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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories Page 140

by Jenny Ramshard

  My legs were shaking and my eyes were looking up at him with this big smile on his face. He was having the time his life fucking my face and holding onto my ears for support.

  “The way you look at me with your eyes glazed over gives me fuel for the fire. We should curb our appetite until after dinner.” I was stunned into breathless silence when he extracted himself from the warmth of my womanly caress. He released me from the belt.

  “I’ll go into the kitchen and make us something for dinner. I have a decadent dish that will stick to your ribs.” They left me hanging there over the couch naked and dripping down the inside of my legs.

  “Sienna, you’ll find your room upstairs on the left and this will give you the opportunity to freshen up. My husband will be up shortly with something for you to wear for dinner.” I was unsteady on my feet and had to hold onto the railing on my way up to the second landing.

  Stopping at the top, I was able to look at the progression of their marriage starting from their wedding day. She seemed unable to look him in the eye at the altar. Later versions showed a different woman and something had to happen to bring them to this freedom to explore.

  I had to take a quick shower to douse the flames which they had caused by rubbing me the right way. I could’ve easily taken on a football team. They had stopped things before they could go any further.

  “Carla requests you wear this to dinner.” I expected to find some tasteful dress with just a modicum of skin showing. What I got instead was nothing short of scandalous. It was see through. I felt like I was a different woman wearing it.

  I wanted to give him a show, but he had already turned to leave before I had gotten into the garment. It was silky against my skin, but I knew it was going to put a spotlight on me. I was suddenly nervous and about to go to dinner with hardly anything on.

  Tomorrow was my first day of training in this new environment and my coach was going to be there to greet me in person. She could barely afford her own ticket and how she made out for lodging was anybody’s guess. I lucked out on finding a kinky diversion from the tedious amount of time that I was going to take to the slopes.

  My breath was short as I descended the stairs leading into the kitchen. The aroma of some kind of stew was hitting me like a ton of bricks. She was standing at the stove naked from the waist down and Kenneth was sitting at the table naked from the waist up.

  “I hope you are hungry for more than just food.” Her tone was seductive and I reached for a chair only to have Kenneth hold it with his foot to prevent me from sitting down.

  Chapter Four

  I stood there motionless trying to figure out what their game was. He informed me by tapping the table that my seat was going to be right in front of them. I jumped when she slapped my ass on the way around to the other side of the table.

  I sat down on his plate and he grabbed for the material before giving a yank. It tore like paper down the middle stripping me of the pretense of being demure. There was nothing complicated with the way that they were looking at me.

  She sat down beside her husband to feast her eyes on the wet slit down the middle.

  “There’s always room for an appetizer before the main course. I’m a woman of considerable appetite.” I was liberated of my clothes and she peeled off her sweater to reveal nipple capped mountains.

  My legs were dangling over the side of the very well put together table. It was made of solid Oak. She pulled me towards her and was sensuously moving her fingers underneath me. The flitting presence of her tongue along the lips was bringing my little friend out to play. It was quite enlarged and she was denying me the pleasure of her lips wrapped around it.

  I was soon kicking my heels out against the chair she was sitting on. I was twisting my head from side to side and sending some of the cutlery and dishes to the floor. She was injecting new life in-between my legs. Her ravenous approach was met with enthusiasm on my part.

  Kenneth was stroking his hard on with his excitement bubbling over the top. He was waiting his turn. I had no idea a woman’s lips would feel so amazing. It was giving me something to think about concerning the possibility of adding the other half of the population to my sexual repertoire.

  “Damn…you two girls are really going at it. I don’t see any reason why you would need me around. Wait… I think that I have nine good reasons.” He was priming his stiffness and there was no denying he was ready to break through whatever resistance he was going to find.

  My legs were over her shoulders and she was scratching the inside of my thighs to insert some of her dominance. I was craving something more than her agile tongue. The feeling was clawing along my lower extremities. Her finger made contact with my G spot and she took the opportunity to touch her hot tongue to my clit.

  I came with my arms and legs flying in all directions. There was a litany of dirty talk making it hard for him to stand there any longer than necessary.

  “I want cock… I want hard experienced cock… I want it now.” My body was desperate and he was more than willing to take his place at the fountain of youth.

  “I’m going to be right behind him and you’ll be able to see me over his shoulder. I’m going to fuck you with his cock and set the pace for what is obviously going to be a mind blowing experience.” I used to like my love making sweet, but this overwhelming lust was hard to contain.

  “I have to have her and why do you keep her out of my reach.” I felt the head begin to push against the already soaking and sodden lips of my sex.

  It didn’t look like it was going to fit and it was her hips which forced him to push past the first obstacle.

