“My fellow Americans,” he said. “This nation is at war. Even worse, this nation has already been invaded. I appreciate how shocking that news is. For the past few weeks, I have received information that the State of Israel secretly infiltrated military forces into this country. Some of those forces were responsible for the murder of ten Coast Guard men and women in Boston, as you all know.
“We believe we hold most of that commando unit in custody. We are not certain we have captured all of them, but intense, I repeat, intense interrogations are continuing. We will learn the truth from these people. One way or another.
“Another member of the Israeli military, a man who we have identified as a Lt. Chaim Levi, was shot and killed yesterday as he attempted to flee from FBI agents who captured him.”
The president paused and looked directly into the camera as it zoomed to a close shot on his face.
“Our killing of this highly trained special forces operative should be a lesson to others who remain at large. This is a merciful nation, but mercy must be earned. To those of you who threaten America, to those of you who believe that threats, bombings, and acts of violence will force me to take actions that are not in the best interests of the majority, I repeat, the majority of American people, I give you this warning: Threaten us and we will kill you, as we killed your Lt. Levi.”
Quaid appeared surprised at the applause from the people standing behind him. He nodded his appreciation, then raised his hand to quiet them.
“Madness is not a word to apply lightly to a national government such as Israel, but madness is the only explanation for what has happened since that first bombing. Madness and treason.” Quaid reached down to the desk and picked up a pen.
“I am about to sign a law passed this afternoon by both houses of Congress. The law is virtually identical to that passed by an earlier Congress following a previous heinous attack on this nation, an attack that took place on September 11, 2001. Today’s legislation gives me the power to protect America from today’s enemies. I sign with pride.”
The president signed his name to the bottom of the sheet of paper. The people standing behind him broke into applause. He continued speaking.
“Now for the most difficult information I must give to you today. I have received reliable information that this Israeli lieutenant Levi did not act alone. I have reliable, confirmed information that this terror cell managed to smuggle into this nation a quantity of uranium-235. Uranium-235 is a man-made, extremely radioactive substance. It has only one use. The construction of atomic weapons. At this time, we do not know how much U-235 was smuggled into this country or whether that material is contained in a functioning explosive device. We know that this Lt. Levi was involved in the smuggling, that he was a member of the Israel Defense Forces, that one and possibly two other Israeli special forces teams escaped from the ships in Boston Harbor, and that the Israel Defense Forces had hundreds of nuclear weapons.
“I view this conduct as acts of war against the United States. I am appalled, and saddened, that some Americans, some very few Americans, appear to be supporting this nation’s enemies.
“As you know, the FBI rounded up thousands of those people, the Israeli refugees from the ships, and others, American citizens of the Jewish faith, others who I sadly label with the only word that appropriately describes them. That word is traitor. The FBI arrested hundreds of those traitors and they are being dealt with. Other traitors, other Jewish traitors, murdered hundreds of innocent Americans in the two recent shopping mall bombings.
“We would be foolish if we failed to learn a lesson from the conduct of those traitors, a lesson that teaches that for one minority among all Americans, their primary loyalty is not to our nation but to their co-religionists and to a foreign nation.
“I have learned that lesson. I will act on that lesson. The first action is to identify those people who are most likely to be traitors, those people we must all watch diligently, knowing they have declared war on America and, sadly, knowing they have a weapon in their hands of dreadful power. Today, Congress gave me absolute power as commander in chief to protect this nation. I intend to exercise that power.”
The president picked up the second document from his desk.
“This document is a presidential finding and declaration. I will read it to you, and then I will sign it before the entire nation. It will go into effect immediately.”
He picked up the document and began reading from it.
“The president of the United States finds as follows:
“1. Military forces of the State of Israel have entered the United States illegally and without right.
“2. These forces have taken illegal and violent actions against the United States, including but not limited to killing American military personnel without cause or provocation.
“3. These forces have smuggled into the United States weapons of mass destruction, with the intention of utilizing those weapons against American citizens on American soil.
“4. An unknown but sizable number of American citizens of the Jewish faith have taken violent and illegal actions in support of these foreign military forces. Such violent actions caused the death of American military personnel.
“5. Further sympathizers of the State of Israel, also believed to be American citizens of the Jewish faith, have engaged in violent terrorist actions against innocent American citizens that led to the death of hundreds of such innocent citizens.
“6. Thousands, and as many as one million similar sympathizers, all American citizens of the Jewish faith, intend to descend on the nation’s capital for the avowed purpose of compelling the United States government and its president to take actions in support of the former State of Israel that the president has already determined are not in the best interests of the United States.
“Wherefore, the president of the United States hereby declares, pursuant to the powers invested in him by Article Two of the United States Constitution and by the Authorization for the Use of Military and Other Force enacted by Congress on this date, as follows:
“First, all citizens of the United States of Jewish faith or heritage shall report to offices of the Department of Homeland Security, when and where such offices shall be established on an emergency basis, within two weeks from the date of this Declaration.
