changed a lot in those ten years. Become much more confident, more able to state what she wanted or needed. In this case, it felt much more like need than want.

  “If it’s my choice, then I want you,” she said, looking firmly at Lance, and then, before he could get too cocky about her choice, she turned to Austin. “And you. Together. At the same time.”

  She let her eyes roam over both of them, and she knew that her choice was right. They wanted her to pick either one of them. Well, that’s not what she wanted. She couldn’t pick. She’d never been able to.

  “Both of us?” Austin asked, and he looked at Lance for a long, long moment, while Anne Marie held her breath. “Like, at the same time?”

  Anne Marie’s breasts tingled, her nipples hardened, and her pussy clenched and throbbed. Just hearing Austin say the words was deeply arousing to her, it hit her harder than she’d even been expecting.

  “You two,” Anne Marie breathed, “On me. That’s what I want.” Slowly and deliberately, Anne Marie fastened Star’s reins to a nearby tree, tying her firmly so that she wouldn’t escape. “Can you handle it, boys?”

  Austin went from looking uncertain to smug in about a half a second, and Anne Marie smirked a little to herself. She had him, and if Austen went along with it, she had the idea that Lance would, too.

  “Maybe I should be asking if you can handle it, gorgeous,” Austen murmured, and Anne Marie outright laughed. Handle it? She craved it. Desired it with everything in her. “Do you think you can take both of us at once?”

  Anne Marie was known in New York as being very career driven personal, somewhat cold. She kept people at a distance, was cautious and reserved. That’s what people said about her.

  What would they say if they could see her as she stepped just a bit back from the two men and started to slip her shirt off over her head? No one was around. Anne Marie’s parents’ ranch was big enough that no one was likely to show up, and for once, Anne Marie felt like being bold, and just a little bit reckless.

  So she didn’t stop at the shirt. She reached around behind and unsnapped her bra, too, enjoying the way that the two men stared at her outthrust chest. The warm sun hit her breasts, and her nipples hardened from
the looks she was getting.

  She was never wanton. Maybe she’d been missing out, though. It almost felt like a drug, the way her blood raced through her veins, heated by the looks that she was getting. She could get used to this.

  “Nothing else comes off until you guys start stripping,” Anne Marie said. It was like she was tapping into this wellspring of instinctive feminine knowledge. She knew it would drive both men crazy when she crossed her arms under her heavy breasts, pushing them up and together, displaying them to Lance and Austen.

  Surprisingly, it wasn’t Austen who went first. It was Lance. Austen was too busy looking around as though he expected to find people watching. The truth was, Anne Marie didn’t care if people were. She was going to get hers. Or maybe she even liked the idea of being watched.

  Maybe she liked it a lot.


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