Dirty Erotica Sex Stories

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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories Page 145

by Jenny Ramshard

Chapter One

  It had been a whirlwind of emotions. Sitting in his chair felt like I was disgracing his memory. I had just returned from a yoga session with my best friend Jessica. We were both skilled in many ways, but we always made time to sculpt our bodies and center our minds. The fateful day when we got the news of the helicopter accident was a crushing blow. Losing both our husbands was a life changing moment.

  “I hope this guy knows enough about computers to figure out this mess. Julie, I don’t want this business to fall apart and these employees are depending on us. We have a great sales force that doesn’t need us to hold their hands.” We had hired five new people to pound the pavement. Nobody was in the office at this early hour.

  “Anthony knew what he was doing to make money efficiently and quickly. It has been six months since their untimely demise. I hate to say this, but I’m not the only one that has been thinking about it. You may profess innocence, but we both know the truth.” I was waiting for her response and she seemed generally confused.

  “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about.” We hadn’t been with anybody besides our husbands and we married them right out of high school. They were our first and we never had a chance to stretch our wings sexually.

  “Jessica, I’ve seen the way that you have been looking at the young men in the neighborhood. There’s no way that we can throw ourselves at any one of them without tongues wagging.” We were both in our forties, in our sexual prime and feeling the itch to do something naughty.

  “You’re one to talk and that’s like the pot calling the kettle black.” I was a little bit more subtle and stayed behind the curtains with high powered binoculars.

  “Six months is a long time to go without any kind of male companionship. Let’s call it what it is. We are both fucking horny and we need a nice young cock to satisfy every part of us.” She almost upended her coffee with some of it coming out of her nose.

  “We’re supposed to be acting professional and our husbands deserve for us to get this business straightened out.” She wasn’t wrong and for all their faults, they still managed to provide everything we wanted. I did notice some unusual shuffling of funds. They were taking from Peter to pay Paul.

  They had juggled various balls in the air just to stay a float. There was money out there waiting to come in, but they were never comfortable with confrontation.

  “You’re the one who confessed to me in a moment of weakness after too many cocktails that it might be nice to find some young stud. I thought that you were crazy but then I started to give it some very serious thought. Late nights alone in my cold bed gets old quickly. A plastic substitute isn’t enough anymore.” I was a fiery red head with the temperament to match. She was a Raven black haired beauty and had the ability to have the boys clamoring for her attention.

  “We have reached our sexual peak and wouldn’t it be nice to find somebody who was ready to put a smile on our face. I don’t mind teaching the younger generation. To get what we want we need somebody naïve and willing to take direction.” I missed my husband, but it was time to pass the baton to someone else. I had no interest in getting married again and a little fun was the perfect medicine.

  Jessica and I were almost carbon copies of one another standing at 5’2 and 130 pounds respectively. We were both wearing jogging pants with mine being black and hers being white and matching sports bras.

  “Julie, I admit that there has been temptation over the years, but I have never strayed. We did spice up the bedroom from time to time by introducing different toys and positions. We got a lot of use out of the book you bought for me as a gag gift for my birthday.” I remembered the shocked look on her face when she peeled back the wrapping.

  “I’ve never cheated either, but I did have the occasion to think of someone else while we were doing the deed.” I had my feet up on the desk and without thinking about it I began to rub the crotch of my jogging pants.

  I could smell the sex in the air and the heat in the room had risen a few degrees with this bawdy talk. Jessica was standing by the window with her breasts pressed up against the glass. Her eyes were closed and whatever fantasy she was thinking about had made her nipples hard enough to cut through that glass.

  “I don’t think that I could do this on my own. We’ve made up our mind and how do we go about in attracting a big fish. I don’t want to do this unless it’s worth stepping out of my comfort zone.” I hadn’t thought about that and a man with stamina was only half the battle.

  “We’re just going to have to keep our eyes open. You never know when what we are looking for is going to fall into our laps.” The more I thought about it, the more explicit the fantasy became with the image of those veins bulging.

  Now that she had broached the topic, I wanted something more than just average. I wanted something extraordinary and young enough to keep up with the demand of two women.

  “Jessica, I can’t believe that we’re talking about getting fucked right here in the office. Our husbands must be rolling over in their graves. You never know, they might enjoy seeing us with other men and I’ve heard stories about couples taking things to the next level.” Jessica was looking at me like I was crazy, but the Internet was abuzz with all sorts of material.

  “It’s perfectly natural and I’m sure guys talk about us behind our backs all the time. I would love to be a fly on the wall in the showers of the gym that we frequent every morning. Some of those guys are packing exactly what we have been thinking about. It’s one thing to fantasize, but I’ve heard from other women that reality can be a little disappointing.” I was getting tired of talking about it. Touching myself was making me anxious to taste the arousal of some young cub.

