Witness Seduction

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Witness Seduction Page 11

by Elle Kennedy


  Patrick could barely contain the streaks of fury shooting through his body like hot bolts of lightning. He’d been standing by the window for the past hour, still stunned by what he’d seen. The cop, strolling out of Marley’s house at ten o’clock in the morning. And then the two of them getting into the cop’s shiny Range Rover an hour later, going off to who knew where.

  Patrick had watched Mr. DEA arrive on Marley’s porch the evening before, and all night he’d paced the bedroom, his anger building, growing, until his gut was knotted with wrath.

  That whore.

  She’d slept with the cop. At the start of the evening, Patrick had tried making excuses for her. She was just being nice. A friendly neighbor. But he was all out of excuses.

  Marley had slept with another man.

  His Marley had let another man touch her.

  Patrick drew his arm back and sent it smashing into the wall.

  A frightened gasp sounded from the bed, where Lydia White lay in fear.

  He ignored her, didn’t even feel the pain in his hand. Nor did he pay much attention to the neat hole he’d just punched in Lydia’s drywall. The acidic taste of betrayal burned in his mouth, making him want to unleash another upper cut at something else. Mainly the jerk who’d just had sex with his girlfriend.

  Releasing a strangled shout, Patrick edged toward the canopy bed and sank down on the ugly flowered bedspread. His heart thudded, each sharp beat vibrating with rage and desperation.

  “How could she do this to me?” he demanded, staring at Lydia. “Everything I’ve done the past few months was for her. Do you think I like hiding out in this shit hole, staring at your wrinkled old face? I could have left the country months ago!”

  But he hadn’t. He’d been getting cash together, calling his contacts in South America to help him disappear, arranging for new identities for him and Marley.

  And instead of being patient, instead of trusting that he would take care of her, she’d gone out and slept with the first guy to come knocking at her door. Ungrateful little bitch.

  Patrick dropped his head in his hands. Rubbed his aching temples.

  “I can’t let her get away with this,” he mumbled.

  Lydia let out a muffled yelp, beginning to struggle against the duct tape binding her hands and legs.

  “Shut up,” he snapped. “Just. Shut. Up.”

  How could Marley betray him? How could she?

  Patrick slowly uncurled his fists and took a long, calming breath. Fine, so she’d screwed around on him. Big deal. He’d get over it.

  But first…

  First he had to make Marley pay for what she’d done to him.


  “THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA,” Marley said, shooting Caleb a smile that made the drive to Coronado worth the traffic they’d encountered on the way.

  Caleb watched as she dug her bare toes into the soft warm sand of Coronado Beach. After leaving the Kincaid house, he’d suggested coming to the beach in order to give AJ enough time to take care of the security cameras. His partner had said a couple of hours, but Caleb didn’t want to risk bringing Marley back too early. He’d raised the beach idea on impulse, but now that they were here, he was glad they’d come. The tranquil turquoise water lapping against the shore a few yards away soothed him, making him feel more relaxed than he had in months.

  Still, he remained vigilant, just in case Grier had followed them.

  “I can’t imagine growing up here,” he admitted, looking out at the water. “It’s so different from the east coast.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think I’d like it over there,” Marley said. “I would miss the Pacific Ocean too much.”

  “The Atlantic isn’t bad,” he protested. “Just a little cold.”

  She snorted. “A little cold? Tell that to the passengers of the Titanic.”

  She slid a hair elastic off her wrist and tied her hair up in a messy twist. Wavy strands framed her face and Caleb reached out to tuck some behind her ears. She smiled, then took his hand, interlacing her fingers with his.

  “Thanks for coming to my dad’s today,” she told him as they moved closer to the water.

  They’d taken off their shoes and left them on the sand, and the warm water splashed over Caleb’s toes. The late-afternoon breeze felt like a soft caress on his face, the scent of sand and salt bringing a wave of serenity over him. Yet, even as his muscles loosened and his face tipped up to soak in the sun, in the back of his mind he couldn’t stop thinking about how Marley would react when he told her who he really was.