  “I know that you can’t keep your hands to yourself and this is my way to keep you from finding something else on the side. Go ahead and enjoy it on my terms. Don’t even think about moving unless I give you permission.” She had her hands wrapped around his waist and was slowly guiding the length of his pipe to the lips. They were soon kissing the shaft.

  “You’ve always taken good care of me, but maybe you should sit on her face. We can look at each other while she satisfies us from both ends.” She quickly got on the table and straddled my face with her clean shaven cunt right there for the taking.

  “Tempting me with her tongue is dirty pool.” She lowered herself and I slipped her the tongue at the same time that he was drilling the enormity of his appendage into me.

  I screamed, but my excitement was muffled by how she was suffocating me with her thighs firmly closed against my head.

  The table began to move. This kind of craftsmanship was hard to come by. They must’ve had it custom made to take the brunt of whatever activities they were planning on using it for.

  “I get no better pleasure than fucking this little hole and watching you so close to climax that it isn’t funny. I would love for all of us to go off at the same time, but I don’t think the first time needs to be a photo finish.” His head was repeatedly hitting the overhead lamp. It didn’t seem to slow down the fire in his loins.

  “Yes…you are a breath of fresh air and there’s no better testament to what you are doing than how I am going to scream my head off.” Her cream was delicious and I could’ve used a spoon and sat there devouring all of her. I was using my fingers to scoop out what was dripping out of her.

  I could barely concentrate on the way that he was fucking me with relentless strokes of encouragement. He was stimulating every time he pulled all the way out and then rammed like a battering ram back in.

  “I hope you know this isn’t the only time we are going to attack you like this. It’s the one caveat of living here which I’m sure you’re not going to put up any fuss about. We like young women to share together and it’s very rare when we find one we agree on. It’s even rarer when we find one that is up to the challenge of being with a couple.” The muscles in his legs were fatigued, but he was striving to push the envelope.

  “I want you to shoot your load all over her pussy lips. Come on…I know the signs and you�
�re just about ready to blow. Let’s see what I can’t do to get you there quicker.” It would stand to reason that she would know what buttons to push.

  They had been together long enough and I was curious to see how he was going to react to what she was going to do to him.

  She showed him her nails and then grazed them lightly down his chest concentrating on the hardened buds of his nipples. This caused his body to react with jerks of appreciation.

  His head was thrown back and he was moaning loud enough for me to hear him even with her thighs blocking out everything.

  Darting my tongue in and out of her worked in my favor. The friction of him along those wet lips and the inner muscles squeezing his inches brought forth more than I bargained for. I was screaming and he was uncorking the bottle and letting the champagne of his white hot seed escape. He pulled out and it streamed all the way to my neck. I felt like a glazed donut.

  We lay there on top of the table sticking to one another and I was the icing in the middle. They had their hands wrapped around me and then we were sitting at the table eating the stew. She was an amazing cook and I kept looking at her. She wasn’t bashful and it made me feel good to know that I was in capable hands.

  “We don’t want to give you the wrong impression of us. What you see here is us being selective with those partners that we are willing to share with one another. Standing by one another over the years brought to light some secret kinks. We’ve been honest with one another and it helped to solidify our relationship.” Carla was holding his hand and then she was sucking two of his fingers giving me ideas for the future.

  “You don’t have to explain the dynamics of your relationship and I’m just glad to be a part of it. I’ll be happy to do the dishes and then join you in the bedroom upstairs after I’m done.” They were making eyes at one another and I was going to find them in the throes of passion.

  The next few days were draining on the slopes and I was depleted until I was able to see them waiting for me on my return. Training for the games was nothing compared to the acrobatics I performed on a daily basis with one or both of them.

  The sex was good for my stamina and I managed to perform better than my expectations. After the games, I moved in with them and I took a position where I was teaching the next generation how to become the next big thing.

  I still competed, but it was at the request of my endorsements. I was living the life I always wanted to and all it took was a change of venue. I had the best of both worlds.

  Story 64

  Chapter One

  Tick. Tick.Tick.

  Mike’s gaze on the clock was unwavering, his pencil dropping out of his hands unbidden as he made peace with his situation. Another D, another flubbed test, another step away from college. He put his head in his hands and waited for the bell to ring.

  “Pencils down.” Ms. Ricci stepped through the rows of seats, taking up each completed test. When she reached Mike, she gave a small look of sympathy, “Mike, stay back after class please.” He nodded numbly, not wanting to drag this out any longer. She stepped away, ignoring the looks of the other students, male and female alike burning into her back, and collected the rest of the papers.

  One by one the students left the room until it was just Mike standing there alone with Ms. Ricci. She called him over, leaning back on her desk, her legs crossed at the knee, “How do you think you went today Mike?”