“Second, at such time as these Jewish citizens so report, they shall surrender their duly issued United States Citizenship Identification Card, otherwise known as the Americard.
“Third, each such citizen of the Jewish faith shall be issued by the Department of Homeland Security a replacement United States Citizenship Identification Card. Such replacement cards shall be colored blue and shall prominently mark the Jewish identity of the bearer.
“Fourth, all United States citizens, including those of the Jewish faith and those not of the Jewish faith, shall henceforth carry and visibly display their United States Citizenship Identification Card. Failure to carry and display such card when in public by a citizen bearing a card other than a blue card shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed two hundred and fifty dollars. Failure to carry and display such card by a citizen who has been issued a blue card shall be punishable by immediate detention for an indeterminate period of time in facilities to be established by the Department of Homeland Security.”
The president placed the document on his desk, picked up his pen and signed it, with a flourish. The applause this time was louder and longer. President Quaid did nothing to stop it. When the applause subsided, he looked once again at the camera.
“One final word. This is a free country. We celebrate our fundamental right to freedom of speech, which, of course, includes the right to peacefully express our views on important matters.
“It has been suggested to me that I take steps to prevent the gathering of Jewish citizens who at this very moment are descending on Washington. I will not do that. These citizens retain their constitutional rights to freedom of speech and the right to petition
their government, even in the midst of a national crisis. This is not a dictatorship and I will not prevent citizens from saying things with which I disagree. The march may proceed.
“But a word of warning. I would be foolish to turn a blind eye to our current state of affairs. I have requested the assistance of Virginia governor Jim Wheeler, which he graciously consented to. I have activated the 129th Light Infantry Regiment of the Virginia National Guard for deployment in the metropolitan Washington area this weekend. I will not hesitate to order these soldiers to take whatever actions are necessary to restore public peace and order should this so-called march on Washington take a threatening or violent turn.
“In closing, my fellow Americans, I ask you to join me in praying to the God who has protected this great nation from its inception that He protect us through this hour of danger from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. I am confident that with our faith in our God and the skill and bravery of our citizens, we will once again prevail.
“Good night and God bless the United States of America and all of its loyal citizens.”
Abram Goldhersh picked up the bottle of Anchor Steam ale he’d just finished drinking and threw it against the television screen, which shattered in shards on the floor.
“Nazis,” he screamed. “They’re Nazis. We won’t be intimidated by them.”
He looked at Reuben, who remained in her chair, speechless, stunned. He was pleased not to see the tears he expected. Her lover’s death had hardened her. She wiped her eyes, expecting tears herself, then she sat up straight. Abram stared at her.
“Debbie,” he said angrily, “don’t you have anything to say to that?”
Reuben looked at Goldhersh as if she had forgotten he was in the room. Her eyes locked on his. She spoke quietly, more to herself than to the huge man staring at her.
“Never again,” she said, almost in a whisper. “Never again, never again. They can’t do it again. We can’t let it happen again.”
During their drive in the National Park Service van from New Jersey to Washington, the three men inside had argued about whether to reconsider their choice of targets. The men agreed that while the old man, Abram Goldhersh, could give them what he considered to be direct commands, this was their operation. Final decisions would be theirs alone.
“It’s our asses on the line,” Gimel said. “Abram is okay for an older guy, but this is going to be our show. We make the decisions.”
The mall bombings changed their plans. Before those bombings, they intended to break up the C4 into smaller packages and place them strategically around Washington, maybe with timers set to go off as close together as they could manage. The bombers would be safely on the road out of the city when the first explosions took place.
“Those two guys, Hassids, right, showed they had the guts to give their lives to send a message. The fucking Palestinians have been blowing themselves up for twenty years. What message do we send if we drop our packages and run away and hide to save our tails? What does that say?”
“It says we’re smart,” Gimel had answered.
“It says we’re cowards,” Aleph said quietly. “It says we’re afraid to give our lives in the struggle, that we skulk and hide and run away. Not even the Arabs did that.”
“That’s my point,” Bet said. “Our lives won’t be worth shit if we get caught after doing this anyway. We’ll wind up in some federal prison forever, or worse. Guantanamo. If you ask me, I’d rather die a hero. What do you say?”
The other two men were quiet. Finally, Aleph spoke.
“Masada,” Aleph said. “Masada in DC. That’s my vote.”
Masada, the ancient fortress on a cliff overlooking the Judean Desert. A thousand Jewish rebels held out there against the Roman Legion. When the fortress walls were breached, the Jewish defenders took their own lives rather than surrender. Israeli Armored Corps recruits scaled Masada to take their oaths. Or they used to do so.
Gimel sighed deeply and nodded. “It will make the detonators easier to rig.”