  “I don’t want to hear any negative thinking. What I want is a fucking cock that isn’t a five-minute wonder.” I had raised my voice slightly and then I heard somebody clearing their throat. We both turned to see this be-speckled man in a shirt that could barely hold his physique.

  Chapter Two

  “Your resume is very impressive and I see that you graduated at the top of your class. This position will mean long hours working underneath us. We expect you to put the work in and be ready to take direction.” I was using enough sexual innuendo to make the young man squirm nervously in his seat.

  “I have the kind of work ethic that you won’t be disappointed in.” I saw something twitch inside his dark khakis. My eyes went wide at the implication of what was unfurling down the left side of his leg.

  “What Julie is trying to say is that we need somebody who doesn’t mind rolling up their sleeves. Getting dirty is a prerequisite around here. Do you like to get dirty, John?” I was impressed and she was not shying away from making not so subtle advances. Her hand was massaging his shoulder and he looked uncomfortable in his own skin.

  “I’m not sure how to…ahem…answer that.” I turned and I bent over at the waist to get something from the bottom of the filing cabinet. I smiled knowingly when I heard him gasp out loud for the both of us to hear.

  “John, we expect honesty and we want you to know that our door is always open.” I was in a compromising position and my hard packed globes were practically in his face. I didn’t think that I knew how to flirt, but it was like riding a bicycle.

  “Is it getting hot in here? Can we open a window and cool things off?” I pretended to stumble on my high heels and my ass landed in his lap. I feigned innocence by putting one finger up to my lips and biting on the tip of it. It wasn’t what I wanted to wrap my lips around.

  “We like it hot…the hotter the better.” Jessica followed up that comment by going around behind him and leaning over so that he had a bird’s eye view of her ample cleavage.

  “Ladies, I think maybe this interview is over.” I turned abruptly and straddled his lap feeling his arousal pressing up against my mound. Only the thin fabric of the jogging pants was preventing further contact.

  “The interview has only begun and we need to make sure that you are t
he right man for the job. Do you have the tool and the know how to use that tool? Jessica and I are going to be a harsh task master.” His instrument was pressing obscenely against the zipper and it was pumping a beat which was hard to ignore.

  I moved in a circle giving him my version of dirty dancing. I would’ve given any stripper a run for their money in a contest of who could give the most provocative lap dance.

  “I’m not…very experienced, but I’m willing to learn.” I hadn’t even considered that he might be a virgin. Breaking his cherry was going to become something that I could cross off my bucket list.

  “What happens behind closed doors is between consensual adults. I have a good sense about these things, John. I don’t think that I have to paint you a picture of what this position entails.” Jessica was playing the game better than anyone.

  I wanted to get a better look at the merchandise. I had a feeling up close and personal would be an awe inspiring moment.

  “Do I take it from your comment that there isn’t a girlfriend or significant other in your life? I only ask because there is no room for drama around here. We want something simple and we want you to be ready whenever the need arises. We will have to put you on probation for the first couple of months to see if you’re going to work out.” He did work out and the muscles rippling underneath the shirt made me envision the way that he could manhandle the both of us into submission.

  “I wasn’t…expecting this and I’m going to need some time to think about it. I don’t know if I could take this kind of distraction.” He was only making me hungry for his form and his reluctance became like a red cape to a bull ready to charge.

  “We have other candidates we are willing to look at, but you are certainly at the top of our list. The job is yours if you want it, but you know what that means. If you can’t handle it then we won’t expect you to come through those doors tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn. Better yet, maybe we can sweeten the deal by offering to cook for you. I think that we can find something off the menu for dessert.” I was slightly shocked by how blatant I could be.

  “I think that I can figure out what will be off the menu. I might be inexperienced, but you don’t have to beat me over the head to drag me back to your cave. I will consider your offer over dinner and then we will see what develops.” I didn’t want him to leave, but the anticipation of seeing him again was going to turn me into a ravenous animal.

  “I want you to wear a pair of nice tight jeans and something easily accessible. We promise to return the favor.” Jessica was making her intentions clear.

  I reluctantly got up on my unsteady legs, breathing deeply and feeling flush with my skin clammy to the touch.

  “This has been the most interesting interview I’ve ever had in my life.” I couldn’t have said it better myself. I was ready to peel away the layers of his clothing to see what was hiding underneath.

  “If you play your cards right then it’s going to get a lot more interesting. It would be nice of you to show up with a bottle of wine.” I wanted to use liquor as a way to lower his guard and our inhibitions at the same time.

  “I hope that this isn’t some kind of practical joke at my expense. I’m going to call your bluff and I’m betting that you won’t be able to follow through.” To prove that he was wrong, I grabbed what was his prized possession. It was quite a handful and I had a feeling wrapping my hand all the way around it wasn’t going to be an easy feat.