  “Ms. Ricci, I…”

  “Catherine, please.”

  “Catherine, I…” He sighed, “Not great.”

  She frowned, not unkindly, “Mike… you’re a good student, and I understand you’re a good quarterback. But this is not going to help you, you need to pass these classes, otherwise you will not get into college!”

  “I know!” He grunted in frustration, “Whatever, I need to get to work.” He grabbed his bag and stormed out of the room.

  “Mike, wait!” She held out her hand then dropped it sadly when he walked out the door, “Shit.”


  “Does she think I don’t know that?” He kicked at a rock on the pathway, grumbling to himself, “I’m not failing ‘cause I like to…”

  The door to the restaurant opened with a ring, Mike stepping through and took off his coat. A large man came through from the back, sauce stains on his apron, “Mike! You’re late, did something happen?”

  He shook his head, “Just got held up at school, nothing major. Sorry I’m late Mr. Atoli.”

  The older man shook his head, “Don’t worry about it kid, no one’s come in tonight yet anyway.” He shook his head as Mike put his apron on, “You should be at home studying, not helping out old men with their dishes.”

  Mike shook his head, “Can’t afford not to,” He smirked, “unless you’ll pay me to stay home?”

  Mr. Atoli laughed, “I’m concerned kid, but even I can’t afford that.”

  He smiled sadly, “Yeah, I know the feeling.”

  It was 10 at night by the time he finished, waving wearily to Mr. Atoli and stepping out into the night, the cold biting into him. While he walked, he thought about Ms. Ricci’s words, about his grades, about football, about college. “Something’s gonna have to give,” He sighed to himself as he pushed his door open, his room dismally cold and the rest of the house empty, his mother at her night shift, “But what exactly?”

  When he sank into bed that night, it was like any other night, wondering exactly how the next day was going to end up.


  “Hike!” The ball passed backwards into Mike’s hands, and suddenly it was as if the world was in slow motion. He could see everything all at once - Santos making a direct line for the end zone, but two players well on their way to intercept. Garry pushing his way through the defense, but with too many around him to consider it a safe pass. And finally, Red moving along behind the defensive line, but with no one making their way to block him, a perfect opportunity. They made eye contact just as the ball left his hand; sailing through the air and into Red’s outstretched hands. He pivoted on the spot and sprinted for the end zone, the others making their way to block for him. He sailed over, planting the ball into the ground and whooping in victory, Mike slamming into him and lifting him in the air.

  “Beautiful catch man!”

  Red looked down at him, grinning ear to ear, “Beautiful catch? Fucking beautiful throw, baby!”

  The whistle blew and they looked over to the coach, himself wearing a wide grin, “Alright ladies, that was a great play all around. Hopefully we can do the same thing next week against River High. For now, hit the showers.”

  Mike trapped Red in a headlock, dragging him towards the locker room. He would have done that the whole way as well if he hadn’t felt the finger on his shoulder. He jumped, looking backwards into Ms. Ricci’s eyes, she smiled softly, “Nice playing out there, do you mind if we talk after you’ve freshened up?”

  He stammered, “Uh, I… Yeah, sure.”

  “Great!” She smiled, with teeth this time, “I’ll just be waiting in here.” She pushed the door open to the women’s locker room, unused today, and disappeared inside.

  He would have continued staring after her if Red hadn’t rubbed his cheek against his and purred, “Oooo, getting a little special treatment from Ms. Ricci, eh?”

  He laughed, “Fuck you, asshole. Get off me!” He started shoving Red towards the showers, ignoring his flailing limbs.

  “Oh Mike, you’re just too big and strong. How will I ever get over you?”

  “Shut up!”

  Once he had showered and dried off, he left the locker room, trying to ignore Red’s kissy faces, but finding a smile on his face nonetheless. When he got to the women’s locker room he paused at the door, trying to prepare himself for the inevitable lecture that he was going to get.

  “It’s not her fault you’re failing.” He said to himself, “She’s just trying to help out. That’s all.”

  Sighing to himself, he pushed the door open. There she was, look
ing elegant even in a setting as drab as a locker room. Her hair up in a bun, her shirt and skirt completely free of creases, her green eyes sparkling behind her glasses. She looked like she’d stepped right out of a magazine and into a high school. He cleared his throat as he entered, “Hi, Ms. Ricci…”

  She smiled, “I keep telling you to call me Catherine.”

  “Right, yeah, Catherine. Sorry it’s just… weird calling a teacher that.”

  She shook her head, “It’s ok, take a seat.”

  He sat down on the bench, she took a seat next to him, “Now, tell me what’s on your mind.”


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