  On the drive out here, he’d considered not telling her at all. Just packing up and taking off, letting another agent handle the stakeout and the hunt for Grier. He knew Marley would be hurt, sure, but better a minor broken heart than another major dose of betrayal. But now, as he watched her smiling at a squawking seagull that swooped by, as the warmth of her fingers seeped into his palm, he knew he couldn’t leave without telling her the truth. After all the lies Grier had told her, she deserved honesty.

  “My dad likes you,” she said. “Sam does, too, but he probably won’t admit it.”

  “He’s just being protective. I’m sure they were both pretty shocked and pissed off when they found out about Patrick.”

  Marley dropped her eyes. “Yeah, they were. But I don’t think anyone was as shocked as I was.”

  Caleb tightened his grip on her hand. “You shouldn’t blame yourself. It sounds like your ex was a pretty smooth liar.”

  “Let’s not talk about him anymore,” Marley said suddenly. “It’s such a beautiful day. I don’t want to spoil it.”

  “What do you want to talk about then?”

  “I don’t know. Anything. Tell me something. What do you do in New York when you’re not working?”

  Caleb scrubbed his free hand through his hair. “Honestly? Not much, really.”

  It was true. Now that he thought about it, he rarely took time off. It was one assignment after the next, and when he did have some down time, he usually spent it consulting with other agents about their cases. He and Russ had played poker every now and then, gone out to a bar a few times, but his partner had been a workaholic, too.

  “You don’t go out? Ball games? Movies?” Marley prompted.

  “Nope. I just work.”

  She sighed. “There’s more to life than work, you know.”

  “Not for me.”

  “Do you ever get attached to people, or are you only attached to your job?”

  A wave of discomfort swelled inside him. He’d heard this before, from women he’d had casual flings with, women looking to turn it into something more. Somehow, though, hearing the criticism come from Marley bugged him. So what if the only real relationship he had was with his job? Was it really that unusual?

  “My job is all I need,” he said with a shrug.

  Marley shot him a knowing glance. “That’s what I thought, too, ever since Patrick took off. I told myself I didn’t need anything or anybody else.”

  “And now you need that?”

  “Need, no. But I want it.” A smile stretched across her face. “It’s because of you, you know.”

  His mouth ran dry. “Yeah?”

  “I’m having fun again, Caleb, thanks to you. You reminded me that there are still some good guys left in the world.”

  Self-reproach crushed his chest. “Marley,” he started, his voice thick. “I wanted to tell you—”

  She cut him off with a kiss. He tried to pull back, but the feel of her lips on his drained all common sense from his brain. As Marley looped her arms around his neck, he curled his fingers over her slender hips and bent down to deepen the kiss. Their tongues danced. His pulse sped up.

  “How do you always manage to do that to me?” she said breathlessly.

  “Do what?”

  “Turn me on so hard, so fast.” She laughed. “You have a gift.”

  Caleb took her hand and guided it to the bulge in his jean
s. “I think you’re the one with the gift,” he sighed.

  He nearly came apart as she gently rubbed his erection. With a strangled groan, he moved her hand and said, “We’re not alone.”

  Marley looked around, her eyes widening when she spotted another couple walking hand-in-hand on the beach, as well as three teenagers horsing around in the water a hundred yards away.

  She laughed again. “Okay, I guess you can add making me forget my surroundings to the list of things you’re good at.” Her brown eyes sparkled. “Wanna get out of here?”

  Hesitation crept up his spine. He knew exactly what they would do if they left the beach and went back to her place, and talking wouldn’t be on the agenda. If they stayed here, out in public, he could fight the temptation to tear her clothes off and muster up enough courage to tell her the truth.

  But then Marley kissed him again, and the wave of lust that hit him was so powerful he could barely remember his own name, let alone anything else.