  Jessica grabbed his hair and when he grunted his reply, she force fed him her tongue. He was struggling vainly against the amorous ways of two women who had only one thing on their mind.

  She finally released him from the lip lock leaving the telltale mark of her lipstick on his mouth. I could think of a different place where I would want to make good use of the strawberry gloss painting my lips.

  “I don’t know if I should be scared or excited.” He grabbed his laptop and held it against his waist while looking over his shoulder on his way out the door. The rest of the day was going to be boring.

  Chapter Three

  The food was simmering and I was always partial to a bit of spice. Indian cuisine was going to melt the pants off of him. He would be sweating profusely. I smiled deviously, tasting the concoction of the curry mixed with the rice and fanning myself from the flame burning in my mouth.

  I wasn’t sure what to wear, but I figured the little black dress leaving little to the imagination was a good start. I’d purposely forgotten to wear underwear. In a certain light, the material would become see-through. I could only imagine what Jessica was going to wear for the occasion.

  She had called earlier and told me she was running late and that I should start without her. I heard the doorbell and I looked down to see that my hands were shaking with this nervous energy surrounding me.

  I opened the door and his eyes traveled from my neck all the way down to my toes in the 4-inch heels. He suddenly closed his eyes and inhaled the fragrance of my decadent perfume.

  “I’m a bit early. I just couldn’t sit home and wait any longer.” He was wearing a white shirt with a tribal design and a pair of jeans which had me salivating.

  “Julie will be along shortly, but I think that we have time for an appetizer.” I had the home field advantage and my confidence was making me more than a little adventurous.

  I pulled him inside and closed the door while pushing on his chest until he was slamming against the door. I ran my hands down over his muscular physique. It was a contrast to the glasses he was wearing.

  “I can’t believe…this is happening to me.” I licked my lips and zeroed in on the huge lump in his pants. I wasn’t going to be able to wait for Julie to arrive. I was just going to nibble and prime the pump for later.

  “If you can’t believe this then you haven’t seen anything yet.” I pulled the belt off of him and tossed it unceremoniously behind me with an audible click when it landed on the wood floor.

  I took a deep breath and pulled down his zipper not breaking eye contact the entire time. His briefs were full to over capacity. I pulled down his pants in a quick flourish to get to the goods.

  There had to be nine good solid inches packed tightly waiting to be revealed 1 inch at a time. The tip of the head was trying to slip out over the waistband. I touched the stickiness of his jism. I pulled it back to see that it was clinging to my finger all the way back to the head.

  I took a grip of his briefs and prepared myself for the big revelation. I was holding my breath and I pulled them down. His monument of his manhood slapped loudly against his chest. I moved back on my hands and knees. I was looking at this specimen with a lustful gaze.

  “What you lack in experience you more than make up for with youthful exuberance.” I didn’t think that it was fair to become the Venus flytrap to his libido. He was young enough to be my son and I didn’t care.

  “I have no idea what I’m supposed to do with my hands.” He had them pressed up against the door. I stalked my prey crawling across the floor until I was within an inch of touching him with the tip of my tongue.

  “I want you to stay completely still and let me explore. Don’t try to touch me and it will only ruin the mood. If you feel you have to then you can run your hands through my hair.” I started at the bottom and worked my way up to the top following the pronounced vein along the back. I was flicking my tongue and listening to him moan in obvious arousal.

  “I can’t stand still and you have no idea what seeing you on your knees is doing to me.” The sweet cream was dripping over the top like an obscene ice cream cone. One taste and I was hooked. There was a fruity component which had me squeezing more from the source.

  “I don’t expect you to hold back the flood the first time. I do expect you to last longer the second time.” I took a hold of him and wrapped my hand around the base. I opened my mouth and leaned forward to take the large circumcised head.

  I had to stretch my jaw wider than I ever had to with my husband. It became necessary to
breathe through my nose. I could easily deep throat my husband, but he didn’t have the thickness this kid did.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything better in my life.” He did have a way to stroke my ego. “It’s so fucking hot and I feel like I’m ready to explode.” I had barely begun and his balls had already risen. It wasn’t going to take much more to get him to shoot hot ropes of cream into my mouth.

  I wanted to give him further incentive and I managed to slip the head into my throat with the first couple of inches. I had no idea how I had accomplished it. I surprised even myself.

  “I hope that you are ready for this.” I wasn’t sure what to expect and then it began to pump with a life of its own.

  The first shot caught me by surprise, but I did pull back in time to feel it pulsate along the surface of my tongue. It really was a delicious treat to tickle my palate.

  “I can see you and I know what you’re doing.” I glanced to my side to see Jessica pressing her face against the glass. She didn’t look happy.


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