The timing of the Jewish march had to be figured into their plans. The trio did not want to kill Jews, of course. Heaven forbid their work should be misinterpreted as an attack against Jews.
It was Thursday morning, the day before the march was to begin in Washington. The men were exhausted. They drove the van to the rear of a Ramada Inn in Rockville, Maryland, a half-hour’s drive from Washington.
They took three separate rooms using Aleph’s credit card. He’d asked for the motel’s best rooms, joking afterwards that it was not as if he’d be around when the credit card bill arrived. The men rested, ate a tremendous dinner, and prayed before going to sleep for what they expected was the last night of their lives.
President Quaid’s speech dispelled any doubts the three young men may have had about the righteousness of their intended action. They gathered in Aleph’s motel room early Friday morning and prayed together one final time. They chose to skip breakfast, tacitly acknowledging they were too nervous to eat.
The stolen National Park Service van cruised the streets of Washington. Bet held the printout of the route through the city they’d downloaded from Google Maps before leaving Maine. The radio in the van was tuned to an all-news station.
Reports on the decreased attendance at the march caused by the president’s threat to bring in troops pleased the three men. Whatever they did, they did not want to kill Jews. They navigated closer to the target until, after a left turn onto Fifteenth Street, they saw it directly in front of them, thrusting upward, more than 500 feet of granite and marble.
The Washington Monument.
They’d studied the monument as if it were a research project assigned by their high school civics teacher. They’d studied it the only way people of their generation knew how to do research—sitting in front of their home computers. They assumed that every fact they needed was available simply by reading enough web pages returned by Google.
They weren’t disappointed by what they learned. The monument was built in the shape of an Egyptian obelisk. The exterior was white marble. The interior was granite. The walls at the base were fifteen feet thick, tapering to a thickness of eighteen inches at the top. At the time of its construction, it was the tallest building in the world. It remained the tallest masonry construction.
An elevator ran up its hollow interior.
The men were especially interested to read about an incident in December 1982 when the monument was held hostage by a nuclear arms protester for ten hours, claiming he had explosives in a van he drove to the monument’s base. Police shot the man dead and found his van was empty.
Aleph had discovered a post-9/11 report from the General Accounting Office concerning the security of government buildings. The report, posted online by the GAO, said a seven-pound explosive charge set off inside the hollow core near the top, where the walls were the thinnest, would bring down the monument’s entire facade.
That was good news.
The van stopped as the towering monument came into full view. The monument was more impressive in the flesh than on the Internet. Aleph, who was driving, turned to the other two men sitting on the bench seat beside him.
“Any doubts, any hesitation?” he asked.
“It’s our time,” Bet answered.
“If not now, when?” Gimel said.
“Okay then,” Aleph said. “One last stop before we go in.”
He pulled the van away from the curb and drove for two blocks. There, just as Google Maps had told them it would be, was a Starbucks.
Aleph parked in front of the coffee shop and got out of the van.
“A dozen or so coffees ought to do it, right?” he asked.
“And get pastries, a real mix—donuts, cakes, cookies,” Bet said. “There’s gonna be a lot of cops, park police, there.”
President Quaid’s speech convinced at least half the marchers to turn around and go home. Parents who traveled
across the country with their children intending to attend a peaceful rally were terrified at the prospect of confronting armed Virginia national guardsmen.
By starting time Friday morning, the crowd filled only the half of the National Mall closest to the Capitol, leaving a half mile of open grass before the Washington Monument. The sixty-foot-wide speaker’s platform was in front of the Capitol Reflecting Pool. Rather than the exuberance with which most mass civil rights gatherings began, the mood was cautious.
Rabbi Garfinkle stood at the microphone on the platform for several minutes looking out at the crowd. He’d dressed the part that day, wearing a suit conservative enough for a banker, except for the brightly colored crocheted yarmulke on his head. He lifted both hands high above his head, waited for silence and chanted in Hebrew, “Sh’ma Yisrael Adonai Elohaynu Adonai Echad. Hear, Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.”
A murmur went through the crowd as people softly said the traditional response to the most sacred, most fundamental statement of Jewish faith. “Barukh Shem k’vod malkhuto l’olam va-ed. Blessed be the Name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever.”
The rabbi nodded, as if thanking the crowd, the largest audience he was likely to address in his lifetime. He’d struggled over what he would say and was anxious to begin. Before he could say a word, he noticed a disturbance at the edge of the crowd in front of him. Young people pushed through the crowd, carrying handfuls of plastic shopping bags. A young woman burst from the front of the crowd and ran toward the podium. She carried two plastic shopping bags in her right hand.
Rabbi Garfinkle stepped back. A bomb, he thought. She’s going to throw a bomb. She stopped. Stared at him. Smiled and tossed both bags onto the podium.
Never Again Page 30