  She took his hand and led him toward the narrow staircase leading up to the parking lot where they’d left his car. He followed her blindly, unable to combat the potent force of desire pulling him. When they reached the car, Marley hopped in, her enthusiasm bringing a smile to his lips.

  He shut the driver’s door and moved to start the engine, but Marley intercepted his hand. Before he could blink, she climbed onto his lap.

  Heat coiled in his belly at the feel of her firm thighs straddling him. “What are you doing?” he choked out.

  “What do you think?”

  His cock thickened as she unbuttoned her shorts and began to wiggle out of them. All the wiggling succeeded in making him even harder. Fire seared through his blood, his mind turning to mush. All he could do was lean back and let her take control. Tossing her shorts onto the passenger seat, she stroked him over the denim then unzipped his jeans.

  A streak of raw lust shot through him. He’d never done it in front of audience, but the notion of getting caught was an odd turn-on. There were no other cars in the lot, but someone could pull in at any moment.

  Marley must have considered it, too, because as she slowly drew him out of his pants, she glanced out the window and said, “We’ll be quick. I…I just can’t wait.”

  He knew the feeling. He’d never wanted anyone as badly as he wanted Marley, and yet there was more than just desire pulsing through his veins. Emotions he hadn’t allowed himself to feel in years bubbled up to the surface. Tenderness and sorrow and something hot and painful he couldn’t quite label.

  His head lolled to the side as she stroked his stiff shaft, bringing him to a level of pleasure he’d never known before. Gulping, he met her gaze, and everything he felt was reflected right back at him.

  “You’re amazing,” he said in a quiet voice.

  Surprise and joy filled her face. Then she laughed. “You don’t have to woo me with sweet words. I’m the one doing the seducing here, remember?”

  “I’m not wooing.” His voice cracked, much to his dismay. “I mean it, sweetheart, you’re amazing. You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met.” Caleb cupped her breasts through the fabric of her top, fondling them gently, then moved one hand down to her stomach. “And the sexiest.”

  A pretty flush rose on her cheeks. “Now you’re talking crazy.”

  He slid his hand under her tank top. Circled her belly button with his index finger, then stroked his way between her legs. “No,” he disagreed. “It’s true. You’re sexy, Marley, so unbelievably sexy.”

  She gasped when he pushed aside the crotch of her panties and began to prod and tease her damp folds. She was more than ready for him, but he toyed with her for a few more seconds, drawing a series of soft, anxious purrs from her throat. Finally, when he couldn’t stand it any longer, he withdrew his finger, covered himself with the condom she produced from her purse, and thrust his cock inside her. They released simultaneous groans, pressing their foreheads against each other for a moment. And then Marley started to move.

  She rode him furiously, while he dug his fingers into her waist and moved his hips to meet each frantic motion. Something primal unraveled inside him, a wild and inexplicable need to claim her, to push deep into her and show her it was where he belonged.

  Where he wanted to belong.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he muttered, watching the pleasure seep into her face.

  She moaned again. Sagged into his chest and pressed her lips to his neck as she moved over him. Caleb wrapped his arms around her, drawing her closer. The feel of her full breasts crushed against his chest made his heart rate soar. He could feel her heart, too, thudding against his pecs. What was happening to him? This was more than sex…this was… Lord, he didn’t even know what it was. He just knew that he never wanted it to end.

  He growled when her teeth captured his earlobe, and gave a deep upward thrust that had his knees knocking against the steering wheel. It was a reminder of their surroundings, and he urged her to move faster, to send them both over the edge.

  “Come for me, Marley.” The words squeezed out between gasps. “Now, sweetheart.”

  Their joint release was fast, but oh, so sweet. An intense rush of pleasure spiraled through him, scorching his nerve endings, as Marley convulsed in his arms. She whimpered as waves of orgasm rocked through her, and he held her tight, riding it out with her.

  “Like I said,” she murmured, her breath hot against his neck. “You turn me on hard and fast.” She paused. “You called me sweetheart.”

  “I did?” When she nodded, he swallowed a lump of unease. “Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomf—”

  “I liked it,” she cut in. “It’s the first term of endearment you’ve given me. It was…nice.”

  Nice? More like scary as hell. He’d called her sweetheart without even noticing it. He’d made love to her in a car, in public, where anyone could have walked up and ambushed them. Including Grier.

  Oh, Christ, and he’d just mentally referred to what had happened between them as making love.

  He was in deep, deep trouble.

  Caleb stared at Marley as she gingerly climbed out of his lap and slipped back into her shorts. She looked happy and aroused and so outrageously beautiful his heart ached.

  He couldn’t tell her the truth. Not now.

  He’d do it tomorrow.

  Just one more night with her, that’s all he wanted. One more night to hold her and kiss her and lose himself in the sweetness that poured out of her.

  He’d tell her the truth tomorrow.

  FOR THE SECOND MORNING in a row, Marley woke up with a smile on her face. Next to her, Caleb was sprawled on his stomach again, and a rush of pleasure flooded her as she admired his long, lean body. He was fully naked, and she couldn’t take her eyes off his strong, back and firm ass.

  Was it possible to want someone this much? They’d had sex numerous times yesterday, including a hot session at four in the morning, when Caleb had roused her from slumber with his tongue between her legs. Yet each time she looked at him, she craved him again.

  A twinge of discomfort pulsed in her belly as she realized there was more than craving going on here. She was developing feelings for Caleb.

  She hadn’t wanted to analyze her actions of the past week, but it was getting hard not to. Having sex with him in a car, in broad daylight, was one thing, but bringing him home to meet her father? Strolling down the beach with him?

  Those things had nothing to do with sex, and everything to do with…with what? A relationship?

  She gulped. Well, why shouldn’t she want a relationship with him? He was an amazing lover, a great listener. He was smart, he made her laugh with that subtle, dry humor of his. Heck, he could even cook, which he’d proved last night when he’d fixed dinner for the two of them.

  Then again, Patrick had been all of those things, too.

  She scowled. Damn Patrick. That man had broken something inside of her. He’d stolen her capacity for trust. Trust not onl
y for others, but for herself.

  Marley pushed aside the distressing thought, got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. When she came out, she rolled a pair of socks onto her feet and tied her hair up, while Caleb continued to sleep. He didn’t look so peaceful this time, though. A crease marred his forehead, as if he were agonizing over something, even in slumber.

  She contemplated giving him a wake-up call that would surely vanquish his inner demons, but decided against it. They’d been up late; she ought to give him time to recover before ravishing his body again.

  Grinning to herself, she walked downstairs and opened the front door to check the mail. Her postman, Ernie, made his deliveries impossibly early, and sure enough, stacks of envelopes cluttered her mailbox, probably sitting there since seven o’clock on the dot. A few doors down, she noticed her neighbor Kim rooting through her own mailbox. Marley knew the other woman had recently lost her husband, and she offered a gentle smile when the tall brunette spotted her. They waved at each other, then walked into their respective houses.

  Marley took the stack of envelopes into the kitchen, flipping through them while she turned on the coffeemaker. She normally paid her bills online, but with Hernandez confiscating her laptop, she’d have to use telephone banking.

  After pouring herself a cup of coffee, she sat at the kitchen table and began to go through the mail. Bill, junk, credit card promotion, bill, bank statement—her hand hesitated on the last envelope. She furrowed her brow in confusion. She’d opted for online statements for her checking account, and the statement for her savings account had arrived last week. Why was the bank sending her another statement?

  Frowning, she dug her nail under the flap and sliced open the envelope. She pulled out the sheet of paper inside and went utterly still when she noticed Patrick’s name underneath her own at the top of the statement.

  She quickly scanned the information, then gasped.

  Why on earth was there a hundred thousand dollars in an account that was supposed to be frozen?


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